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02-02-2009, 11:31 PM
...a Keith Eickert 14 quart oil pan falls off the shelf and hits your foot when you are wearing sandals????

im thinking law suit because there was no disclaimer warning me?!? LOL

02-02-2009, 11:32 PM

02-02-2009, 11:32 PM
day 2

02-02-2009, 11:33 PM
day 3

02-02-2009, 11:34 PM
its starting to hurt a little

02-02-2009, 11:34 PM
When are you going to take a drill or needle to it?

02-02-2009, 11:35 PM
...a Keith Eickert 14 quart oil pan falls off the shelf and hits your foot when you are wearing sandals????

im thinking law suit because there was no disclaimer warning me?!? LOL

I'd sue the guy that put the sandals on you...:seeya:

Just kidding. That looks like it hurt.

02-02-2009, 11:35 PM
When are you going to take a drill or needle to it?

Make sure you get that on film and post it here

02-02-2009, 11:36 PM
i have put three holes in it

02-02-2009, 11:37 PM
I'd sue the guy that put the sandals on you...:seeya:

Just kidding. That looks like it hurt.

as i put the sandal on to walk thru the garage i thought for a moment "this isnt safe" to late now!!!

02-02-2009, 11:37 PM

did it release any pressure?

02-02-2009, 11:38 PM
as i put the sandal on to walk thru the garage i thought for a moment "this isnt safe" to late now!!!

Instincts are usually correct

02-02-2009, 11:40 PM
should be healed by boating season

02-02-2009, 11:40 PM

did it release any pressure?

ya a little but it keeps closing and building back up.

hey can i ask you a technical question about a merc oil cooler??

02-02-2009, 11:42 PM
ya a little but it keeps closing and building back up.

hey can i ask you a technical question about a merc oil cooler??


02-02-2009, 11:46 PM

does this look like normal corrosion? it looks like some corrosion on the down tubes that house the oil? anything to be concerned about??

02-02-2009, 11:52 PM
ouch =(

02-02-2009, 11:57 PM
I can't really say. Different areas have different mineral contents. You should be able to pressure check them or have them checked at an old school radiator shop. There are supposed to be anodes in that housing to protect against corrosion. Coolers are $455 on Bam site.

You can find it on the flywheel housing page


Number 26 is the zinc plug

02-03-2009, 12:05 AM
thanks im taking them this week for a pressure test but i cant tell if it is rust or if its common to have deposits like that? ive not seen any water in the oil but dont want to have that problem down the line

02-03-2009, 12:08 AM
thanks im taking them this week for a pressure test but i cant tell if it is rust or if its common to have deposits like that? ive not seen any water in the oil but dont want to have that problem down the line

$455, to be sure instead of guessing, on a $20k+ engine seems like good insurance

02-03-2009, 12:09 AM
$455, to be sure instead of guessing, on a $20k+ engine seems like good insurance

probably really good advice thx

02-03-2009, 12:12 AM
It is hard to tell from the pix. I have seen them erode. There is much at stake as you know. You can take a soft brass brush to them to see if the stuff comes off and see if any erosion has occurred.

JJ Apache
02-03-2009, 09:55 AM
This is my area of expertise (hair, skin, nails). The fluid building up contains bacteria.You have an infection building up. you don't want it to go through the blood. Some of the dead nail needs to be trimmed away, and properly drained. (heard the drainage can come out like a shot from a gun). Best to have it tended by a doc,it's going to get BLACK, and be very painful, and you need a pain & anti- biotic. It may take 7-8 mos for nail to grow back. I took MY toenail off when I was 7, playing with an umbrella, thumping it on the floor, with the LONG pointy metal part. It all depends on the medulla of the nail.(white half moon at the base of nail, where new growth starts)
Hope it feels better soon.

02-03-2009, 11:18 AM
Did it damage the oil pan? :D

02-03-2009, 11:26 AM
The outsides aren't corroding. It's nothing more than deposits from the minerals in the water you're running in. bead blast them and check the surface for flaws or erosion.

I made up a quick fitting to flush & test coolers. It connects to the 1" water hose at the shop. If I don't get strong outflow, they're gone.

You can pressure test them yourself with an air hose and a regulator. Set the regulator for 50% over your max oil pressure. I slide them into a 6" dia section of steel pipe. If they pop, you can get hurt. Never get close to them when pressurized with air.

02-03-2009, 11:41 AM
Did it damage the oil pan? :D

That is the important question......


02-03-2009, 12:59 PM
I did the same thing to my big toe about 10 years ago. Working at Lowes at the time and had a bifold closet door come out of the box and land on my foot. Literaly the one day I wasn't wearing steel toes because I was heading to the river straight from work. It bled through my sock and the toe of my Nike while the customer was still asking dumb azz questions about the door. The nail still isn't right....

02-03-2009, 02:25 PM
update on the oil pan! its fine, my toe seemed to break the fall....

toe has drained all day, i have been on a strict workout schedule for the last month and today is the first day i have not done my morning cardio because its hurting to bad.

thanks for the info chris!!

Knot 4 Me
02-03-2009, 03:47 PM
Ouch! Could have been worse...pan could have been full of oil! :ack2: Hope it gets better soon.

