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View Full Version : Lawsuit filed on overloaded Crownline fatal accident

04-28-2009, 03:57 PM
The boat had 14 people and alcohol. www.tradeonlytoday.com

04-28-2009, 04:02 PM
The worst part is that these $hitbags will win and Crownline will take a hit- maybe losing their insurance- or their business.

Knot 4 Me
04-28-2009, 04:03 PM
How does this not surprise me? Total BS. I owned a '99 266 Crownline bow rider. Great boat and a great company with a die-hard following (Crownies). I know they are having a tough time like many other boat manufactures as recently they were looking for an investment partner to help secure them financially. Hopefully this isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back.

04-28-2009, 04:08 PM
Did you notice they are only asking for 75K? Classic case of insurance company paying them to walk away. Cost more than that to fight even tho the plaintiffs have no legal leg to stand on.So I guess we should ban all bowriders?I used to sell Crownline,great boats,but the 225BR would be overloaded with 8-10 people. All they did is use the CG formula for the capacity of 12.

04-28-2009, 04:11 PM
Did you notice they are only asking for 75K? Classic case of insurance company paying them to walk away. Cost more than that to fight even tho the plaintiffs have no legal leg to stand on.So I guess we should ban all bowriders?I used to sell Crownline,great boats,but the 225BR would be overloaded with 8-10 people. All they did is use the CG formula for the capacity of 12.

I noticed that. Obviously the attorneys felt they had no case.

04-28-2009, 04:14 PM

This word pretty much sums it up.

04-28-2009, 04:16 PM
you knew it was comming.... just wait..soon you will hear the atty say "if it wasn't for the heroic actions of the operator..everyone would have died....it's the boat thats not safe.

04-28-2009, 04:30 PM
Holy chit, this is ridiculous.

04-28-2009, 04:31 PM
I heared some of the "inside" stories. If anyone needs to have a law suit, it's the orignal owner/operator, being to drunk .. etc.. etc.. and that's all I say.
Nothing to do with the rig. Sorry for the departed, but drinking and conduct as they were have no place in this sport. (or anywhere else for that matter) :ack2:

04-28-2009, 04:39 PM
What a completely baseless and stupid waste of a lawsuit. There's not a damn thing wrong with the boat and they know it. :mad:

04-28-2009, 08:58 PM
I heared some of the "inside" stories. If anyone needs to have a law suit, it's the orignal owner/operator, being to drunk .. etc.. etc.. and that's all I say.
Nothing to do with the rig. Sorry for the departed, but drinking and conduct as they were have no place in this sport. (or anywhere else for that matter) :ack2:

The Girl Driving the boat tested under the legal limit and negative for drugs ... I think the 75K is some kind of technical issue .....m

fund razor
04-28-2009, 09:06 PM
you knew it was comming.... just wait..soon you will hear the atty say "if it wasn't for the heroic actions of the operator..everyone would have died....it's the boat thats not safe.

Wait a minute. That is EXACTLY what they said in the SS Minnow case.
"If not for the courage of the fearless crew. The minnow would be lost."

I am sorry. I know that this was a fatal accident and I understand the nature of the tragedy and am sorry for the families loss.

If this were a memorial thread, rather than opinion.... I wouldn't have done it.

04-28-2009, 09:45 PM
Next they'll be filing suit against the bar they were at.....

04-28-2009, 09:52 PM
It seems they were passengers and are seeking 75k to purchase their own boat. The family of the deceased will probably sue for more and like Frank said sue the bar, the gas dock, the tug boat captain and why not the dealer who sold it too.

04-28-2009, 09:59 PM

im goanna sue the inventor of chicken parmigian heroes for making it virtually impossible for me to get my AB's showing in time for summer


04-28-2009, 10:00 PM
I thought they called things like this "thinning the heard"

04-28-2009, 10:01 PM
people just dont accept responsibilty...... it's only going to get worse. look at how kids are being raised these days... problem at school...mommy calls up..how dare you blame little Johnny..everybody makes the team..everybody gets a trophy..even if they suck.....

I could see it 5 years ago when I was a supervisor for the ambulance co. the older guys... I'd call them in the office and they would say "yeah, I phucked up boss" thats about all the corrective action needed..call the younger guys in the office and they would be all about excuses why it wasn't their fault...they usually got a day or 3 on the beach to think about it, then the real young ones would just lie to my face.. instant pink slip. we are all human...we phuck up from time to time admit it and go foreward.

same offense...some manned upand had a talk with the boss...some didn't and got canned.

04-28-2009, 10:03 PM
are these people religous?? they seam like creationists trying to prove Darwin wrong again. The stupid NEED to die, or our species is screwed.

04-28-2009, 10:15 PM
Ok so who voted into office another lawyer with his wife and vice president all attorneys

we got to stop voting into office liars (Lawyers)

04-28-2009, 11:59 PM
are these people religous?? they seam like creationists trying to prove Darwin wrong again. The stupid NEED to die, or our species is screwed.

That's a FACT Jack.

04-29-2009, 01:16 AM
Did you notice they are only asking for 75K? Classic case of insurance company paying them to walk away. Cost more than that to fight even tho the plaintiffs have no legal leg to stand on.So I guess we should ban all bowriders?I used to sell Crownline,great boats,but the 225BR would be overloaded with 8-10 people. All they did is use the CG formula for the capacity of 12.

We should be able to ban all non negligent lawsuits.

What do you have when you have 100 unemployed lawyers?
The US Sentate.

04-29-2009, 01:18 AM
Next they'll be filing suit against the bar they were at.....

Count on it.

04-29-2009, 01:20 AM
people just dont accept responsibilty...... it's only going to get worse. look at how kids are being raised these days... problem at school...mommy calls up..how dare you blame little Johnny..everybody makes the team..everybody gets a trophy..even if they suck.....

