View Full Version : Greatest Hockey Fights in a single game

02-06-2009, 12:21 PM
I forgot all about this clip. I don't recall ever going to a game with these fights in just one game


Tommy Gun
02-06-2009, 01:18 PM
The Flyers...surprise...this is an oldie but a classic...the NBA isn't the first sport to have players go into the stands. I wish I had some video fo this:

On the night of January 6, 1972 a group of Philadelphia fans instigated what the Philadelphia Daily News described as "the biggest brawl in the Flyer's five year history."

In the first period of the match Flyer defenseman Bill Brossart was high-sticked by the Blues Gary Sabourin. Philadelphia goalie Doug Favell skated to center ice in pursuit of Sabourin. Favell was restrained, but minutes later he skated over to the Blues bench and exchanged taunts with the Blues players.

A tenous calm prevailed until Blues coach Al Arbour protested a face-off to referee John Ashley. The offical promptly whistled a two-minute bench penalty against Arbour.
The Blues leader exploded and chased after the referee who was headed for the exit that leads to the officals dressing room. Several Blues players congregated near the exit. As Arbour followed Ashley down the runway, according to Arbour, "someone poured beer on me and someone else hit me."
The first stage of the riot had taken place. "All of a sudden," Arbour explained "everyone was pushing and shoving and I fell on a policeman. Then i got hit over the head with a billy club."

That was only one of several main-eventers which were exploding at the same time.Fans who had started the fight by hurling beer and debris at the Blues, soon found themselves under siege as the St Louis players, skates and all, charged up into the grandstands weilding their sticks like bayonets. Among the leaderswere Bob Plager,Phil Roberto,John Arbour and Floyd Thompson.
John Arbour claimed he was stuck with a hockey stick by the police. He later required 40 stitches to close a head wound. Meanwhile an alarm went out for additional police reinforcements until a total of 150 were summoned to break up the confrontations.

Police said that when they attempted to herd the Blues to their dressing room the hockey players attacked them. However the Blues club president Sidney Salomon Jr. accused the Philadelphia police. "That was the worst case of police brutality I've ever seen or heard about," said Salomon. "It was worst than the Chicago riot at the 1968 Democratic convention."

The Flyers management viewed the riot from a different perspective. Thet asserted that St Louis players had no business charging into the audience carrying 55-inch wooden weapons at the ready. "Using the sticks were horrible," said Flyer boss Ed Snider. "I can understand if the players went to Arbour's aid when he was in trouble, but there was no call for the players to go into the stands."
Several fans were wounded in the battle, suffering assorted cuts and breaks. When the battle was approaching its peak, a newsman who had just arrived on the scene asked one policeman what was happening. "It's the St Louis Blues against the cops" he said replied "and we're winning!"
Police managed to get the players out of the stands after the initial fight. But then "verbal abuses were exchanged between the fans and the players and the players headed back into the stands" according to the police report. "A Sargeant warned them that if they didn't get back on the ice they would all be arrested." At that point the coach Al Arbour said "You're not going to lock me up". He came at the Sargeant and pushed him down the ice. The players started to walk over the Sargeant and head for the fans. One of the players held the Sargeant down on the ice as he attempted to get up.

"As more police poured into the area the players started to skate off and the police escorted them to a tunnel which leads to the dressing room. As theydid, the players started to swing wildly over the glass partitions at spectators.
"The police finally got all the players in the tunnel but the players started to swing the hockey sticks at the police. The police swung back. One of the officers grabbed a player's stick and hit him with it on the head."

Eventually the officers restored a semblance of order and the game was resumed. But when it was over the two Arbours,Thompson and Roberto were taken to the South Detective Division where they were charged with assaulting police. At 6:00 the next morning, they were freed on $500 bail each.

Wow! worst player-fan brawl in the history of the NHL!

02-06-2009, 01:33 PM
I was at a Blue Jackets game once where there were several fights going on at once several times throughout the game.

Tommy Gun
02-06-2009, 02:01 PM
Rodney Dangerfield: "I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out."

02-06-2009, 02:28 PM

They would not last 3 minutes in a synchronized swimming event!!


02-06-2009, 02:47 PM
They racked up 419 penalty minutes in that game. Jason Spezza still holds the single penalty minute record for the Sens at 35....

It's too bad they seem to have lost that intensity, they just don't seem to play "mad" enough anymore.

This clip from the Buff/Ottawa game has Ray Emery in 2 fights...


then they played 2 nights later...

Damn watching these old Sens clips is making my sad. What the hell happened to them in 2 years.

02-06-2009, 02:59 PM
Clark vs Mcsorley in 1993 Playoffs Conference Finals

Keep in mind Clark scored 46 goals the following year and Mcsorley was a bum. And Mcsorley had about 40 lbs on him and a few inches.....and that Clark was our Captain.

Moral of the story is dont mess with Dougie Gilmour...not if Clark is in the lineup.

The front page of the Toronto Sun the following day was a picture of Mcsorley covered in blood with his eyes swollen shut trying to grab the camera out of the cameraman's hands...