02-03-2009, 04:51 PM
If you have some of that stuff for a tooth ache you can use it as a local anesthetic via the drain hole

02-03-2009, 05:05 PM
If you have some of that stuff for a tooth ache you can use it as a local anesthetic via the drain hole

EEwwwwww........that just sound painfull! :ack2::ack2:

02-03-2009, 05:18 PM
well it's jel and works

02-03-2009, 05:21 PM
But yeah stings for a second

02-03-2009, 05:23 PM
I'm sure it works...........but it can;t be fun!

02-03-2009, 06:17 PM
did the same thing yearssssssssssss ago... dropped a 40# concrete block on my big toe... dammm that hurt..... anyways tried to forget about it, went to sleep and woke up at 2 am in immense pain, went to ER and they drilled a hole and the blood hit the ceiling from so much pressure, and this was less than 10 hours after it happened.... sure felt better.... bone was broken also so they popsicle sticked it with tape for 6 weeks.... took about 6-8 months for nail to heal and the toe still ain't right to this day...

02-03-2009, 08:49 PM
never did the big toe but I have made both my baby toe's look like thumbs 90* .....just tape and wait, get well soon

02-03-2009, 09:13 PM
I guess Il throw my dumbass attack story in. One time I was welding some bolster frames while wearing flip flops (dont bother..) At one point I stood up, turned and took a step right into a fresh cut edge of the other frame. It pretty much ripped the whole inside of my big toe, nail and all wide open. God damn did that hurt.

02-03-2009, 10:56 PM
As a medical professional with well over a decade of treating trauma, both minor and major, my professional medical advice is to not drop things on your foot again.
a. it hurts
b. it causes damage

pain and damage are things to avoid, so is hopping on one foot screaming GOD DAMN MUTHERFUKIN SON OF A B!TCH IT FUKING HURTS!! so loud that the dog hides under the bed and wont come out for a week.

I may not be from Jersey, but I can promise you this, if you do not listen to me, there will be pain in your future.

02-04-2009, 01:16 AM
ok... this is the single most worst thing i have ever done to my foot at this point in my life. ive had some pretty bad pains in my life but this has proven to be the top on the list on foot injuries for me. its drained some weird bloody fluid for the last 4 days and i have now ruined 3 pairs of socks... the pain is sharp when i walk but throbbing when im sitting. i spend about 12 hours a day on my feet and about 2 hours of desk time. the only shoes that fit halfway comfortably are my yard shoes (old white nike that stained a weird greenish brown color) ive got some very important business meeting the next few days (hope they like my shoes).... damn this hurts!

02-04-2009, 01:42 AM
Serosanguineous drainage. take tylenol, not aspirin. ice untill it stops building pressure than moist heat/warmth. if it's swollen hard, not squishy you need to see a doc, as you may be developing compartment syndrome in your toe, and without intervention you will loose it.

fund razor
02-04-2009, 07:19 AM
I did the big toe once... but I don't wear flip flops. It was tennis shoe versus the corner of a monitor speaker loading out from a bar gig at 3am. Ended up losing the nail. It did grow back and everything. It was odd having the nail slowly grow back over the flesh part.

I just don't do flip flops. The youngsters that came along after me seem to like them. I knew some guys who wore them out. (Not boating, not in the shower or around the pool) Out at the bar. In the city. I didn't get it.

Hope that you heal up quickly. I hear that when you are on roids, and you stop working out, you get fat. :D :D

(It's a joke, he is not on roids.)

02-04-2009, 09:33 AM
I did the big toe once... but I don't wear flip flops. It was tennis shoe versus the corner of a monitor speaker loading out from a bar gig at 3am. Ended up losing the nail. It did grow back and everything. It was odd having the nail slowly grow back over the flesh part.

I just don't do flip flops. The youngsters that came along after me seem to like them. I knew some guys who wore them out. (Not boating, not in the shower or around the pool) Out at the bar. In the city. I didn't get it.

Hope that you heal up quickly. I hear that when you are on roids, and you stop working out, you get fat. :D :D

(It's a joke, he is not on roids.)

i wear flip flops everywhere, usually wear them till first snow. they are the ultimate shoe to make sure you dont get ****ed over by your friends when you pass out. there is a good chance they will fall off!

02-04-2009, 11:45 AM

its funny cause i get asked questions like that all the time. i think the key to that statement is "stop working out". rather you use steroids or not you will probably gain substantial fat if you stop working out.

but the #1 thing to make someone "fat" is what is being put in their mouth and not lack of chemical in the muscle.

i had a nutritionist when i was competitively bodybuilding and he always told me "there are no fat people in concentration camps" sounds harsh but its very true...

it would be cool if we had chris organize a SOS weight loss challenge...

fund razor
02-04-2009, 11:55 AM
I want to drop about 20 pounds so the first thing that that I am doing is not cardio, but starting to lift again. I need the regained muscle mass to burn calories for me. :D

02-04-2009, 12:05 PM
I want to drop about 20 pounds so the first thing that that I am doing is not cardio, but starting to lift again. I need the regained muscle mass to burn calories for me. :D

bad idea! the added muscle will not burn enough calories to make any difference...

i could make a suggestion for you if ya want

fund razor
02-04-2009, 12:50 PM
bad idea! the added muscle will not burn enough calories to make any difference...

i could make a suggestion for you if ya want
But I won't look as fat.

