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01-10-2009, 04:06 PM
I had to shovel until it was... it has to be even .... but now my driveway is clear. My neighbors have to think Im nuts :sifone:

OK... so I am not the only one that does this? I hate messy snow shovelin!

Scarab KV
01-10-2009, 04:13 PM
OK... so I am not the only one that does this? I hate messy snow shovelin!

:huh: So I'm not the only one with this sickness. Pizzs me off when everyone drives all over the driveway and packs the chit down before I get home to blow and scrape the drive. :(

01-10-2009, 04:16 PM
:huh: So I'm not the only one with this sickness. Pizzs me off when everyone drives all over the driveway and packs the chit down before I get home to blow and scrape the drive. :(

Oh yea... that too! I always tell the wif... park in the street till I get home.... does not sink in.

01-10-2009, 04:30 PM
:huh: So I'm not the only one with this sickness. Pizzs me off when everyone drives all over the driveway and packs the chit down before I get home to blow and scrape the drive. :(


I was thinking all morning at work, I have to beat the wife home so she doesn't drive on the snow. 'Cause you know the son (15) will not even be up yet let alone run the snow blower or shovel. All that worrying for nothing, the neighbor was very kind and had it done when I got home. SWEET!!

01-10-2009, 04:51 PM

I was thinking all morning at work, I have to beat the wife home so she doesn't drive on the snow. 'Cause you know the son (15) will not even be up yet let alone run the snow blower or shovel. All that worrying for nothing, the neighbor was very kind and had it done when I got home. SWEET!!

See you are one too!

I may be out that way tonight, still seein whats goin on..

01-10-2009, 07:46 PM
So ... the plan was to go over to the ex's today and help him move and bring the daughter back here for the night and the he was supposed to take her back to Pittsburgh tomorrow.... butttttttt he brought her over here before I could make it over there and so now since I didnt go help him move, my help with his moving is to take her back to Pittsburgh tomorrow :ack2: Its actually cool cuz Id much rather drive then carry heavy ****. The ex is payin the gas and tolls and I just made arrangements to take my dads SUV. I bet his windshield wiper fluid thingies work and Im betting Im gonna need those tomorrow :rolleyes::D

Scarab KV
01-10-2009, 08:05 PM
I just made arrangements to take my dads SUV. I bet his windshield wiper fluid thingies work and Im betting Im gonna need those tomorrow :rolleyes::D

If he's pay'n the gas....why not. :sifone:
Drive safe.

01-10-2009, 08:38 PM
Drive safe .... hehe ... ok :D You know .... I think safe is a relative term. :biggrinjester:

01-10-2009, 08:54 PM
See you are one too!

I may be out that way tonight, still seein whats goin on..

Weather keep you home? Roads are crappy here.

Scarab KV
01-10-2009, 09:48 PM
Drive safe .... hehe ... ok :D You know .... I think safe is a relative term. :biggrinjester:


01-11-2009, 09:15 AM
Its cold .... :ack2:

01-11-2009, 09:25 AM
Its cold .... :ack2:

72 here, 6 back up north. I'm not looking forward to going back. :(

01-11-2009, 09:40 AM
Weather keep you home? Roads are crappy here.

Yea, the wif did not want to drive home late in the snow, I iam sure I would not be driving!

01-11-2009, 09:48 AM
72 here, 6 back up north. I'm not looking forward to going back. :(

No brainer

01-11-2009, 01:17 PM
Yea, the wif did not want to drive home late in the snow, I iam sure I would not be driving!

You made the right decision. It was nasty out there!

Scarab KV
01-11-2009, 01:27 PM
72 here, 6 back up north. I'm not looking forward to going back. :(

....but I'm look'n forward to the canned heat you're bring'n back with you! :biggrinjester:

01-11-2009, 01:30 PM
You made the right decision. It was nasty out there!

Kramer just called, he is at the dock with a fire, you goin? Ii am seeing what is up, I may go out there..

01-11-2009, 02:00 PM
....but I'm look'n forward to the canned heat you're bring'n back with you! :biggrinjester:

I'm going to pack the trailer full, just hope it doesn't leak out on the way north:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-11-2009, 02:03 PM
I'm going to pack the trailer full, just hope it doesn't leak out on the way north:biggrinjester:

a couple tubes of caulk would do wonders :biggrinjester:

How's things?

01-11-2009, 02:12 PM
a couple tubes of caulk would do wonders :biggrinjester:

How's things?

I'm still not over this cold, coughing and hacking. Weathers been great and the family is doing fine.

Scarab KV
01-11-2009, 02:28 PM
I'm still not over this cold, coughing and hacking. Weathers been great and the family is doing fine.

Sounds like the worst is behind. You can leave that behind. Got a pretty good laugh out of LOri when I told her about the sand & seed request. Store has been just crazy busy. Don't know if it's the better location or a fluke. We've already done 60% of last Jan by the 10th. Time will tell I guess.

01-11-2009, 02:36 PM
Sounds like the worst is behind. You can leave that behind. Got a pretty good laugh out of LOri when I told her about the sand & seed request. Store has been just crazy busy. Don't know if it's the better location or a fluke. We've already done 60% of last Jan by the 10th. Time will tell I guess.

Where was the old location?

Scarab KV
01-11-2009, 02:40 PM
Where was the old location?

Main St for 2yrs and Forest Mall for little over 2 yrs. This is our first high exposure location and we're not under somebody else's thumb....finally a home of our own.

01-11-2009, 05:49 PM
Went over to pick up my dads SUV this morning and Dad shocked us by going too. I still drove of course ... and apparently wind shield washer fluid thingys dont like me cuz my dads didnt work either :boxing_smiley: Dad kept making me stop so he could "work on it" :sifone: Got it kinda workin by the time we got to Pittsburgh. Glad too cuz I wanted him to be able to see the City. His reaction to Pittsburgh was pretty cool. He said "Im not sure what I was expecting, but that wasnt it" He liked it. I think he was kinda impressed with the kids surroundings. Dad retired from PPG and the PPG building is a block away from the kids dorm..... pictures dont do it justice so Im glad he got to see it. We got home and he told mom she needs to go next time.... I'll have to burn some new CDs if mom goes :ack2::rofl:

01-11-2009, 09:58 PM
Kramer just called, he is at the dock with a fire, you goin? Ii am seeing what is up, I may go out there..

Decided to reclean the driveway. Gave up on that after an hour and went to kramerica. They said you were with some guy named Jim? :rofl:

oh yea, they got a new cooler.

01-11-2009, 10:15 PM
Decided to reclean the driveway. Gave up on that after an hour and went to kramerica. They said you were with some guy named Jim? :rofl:

oh yea, they got a new cooler.

Sucks I missed it, Jim? NO! I was at the GYM getting buff for boatin season!

Check out pirates... I posted the other pics..

01-11-2009, 10:25 PM
Sucks I missed it, Jim? NO! I was at the GYM getting buff for boatin season!

Yea yea that's what I heard :biggrinjester:

01-11-2009, 10:47 PM
Yea yea that's what I heard :biggrinjester:

I need to make my Wii fat thinner...

01-12-2009, 08:55 AM
Bruce Dear Darling... whose x ray is that? :ack2:

Mornin all .... holy white stuff Batman. I cant believe how much snow has come down since after 7 this morning (that was the last time I was up and looked out)

That would be my x-ray (taken wed). Apparently it has been broken for a little while (initial thoughts are sometime in the last year). I will probably have to speculate as to when it actually broke. I had no idea and was in to see about what seemed like just muscle and ligament strain. I am going to see the ortho-pod this morning to figure out exactly what we need to do (and by that I already know it means replacing it again).

01-12-2009, 09:21 AM
Mornin all ... Up early ... did a mile on the tread mill then shoveled half the driveway. Would have done more but my ass is cold. Thin dress pants really arent the proper shoveling attire. :D

Bruce ... ouch! Good luck with that

BB ... what kinda drugs you takin for your head? :blush5:

FF ... you know you could post pics here too. Some of us havent seen the inside of a gym in ages :rofl:

01-12-2009, 09:43 AM
Mornin all, no drugs for my head, it's all in my chest yet still coughing today.

01-12-2009, 10:02 AM
Morning gang. We missed you yesterday Tim. It was an early night. We'll have to do that again soon! As long as the wind isn't blowing it's not bad at the dock.

