Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Latest Skater 28

    Tested and ready to ship out.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6O8A7638-001.JPG 
Views:	3616 
Size:	1.30 MB 
ID:	96008
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6O8A7797-001.JPG 
Views:	5193 
Size:	3.88 MB 
ID:	96007  
  2. Dirty Money in Key West 2023

    The Dirty Money team had an awesome week in Key West. So many people were saying they wouldn't make it, no way the boat could get modified, rigged, and be race ready. That they were a poker run team and couldn't race. And so forth.

    Then they blew one of their just rebuilt engines in testing on Tuesday, had to change it that night, (finishing at 6:30 in the morning), but went out and did extremely well. It was also the first time that Bill and Brit had ever been in a race boat together. ...
  3. Hope to never see anything like this at Skater ever again

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_7510.JPG 
Views:	5922 
Size:	4.68 MB 
ID:	94360

    Two wrecked Skaters.
  4. TREX Paints 28 Skater !!

  5. Latest 368 Skater

    Stay tuned for a story from our friends at Speed on the Water

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6O8A8022-001.JPG 
Views:	8059 
Size:	4.48 MB 
ID:	93019
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