View Full Version : Looking for help on this

06-19-2009, 10:43 AM
We need your Donations!
Safety… Let’s do it together… From within…We need your help!!
Brad Schoenwald
Tres Martin
John Schaldenbrand
Newly formed 5O1(c) (3) not for profit company who’s mission is to develop, establish, and implement safety in the boating community. A internal industry group of professionals who are willing to tackle the many facets of keeping all stakeholders, boat manufactures, event promoters, parts guys, accessories distributors, engine builders, insurance companies, media outlets, and customers, EVERYONE, all speaking the same language for industry wellbeing through safety and promotion of a positive image.

As an industry we travel from one boating season to the next and we continue to compile reasons why we need to embrace safety, not shy away from it. The facts are the data is showing us that the need to take action is accumulating faster and faster each year and we are destine to spin out of control if we continue to do nothing.

The future of our industry is teetering counting on all of us to preserve the privileges we enjoy today. While this is extremely important, most individuals in the industry do not recognize the urgency. This topic has been growing at an accelerated rate each year and WILL NOT turn around with time!! In fact if we remain on today’s path, time is against us! When the issue of safety becomes urgent it will be too late. We must take action NOW!
Immediate Objectives:
• Develop standards for marine events around the country to help our promoters who are doing a good job to prosper. This can be accomplished by minimizing risk which will in turn help bring back sponsor dollars for their events. Simultaneously this would begin a movement for the promoters who are reckless to step up, or get out.
• Establish a government watch dog. We will watch for proposed legislation, governing laws that once implemented would turn away our current customers, hinder new potential clients from buying our products, and devastate our ability to promote ourselves. “Powerboat Safety International” will take action to counter those initiatives.
• “Powerboat Safety International” will serve as a barrier between legislators and out side governing bodies who do not have our best interests in mind. Today we are at risk of being controlled by external influences because we have not established a path in which to communicate to us.
What can you do?
• We need your donation, fully tax deductable. In order for us to be the liaison for safety it costs money. This is an altruistic effort to preserve the performance boating segment of the industry.
• Provide feedback. Get involved and voice your thoughts as well as concerns. When we say “let’s do it together” we mean it. We want to hear from you!

“Safety is owned by no one… it is the responsibility of everyone!!!”
Powerboat Safety International

Donations can be made directly to:
Powerboat Safety International
9440 West Highway 326
Ocala FL 34482

Please forward any questions or comments to any one of the following representatives

Brad Schoenwald
Phone: 954-560-9050
E-mail: bcschoe@msn.com

Tres Martin
Phone: 352-266-1457
E-Mail: tres94@gmail.com

John Schaldenbrand
Phone: 586-707-5997
E-mail: john.s@prodigy.net

06-19-2009, 12:13 PM
Hi Tres:

Isn't this what the Lavin Foundation is for?

Why do we need two Safety Foundations? Why not simply upgrade the first one? In an age where we have duplicate race organizations, Poker Run organizations and the like, should we really add more confusion to the existing chaos?

At the very least I suggest merging with the Lavin Foundation. It needs new energy and support and the timing is right.

This topic is vitally important to both of us.. contact glinder123@aol.com if you want to open a dialogue



06-19-2009, 03:22 PM
With all due respect to what George Linder has done with the Lavin foundation, they're all but invisible. Even a google search turns up litte except for oblique references to the organization. Maybe Tres could take from what work the Lavin foundation has already done and move it forward.

Tres- Whatever we can do here to forward the cause, you can count on us.

06-19-2009, 03:44 PM
With all due respect to what George Linder has done with the Lavin foundation, they're all but invisible. Even a google search turns up litte except for oblique references to the organization. Maybe Tres could take from what work the Lavin foundation has already done and move it forward.

Tres- Whatever we can do here to forward the cause, you can count on us.

I agree, and look at all the info in the safety thread. Should get some assistance there.

Is George available again? He had some things that were occupying all his time for awhile.

06-29-2009, 05:51 PM
Just some small donations from anyone. 20.00 or more, boats, planes, cars, motrcycles, muscle cars. We need some funding to move forward!!! Mail checks to Powerboat safety international a non for profit, to receive Tax deductions, its a no brainer!