Scarab KV
01-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Morn'n all. Not much new. Just hunker'n down fot the weather that's com'n in. Snow tonight and then the deep freeze for the next few days. Will be sure to forward it to our MI and OH brothers and sisters...wouldn't be polite to not share.:biggrinjester:

01-12-2009, 02:08 PM
BB ... have you thought about goin to a Doc? :rolleyes: This seems like a long time for a cough to be hangin around. Can you breath or does it hurt? and they do make drugs for check congestion .... I've never taken any but I do know they are out there :D

01-12-2009, 02:42 PM
BB ... have you thought about goin to a Doc? :rolleyes: This seems like a long time for a cough to be hangin around. Can you breath or does it hurt? and they do make drugs for check congestion .... I've never taken any but I do know they are out there :D

You telling me to go to the doc? You of all people?:biggrinjester:

01-12-2009, 04:09 PM
You telling me to go to the doc? You of all people?:biggrinjester:

Get her BBB!

01-12-2009, 04:59 PM
Get her BBB!


Hi everyone!

01-12-2009, 05:03 PM
F'in Mike, what's up buddy?

01-12-2009, 05:28 PM
Hey bud, not too much going on here. Some of your WI weather is coming our way, single digits starting tomorrow night.

Sorry to hear you still aren't feeling well.

01-12-2009, 05:53 PM
Hi Mike!

I'm not sure why those Wisconsin boys feel it necessary to send their crappy weather our way! :leaving:

I'm having bittersweet feelings leaving for Florida. Happy to be away from the weather, but 7 days away from Rob....that's never happened before and it's not making me happy. When Barbie's not happy, nobody's happy. :rofl:

01-12-2009, 06:12 PM
You telling me to go to the doc? You of all people?:biggrinjester:

YES! You have money and insurance and NO excuses. I, on the other hand, have no money, no insurance and TONS of excuses :sifone:

Barb ... Rob cant go this trip? Im sure FF will volunteer to keep him company and I tell you what .... how about I go with you and keep you company :rofl:

Hey FM ... Happy Monday :seeya:

01-12-2009, 07:26 PM
Frickin cold.

So I got drug to see West Side Story at the National Theatre yesterday and then dinner at Old Ebbit Grill (fancy DC political insider place).


I'm really going to put my foot down on having to do some of this gay chit here soon if she doesn't buy me a new boat!

01-12-2009, 09:40 PM
YES! You have money and insurance and NO excuses. I, on the other hand, have no money, no insurance and TONS of excuses :sifone:

No excuses? I'm a man need I say more?:biggrinjester:

JJ Apache
01-12-2009, 09:43 PM
No excuses? I'm a man need I say more?:biggrinjester:

Nope. That about sums it up. Yup

01-13-2009, 09:03 AM
Barb ... Rob cant go this trip? Im sure FF will volunteer to keep him company and I tell you what .... how about I go with you and keep you company :rofl:

No, not this trip....I won't have any time to myself as it is. We're thinking February when I go back down he can go with me.

Ms PatriYacht
01-13-2009, 10:31 AM
Morning all, first time at the gym in about 10 days. I think I had what BB had, it's not 100% over, but I am tired of sitting at home and munching on stuff cause I'm bored. All the dried fruit and stuff get's here tomorrow, I can't wait yummm

01-13-2009, 10:31 AM
Wet and heavy wet and heavy wet and heavy snow ..... Good exercise :biggrinjester:

Ms PatriYacht
01-13-2009, 10:33 AM
Nope. That about sums it up. Yup

Hey JJ :seeya: Hi, Welcome to the thread, everyone say Hi to JJ I have been asking her to join this thread

Scarab KV
01-13-2009, 12:27 PM
Morn'n all...and JJ. Winter is still here. It's a balmy 1 above and 4" of fresh stuff on the ground. Deep freeze starts tonight with another 3" on the way....hurry home BB. :D

01-13-2009, 12:41 PM
Hey everyone, welcome JJ!

Chief, have a great time in FL. The trick is to have Rob give you daily weather reports, you will miss him but then you won't feel as bad about being there.

RG, I think that weather you are having is heading this way now. Supposed to be 0 tonight, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

BB go to the Dr and get some meds man!

01-13-2009, 12:45 PM
The trick is to have Rob give you daily weather reports, you will miss him but then you won't feel as bad about being there.

Let's hope that helps. I will miss him..... A LOT! :drool5:

01-13-2009, 12:54 PM
Mornin all, I started taking munsanex(sp) yesterday and my cough is almost gone, should clear up by the time I get back to the cold:biggrinjester:

01-13-2009, 01:56 PM
should clear up by the time I get back to the cold:biggrinjester:

Yep...that's usually the way it goes...

01-13-2009, 02:24 PM
Cold in Missouri today 10 degress

01-13-2009, 02:36 PM
Cold in Missouri today 10 degress

We're at 22, it's snowing and the artic front is almost here. :(

01-13-2009, 03:10 PM
No snow but friggen cold

01-13-2009, 03:10 PM
Just look it warmed to 13

01-13-2009, 03:54 PM
Its 33 here :D buttttttttt we have a snow advisory thing until tomorrow morning. Rumor has it they are getting pounded north of me but I got nuttin ... well ... other than whats on the ground already. Gonna shovel the other half of the driveway when I get home ... you know ... in case they are right and we do get more snow tonight :rolleyes:

01-13-2009, 03:55 PM
JJ ... you're north of me. Is it true? You guys gettin a ton of snow?

Ms PatriYacht
01-13-2009, 04:27 PM
JJ is in Toledo,

We have had a bit of snow almost every day, I think we have about 8 to 10" on the lawn, we were supposed to get a lot yesterday but we only got about 2" we are supposed to get another 3-5 tonight and several more days this week, plus it will be about 5 degrees later in the week as well. Basically all I do is get into the car in the garage and then run in an out of wherever I need to be, no outside activities, it's really quite dull:(

I went out at lunch time, our streets are not really plowed so they are more narrow than normal. A few doors from my house is a sharp narrow curve, I could not pass by because a huge trash truck was parked there while the guy unloaded the cans from a few houses. It was taking forever so I was sort of pissed, but I felt bad because I would not want to be out there doing his job. Then when I saw him I had to laugh because he sure did not make it easy on himself. He was wearing just a hoody, no gloves and was smoking a cigarette. Since he was holding the cig he could only use one hand, so he was pulling out the individual bags from the cans and putting one in at a time. He definitely did not look like he was into his job:D. Jobs like that make you realize that we are lucky to have warm jobs inside a building.

01-13-2009, 07:28 PM
I am in Columbus right now, a light snow, I hear it is snowing in northern Ohio..

01-13-2009, 07:29 PM
It's the warmest all day. 23

01-13-2009, 08:44 PM
It finally cooled down to 75:biggrinjester:

01-13-2009, 08:46 PM
Its down to 18 now.... still no snow ... couldnt bring myself to layer up and go finish shoveling. Did 2 miles on the treadmill instead :cool:

01-13-2009, 08:50 PM
Kinda weird how much Im liking the treadmill. I've NEVER been into running/jogging .... maybe some skipping on occasion but thats it :D No way I'll start taking it to the streets and jogging around town. Not into doing stuff in public ...but Im liking it in front of my TV :sifone:

01-13-2009, 08:52 PM
I need to start exercising

JJ Apache
01-13-2009, 11:17 PM
Hi all.Thanks for the welcome. Donna, thanks for inviting me to participate. Got your message, will pm you back wed.Still unpacking. Weather sucks, headstart was canceled at noon. Not sure what to expect tomorrow,gotta watch the 11 news. Knock on wood, wasn't sick this season, Amazing, all you sickies who had bedheads (not the good kind,either!), now need haircuts. Watching the weather with you, Jann

01-14-2009, 08:51 AM
Morning all, Finally over the cold and can start working out again, I'll be sore tomorrow.

01-14-2009, 09:59 AM
Ok. Officially freakin cold now. 7 degrees and NOW we have snow .... I was really hoping to wake up to it so I had an excuse to not come in.... or come in late ... oh well... since when do I need an excuse ... I was late anyway:sifone:

01-14-2009, 10:09 AM
Morning all,

01-14-2009, 10:18 AM
Ok. Officially freakin cold now. 7 degrees and NOW we have snow .... I was really hoping to wake up to it so I had an excuse to not come in.... or come in late ... oh well... since when do I need an excuse ... I was late anyway:sifone:

Same here, it was 6 on the way to work, -6 with the windchill. Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 4 and windy, should be interesting.

Morning everyone!

