The gorgeous Cigarette Hawk Pace Boat
Although we do not know the actual finishing order, and the event was a demonstration not a race, we will try to place the pictures of the first few boats which participated in the order we believe they may have finished. As Smitty told us when we talked to him the previous day, he was going to tell the boats to stay together to put on a show, but he did not have any idea how long that may last. We believe Endangered Species finished first. They started slow, getting used to the boat which had never turned a corner hard in the entire time Dave owned it. Dave was on the throttles and Steve Curtis, whose father owned Cougar and built the boat, was driving. Scott Colton, of the Miss Geico race team, was also in the boat.
Smitty also said he was going to run their Viper in the event with both of his sons with him. Although there were three people in the boat, we are not positive they were Smitty, Nick, and Anthony as he said the day before. Also, Smitty's “control” lasted about 30 seconds and his boat was the first to break ranks and stretch it out. Too funny! WAZZUP finished second we believe in the “non-race”.
In third we believe, the Chief race boat Warpath. They had four in the boat and sure seemed to run faster and faster as the event proceeded. After the event they said they had an incredible time and were trying to figure out the turns. It was the first time Warpath had been on a race course in the US, and also the first time it was on a short offshore multiple lap type course we utilize in the US. Previously it had run in events overseas such as the Guernsey Cup, a 1-lap 120 Nautical Mile course, (138 US miles), or the 1-lap Cowes-Torquay-Cowes at 199 Nautical Miles, (229 US miles).
After this it gets more murky as to who finished where, and it doesn't matter in the slightest. Plus, Wazzup and Warpath may have run an extra lap more than any of the others, so that made it even more difficult to follow. But, here are the other participants, all sweet boats and an absolute pleasure to see in the pits and on the course, just beautiful representations of what their manufacturers would be thrilled to see.
This 28 Skater certainly put on a display. Over the first couple of laps it was chasing Wazzup really tight.
An absolutely stunning 1979 Cigarette wide Body!
The “Old School” Cigarette, which we believe is in first place in Class 4 after its race later in the day. We are sure they were saving the boat for that event some.
The “Predator” Apache, which we believe is barely behind “Old School” in Class 4 after the later race. We believe they were also saving the boat for that later points race.
What a hard running Scarab. Fun to watch.
A stunning Cigarette Hawk.
Allez Vite, one of the most famous 41 Apaches ever built.
And the Pantera 36', the very first 36' Pantera ever built. The boat was an absolute beast during its overseas racing career.
And yet another hard charging Cigarette
And, at this time, I'm not positive what boat this is, he ran well. Scarab ?
13 Titans from their exile? One of the considerations of the Titan mythology, eight of the Titan brothers and sisters married each other. One married a niece and one married a half-sister. The two remaining ladies married their nephews. Does that explain the boating mythology of the splashing and copying of hulls? Is that what the Greeks were alleging would happen in performance boating's future way back then? Is it something to investigate even further, or just a premonition of the Greeks as to what was to happen later in history? Maybe there really was hidden truth in some of the Greeks prophecies? Will we ever know for sure it was not foreseen? Way back then had the Greeks copied the Roman's, who had copied the Vikings or something similar?
As for the Kracken, even though there was a helicopter up spotting for the evil denizen of the deep, (no manatees, sea turtles, or dolphins in the St. Clair river), none was sighted.
Or was it just late to lunch????
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