Ok... as long as the suggestion is not to cut off my head... I'll bite. You are a professional. I am curious.
Other ideas were to switch to water from all other beverages and cut down on drinking alcohol. I'll bet that I get a thousand extra calories a day that way.

02-04-2009, 12:54 PM
12 ounce curls are not considered lifting.

fund razor
02-04-2009, 01:17 PM
12 ounce curls are not considered lifting.
This is my rationale for drinking pints. :sifone:

02-04-2009, 01:17 PM
But I won't look as fat.

Ok... as long as the suggestion is not to cut off my head... I'll bite. You are a professional. I am curious.
Other ideas were to switch to water from all other beverages and cut down on drinking alcohol. I'll bet that I get a thousand extra calories a day that way.

I lost 25-30lbs by cutting soda down to 1 per day from 3 or 4 and drinking water the rest of the day. Made a huge difference in the way I felt too....

Also switched to Diet Red Bull and Vodka. :cheers2:

fund razor
02-04-2009, 01:19 PM
If you figure at least a hundred calories per soda... that could be a couple thousand calories a week.

02-04-2009, 01:47 PM
do you have access to a gym or health club?

02-04-2009, 01:51 PM
wrap a shamwow around your toe.......

02-04-2009, 01:54 PM
day 3


fund razor
02-04-2009, 02:07 PM
do you have access to a gym or health club?
I used to belong to Bally, but do not have a membership anymore. I do have a stationary bike, some good free weights, and a wieder machine for presses, butterflies, reverses etc.

For cardio... I have a really big yard and a really small mower. In the winter... two driveways and a small shovel. :D

02-04-2009, 02:16 PM
how serious are you about losing the weight? btw thats not considered cardio

fund razor
02-04-2009, 02:22 PM
how serious are you about losing the weight? btw thats not considered cardio

I am serious. Although I was kidding about the cardio.
I am 42, tall, and weigh 245-250 when I could easily weigh 225. I would feel much better and probably live longer.
I do lose weight fairly easily when I put effort in.

02-04-2009, 03:11 PM
well we need to find a program that will work with your lifestyle

how would something like this work for you?

upper body
20 min cardio

40 min cardio

lower body
20 min cardio


40 min cardio

and you diet has to change

02-04-2009, 03:14 PM
wrap a shamwow around your toe.......

it would prolly suck all the blood out of me! thats what the tv ad says anyway

02-04-2009, 03:20 PM
you ever shoveled a 2 foot snow dump of wet snow from 2500 sq ft of driveway? Try it sometime and tell me its "not cardio" .

It almost as hard on the ticker as getting a 500lb snowmobile unstuck in 4 feet of snow which I would think counts as weight lifting too. :)

fund razor
02-04-2009, 03:21 PM
well we need to find a program that will work with your lifestyle

how would something like this work for you?

upper body
20 min cardio

40 min cardio

lower body
20 min cardio


40 min cardio

and you diet has to change

Ok... so what do you consider cardio? Would fast stationary bike with some resistance be enough, assuming that my heart rate increased 50% and was sustained?
My diet does have to change. We eat too much carbs and too much fats at my house.

02-04-2009, 03:21 PM
If you're over 40, there's only one strategy that works.

Stop hammering the carbs.

Don't eat anything after 7 PM.

Get off your ass.

Beer is the absolute worst- it's liquid bread. Maybe the best rule of thumb is this- if it tastes really good and you really like it, it's probably not doing you any favors diet-wise. I've eaten in alot of really amazing places and not once have I ever heard anyone raving about how great the carrots were.

02-04-2009, 03:28 PM
you ever shoveled a 2 foot snow dump of wet snow from 2500 sq ft of driveway? Try it sometime and tell me its "not cardio" .

It almost as hard on the ticker as getting a 500lb snowmobile unstuck in 4 feet of snow which I would think counts as weight lifting too. :)

I used to think that too- until I spent some time talking to an exercise physiologist. Everyone has an ideal range. And everyone's is different. It's about finding that range and sustaining it on an ongoing, repetitive basis. And if you do go out and hammer away at some arduous task, popping 3 beers and a bag of Cheetos while you catch your breath nullifies the whole thing.

Bottom line- the only thing that works is permanent, sustainable lifestyle change. That's why few people dump 30 lbs and stay there. If they drop the weight and then feel the need to take a break or reward themselves, they'd have been better off dropping 10 and adapting to that lifestyle, then trying for another 10. Yo yo weight swings are very bad for you.

02-04-2009, 03:36 PM
Ok... so what do you consider cardio? Would fast stationary bike with some resistance be enough, assuming that my heart rate increased 50% and was sustained?
My diet does have to change. We eat too much carbs and too much fats at my house.

i define cardio for you (42 yo male) workouts as; your heart rate should stay at 145 bpm for the entire alotted time... there can be a little variation up or down but that is where you should see the maximum amount of fat cells released for energy... \

i would like you to go buy a book called (the Glycemic revolution) its a great book that will show you what are good and bad carbs and is full of recipes and meal examples...

you really need to have something that is going to motivate you to stick to the program... do you have any reason to lose the weight? other than certian early death!!!