JJ Apache
01-14-2009, 10:25 AM
1 degree, gonna have a steady snowfall till evening, and its wet to boot(I said that w/a canadian accent). Weather Channel said it worse than they thought. Lots of Wet snow, continues throught the day past 8 p.m. Only working 11-1, so maybe a pot of stew.
Got a bread machine 3yrs ago,and today would be a day to play w/ it. Learn to make my homies some bread. Toledo usually gets Indy/ Fort Wayne weather, now it's from Chicago. :ack2:
did you SEE Chicago? Man, 2 pair of socks is killin' me.

Scarab KV
01-14-2009, 12:01 PM
Morn'n all. 0 degrees and about to start the downward slide. Spose to see -20 tomorrow night. To think Lori thought I was nuts for entertaining the idea of applying for a position driving on the Ice Roads up North. Hmm.....a years wages in 2 months or endure it here for free :huh:

01-14-2009, 12:27 PM
Morn'n all. 0 degrees and about to start the downward slide. Spose to see -20 tomorrow night. To think Lori thought I was nuts for entertaining the idea of applying for a position driving on the Ice Roads up North. Hmm.....a years wages in 2 months or endure it here for free :huh:

Looks like it's going to warm up to 25 by Sunday when I get there:biggrinjester: See mother nature knows I'm bringing some warmth

01-14-2009, 12:29 PM
Same here, it was 6 on the way to work, -6 with the windchill. Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 4 and windy, should be interesting.

Morning everyone!

The cold is starting to reach down here 59 this AM, haven't seen that in a long time

Scarab KV
01-14-2009, 12:30 PM
Just try'n to prep ya for the trip home. :D

01-14-2009, 12:34 PM
Just try'n to prep ya for the trip home. :D

You notice I have been watching the weather, trying to look at the bright side, -18 tonight and a high of 25 Sunday, it will be 43 degrees warmer:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-14-2009, 12:42 PM
You notice I have been watching the weather, trying to look at the bright side, -18 tonight and a high of 25 Sunday, it will be 43 degrees warmer:biggrinjester:

:huh: will have to run that one by the wife. Cold is really get'n to her....she never was much into outdoor activities in the winter. I've only been down hill twice since I met her....use to go all over the country B4 that. Haven't had a sled in a few years now either.

01-14-2009, 12:59 PM
This cold stuff is for the birds! I wish I was back in the Keys!

01-14-2009, 01:26 PM
I used to watch Ice Road Truckers when it first started but ... how many times can you watch a guy drive over ice. Hmm ... you know ... now that I think about it, its a wonder I still watch porn :D

01-14-2009, 04:00 PM
I used to watch Ice Road Truckers when it first started but ... how many times can you watch a guy drive over ice. Hmm ... you know ... now that I think about it, its a wonder I still watch porn :D

Well it's because ....... oh never mind:biggrinjester:

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 04:11 PM
Ian sometimes watches that ice road trucker show, cracks me up how they can make a reality show on just about anything. He will laugh at me for watching American Idol and then watch Ice Road trucker or the biggest catch:ack2: Although I will confess sometimes I watch the Nanny or Wife Swap. That wife swap show kills me they will pick the two most opposite extreme kind of people and swap them out. Anyone ever catch any of that show, how some families live is beyond me, you can tell you don't need any qualifications to be allowed to have kids.

Donzi welcome back, did you finish the move, any activity on the condo?

Anyone going to the LEOPA Change of Watch party in Monroe next weekend, we are going, it's usually a pretty nice time, I wish more of the LEOPA members would start posting here. Dawn did you know Brian Bunch is going to be vice commador this year, good thing because the VC plans the poker run, so I am sure he will not let it fall on the same weekend as the St Clair race this year.

JJ Apache
01-14-2009, 04:17 PM
Looks like it's going to warm up to 25 by Sunday when I get there:biggrinjester: See mother nature knows I'm bringing some warmth

Thank-you Jesus and and your own bad self. Stay as close to 75 as you can.
Still snowing, white-out on the E-way, took surface streets home. Wasn't sooooo bad, only a couple Butt-riders. Lots of brake checking. Kept them at bay! I wanna go Taboggining!

Scarab KV
01-14-2009, 04:38 PM
I used to watch Ice Road Truckers when it first started but ... how many times can you watch a guy drive over ice. Hmm ... you know ... now that I think about it, its a wonder I still watch porn :D

That's one of those shows you can relate to better if you have some back ground. I can see where some of it would get to be kind of ho hum to the casual watcher.

01-14-2009, 05:00 PM
Anyone going to the LEOPA Change of Watch party in Monroe next weekend, we are going, it's usually a pretty nice time, I wish more of the LEOPA members would start posting here. Dawn did you know Brian Bunch is going to be vice commador this year, good thing because the VC plans the poker run, so I am sure he will not let it fall on the same weekend as the St Clair race this year.[/QUOTE]

We are going to be there with a couple of other members that do not post.

01-14-2009, 05:03 PM
"We are going to be there with a couple of other members that do not post."

Maybe you could change that?:biggrinjester:

01-14-2009, 05:48 PM
Closed the office early .... Two of the girls had to go pick up kids from school at 2:30 and 3 so I told them to stay gone and the rest of us left at 4. My uncle plowed my drive at some point but I couldnt really tell til I went out and started shoveling (thought the snow should be deeper :D)

The Realtor called this afternoon and they think they have somebody who is going to make an offer but they are doing a USDA loan and the Realtor is afraid the lender may require some stuff (missing shingles and they may not like the lack of drywall on the ceiling in the living room) I said she could feel free to fix whatever they wanted out of her commission :sifone: She knows my lender will be taking all proceeds and I have no money for repairs so .... you know ... as is really does mean as is .... :rolleyes:

Donna Honey. Yup. Knew that. Brian let me know back when he was elected.... He'll do well. He is such a sweetheart. I'd love to come up but my really cheap kidnapping in February is turning into more expensive than I have available so I'll be saving for that excursion. :ack2:

fund razor
01-14-2009, 06:24 PM
Ian sometimes watches that ice road trucker show, cracks me up how they can make a reality show on just about anything. He will laugh at me for watching American Idol and then watch Ice Road trucker or the biggest catch:ack2: Although I will confess sometimes I watch the Nanny or Wife Swap. That wife swap show kills me they will pick the two most opposite extreme kind of people and swap them out. Anyone ever catch any of that show, how some families live is beyond me, you can tell you don't need any qualifications to be allowed to have kids.

Ice Road Truckers! Yep. Deadliest Catch! Yep.

I would watch these shows with a beer and Ian anytime. I think that the difference is actuality vs. "reality." I know that whenever cameras show up... things change, but compared to thee reality shows that are totally manipulated by the producers, I think that the ones on discovery are a little more "actual."
Deadliest Catch is awesome. I miss it.

fund razor
01-14-2009, 06:30 PM
Closed the office early .... Two of the girls had to go pick up kids from school at 2:30 and 3 so I told them to stay gone and the rest of us left at 4. My uncle plowed my drive at some point but I couldnt really tell til I went out and started shoveling (thought the snow should be deeper :D)

The Realtor called this afternoon and they think they have somebody who is going to make an offer but they are doing a USDA loan and the Realtor is afraid the lender may require some stuff (missing shingles and they may not like the lack of drywall on the ceiling in the living room) I said she could feel free to fix whatever they wanted out of her commission :sifone: She knows my lender will be taking all proceeds and I have no money for repairs so .... you know ... as is really does mean as is .... :rolleyes:

Actually.... USDA Rural Development Loans allow for repair costs to be included in the buyer's loan. Just an FYI. It's part of the nature of a USDA loan. So don't let the realtor be too afraid.

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 06:46 PM
Anyone going to the LEOPA Change of Watch party in Monroe next weekend, we are going, it's usually a pretty nice time, I wish more of the LEOPA members would start posting here. Dawn did you know Brian Bunch is going to be vice commador this year, good thing because the VC plans the poker run, so I am sure he will not let it fall on the same weekend as the St Clair race this year.

We are going to be there with a couple of other members that do not post.[/QUOTE]

BB's right it would really be nice if we could get more LEOPA members to get active on the board, I think it would help grow the membership and keep the club better in touch, can you do anything about that:)

01-14-2009, 06:53 PM
Actually.... USDA Rural Development Loans allow for repair costs to be included in the buyer's loan. Just an FYI. It's part of the nature of a USDA loan. So don't let the realtor be too afraid.

