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by Published on 08-20-2024 10:20 AMCategories:
One of the most anticipated races scheduled in Sheboygan's second annual P1 offshore race was the Super Stock outboards.
This class has grown once again, (17 boats currently scheduled to race this season), and has the most boats registered of any class, and maybe more importantly, the most showing up to race in their six-race National Championship schedule, which comprises of:
May 17-19—Cocoa Beach, Fla. (P1)
May 31-June 2—Lake Ozark, Mo. (P1)
August 4—Michigan City, Ind. (OPA)
August 9-11—Sheboygan, Wis. (P1)
September 13-15—Sarasota, Fla. (P1)
September 27-29—Clearwater, Fla. (RWO) ...by Published on 05-08-2024 04:39 PMCategories:
In addition to the Super Cat start first corner craziness, another class race with intriguing overtones was the Super Stocks with their 300HP outboards. Nine boats took the start, (ten boats were there but JS Racing overturned the day before in testing). Some interesting issues arose during the race, and other developments materialized after the race was over.
The green flag start. Could have been a bit tighter it appears from our vantage point.
One of the issues occurring during the race was the issue of holding your lane all the way through the first corner as announced in the driver's meetings. As can be seen in the following video beginning at the 40 second mark, ...by Published on 08-03-2023 10:27 AMCategories:
In St Clair Michigan, at the 29th running of the St Clair River Classic by OPA, Jim Simmons and Jason Zolecki in Simmons Marine, were running hard in second place, were trying to get past the first place boat Crazy Rythm. The race was one of the best of the day, however, on lap 6 we believe, Simmons Marine decided to try a hard cut to the inside to try a pass.
(One shot out of sequence for the automatic slider spot)
Coming down the backstretch, heading into the corner you could kind of see what the plan may be by where their eyes were focused.
And then, this happened!
...by Published on 05-17-2023 09:06 AMCategories:
Brian and Vinnie in Brian's Marker 17 Mod Vee had a very interesting day on Sunday.
We will try to find out the exact sequence, but it certainly looked like the drive broke off while running down the stretch causing the boat to spin out.
See what you think?
When I was talking with Brian and Vinnie at the Awards Banquet they said it was really weird. They lost the drive while going straight. All of a sudden, no power or steering.
They also were a bit surprised that Miklos missed them and they didn't go over.
Then Vinnie said it was so rough that he had to lay on the bow to get hooked up, couldn't walk or ...Published on 03-03-2023 10:56 PMCategories:
The Skater Outboard Fun Run in Sarasota, Edition Three, took place this past week. Beautiful boats in a beautiful setting. Home base, the Hyatt Regency in Sarasota. Nice hotel with a great location. With Skaters out front, an awesome view from the rooms too.
On Thursday, day one for several of the early arrivers but not the official beginning of the third annual event, a fun run and some lunch at The Shore on Longboat Key seemed like a really good plan.
Then off to Beer Can Island for some quality sun and sand visitation for catching up.
After some made outstanding progress on awesome sunburns, back to the Hyatt for relaxing and dinner. ...by Published on 01-02-2023 12:51 AM
Attending a memorial run is always a cause for mixed emotions. On one hand, a time for remembrance of a friend, competitor, or acquaintance. On the other hand, a time to honor a special person by doing something they loved doing, and would enjoy participating in themselves.
Joey's boys running with Matt Rice
2011, when we lost Joey, seems like so long ago. But, in many ways. it just seems like a very short time ago. Way back then, the negative aspects of ...Published on 06-23-2022 07:15 PM Number of Views: 12178Categories:
Sometimes in racing an occurrence happens that will stick with you for a long time, and probably live on in infamy long after you're gone. This past Sunday at the P1 Sarasota Grand Prix we are pretty sure we witnessed such an event. Coming down the front straight on the first lap the new, (not one race completed yet), Doug Wright CMR Super Stock boat took a high flyer and stuffed. When the spray cleared, this is what was witnessed by everyone! The old cliché that it looked like a bomb went off seems appropriate. A Fragmentation Bomb in this case.
Hard to see what happened due to the spray generated, but Shoot 2 Thrill Pix was able to get both of ...by Published on 08-20-2021 05:50 PMCategories:
Sometimes the stars don’t line up exactly as planned, (Of Mice and Men?), but even then, when you are working on a Gold Coast Summer Blast weekend, the weekend can still glitter and shine. When a late notice of a wedding caused the unfortunate cancellation of the Friday evening dinner run, many were bummed. But the weather and water were dang near perfect for the Saturday run, (for everything except big air pictures by the photographer), but even then, an air shot or two may have occurred.