02-04-2009, 03:37 PM
Ok... so what do you consider cardio? Would fast stationary bike with some resistance be enough, assuming that my heart rate increased 50% and was sustained?
My diet does have to change. We eat too much carbs and too much fats at my house.

Buy an eliptical, you can pick up a good slightly used one for pennies off of Craigslist. Set it up in your basement where your laptop is at eye level so you can watch boat vids, buy a few Offspring and Prodigy CD's and have at it. My/ Donzi's eleptical has a beer holder built into it.:26:

02-04-2009, 03:41 PM
you ever shoveled a 2 foot snow dump of wet snow from 2500 sq ft of driveway? Try it sometime and tell me its "not cardio" .

It almost as hard on the ticker as getting a 500lb snowmobile unstuck in 4 feet of snow which I would think counts as weight lifting too. :)

unfortuantly airpacker that IS NOT cardio... its considered work. its not a good way to burn excess fat and there are much better ways to burn fat than shoveling a driveway for 2 hours. what would you do the next day when there is no snow???

02-04-2009, 03:54 PM
chris is exactly right about the lifestyle change!

that book is a great way to learn to live a different lifestlyle and it all has to do with the carbs you eat. for example... at my house we ONLY eat pumpernickle bread. it has the lowest GI index and has a lot less chance as storing as fat. its really good bread too. small changes in you life like that will make a huge difference

unfortunaly tho... we all usually eat past 7 and cant change that. its what you eat past 7 will make the differance. im not a big sopporter of denying yourself meals after a time of the day. it doesnt seem to have a lasting lifestyle effect and most will resort to gorging becuase they starve themselves .

02-04-2009, 04:18 PM
i define cardio for you (42 yo male) workouts as; your heart rate should stay at 145 bpm for the entire alotted time... there can be a little variation up or down but that is where you should see the maximum amount of fat cells released for energy... \

i would like you to go buy a book called (the Glycemic revolution) its a great book that will show you what are good and bad carbs and is full of recipes and meal examples...

you really need to have something that is going to motivate you to stick to the program... do you have any reason to lose the weight? other than certian early death!!!

This is good advice. I am in the loose some weight mode now also. Since Jan 1 I have last just shy of 20lbs. I have greatly reduced my carb intake, and have been spending 30 min a day 5 days a week on the stationary bike. I know I can do more, but this is all new to me. I just ordered this book from Amazon for $6.49 delivered. Thanks for the info, and more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

02-04-2009, 04:32 PM
This is good advice. I am in the loose some weight mode now also. Since Jan 1 I have last just shy of 20lbs. I have greatly reduced my carb intake, and have been spending 30 min a day 5 days a week on the stationary bike. I know I can do more, but this is all new to me. I just ordered this book from Amazon for $6.49 delivered. Thanks for the info, and more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

20 pounds!!!?? that is awesome!! man i wish i could get those results out of everyone i help..

sounds to me like you are on a great start... i think the key to you keeping on a successful program is to keep you learning new things and ideas to not get bored with it.

first thing i would tell you to do is start varying you cardio now. you body is smart enough to realize you are going to do the same amount every day and will not release as much fat as your body gets into better shape. i like to trick my own body with a consestant change in my cardio programs. do you like to do any resistance traing??

02-04-2009, 04:37 PM
20 pounds!!!?? that is awesome!! man i wish i could get those results out of everyone i help..

sounds to me like you are on a great start... i think the key to you keeping on a successful program is to keep you learning new things and ideas to not get bored with it.

first thing i would tell you to do is start varying you cardio now. you body is smart enough to realize you are going to do the same amount every day and will not release as much fat as your body gets into better shape. i like to trick my own body with a consestant change in my cardio programs. do you like to do any resistance traing??

I have lost 20lbs, but have a way to go. I am 5'10" and weigh right at 245 now. I am new to this whole working out thing, so I don't have an answer for that. I am open to trying new things. What would you suggest?

02-04-2009, 04:42 PM
I have lost 20lbs, but have a way to go. I am 5'10" and weigh right at 245 now. I am new to this whole working out thing, so I don't have an answer for that. I am open to trying new things. What would you suggest?

well do you have a weight set or access to a gym? i would suggest a minimum of 3 days wieght traing to see the best results. but a simple resistance training program can be easlily added to a cardio workout if ya have about 10 extra min and it goes back to the basics.

02-04-2009, 04:56 PM
well do you have a weight set or access to a gym? i would suggest a minimum of 3 days wieght traing to see the best results. but a simple resistance training program can be easlily added to a cardio workout if ya have about 10 extra min and it goes back to the basics.

No weights, but I think my next step will be to join the local gym. I don't mind dedicating the time. I just really want to loose the weight. What do you think would be a reasonable goal?

fund razor
02-04-2009, 05:00 PM
There is a lot of good advice here.

If I could eat at 5pm instead of starting to cook dinner at 7pm, that would be good.

I eat mostly whole grain bread but eat the white stuff when the girls buy it. I could eat pumpernickle. No prob. I can definately get off of my azz more too. Winter is tough for that up here. A cheap eliptical could be a good idea. I can definately step away from the beer, assuming that I can at least have some occasional liquor.

I'll bet that if I commit to a half hour of some cardio every day I would feel a lot better and not be fat.