Yes they do (we close them also) but this is not a loan directly thru USDA. Its a brokered loan that gets guaranteed by USDA... Chase is an example of a lender who does these types of loans. Requirements are a bit different. I think the Realtor was just fishing to see if I would be willing to "borrow" from somebody if necessary .... Im not :D Actually, if improvements are required, and they had to come off of my side, it would come out of what Flagstar would get, since they are taking less than payoff. Im just being stubborn because in my head, a buyer would already be getting the house for 1/2 of what its worth ... or .... once was worth :rolleyes:

fund razor
01-14-2009, 07:00 PM
Yes they do (we close them also) but this is not a loan directly thru USDA. Its a brokered loan that gets guaranteed by USDA... Chase is an example of a lender who does these types of loans. Requirements are a bit different. I think the Realtor was just fishing to see if I would be willing to "borrow" from somebody if necessary .... Im not :D Actually, if improvements are required, and they had to come off of my side, it would come out of what Flagstar would get, since they are taking less than payoff. Im just being stubborn because in my head, a buyer would already be getting the house for 1/2 of what its worth ... or .... once was worth :rolleyes:
Gotcha... apologize that I haven't followed the whole story. Short sale.
Ok. But the buyer still falls into the regular USDA requirements right?
They NEED this house. (USDA folks need to have substandard existing/current housing to qualify I think.) These may be your people.
Good luck.

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 07:55 PM
Brian, you are the guy that I met at the Erie Metro launch and then you did the Fall run, right. I try my best to keep everyone straight. I remember you saying your wife does not boat much, hopefully she is making the party, Please tell her to dress up, I don't want to be the only chic in a formal dress:)

01-14-2009, 08:32 PM
Yes Donna that was me. My wife is coming but I thought it was a casual event. I am sure she will wear a dress and be looking hot. I also got her out to PIB at the end of the summer with the girls so maybe next summer she will join in on some more boating.

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 09:47 PM
NO it is not casual or at least it has never been, the only reason I am going is to dress up and wear something low cut;):boobflash: :D Actually we missed last year but at previous Change of Watch parties the gals wore cocktail dresses and most of the guys wore suits. This year however the invitation says semi formal or business casual so I guess we will see. Vicki Powel said she though people were dressing up, so I hope so or I am going to look out of place. I will be sure to tell you wife you said you knew she would look hot:sifone: What's her name?

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 09:54 PM
Ok I will bore you with some photos of my Christmas decorations, I just took them down on Sunday and decided to take a bunch of photos so next year I will remember where I put everything, sorry but I only have photos of three of my five trees :biggrinjester:

in the shot on the left you can see the tree that pays homage to my wine addidiction, if you look close you can see wine bottle ornaments, grapes, and old corks that I turned into Christmas ornaments in the other one you can see some of the snow on the deck, that has not been free of snow since Thanksgiving

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 10:07 PM
Here is the one in my foyer, that tree plays homage to another one of my addictions, Swarvoski Chrystal. I collect their annual star ornaments and some of their other ones. I have a big problem with that tree though, I am pretty clumsy so for some reason I pick that tree and those ornaments to break, I now have two ornaments for each of the last six years, one broken and a new one replaced on Ebay:o

The other photo is of my Christmas Village, I used to be into to those but now I don't put them all up, but still enjoy looking at them.

01-14-2009, 10:09 PM
Here is the one in my foyer, that tree plays homage to another one of my addictions, Swarvoski Chrystal. I collect their annual star ornaments and some of their other ones. I have a big problem with that tree though, I am pretty clumsy so for some reason I pick that tree and those ornaments to break, I now have two ornaments for each of the last six years, one broken and a new one replaced on Ebay:o

The other photo is of my Christmas Village, I used to be into to those but now I don't put them all up, but still enjoy looking at them.

Hey Donna, where is the pic of that "Alien" Kirbster cum'n out of my belly????????????????????:26:

01-14-2009, 10:12 PM
Always love pics :D Very nice Donna :sifone:

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 10:12 PM
do you see Kirby's Christmas stocking hanging on the Bannister, it's right in between mine and Ian's, I figured it was appropriate, since that's how we sleep each night. If I reach over to give Ian a hug the first words out of his mouth are BE CAREFUL of KIRBY, and this is coming from someone that said he did not want another dog:)

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 10:14 PM
Hey Donna, where is the pic of that "Alien" Kirbster cum'n out of my belly????????????????????:26:

Ok I will look for that one, you did know that Ian was jealous of that don't you:rofl: didn't your gf take some photos, the pictures with our flash did not come out so great, but i will look for them.

Ms PatriYacht
01-14-2009, 10:33 PM
well Tracy bad news, Ian must have deleted the pictures, I just checked all the files and then he came in and checked, sorry:blush5: However since Dawn likes pictures I will post a picture of my dinner table:) and Kirby's Christmas picture and a picture from my friends Golden's Birthday party, it's a popular dog, you can tell by the amount of presents he received:biggrinjester:

Ok I am sure you have had enough of my posts for the night, catch ya in the AM

01-15-2009, 09:50 AM
What's her name?[/QUOTE]

Donna her name is Lee you met her a couple of years ago at the Speedwake/OSO party up by Pontiac. This is about the best I have of her on my office computer.

01-15-2009, 09:51 AM
Mornin all ..... minus 7 here this morning. I feel like a big round blob. Lots of layers of clothes ... long johns, two pairs of socks, two shirts .... I have a luncheon meeting today ... hard to dress up in layers :D

01-15-2009, 10:08 AM
We are going to be there with a couple of other members that do not post.

BB's right it would really be nice if we could get more LEOPA members to get active on the board, I think it would help grow the membership and keep the club better in touch, can you do anything about that:)[/QUOTE]

I'm right again?:biggrinjester:

01-15-2009, 10:12 AM
Mornin all, 62 here this AM and -18 in Wisconsin, only an 80 degree difference:biggrinjester:

01-15-2009, 11:04 AM
Welcome Bridget! How do you know about SO and in particular, this crazy thread??? :)

It was 4 here this morning. The lake keeps us a tad warmer. Terrible commute home last night. Donzi, missed your call and got your message this morning....so I guess you know how the roads were. :boxing_smiley:

Board a plane and 8:50 tomorrow for Tampa. Weather will be better than here, but I'm still not happy that it won't be too warm. High's in the low to mid 60's with real feel temps of 45-48. WTF? I'm from the artic tundra people......that's not fair to have so-so weather. :(

01-15-2009, 11:31 AM
Welcome Bridget! How do you know about SO and in particular, this crazy thread??? :)

It was 4 here this morning. The lake keeps us a tad warmer. Terrible commute home last night. Donzi, missed your call and got your message this morning....so I guess you know how the roads were. :boxing_smiley:

Board a plane and 8:50 tomorrow for Tampa. Weather will be better than here, but I'm still not happy that it won't be too warm. High's in the low to mid 60's with real feel temps of 45-48. WTF? I'm from the artic tundra people......that's not fair to have so-so weather. :(

I must be bringing to much warm weather north, sorry:biggrinjester:

JJ Apache
01-15-2009, 11:48 AM
Brrrrrrrrrr Its cold around here. Almost done repacking, so stuff can go in the attic. I suggest writing all the contents of the box on the outside. moving SUCKS. Hope everyones doing well, have a good day. Jann

01-15-2009, 12:10 PM
I must be bringing to much warm weather north, sorry:biggrinjester:

Must be something cause it isn't as warm in Tampa as it should be.:(

01-15-2009, 12:11 PM
Thank You for the welcome, I have boater friends, and am frequently their guest.I live 2 blks from the waters edge. Was a guest here until they changed it recently. My best friend works for a canvas shop in Mich. Always around boats. I'm on this thread because i'm a chick and its the least offensive.I was lurking on oso, but the funny ones are here. I hope thats ok, I mean no harm and i'm not looking for anything but friendly chat.

You're fine! Relax and enjoy this bunch of nuts, I mean bunch of great people here! :rofl:

Ms PatriYacht
01-15-2009, 12:15 PM
HI Bridget, welcome to SOS it's good to see more chicks on the board. Bad girls go everwhere, I like that concept :reddevil:

JJ how is your daughter making the adjustment.

Barb have a safe trip, I wish I was flying south

01-15-2009, 12:21 PM
HI Bridget, welcome to SOS it's good to see more chicks on the board. Bad girls go everwhere, I like that concept :reddevil:

JJ how is your daughter making the adjustment.

Barb have a safe trip, I wish I was flying south

Thanks Donna. It will be a nice break from this weather, even with all my whining.....:03:

JJ Apache
01-15-2009, 12:29 PM
HI Donna
Brittney is doing better than me-I. Hope your well. Don't think its supposed to snow for a while. Only good news I have to report. gotta go scrape off the car. A welcome Aboard to Bridget. Have a good all Jann

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 12:47 PM
Morning everybody. A warm -2 here in Point Place. At least its not snowing. I'm new here, hope you dont mind me joining in.