Pay special attention to the first punch Clark lands on Mcsorley that opened him up like a watermelon and nearly took his head clean off...



end of the video where they show Clark come in is also awesome.

02-06-2009, 03:06 PM

Another great one.... Leafs and Flyers...Ronnie Hextall learns not to mess with Potvin....turned out that Potvin's old man was a barroom brawler back in Quebec...who would have ever known...not Hextall

Another great Clark moment at around 1:36......

02-06-2009, 03:17 PM

oldie but a goodie...watch what happens when buddy comes in looking for revenge and realizes who he has just challenged...

02-06-2009, 03:28 PM

favourite hockey player ever...bar none. this is a great vid.

I wont spam this thread anymore you guys got me all fired up...hard for a Leafs fan to do that these days.

02-06-2009, 03:39 PM
Those are awesome.......:boxing_smiley::boxing_smiley::boxing_smiley:

02-06-2009, 04:05 PM
Come on AR, even for a Leaf fan, calling Wendy Clark the greatest player ever is a real of stretch, he's barely in the top 5 greatest Leafs.....

I like Leaf clips ....

02-06-2009, 05:04 PM
I wanna go punch somebody in the face now!

02-06-2009, 06:27 PM
ok LLama I changed it..maybe not the best but definately the most entertaining.....and 100% the greatest leaf ever to lace them up in my lifetime...my Dad is 51 and he says that even back in the glory years there was no one like Clark. I love Gilmour...hated Sundin for a long time (they traded Clark to get him).

I know being a Senators fan you would prefer if he was from a northern European country and wore parasuco jeans and t shirts with artistic designs on them to games which he drove to in a midsized silver European sedan, could score 50 goals a season and help you guys win the Presidents Trophy only to be knocked out by who??................... as opposed to roaring up on a harley mullet flowing in the wind with horse **** from his farm still on his cowboy boots (which Clark did all the time in the Playoffs....you remember the Playoffs, those games at the end of the season when Toronto knocks the Senators out (4 out of 4 series in the last ten years)

P.S You know the whole Wendy thing drives us Leaf guys nuts eh....WELL IT SURE AS HELL DOES!! lol

02-06-2009, 06:33 PM
BTW Domi was old in that fight with Mcgrattan....

Not sayin Mcgrattan isnt a great fighter but he is no Probert and if Domi was in his prime...no contest...

Please look at example A.


Even a Sens fan can admit, there is no tougher guy who has ever played the game than Domi....he was like the Rocky Balboa of hockey fights...man could he ever take a punch on that cement Albanian head...I loved him until he tried to start supporting the liberal party in politics and banging Belinda Stronach...I couldnt stomach that...lol.

here is a really great domi moment...



02-06-2009, 07:11 PM
ok LLama I changed it..maybe not the best but definately the most entertaining.....and 100% the greatest leaf ever to lace them up in my lifetime...my Dad is 51 and he says that even back in the glory years there was no one like Clark. I love Gilmour...hated Sundin for a long time (they traded Clark to get him).

I know being a Senators fan you would prefer if he was from a northern European country and wore parasuco jeans and t shirts with artistic designs on them to games which he drove to in a midsized silver European sedan, could score 50 goals a season and help you guys win the Presidents Trophy only to be knocked out by who??................... as opposed to roaring up on a harley mullet flowing in the wind with horse **** from his farm still on his cowboy boots (which Clark did all the time in the Playoffs....you remember the Playoffs, those games at the end of the season when Toronto knocks the Senators out (4 out of 4 series in the last ten years)

P.S You know the whole Wendy thing drives us Leaf guys nuts eh....WELL IT SURE AS HELL DOES!! lol

100% the greatest leaf ever to lace them up in my lifetime .......
Even I can admit that. I do respect Clark's talent, and he was one of the Leafs that I did like to watch.

The Sens eurotrash has rubbed off on the North American guys the wrong way. With the exception of Alfredsson they are a bunch of floaters this year. Fisher seems more concerned with his new date than playing the type of hockey that got him paid.
The young Leafs are actually fun to watch this year, it's just too bad that Sundin bent them over and broke it off instead of taking a trade and helping the team get some draft picks back.

I watched the Toronto Grey Cup with JF jr, seems like a good guy, took too much heat for problems that weren't his.
Hopefully Brian Burke can ge them on a winning track, a strong Leafs team makes for a strong NHL.


02-06-2009, 09:06 PM
I didnt think JFJ really was that bad either.......the team didnt adapt well after the lockout and in the lockout year (the year that never was) I think JFJ had built a team that would have been a serious contender for the cup.

I miss the old days when the Sens and leafs would go at it. Great rivalry. Way more important these days than Leafs-Canadiens.

Ok no more hockey talk for me today...time to leave the office and go home and get drunk.:sifone:

02-06-2009, 09:09 PM
Chris Neil is the only Senator I have really wished played for us....oh yah and Heatley...

02-06-2009, 10:10 PM

Aaron Downy

02-06-2009, 10:11 PM
Tulsa Oilers