My motivation? I am tired of being fat around the middle. I know that it is bad for me, my 75 year old father is much more healthy than me. He works out every day and has since he was in his 30s. I would look so much better in my shirts and ties without the spare tire. And, my belly would not lap over my belt. Which I hate. I guess I really want to do this before I get any older and it gets any harder. 43rd birthday is coming up. I don't want to think about heart disease quite yet. But if I don't change some things, I could be the next Tim Russert. I want to feel better. Looking better would be a bonus.

02-04-2009, 05:10 PM
No weights, but I think my next step will be to join the local gym. I don't mind dedicating the time. I just really want to loose the weight. What do you think would be a reasonable goal?

i think at this point joining a gym would be the most benifical thing you could do...

sounds to me you have already reached a great first goal! i would set yourself another 20 pound goal and take the steps to acheive that goal.

thats great you are looking for goals because that will give you something to strive for

02-04-2009, 05:21 PM
i think at this point joining a gym would be the most benifical thing you could do...

sounds to me you have already reached a great first goal! i would set yourself another 20 pound goal and take the steps to acheive that goal.

thats great you are looking for goals because that will give you something to strive for

I am also worried I am loosing the weight to fast. What is a good pace for weigth loss?

02-04-2009, 05:21 PM
There is a lot of good advice here.

If I could eat at 5pm instead of starting to cook dinner at 7pm, that would be good.

I eat mostly whole grain bread but eat the white stuff when the girls buy it. I could eat pumpernickle. No prob. I can definately get off of my azz more too. Winter is tough for that up here. A cheap eliptical could be a good idea. I can definately step away from the beer, assuming that I can at least have some occasional liquor.

I'll bet that if I commit to a half hour of some cardio every day I would feel a lot better and not be fat.

My motivation? I am tired of being fat around the middle. I know that it is bad for me, my 75 year old father is much more healthy than me. He works out every day and has since he was in his 30s. I would look so much better in my shirts and ties without the spare tire. And, my belly would not lap over my belt. Which I hate. I guess I really want to do this before I get any older and it gets any harder. 43rd birthday is coming up. I don't want to think about heart disease quite yet. But if I don't change some things, I could be the next Tim Russert. I want to feel better. Looking better would be a bonus.

fund its great you are recognizing what you need to do to be a more heathly. its unfortunate that a lot of people dont get that chance and die way to early in life.

buy that book! whole grain is not that great and in certian cases can be worse...

if you need anything just hit me up and i will help you get started in the right direction. heres my thing tho!! i will not help anyone who doesnt take it seriously. my time is way to important and i have way better things to do than help people who are lazy and want me to do all the work for them.

i hope and expect to hear from you soon...

02-04-2009, 05:26 PM
I am also worried I am loosing the weight to fast. What is a good pace for weigth loss?

to fast??? i dont really see that being a problem, unless you are 80 pounds and losing a pound a day. i dont think Anorexia and Beleamia are something you dont have to worry about for awile.

to answer the question...

its all relative to who it is and in your case i think that its about right

02-04-2009, 06:18 PM
Heres a question for ya. I just turned 45 a couple days ago. I am 6 foot even, weigh 190 and have been that weight give or take a couple pounds for over 20 yrs. Wear a size 34 wais pant and have ever since college days. Can't grab much more than an inch of flab around the middle any where really. I do avoid soda ( or pop as we call it) and drink mostly water, a half quart of 2% moo moo juice, 2 coffees per day and beer ( usually only weekends ) but, I am sure my chosen diet is probably "bad" for me. Lots of dead animals, ( mainly chicken) occasional junk food but not too often, lots of indian and carribean type spicy foods, sushi, rice and lots o veggies too. I only eat twice per day, once around 10am and then dinner anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30 at night mon to fri. Weekends are a little better, 2 or 3 meals per day at more "normal times" although there are days when I just don't bother eating until dinner time because I just am not hungry. ( is that screwed or what)

My question is this, at what age will I wake up and look like Homer Simpson? :)

No, seriously, I have noticed a little beer belly starting although it doesn't really seem to be fat as per say, just the abs getting lazy? Definately not a go to the gym type person. Work 12 to 14 hrs a day and sometimes longer and have a family at home that still likes to see me from time to time so dedicating gym time just doesn't add up for me.

What good and effective home excercises could you recommend to bring the stomach muscles back into shape? Sit ups, crunches type stuff or are there more efficient programs that I could do?

fund razor
02-04-2009, 06:59 PM
fund its great you are recognizing what you need to do to be a more heathly. its unfortunate that a lot of people dont get that chance and die way to early in life.

buy that book! whole grain is not that great and in certian cases can be worse...

if you need anything just hit me up and i will help you get started in the right direction. heres my thing tho!! i will not help anyone who doesnt take it seriously. my time is way to important and i have way better things to do than help people who are lazy and want me to do all the work for them.

i hope and expect to hear from you soon...
That is very cool of you. I am interested in that book. My dad had a book in the 80s called "the sugar blues" or something like that. Probably a similar take on the types of energy and how each is burned vs stored. I will check it out. I won't waste your time, but it is kind of good that I have said it out loud because now you will call me on it if I drop the ball. It is easier to tell myself that I will start getting busy tomorrow than to tell you that I haven't started yet.
That's funny... the whole hijack started because you were having trouble getting your fit on with that toe. So... something good came of it. Whoo hoo.