Welcome to the board Bridget....we were all new once:)

I must be bringing to much warm weather north, sorry:biggrinjester:

BB....you just keep bringing that warm air with you. I'll leave the light on for ya. :biggrinjester:

You're fine! Relax and enjoy this bunch of nuts, I mean bunch of great people here! :rofl:

Chief.....think ya had it right the first time. :rofl:

HI Bridget, welcome to SOS it's good to see more chicks on the board. Bad girls go everwhere, I like that concept :reddevil:

:huh: Is it wrong :D

01-15-2009, 12:53 PM
Morning everybody. A warm -2 here in Point Place. At least its not snowing. I'm new here, hope you dont mind me joining in.

Welcome join in & post away!! Watch out 4 all the pervs on here though!! especially that Steczzy dude!!!!!:26:

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 12:59 PM
Welcome join in & post away!! Watch out 4 all the pervs on here though!! especially that Steczzy dude!!!!!:26:

Morn'n Wrink....was start'n to worry about who you were point'n fingers at :sifone:

Sup George?

01-15-2009, 01:37 PM
23 in MD with 15MPH winds. Brrrrr

Work has been nuts lately- good thing in this economy but can't play SOS all day.

What's a man to do....

Come on Spring- I need to go boatin!

01-15-2009, 01:38 PM
Its cold

01-15-2009, 03:05 PM
Morning everybody. A warm -2 here in Point Place. At least its not snowing. I'm new here, hope you dont mind me joining in.

Just a warning it can become addicting:biggrinjester: Welcome aboard

01-15-2009, 03:06 PM
On a cold day

01-15-2009, 03:45 PM
Thank You for the welcome, I have boater friends, and am frequently their guest.I live 2 blks from the waters edge. Was a guest here until they changed it recently. My best friend works for a canvas shop in Mich. Always around boats. I'm on this thread because i'm a chick and its the least offensive.I was lurking on oso, but the funny ones are here. I hope thats ok, I mean no harm and i'm not looking for anything but friendly chat.

Welcome Bridget! You're in the right place!:biggrinjester:

23 in MD with 15MPH winds. Brrrrr!

Bro that is warm. its about 10 here right now with a low of -1, high of 8 tomorrow and that doesn't take in to account the wind. It really sucks:( Off to FL again in 4 weeks though, can't wait!

01-15-2009, 03:49 PM
16* in Nashville, WTF!!

01-15-2009, 03:58 PM
Hey Bridget - who are your friends with boats. Its a small world, we might know some of the same people:)

dwtinc ... it IS cold. Can anybody explain to me why people drive slow when its cold? What does the temp of the air have to do with the speed they drive? Why do they feel it is necessary to go slower than the speed limit just because its cold? The highway is clear. I can see blacktop. Surely they dont drive below the speed limit all the time. I mean come on ... who does that? :D

01-15-2009, 03:58 PM
LOL, yeah that's freakin cold for you guys. You have the right clothes for that weather?

01-15-2009, 04:17 PM
Hey Bridget - who are your friends with boats. Its a small world, we might know some of the same people:)

dwtinc ... it IS cold. Can anybody explain to me why people drive slow when its cold? What does the temp of the air have to do with the speed they drive? Why do they feel it is necessary to go slower than the speed limit just because its cold? The highway is clear. I can see blacktop. Surely they dont drive below the speed limit all the time. I mean come on ... who does that? :D

Water turns solid when it gets really cold, it's called ice and it's slippery:biggrinjester:

01-15-2009, 04:24 PM
Water turns solid when it gets really cold, it's called ice and it's slippery:biggrinjester:

Right again BB!

01-15-2009, 04:41 PM
Right again BB!

It's so easy, RG being a woman and blonde, like shooting fish in a barrel:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 04:53 PM
This is gonna be good! :lurk5:

01-15-2009, 04:57 PM
This is gonna be good! :lurk5:


01-15-2009, 04:59 PM
This is gonna be good! :lurk5:



And yep!!! :lurk5::lurk5:

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 05:11 PM

Damn straight. If I ever end up in a truck again, don't want her gun'n for me while run'n across hwy 30. :rofl:

01-15-2009, 05:16 PM
Typical man ... ASSUMING he knows what he is talking about and that the roads are wet. They arent ... hence the statement about seeing blacktop :rolleyes: Try again please ...


Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 05:19 PM
Hey RG....is Carolyn's Diner still in biz on 30 just before the 4 lane to Mansfield?

01-15-2009, 05:21 PM
Typical man ... ASSUMING he knows what he is talking about and that the roads are wet. They arent ... hence the statement about seeing blacktop :rolleyes: Try again please ...


If it's that cold they can't be wet, they have to be frozen:biggrinjester:

01-15-2009, 05:35 PM
Hey RG....is Carolyn's Diner still in biz on 30 just before the 4 lane to Mansfield?

Yes ... and its all a 4 lane now .... all the way to Indiana :sifone: Wanna meet me there for breakfast? :drool5:

01-15-2009, 05:38 PM
If it's that cold they can't be wet, they have to be frozen:biggrinjester:

LOL - :p:p:p:p

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 05:43 PM
Yes ... and its all a 4 lane now .... all the way to Indiana :sifone: Wanna meet me there for breakfast? :drool5:

I would if I could. Haven't been across there since I quit run'n NYC in 2001. Parts of the new 4 lane to Beaver Dam was open by then...the rest you could see the work being done to the south of the 2 lane. Carolyn's was noth'n pretty back then, but the food was good. Parking lot for the trucks sucked though. You could lose a Pete in some of the holes.

01-15-2009, 06:44 PM
Carolyn's was noth'n pretty back then, but the food was good. Parking lot for the trucks sucked though. You could lose a Pete in some of the holes.

None of that has changed. Hell they are probably still using the same grease but you know what they say, if it aint broke dont fix it :rofl:

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 06:58 PM
None of that has changed. Hell they are probably still using the same grease but you know what they say, if it aint broke dont fix it :rofl:

:rofl::rofl: Figured it didn't change. Was the same for the 20 years that I ran across there. You're probably right about the grease. :huh: Often wondered what was in the Meatloaf....was never man enough to order it. :sifone:

01-15-2009, 07:24 PM
So ... finally got test results. Seems everything is fine ..... nobody understands how that can be but thats what it says so .... according to the Docs office and the lab ...... Im normal :D

ps ... thanks Guys/Gals ..... I only let a few in the loop. Thanks for the thoughts and caring.... and for being my friends! Luv ya!!! :kiss:

pss ... for those that are wondering ... I received some bad news last July ... today I got good news :D

01-15-2009, 07:27 PM
define normal.......

01-15-2009, 07:35 PM
Glad its good today racegirl

01-15-2009, 07:56 PM
RG that's great!

Scarab KV
01-15-2009, 08:08 PM
Good deal RG. Glad to hear it.
Now......get back to being you. :D

01-15-2009, 08:59 PM
Good deal RG. Glad to hear it.
Now......get back to being you. :D

EXACTLY!!!!!! :sifone:

01-15-2009, 09:01 PM
So ... finally got test results. Seems everything is fine ..... nobody understands how that can be but thats what it says so .... according to the Docs office and the lab ...... Im normal :D

ps ... thanks Guys/Gals ..... I only let a few in the loop. Thanks for the thoughts and caring.... and for being my friends! Luv ya!!! :kiss:

pss ... for those that are wondering ... I received some bad news last July ... today I got good news :D

Thanks for letting us know the GOOD news, congrats

01-16-2009, 08:37 AM
Wow! it is fuking cold... boss told us to stay home if we want... -9.2 degrees on my outside thermometer..

We are far from boating!

01-16-2009, 09:08 AM
Mornin all, cold back in Wisconsin, -18 schools are closed again. Cold for down here too, I had a homeless guy in the grocery store parking lot ask if I had a winter coat for him, must have seen the plates on the truck. We'll be packing up today for the drive back this weekend, hopefully everything will go smooth.

01-16-2009, 09:39 AM
We have -20 ... I cant remember ever seein -20 before... Pipes made it to -10 (thats what it was when I went to bed) but they are froze this morning. My dogs are out about 2 minutes and they are havin trouble moving. Jax barely made it back up the steps :eek: He's fine as soon as he hits the door tho...

Car started. Felt bad for it tho .... It didnt want to start and I dont blame it :D

01-16-2009, 09:47 AM
We have -20 ... I cant remember ever seein -20 before... Pipes made it to -10 (thats what it was when I went to bed) but they are froze this morning. My dogs are out about 2 minutes and they are havin trouble moving. Jax barely made it back up the steps :eek: He's fine as soon as he hits the door tho...

