View Full Version : From A Friend Serving In Iraq

05-17-2009, 09:57 AM
I received this e-mail today from a friend of mine thats starting her second tour in Iraq. I thought I'd share it here.

Hello Again Everyone!!!!

Well, I finally made it to Baghdad about 3 days ago. I am set up in barracks with all the females on post but it is not bad cause we have 2 person rooms. I will be working 7am to 7pm and my roommate will be working 7pm to 7am so it will be like having my own room which is pretty sweet! We each have a twin bed, a locker and we are getting a fridge, microwave, TV and coffee pot. We have internet in our room and it is a pretty decent connection so that is nice. It is like a little dorm room. We even have indoor showers and flush toilets this time...I am living the high life compared to my last deployment!!!!

The camp I am at in Baghdad is small but is easy to get around. The chow hall is delicious and open 24/7. We also have a little shopping trailer with the basic necessities, Green Bean Coffee and a nice place to go play pool, watch TV, and hang out. They also have a service that does our laundry for us and even folds our clothes!!!! The detention center that I will be working on is right on post too so I can just walk there for my shift.

The weather is climbing. Over 100 degrees already and will get to about 140 in the summer months.

We have been in briefings since we got here for the most part and we start working tomorrow. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I am not sure what exactly I will be doing until I get there to job shadow but I do know that I was picked to be some sort of liaison for the International Committee of the Red Cross. They basically look out for the welfare of the detainees to make sure they are getting treated the way they should be. So, I have a pretty important job and am pretty excited for it. The platoon I have been assigned to is part of a new project to make sure the detainees are getting school and stuff like that while being held at the facility. It is high in the spotlight with the President and other dignitaries right now so I am excited to be a part of it and maybe I will get to meet some cool people while I am here!!!!

Well, I will have more once I start working. Stay in touch everyone!!!


05-17-2009, 11:44 AM
my brother in law just got sent over as well.. hes in the air force and is a helo medic...

05-17-2009, 11:47 AM
my brother in law just got sent over as well.. hes in the air force and is a helo medic...

God bless and keep him. I guess that he'll be working on the T-53 powerplants in your next boat, yes?