Thanks for the input. The only other advice that I have had lately was from Wii fit. And it said I was overweight but my fit age was only 37. I credit sea legs on that whole balancing thing. :D

02-04-2009, 07:11 PM
Fund, (and anyone else who has met me) I guess I have NO place in this thread at this point, aside from to participate in the Hi-Jack.

I'm 5'11" ~160
I don't have to worry at all about what I eat, and drink plenty of beer - albeit light beer. I don't work out, and I've been basically a desk jockey for the past 6 years.

I have gone through the losing the toenail thing more than once though.
Back in my construction years, it was just bound to happen every few years if not wearing steel toes.

fund razor
02-04-2009, 07:47 PM
Fund, (and anyone else who has met me) I guess I have NO place in this thread at this point, aside from to participate in the Hi-Jack.

I'm 5'11" ~160
I don't have to worry at all about what I eat, and drink plenty of beer - albeit light beer. I don't work out, and I've been basically a desk jockey for the past 6 years.

Tim belongs to the Marlboro Health and Fitness Club. :sifone:

02-04-2009, 08:01 PM
Heres a question for ya. I just turned 45 a couple days ago. I am 6 foot even, weigh 190 and have been that weight give or take a couple pounds for over 20 yrs. Wear a size 34 wais pant and have ever since college days. Can't grab much more than an inch of flab around the middle any where really. I do avoid soda ( or pop as we call it) and drink mostly water, a half quart of 2% moo moo juice, 2 coffees per day and beer ( usually only weekends ) but, I am sure my chosen diet is probably "bad" for me. Lots of dead animals, ( mainly chicken) occasional junk food but not too often, lots of indian and carribean type spicy foods, sushi, rice and lots o veggies too. I only eat twice per day, once around 10am and then dinner anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30 at night mon to fri. Weekends are a little better, 2 or 3 meals per day at more "normal times" although there are days when I just don't bother eating until dinner time because I just am not hungry. ( is that screwed or what)

My question is this, at what age will I wake up and look like Homer Simpson? :)

No, seriously, I have noticed a little beer belly starting although it doesn't really seem to be fat as per say, just the abs getting lazy? Definately not a go to the gym type person. Work 12 to 14 hrs a day and sometimes longer and have a family at home that still likes to see me from time to time so dedicating gym time just doesn't add up for me.

What good and effective home excercises could you recommend to bring the stomach muscles back into shape? Sit ups, crunches type stuff or are there more efficient programs that I could do?

well mr air packer...

sounds to me like you have a pretty healthy lifestyle and maybe just a few tweaks to help you live a little healthier than you already are..

no soda... great!
milk... even better
beer... even at two a day is not unhealthy but could be the source of your belly! is it light beer??

your diet seems good and best of all it seems to work for you, if i could suggest a healthy snack in between your two meals it would be yogurt, nuts, or something containing fiber seems to be about all the input i could add without more research into you.

its sounds like your every day life is relatively active and a gym may not be the best way to change your lifestyle. i am by no means a person that says you have to go to the gym to be healthy...

However your abdominal fat is something to be concerned about...

a lot of people dont realize that fat does not only store under your skin but in some people (men) it stores in your abdomin. This fat is a serious sign of some underlying problems that could occur in your near future (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes) studies show that people who store fat inside their abdomen tend to have a higher rate of heart disease than people who don’t.

The problem with your stomach is a little different than most people realize...
The reason your stomach has started to pooch out is because the tendon that runs down the center of your stomach has started to relax or stretch. this causes your stomach to have a pouched look. althought you can only grab an inch on your skin, you are storing fat inside your guts. what relaxes this tendon??? well it can be several things... alcohol is a huge reason a lot of men have large stomachs. Alcohol tends to speed up the relaxing of this tendon and lets the abdominal muscle fall to each side while the added fat in the abdominal pushes this further and further out. This abdominal (intestinal) fat can NOT be burned off by crunches.

will crunches help?? yes but its not a miracle solution.

here is my suggestion to you...

after listening to your lifestyle I would encourage you to do one thing!! and you can do it with your family or wife (who likes you)

when you wake up first thing in the morning before a shower or breakfast....

go for a walk....

your hormone levels are at their peak when you wake in the morning and there is no food in your stomach for an energy source. simply take a morning walk with you wife and enjoy your time together. it could make a huge difference in your daily calorie expenditure and will certainly make a big dent in that belly of yours... then go about your day as you have for the last 20 years

that’s my advise for what its worth :)

oh and then go to Wal-Mart and buy an exercise ball... they come with instructions and can be the best ab workout in your life... and they are only abou 10 bucks or i can send you one for 7 dollars plus shipping i buy them in cases

good luck and feel free to ask any more advice


02-04-2009, 08:13 PM
Tim belongs to the Marlboro Health and Fitness Club. :sifone:

Marlboro Light Health and Fitness Club.:sifone:
I still have this pesky high BP thing that I need to look into after things settle down around here - or should I say out West.