I could see it 5 years ago when I was a supervisor for the ambulance co. the older guys... I'd call them in the office and they would say "yeah, I phucked up boss" thats about all the corrective action needed..call the younger guys in the office and they would be all about excuses why it wasn't their fault...they usually got a day or 3 on the beach to think about it, then the real young ones would just lie to my face.. instant pink slip. we are all human...we phuck up from time to time admit it and go foreward.

same offense...some manned upand had a talk with the boss...some didn't and got canned.
That's the problem. Everyone thinks it going to happen to the "other guy" then no one person is responible. Boat can't argue very loudly at all.:(

04-29-2009, 02:07 AM
We should be able to ban all non negligent lawsuits.

What do you have when you have 100 unemployed lawyer?
The US Sentate.

negligence is a very subjective term...

04-29-2009, 02:53 AM
negligence is a very subjective term...

That should be the job of the judicial systerm, IF they can quit making law for long enough to judge one that has already been made. Kind of a convoluted thought.

Especially when the laws have been written by unemployed lawyers.

Either that, or make me emperor, and I handle all three SEPARATE arms of our government system. Or so I was taught in high school civics class. I don't recall any ammendments changing that since I was in high school. Granted, that was long ago, and my memory may be fuzzy and could use some refreshing.

05-01-2009, 04:23 PM
I hope crownline countersues for pure stupidity

05-01-2009, 11:07 PM
What a bunch of bull....fourteen people in a 22 footer....maybe Crownline should counter sue everyone involved that is still with the living for unsafe boat operation....When will people take responsibility for their own actions....Good thing I'm not on the jury I would award the boat manufacturer damages for slander and loss of business due to the negative publicity...There is a reason that in most states have occupancy limits on boats....where they don't it's usually "OR" Owner's Responsibility..... I wouldn't think you could safely transport that many people on a small open bow boat in the first place...

05-02-2009, 07:13 AM
I'm somewhat surprised they got the boat to plane off.

I wonder if a counter suit is an actual possibility? Have to chat with some attorneys.

05-02-2009, 08:10 AM
everybody gets a trophy..

Boat racing? :lurk5:

We should be able to ban all non negligent lawsuits.

Said this before- when the one dude raised a stupid point in the Anna Nicole Smith thing; the Judge made him pay for the other dudes lawyer, the courts time, the reporters time and some more stuff. Dumbass cost himself around $125K that day- start that here and 80% of the cases will never happen. Instead we award them the $125K+..

05-02-2009, 08:29 AM
Lawyers... no surprise here... Facking parasites...

Uncle Dave
05-02-2009, 09:30 AM
people just dont accept responsibilty...... it's only going to get worse. look at how kids are being raised these days... problem at school...mommy calls up..how dare you blame little Johnny..everybody makes the team..everybody gets a trophy..even if they suck.....

This sums it up Phragle.......

How come no one is "just an A-hole" anymore, and nothing is ever anyones fault for some reason.

They were "abused as children", had a "rough life" or someone else didnt do something blah blah...pi$$es me off..and costs us all money.

I hope crownline stacks a boatload of charges on these guys- and you can still get a BUI even though you aren't legally drunk, and given people were killed it would likely stick.


Uncle Dave

05-02-2009, 09:51 AM
you know... we all bag on lawyers as the problem... but isn't that like blaming the kid who cooks fries at McDonalds because we are fat??

05-02-2009, 11:24 AM
you know... we all bag on lawyers as the problem... but isn't that like blaming the kid who cooks fries at McDonalds because we are fat??no

05-02-2009, 12:19 PM
I've always said that a lawyer is like a pistol: You don't really need one until you need one badly.

05-03-2009, 12:17 PM
agree lawyers suck.. hatem even when i need one

05-03-2009, 01:00 PM
FL has a fee provision in cases like this. If you sue and you lose you have to pay the other party's legal fees. I believe you just have to lose by more than 25% (as in you get 25% or less of what you intended to get).

05-03-2009, 02:08 PM
FL has a fee provision in cases like this. If you sue and you lose you have to pay the other party's legal fees. I believe you just have to lose by more than 25% (as in you get 25% or less of what you intended to get).

Should be a Fed law!

05-03-2009, 05:00 PM
if Crownline would countersue every one of those peep's ya gotta wonder how many would hang it out on a prayer

05-03-2009, 05:30 PM
I think chris nailed it earlier saying that a 75 grand settlement is cheaper than going to court.

05-03-2009, 07:21 PM
FL has a fee provision in cases like this. If you sue and you lose you have to pay the other party's legal fees. I believe you just have to lose by more than 25% (as in you get 25% or less of what you intended to get).

Been trying to get that passed in Michigan forever. Can't. The judges throw out the signatures on the petitions or some other BS. In Michigan it is bad. Someone sues you for $10 mill, you're found 10% responsible, you owe $1 mill. Needless to say, lawsuit after lawsuit.

05-03-2009, 09:53 PM
2 lawyers walk into a coffee shop one says to the other we left the safe open?The other lawyer replies don't worry were both here!over loading caused a large boat in Lake George to capsize I believe there was a big law suit.SAD:(

Knot 4 Me
05-04-2009, 09:31 AM
I was out on my boat this weekend (2004 Chaparral 260 SSi bow rider) and made a point to look at the weight capacity plate to see what mine said. 14 persons or 2370 lbs. Then below that in smaller print it states 2370 lbs. for passengers and gear. No way you could get 14 people on my boat...and what person in their right mind would try? 6 adults is the max I am comfortable with. I prefer 4 or less people on board. All these plates do is allow stupid people and lawyers to point to them after the fact and say, "see, it says here I could do this and this is the reason for the accident".