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  1. Seebold Demonstrates F1 Boat at Lake Race

    Tim Seebold was also at the Lake Race and doing demonstrations in his NGK F1 boat between races. I ran out wirth one of the pace boats to deliver the checkered flag to the start/finish boat for the second race on Saturday so got to get an up-close view.

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ID:	78460
  2. Lake of the Ozarks Lake Race, 2014

    Had a good time at the Lake Race. Fir only its second year a well planned and well orchestrated event. The Run Whatcha Brung class was as exciting as it was in Biloxi, with Cat Can Do edging out Cleveland Construction by 1/2 point after two days of racing. No big deal, right? After all, it's only an $8000 difference between first and second!!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	78459
  3. Miami Boat Show

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ID:	78044

    Believe it or not, this was my very first Miami Boat Show. I can honestly say, if you used to enjoy the shows around the country with their performance boats, plus the shows with their in the water boats, plus the yacht shows, and the outside shows under the tents in nice weather - then this one will meet or exceed all of those you've been to in the past.

    The only show I've ever been to that came close was the old Chicago show when the center ...
  4. Miami Boat Show

    The boat show starts this Thursday. It worked out so that Terri and I can make it down there at the last minute. We should have some really good coverage of the event and I can't wait to see the finished product of some of the boats being finished up currently. One I'm really looking forward to seeing is this 42 in the attached picture.......

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	78046

    Updated 02-27-2014 at 10:11 PM by Ratickle

  5. OFF 2013 ...Time marches on...and so do we

    OFF 2013 at Tavares Florida is in the history books and, thanks to Bill John and his wonderful CRA volunteers, the event shows great promise for years to come. For the first time we were able to merge a truly safe flyby course with the parties, iconic characters and conviviality that is the true hallmark of OFF (Old Farts Forever). Founded by a combination of Offshore legends and Mercury racing "survivors" from decades past, the group has converged in mid autumn for each of the past 5 ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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