02-05-2009, 09:01 AM
well mr air packer...

sounds to me like you have a pretty healthy lifestyle and maybe just a few tweaks to help you live a little healthier than you already are..

no soda... great!
milk... even better
beer... even at two a day is not unhealthy but could be the source of your belly! is it light beer??

your diet seems good and best of all it seems to work for you, if i could suggest a healthy snack in between your two meals it would be yogurt, nuts, or something containing fiber seems to be about all the input i could add without more research into you.

its sounds like your every day life is relatively active and a gym may not be the best way to change your lifestyle. i am by no means a person that says you have to go to the gym to be healthy...

However your abdominal fat is something to be concerned about...

a lot of people dont realize that fat does not only store under your skin but in some people (men) it stores in your abdomin. This fat is a serious sign of some underlying problems that could occur in your near future (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes) studies show that people who store fat inside their abdomen tend to have a higher rate of heart disease than people who don’t.

The problem with your stomach is a little different than most people realize...
The reason your stomach has started to pooch out is because the tendon that runs down the center of your stomach has started to relax or stretch. this causes your stomach to have a pouched look. althought you can only grab an inch on your skin, you are storing fat inside your guts. what relaxes this tendon??? well it can be several things... alcohol is a huge reason a lot of men have large stomachs. Alcohol tends to speed up the relaxing of this tendon and lets the abdominal muscle fall to each side while the added fat in the abdominal pushes this further and further out. This abdominal (intestinal) fat can NOT be burned off by crunches.

will crunches help?? yes but its not a miracle solution.

here is my suggestion to you...

after listening to your lifestyle I would encourage you to do one thing!! and you can do it with your family or wife (who likes you)

when you wake up first thing in the morning before a shower or breakfast....

go for a walk....

your hormone levels are at their peak when you wake in the morning and there is no food in your stomach for an energy source. simply take a morning walk with you wife and enjoy your time together. it could make a huge difference in your daily calorie expenditure and will certainly make a big dent in that belly of yours... then go about your day as you have for the last 20 years

that’s my advise for what its worth :)

oh and then go to Wal-Mart and buy an exercise ball... they come with instructions and can be the best ab workout in your life... and they are only abou 10 bucks or i can send you one for 7 dollars plus shipping i buy them in cases

good luck and feel free to ask any more advice


Hmm, interesting info Andy. Unfortunately, my day starts at 530 am. A morning walk right now would definately be a solo thing and friggin cold too. It was minus 27 celcius at 530 this am. Hard to believe that anything could "burn" in that temp :)

My day is spent about 80% on my feet either reaching up or bending over which is why I suspect my back muscles are strong and then some. Too bad I don't have to bend over backwards a couple hundred times a day or I would probably have a 12 pack for abs. :(

So, the fat is on the iside huh. Guess I'll have to work on that then.

Funny you bring up the excercise ball. I had read recently about the rising number of broken wrists from "ball falls" and then yesterday, my daughters 12 yr old best friend fell off her moms and broke her wrist.

Having already gone thur a reconstruction of my right wrist that involved bone grafts etc, I am kinda leary about thse things.

Any other ( safer ) suggestions?

02-05-2009, 09:14 AM
Cold weather is an excellent time to lose weight. Your body burns mega calories just trying to stay warm.

02-05-2009, 11:25 AM
well mr air packer...

sounds to me like you have a pretty healthy lifestyle and maybe just a few tweaks to help you live a little healthier than you already are..

no soda... great!
milk... even better
beer... even at two a day is not unhealthy but could be the source of your belly! is it light beer??

your diet seems good and best of all it seems to work for you, if i could suggest a healthy snack in between your two meals it would be yogurt, nuts, or something containing fiber seems to be about all the input i could add without more research into you.

its sounds like your every day life is relatively active and a gym may not be the best way to change your lifestyle. i am by no means a person that says you have to go to the gym to be healthy...

However your abdominal fat is something to be concerned about...

a lot of people dont realize that fat does not only store under your skin but in some people (men) it stores in your abdomin. This fat is a serious sign of some underlying problems that could occur in your near future (heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes) studies show that people who store fat inside their abdomen tend to have a higher rate of heart disease than people who don’t.

The problem with your stomach is a little different than most people realize...
The reason your stomach has started to pooch out is because the tendon that runs down the center of your stomach has started to relax or stretch. this causes your stomach to have a pouched look. althought you can only grab an inch on your skin, you are storing fat inside your guts. what relaxes this tendon??? well it can be several things... alcohol is a huge reason a lot of men have large stomachs. Alcohol tends to speed up the relaxing of this tendon and lets the abdominal muscle fall to each side while the added fat in the abdominal pushes this further and further out. This abdominal (intestinal) fat can NOT be burned off by crunches.

will crunches help?? yes but its not a miracle solution.

here is my suggestion to you...

after listening to your lifestyle I would encourage you to do one thing!! and you can do it with your family or wife (who likes you)

when you wake up first thing in the morning before a shower or breakfast....

go for a walk....

your hormone levels are at their peak when you wake in the morning and there is no food in your stomach for an energy source. simply take a morning walk with you wife and enjoy your time together. it could make a huge difference in your daily calorie expenditure and will certainly make a big dent in that belly of yours... then go about your day as you have for the last 20 years

that’s my advise for what its worth :)

oh and then go to Wal-Mart and buy an exercise ball... they come with instructions and can be the best ab workout in your life... and they are only abou 10 bucks or i can send you one for 7 dollars plus shipping i buy them in cases

good luck and feel free to ask any more advice



That ball things sounds interesting. I think I will go pick one up. One more question for you if you don't mind. I have been eating breakfast before I ride my bike every morning. Is this wrong, should I exercise before I eat?