Car started. Felt bad for it tho .... It didnt want to start and I dont blame it :D

So is everyone driving really slow today?:biggrinjester:

01-16-2009, 10:27 AM
So is everyone driving really slow today?:biggrinjester:

Ha! Not here in town ... They seem to be in a hurry to get places :D

Btw ... according to the local paper, I have seem -20... back in 1977 was the last time it was this cold here:ack2:

01-16-2009, 10:48 AM
So ... finally got test results. Seems everything is fine ..... nobody understands how that can be but thats what it says so .... according to the Docs office and the lab ...... Im normal :D

ps ... thanks Guys/Gals ..... I only let a few in the loop. Thanks for the thoughts and caring.... and for being my friends! Luv ya!!! :kiss:

pss ... for those that are wondering ... I received some bad news last July ... today I got good news :D

Very happy for you RG Congrats!!!!:):):):)

It's -12 here with the wind chill and going to get worse:(:( Definitely not fun. I am going home after work and I'm not leaving the house all weekend. Gonna hook up my Wii and have a one man and dog party till Sunday.:biggrinjester:

01-16-2009, 10:52 AM
Glad I got the day off, I went to start the Exploeer for the wife, it turned a few times then clicked... I got it running, then her door would not latch, it was frozen.. drove her to work with the Diesel, good thing it was plugged in! I guess I should replace the battery in the Explorer, it is still oem, it's a 03..6 yrs, not too bad! love my Fords!

01-16-2009, 11:05 AM
I hate the frigen cold,, Global warming my a$$.:boxing_smiley:
Everyone should buy more aerosol cans & spray frequently :sifone:

01-16-2009, 11:06 AM
Ha! Not here in town ... They seem to be in a hurry to get places :D

Btw ... according to the local paper, I have seem -20... back in 1977 was the last time it was this cold here:ack2:

Do ya have any RG pics from 1977 :drool5::drool5:

01-16-2009, 11:08 AM
The girls are plannin on taking me out tomorrow ... I need to dance. Bad. I really reallllly need to dance. The singer from my favorite band stopped by yesterday ... they've been talking about doing one show in April :cool: Pretty sure I cant wait til then to get stupid :D

01-16-2009, 11:09 AM
Do ya have any RG pics from 1977 :drool5::drool5:

Hey now .... I was only 11..... and the first boy that put his arm around me ... well .... I bit him :sifone:

01-16-2009, 11:27 AM
Water turns solid when it gets really cold, it's called ice and it's slippery:biggrinjester:

& it hurts!!!!!!:(

01-16-2009, 11:31 AM
[QUOTE=Racegirl3;81684] according to the Docs office and the lab ...... Im normal :D

Opinions R like Azzz, U know the rest!!!!!:26:

Glad things R good 4 ya Girl!!!!!!:)

01-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Hey now .... I was only 11..... and the first boy that put his arm around me ... well .... I bit him :sifone:


01-16-2009, 12:15 PM
12 here and -9 with the wind.

BBB is leaving FL so I guess I should head down there to keep watch while he's gone!

01-16-2009, 12:20 PM
Just doing a fly by

01-16-2009, 12:22 PM
Just doing a fly by

Nice tail :D

Ms PatriYacht
01-16-2009, 12:36 PM
Dawn, I have a :D smile :D a mile wide, I am so happy to hear your good news

It was -11 when I went to the gym this morning

BB did you give the guy a coat???? if I had to be homeless I would hitch hike to FL, can't imagine being homeless in states like WI, MI, or MN. A guy not to far from here was dropped off at his house the night before last and he must of fallen on his front walk, a neighbor found him frozen to death in the morning, and the guy was younger than me:(

Brian, cute wife, if you can believe this I don't remember either of you being at the party..... I think my memory is not what it used to be:ack2:

Wrink what do you have on George in that Avatar, he looks like a gay pimp:conehead:

01-16-2009, 12:37 PM
I think I'm going to plug my truck in tonight- 1st time ever. I think the cord is up under the passenger wheel well (06 Ford). Heard it is a 1000W heater- bet the electric meter will be spinning with that thing cranking all night!

01-16-2009, 12:38 PM
It going to warm up

01-16-2009, 12:52 PM
if your smart enough to be cold in a frigid climate, that could possibly explain why your homeless to begin with...

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 12:54 PM
Mornin all, cold back in Wisconsin, -18 schools are closed again. Cold for down here too, I had a homeless guy in the grocery store parking lot ask if I had a winter coat for him, must have seen the plates on the truck. We'll be packing up today for the drive back this weekend, hopefully everything will go smooth.

:huh: Pee stops at 100 mile intervals.....17 Pee stops @ 15 min each.....that's gonna be a long ride by yours and my standards. :biggrinjester:

So is everyone driving really slow today?:biggrinjester:

Don't get her....a heck....go for it. :lurk5:

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 01:01 PM
Morn'n all. Not sure what the over night low was, but -18 when I came into work at 8:30. Not much wind in town and the air is dry, so didn't feel too bad.

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 01:03 PM
Wrink....what is George wear'n. Keechoo is totaly turned off now.

01-16-2009, 01:33 PM
I'm not so sure I'm glad to be back!

No news on my condo really. I had Tony bring a lot of stuff up to his house when we got back. I still have to go through my laundry room and kitchen to pack up a few things. Got the carpets cleaned and just need to clean everything before I have my realtor back over. Ideally next week she can come and take pictures to list it.

Barb - not a big deal. I was just wondering if they were bad enough that I should call my agency to see if they were going to be at the office in the morning. Roads were ok coming up. I hit some ice once I got to 271. The express lanes were BAD. I'm glad Tony talked me into taking my Jeep up instead of the Civic. It doesn't do much good for ice, but it was great in the snow coming up to his place on Wednesday night.

01-16-2009, 02:38 PM
BB did you give the guy a coat???? if I had to be homeless I would hitch hike to FL, can't imagine being homeless in states like WI, MI, or MN. A guy not to far from here was dropped off at his house the night before last and he must of fallen on his front walk, a neighbor found him frozen to death in the morning, and the guy was younger than me:(

No I didn't, I from the north and almost any temp seems warm for me, so I don't have a coat down here.

01-16-2009, 02:39 PM
:huh: Pee stops at 100 mile intervals.....17 Pee stops @ 15 min each.....that's gonna be a long ride by yours and my standards. :biggrinjester:

Don't get her....a heck....go for it. :lurk5:

She knows better than to mess with me:biggrinjester:

01-16-2009, 03:34 PM
She knows better than to mess with me:biggrinjester:

You dont scare me ....... :D

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 04:06 PM

01-16-2009, 04:52 PM
Slight change in plans, sleeping now and leaving at midnight. That way the girls will sleep and no potty stops:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 04:59 PM
Slight change in plans, sleeping now and leaving at midnight. That way the girls will sleep and no potty stops:biggrinjester:

A man with a good plan :sifone:

01-16-2009, 04:59 PM
Slight change in plans, sleeping now and leaving at midnight. That way the girls will sleep and no potty stops:biggrinjester:

What? Like we dont get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom :rolleyes:


01-16-2009, 05:01 PM
What? Like we dont get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom :rolleyes:


Nope and they can't drink when their asleep:biggrinjester:

01-16-2009, 05:04 PM
Nope and they can't drink when their asleep

Plus they are quiet so a man can think about important stuff!

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 05:06 PM
Plus they are quiet so a man can think about important stuff!


Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 05:11 PM
What? Like we dont get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom :rolleyes:


There's always the community coffee can. :sifone:

01-16-2009, 05:17 PM
Like the queen and princess would use that:biggrinjester:

01-16-2009, 05:22 PM
Hehe ... I would ... ok did :rofl: Not a problem as long as its empty :sifone:

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 05:23 PM
Well if you refuse to stop, desperate times make for…..oh, forgot you were gonna be out numbered. :D

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 05:24 PM
Like the queen and princess would use that:biggrinjester:

:huh: Have they been in a truckstop bathroom of late?

01-16-2009, 05:25 PM
Some times it's just easier to stop than hear them whine about not stopping mile after mile after mile after mile

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 05:26 PM
Some times it's just easier to stop than hear them whine about not stopping mile after mile after mile after mile

Good point. :sifone:

01-16-2009, 05:41 PM
:huh: Have they been in a truckstop bathroom of late?