Almost 30 boats made the West Michigan Offshore ...by Published on 08-04-2021 04:40 AMCategories:
Greek mythology is always a bit confusing. The 12 Titans were thrown into exile by their son Zeus, but did some escape for a day? How does one differentiate between Oceanus, Titan God of the Sea & Water, versus Tethys, the Titan Goddess of Fresh Water? Is it possible all 12 escaped to manifest themselves in a display of offshore performance this past Sunday? Did the rumored 13th Titan, Dione, make her appearance as the 13th boat to the Clash? We will never know for sure, but the display of 13 old school performance boats on Sunday in St. Clair was impressive, as was the Cigarette pace boat.
The gorgeous Cigarette Hawk Pace Boat
Although we do not know the actual finishing order, and the event was a demonstration not a race, we will try to place ...by Published on 07-28-2021 05:51 PMCategories:
In what’s being billed as the “Clash of the Titans” at the St Clair River Classic this coming weekend, all offshore performance boating fans should have an opportunity to see something that hasn’t been seen for quite some time; multiple classic race and performance boats of historical importance on the race-course at one time. We are hoping the turnout will meet, or even exceed, the 12 total Titans in Greek mythology. As of this writing, it seems to be possible.
This “Clash of the Titans” was the brain child, (maybe after a few beers?), of Roland “Smitty” Smith, OPA’s President. Matt Soper who ...by Published on 07-21-2021 06:25 AM
West Michigan Offshore’s 2021 Rock the Coast event began on Friday with boat rides for the Big Brother’s Big Sister’s of the Lakeshore rides, then the gathering of the boats at the Grand Haven Municipal Marina, followed by the Keith Holmes Memorial Run. The day went smoothly with an impressive turnout to honor one of West Michigan’s incredible performance boaters who was tragically lost.
Then, on Saturday, the Poker Run commenced from Grand Haven, south to Holland for lunch, then south again to Saugatuck, back north to Port Sheldon for a raft up, then back north to the Grand Haven finish. Helicopter ...by Published on 07-19-2021 03:56 AM
One of the hardest, and most important, things one ever has to do is write remembrances for friends and associates who have tragically passed away. It is damn near impossible to accurately portray the impact special people have had on those who surrounded them, or state the importance of their lifespan.
Keith Racing in Michigan City
Once a year West Michigan Offshore has a remembrance run to honor Keith Holmes, a special member of the performance boat community, and one who impacted so many performance boaters; not only in West Michigan, but around the world. Hopefully his legacy will continue to be honored, and the lives he touched ...by Published on 07-06-2021 08:45 AM Number of Views: 13984Categories:
A couple weeks ago, West Michigan Offshore put on their Muskegon Powerboat Weekend with an entry of 91 boats, and raising money for special causes as they always do. Here are some of those entries heading out Muskegon Lake to Lake Michigan.
As this Fourth of July weekend comes to a close, remembering where we live and how this became possible for us is something we should all be remembering, especially on these special holidays. Assisting through donations or volunteering, so future Americans can also enjoy and experience what we have today, is something we should all endeavor to do. In honor of that history to gain and maintain our freedom, WMO raised money for the LST 393 Veterans Museum, https://www.lst393.org/ , ...by Published on 07-17-2020 11:45 PM
Whether it's an offshore race, a poker run, or just a day out running with friends, perfect offshore water is tough to come across. Saturday's Rock The Coast run delivered. 92 boats were registered, I think most made it even though there was a wave advisory sent out on Saturday morning with a forecast of 3 to 5's.
Sometimes the water is way to smooth to have fun in the bigger offshore hulls, sometimes to rough for the smaller offshore hulls to have a good day. But, this Saturday, Lake Michigan gave one of those days where the elements cooperated to where the bigger boats could challenge themselves, and the ...by Published on 07-17-2020 12:20 AMCategories:
One of the special people in Offshore Racing and Performance Boating was West Michigan's Keith Holmes. As part of the Cat Can Do race team, Keith was respected as one of those whose team performed at a level above the budget they had to spend. Plus, almost everybody really liked the guy. Unfortunately, Keith was taken from us in a horrific race accident three short years ago. Every year West Michigan Offshore holds their tribute run to Keith. He is sorely missed.
Keith running a West Michigan Offshore run a few years ago.
West Michigan offshore president, ...
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