They have to approve of the stop:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 05:43 PM
They have to approve of the stop:biggrinjester:

wow...tough crowd:biggrinjester:

01-16-2009, 06:06 PM
They would stop or not go

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 06:10 PM
There's always catheters :D

01-16-2009, 06:49 PM
Mmmm Homemade cheese ravioli with a little bit of sauce and a bit .. ok .. lot more cheese ... and by homemade you know I mean the kind that come frozen in a bag and you cook at home :)

BB ... you sleeping? :D

01-16-2009, 07:10 PM
Mmmm Homemade cheese ravioli with a little bit of sauce and a bit .. ok .. lot more cheese ... and by homemade you know I mean the kind that come frozen in a bag and you cook at home :)

BB ... you sleeping? :D

Not yet, by 7 hopefully;)

01-16-2009, 07:43 PM
17 minutes

01-16-2009, 07:50 PM
There's always catheters :D

Those are easy... how about the depends like the psyko chick astronaut on her road trip to kill...... and an FYI the female bladder actually is significantly smaller than the mans, thats why they have to stop so often, we have them trained around here on the boat, the use a bucket.

01-16-2009, 07:53 PM
Good night everyone, talk to you guys Sunday:sifone:

01-16-2009, 07:55 PM
Those are easy... how about the depends like the psyko chick astronaut on her road trip to kill...... and an FYI the female bladder actually is significantly smaller than the mans, thats why they have to stop so often, we have them trained around here on the boat, the use a bucket.

The water

01-16-2009, 07:58 PM
Have a safe trip BBB!!!

Scarab KV
01-16-2009, 08:49 PM
Drive safe BB. Cya when ya get up here.

01-17-2009, 09:48 AM
CHeese raviloli (sp?) sounds good. I made home made pizza last night. A friend of mine gave me a new cookbook for my bread maker that had the dough in it.

01-17-2009, 03:46 PM
So ... finally got test results. Seems everything is fine ..... nobody understands how that can be but thats what it says so .... according to the Docs office and the lab ...... Im normal :D

ps ... thanks Guys/Gals ..... I only let a few in the loop. Thanks for the thoughts and caring.... and for being my friends! Luv ya!!! :kiss:

pss ... for those that are wondering ... I received some bad news last July ... today I got good news :D

I heard that rumor...glade you're ok sweetie....

01-17-2009, 03:48 PM
Mornin all, cold back in Wisconsin, -18 schools are closed again. Cold for down here too, I had a homeless guy in the grocery store parking lot ask if I had a winter coat for him, must have seen the plates on the truck. We'll be packing up today for the drive back this weekend, hopefully everything will go smooth.

WTF BB....you take the warm weather with you??? It was 38 in Tampa this morning. Far from t-shirt and shorts weather here. Granted, it's better than Cleveland (at least the sun is shining), but still....

01-17-2009, 03:54 PM
Those are easy... how about the depends like the psyko chick astronaut on her road trip to kill...... and an FYI the female bladder actually is significantly smaller than the mans, thats why they have to stop so often, we have them trained around here on the boat, the use a bucket.

I use a bucket.....too easy not to.

01-17-2009, 03:56 PM
Well, Robster and lots of my friends are at the boat show right now. I'm sitting here by the pool with a bunch of loud bratty kids, can't drink with the medication I'm on and would trade the sunny 60 degree weather in Tampa to be with my sweetie and friends at the show. :(

01-17-2009, 04:31 PM
can't drink with the medication I'm on

Huh? I always thought that was like a coupon since my bar bill was 1/3 the norm

01-17-2009, 04:33 PM
I had some appraisals to do in Northern VA. Was 8 degrees when I left home, 13 when I was outside for an hour. My hands were so numb I couldn't take pictures- had to get in the truck for 5 so I could feel again.

You should see the peeps rushing to catch the Obama Express. What a mess!

01-17-2009, 08:40 PM
Im having a bad day.

Hope BBs trip is going well

Barb... I miss you :)

01-17-2009, 08:51 PM

Tomorrow is another better day

01-18-2009, 02:06 AM
Twenty minutes before my friend is to pick me up to go drinking, my pipes burst :eek: I turn off the water main, call my plumber and tell him I have something for him to do tomorrow :D I shut the water off to the bathrooms (which means to flush the toilet you have to fill the bucket in the kitchen) and I go up town. I drank, I danced, Im back home ... and I gotta pee :sifone:

I think ... might change my mind .. but right now the plan is to take out the drywall behind the vanity, fix the pipes, caulk, insulate and then instead of putting dry wall back up, I have barn siding at our wood shop that I'll put behind the vanity and the rest of that wall. Hopefully we will never have to get to it again, but if we do, the barn siding will be lots easier to take down and put back up. :blush5:

01-18-2009, 09:58 AM
My but there is a lot of snow out there.... had half the drive done when my uncle showed up to plow the rest. Good thing too cuz I didnt know it til I quit and came in but I was a bit dizzy .... huh ... apparently strenuous activity after drinkin isnt such a good idea :D

01-18-2009, 10:58 AM
Lucy I'm home! Got in last night about 2:30, I would have been close to a record run for me but hit some black ice about 100 miles south of Rockford IL.
Driving along minding my own business when we came up on a car in the ditch. the squad car was there with the wrecker so I slowed and changed lanes and bang the truck and trailer were at a 45 degree angle to the highway, took 4 wild swings back and forth across the highway to get it back under control. When I finally straighten everything out my daughter tells me nice recovery dad I thought we were going into the ditch. So I spend the next two hours going 25 with 2 wheels on he shoulder. Still made it in 27 1/2 hours with potty breaks:biggrinjester:

01-18-2009, 11:21 AM
I hate black ice. Good driving BB!

Miss you too Dawn.:)

01-18-2009, 04:28 PM
Water turns solid when it gets really cold, it's called ice and it's slippery:biggrinjester:

hit some black ice about 100 miles south of Rockford IL.


Glad you made it safe!

Scarab KV
01-18-2009, 05:24 PM
Lucy I'm home! Got in last night about 2:30, I would have been close to a record run for me but hit some black ice about 100 miles south of Rockford IL.
Still made it in 27 1/2 hours with potty breaks:biggrinjester:

Good job and with out a bucket? I'm impressed. :biggrinjester:

Doesn't feel any warmer here...all that stunt driving most have spilled the bottled air. :dupe:

01-18-2009, 07:30 PM
3 Stops in Fl, 2 in Ga, 2 in Tn, none in Ky, 3 in Il then home

01-18-2009, 07:41 PM
That is a record!

I was hoping some of that bottled air would make it's way East. Then again it is 20+ warmer than yesterday so I'll take it.

Eagles lost and now AFC (Anyone F'in Care) teams on.

Could be a good game but it if sucks a new Desperate Housewives is on (I'd nail'em all!!).

01-18-2009, 11:37 PM
Anybody else having a really good day? :D It started this morning at 7 when the kid called to tell me she was awaken by firetrucks .... no fire, false alarm. She said a few girls went out without shoes. I told her my rule of thumb is "if you dont see flames or smoke, you have time to get your shoes" :D

The plumber showed up a hair after 9 and I had water again, fixed, insulated and all put back together by 1

It was good timing too cuz the roast (with potatoes, carrots, onions, celery) that I put in the slow cooker when I got home from the bars last night, was ready :sifone:

Watched a couple ok movies, had an interesting converation with my boy ... ordered some school supplies stuff for the daughter (so she's happy) .....

Oh and did you know tomorrows a holiday? Half day work day for me :rofl:

fund razor
01-19-2009, 08:00 AM
I swear that this is the worst winter ever.

Full day at work, but at least I have a speaking part in the MLK day pageant. :D
You can't make this stuff up.

01-19-2009, 09:28 AM
Mornin all, finally caught up on sleep and now time to head into work.

01-19-2009, 10:56 AM
Happy Monday. Guess I should get up and get ready for work huh :D

01-19-2009, 12:40 PM
Happy Monday. Guess I should get up and get ready for work huh :D

Since it's a half day, you only getting half ready?:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-19-2009, 12:48 PM
Morn'n all. Hav'n a heat wave...9 above when I came into work. RG, think I had your luck this weekend. Lori was bring'n lunch to me on Saturday when some jackazz blew a stop sign and nailed her. She was a little stiff and sore yesterday, but ok. The frigg'n car is totaled though. :(

01-19-2009, 01:11 PM
Morn'n all. Hav'n a heat wave...9 above when I came into work. RG, think I had your luck this weekend. Lori was bring'n lunch to me on Saturday when some jackazz blew a stop sign and nailed her. She was a little stiff and sore yesterday, but ok. The frigg'n car is totaled though. :(

Sorry to hear about the car wreck, but see I told you I was bringing warm weather:biggrinjester:

Scarab KV
01-19-2009, 01:28 PM
Sorry to hear about the car wreck, but see I told you I was bringing warm weather:biggrinjester:

:huh: For some reason I was expecting more :)

Can't wait to see how this one is gonna play out with his insurance company :boxing_smiley:

01-19-2009, 01:38 PM
Wow - sorry about your car. Glad your wife is ok tho.....

Came in and had 4 messages ... two from Realtors. One has an offer on my house and the other is showing it today. The Realtor with the offer just stopped by. He told me not to get excited tho. He had been working with these kids and at the last minute they decided to have their aunt from Columbus who is a Realtor write the offer. Full price offer but wants me to do this that and the other thing. Again, beings that the price is below value, my answer was no, no and oh ya ... no :D:rolleyes: You know ... if I had money to pay for that stuff, I'd be making the improvements at the house I live at :rofl:

01-19-2009, 02:19 PM
I've not had a good day so far. My window (plexiglass) cracked about 2 inches in my Wrangler this morning due to the cold. All the windows were perfect. I can't really go above 60 without it shaking my teeth out. I think I might have lost a balance weight or something when we went tooling through the field this weekend. Because of that, I was much later to work than normal.

Anyone know/have any experience with Grand Cherokee's or Trail Blazers? I'm getting fed up with the Wranger. I'm tired of the road noise, I want something that when I lock it I'm not worried about them cutting through the top, something that has a key fob lock, and a rear defroster. I'd really like to be able to hear the stereo when I'm on the road. I love it in the summer but the top is a b!tch to take up and down. Grrrr

01-19-2009, 03:02 PM
I've not had a good day so far. My window (plexiglass) cracked about 2 inches in my Wrangler this morning due to the cold. All the windows were perfect. I can't really go above 60 without it shaking my teeth out. I think I might have lost a balance weight or something when we went tooling through the field this weekend. Because of that, I was much later to work than normal.

Anyone know/have any experience with Grand Cherokee's or Trail Blazers? I'm getting fed up with the Wranger. I'm tired of the road noise, I want something that when I lock it I'm not worried about them cutting through the top, something that has a key fob lock, and a rear defroster. I'd really like to be able to hear the stereo when I'm on the road. I love it in the summer but the top is a b!tch to take up and down. Grrrr

My wife had a Grand Cherokee, nice car, very quiet, mother in law has it now and she loves it.

01-19-2009, 03:09 PM
Anyone know/have any experience with Grand Cherokee's or Trail Blazers? . Grrrr

05 Trail Blazer had treated us pretty good so far. (Insert foot in mouth.) The only must do is get rid of the factory Wrangler tires...like drivin on ice whenever it's wet, and go to a good tire like the T/A All-Terrain...pretty much like drivin on rails.

Scarab KV
01-19-2009, 03:36 PM
Nice...our insurance guy is taken the bull by the horns. I was concerned about the car value. Older car, but in nice condition and awsome mechanical condition. Had just put a low mile transaxle in it last year, went thru the whole front end, new tires and brakes. Our guy said pull all the recent mechanical reciepts on it and he's gonna start beat'n up on the other guys insurance right away. Can't say enough good about Amfam....they did good by us in last June's floods and now this.

01-19-2009, 03:52 PM
Thats awesome! See .. you did have my luck. It actually was good luck :D Bad circumstance BUT could be way worse. You know ... like I was telling mom, thank God the pipes busted on Saturday night... if it would have been during the week, my plumber would probably have been busy AND thank God I was standing right there when it happened. I was able to turn the water off right away. No big damage. Could have happened while I was at work ... THAT would have been WAY bad :kiss:

Scarab KV
01-19-2009, 04:24 PM


They treated us really good when our store was broken into three years ago also.
Sure sux being down to one car though.:(

01-19-2009, 04:43 PM
Customer service .... its important. Nice to have an insurance agent the remembers that :)

Daughter just told me Im a good mom... It stems from the great advise I give her... Like to today she emailed me "gunshots and sirens" I emailed her back "dont stand in the middle" :D

Scarab KV
01-19-2009, 04:50 PM
Customer service .... its important. Nice to have an insurance agent the remembers that :)

Daughter just told me Im a good mom... It stems from the great advise I give her... Like to today she emailed me "gunshots and sirens" I emailed her back "dont stand in the middle" :D

Nice :biggrinjester:

JJ Apache
01-19-2009, 05:25 PM
Customer service .... its important. Nice to have an insurance agent the remembers that :)

Daughter just told me Im a good mom... It stems from the great advise I give her... Like to today she emailed me "gunshots and sirens" I emailed her back "dont stand in the middle" :D

Very Cool. Nice to know something GOOD stuck! :ack2: It took my daughter a couple of shots at a x-mas prty to tell me she heard what I was saying:biggrinjester:

01-19-2009, 05:28 PM
I love my life .. and my friends:D One of the smart asses just called to tell me we cant be friends anymore because they read that I shop at Walmart. As they put it, what kind of person shops at Walmart :D I told them they would probably be appalled to learn that I also shop at thrift stores and garage sales :sifone: Frugal .. cheap ... whatever :biggrinjester:

Btw ... closed the office early .. you know ... in celebration of the holiday and all. Only had two calls all afternoon .... both from attorney's dealin with weird situations askin me how to do deeds :D One of them even told me to send him a bill for my time (ha!) Makes me happy to be helpful .. and .. wasnt like I was doing anything else :rofl:

01-19-2009, 05:36 PM
I've not had a good day so far. My window (plexiglass) cracked about 2 inches in my Wrangler this morning due to the cold. All the windows were perfect. I can't really go above 60 without it shaking my teeth out. I think I might have lost a balance weight or something when we went tooling through the field this weekend. Because of that, I was much later to work than normal.

Anyone know/have any experience with Grand Cherokee's or Trail Blazers? I'm getting fed up with the Wranger. I'm tired of the road noise, I want something that when I lock it I'm not worried about them cutting through the top, something that has a key fob lock, and a rear defroster. I'd really like to be able to hear the stereo when I'm on the road. I love it in the summer but the top is a b!tch to take up and down. Grrrr

We have had several Grand Cherokees and loved them all....

01-19-2009, 05:36 PM
I love my life .. and my friends:D One of the smart asses just called to tell me we cant be friends anymore because they read that I shop at Walmart. As they put it, what kind of person shops at Walmart :D I told them they would probably be appalled to learn that I also shop at thrift stores and garage sales :sifone: Frugal .. cheap ... whatever :biggrinjester:

Btw ... closed the office early .. you know ... in celebration of the holiday and all. Only had two calls all afternoon .... both from attorney's dealin with weird situations askin me how to do deeds :D One of them even told me to send him a bill for my time (ha!) Makes me happy to be helpful .. and .. wasnt like I was doing anything else :rofl:

So how much do you bill out at? per hour:biggrinjester:

01-19-2009, 05:56 PM
So how much do you bill out at? per hour:biggrinjester:

Hehe ... well ... an hour is a long time. You know, when you're knowledgeable about what you do, it doesn't take long :rofl:

01-19-2009, 05:57 PM
So BB ... how was it being back at work for you today? :sifone:

01-19-2009, 09:08 PM
So BB ... how was it being back at work for you today? :sifone:

I think everyone was waiting for me, I got to hear everyone *****

01-19-2009, 10:06 PM
I think everyone was waiting for me, I got to heat everyone *****

Always nice to be missed huh .... :):D

01-19-2009, 10:27 PM
Always nice to be missed huh .... :):D

Kinda like being a mom:biggrinjester:

01-20-2009, 09:30 AM
Happy Tooooosday :D

01-20-2009, 10:34 AM
Mornin all, so much for bringing warm weather here, -1 on the drive in:(

JJ Apache
01-20-2009, 10:36 AM
Morning! A whole 3 degrees! Brrrrrrrr....

01-20-2009, 10:52 AM
20 here today- wish it would warm up, start raining and then freeze

Amazing how 1-4 million people can make it to DC at 3-4AM for this Inauguration but can't make it to a frickin jobby-job 4-5 hours later.

Scarab- glad your wife is ok and hope the insurance pans out for ya!

Scarab KV
01-20-2009, 01:16 PM
Mornin all, so much for bringing warm weather here, -1 on the drive in:(

Was think'n the same thing. :biggrinjester:

01-20-2009, 01:26 PM
Day is going by sooo slooow for some reason. When it was 8AM it felt like it should be 11, now at Noon thirty it feels like it should be 4PM.

My shift button on my computer is busted- super glued it back on but still can't type worth a chit now