02-05-2009, 11:29 AM
Hmm, interesting info Andy. Unfortunately, my day starts at 530 am. A morning walk right now would definately be a solo thing and friggin cold too. It was minus 27 celcius at 530 this am. Hard to believe that anything could "burn" in that temp :)

My day is spent about 80% on my feet either reaching up or bending over which is why I suspect my back muscles are strong and then some. Too bad I don't have to bend over backwards a couple hundred times a day or I would probably have a 12 pack for abs. :(

So, the fat is on the iside huh. Guess I'll have to work on that then.

Funny you bring up the excercise ball. I had read recently about the rising number of broken wrists from "ball falls" and then yesterday, my daughters 12 yr old best friend fell off her moms and broke her wrist.

Having already gone thur a reconstruction of my right wrist that involved bone grafts etc, I am kinda leary about thse things.

Any other ( safer ) suggestions?

nope... sounds to me like you are just looking for reason NOT to take my advice. for people like you, i advise to stop being so lazy. i see your exact case everyday and your arrogance is annoying to people like me who try to help. i didnt say you had to walk outside! buy a treadmill!!! you can afford a 100k boat but you cant buy a treadmill?? RIGHT!!! sounds to me like you are the lazy guy who thinks he does it all..

the ball is a great cheap way to learn some great abdominal exercises but if you act like a 12 year old and are going to break your wrist while you use it, then i would advise you to let your belly keep growing and be the fat lazy guy who cant walk or use a exercise ball.... truth hurts!

listen i dont care what you excuses are... but they are all just that! excuses!! i see people every day who have way more on their plate than you do and they seem to get it done. but it sounds like you are special!!!

im sorry you feel the need to find a problem with solutions? i fire any empoyees of mine who act like that because we dont have time for it in my business. instead of taking solid advice and building on it you would rather find reason you CANT do something. my employees and i are here to help people who CAN!! not cant...

the time you spent writing this useless post, you could have spent walking... shows me a lot

good luck

02-05-2009, 11:38 AM

That ball things sounds interesting. I think I will go pick one up. One more question for you if you don't mind. I have been eating breakfast before I ride my bike every morning. Is this wrong, should I exercise before I eat?


if you can... ALWAYS do cardio before you eat! you will burn way more fat.

heres an example... you body is like a top ( the toy you spun up on the floor and watched it till it stopped 5 min later) when you do cardio... you spin up your metabolism. and it takes time for your metabolism to spin back down(hours after your workout). so you are maximizing how much fat you burn during cardio and the best part is your body is burning calories for hours after. so if you eat after your cardio then the calories will be used more efficiently and should result in better fat lose...

hope this helps

02-05-2009, 12:15 PM
nope... sounds to me like you are just looking for reason NOT to take my advice. for people like you, i advise to stop being so lazy. i see your exact case everyday and your arrogance is annoying to people like me who try to help. i didnt say you had to walk outside! buy a treadmill!!! you can afford a 100k boat but you cant buy a treadmill?? RIGHT!!! sounds to me like you are the lazy guy who thinks he does it all..

the ball is a great cheap way to learn some great abdominal exercises but if you act like a 12 year old and are going to break your wrist while you use it, then i would advise you to let your belly keep growing and be the fat lazy guy who cant walk or use a exercise ball.... truth hurts!

listen i dont care what you excuses are... but they are all just that! excuses!! i see people every day who have way more on their plate than you do and they seem to get it done. but it sounds like you are special!!!

im sorry you feel the need to find a problem with solutions? i fire any empoyees of mine who act like that because we dont have time for it in my business. instead of taking solid advice and building on it you would rather find reason you CANT do something. my employees and i are here to help people who CAN!! not cant...

the time you spent writing this useless post, you could have spent walking... shows me a lot

good luck

WOW, that was a little harsh wasn't it? I don't recall saying that I don't want to take your advise. I don't recall posting that "I cant" and I'm not too sure where you get the idea that I am "lazy" either.

One thing no one has ever accused me of is being "lazy".

I was joking about the cold weather walking part. No way in hell my wife is going to get up at 4:30 am when its freezing out to walk with me. She doesn't like me that much :)The time part on the other hand BEFORE I start my day is no joke. 4:30 am start so I can walk before I go to work? Could I not achieve the same goals by walking AFTER work? Even if it meant for a longer period of time?

I do not know so I am asking about alternatives.

PS, running is out of the question. I have had 4 knee operations due to skiing incidents and there is NO cartiledge between the bones of my left knee.

No, I don't have a problem buying a treadmill. Not even sure where that comment came from.

As for the excercise ball, I was dead serious about my reservations. After having multiple very painful operations, spending 6 months in various casts, 12 months after that in therapy and still having a wrist that only partially flexes in three directions and hurts constantly, I am very cautious about what dangers I put that body part in. I make my living with my hands. I kinda need whats left of that wrist to stay intact.

Sorry you took my post so personally. It wasn't meant to pizz you off.


fund razor
02-05-2009, 01:08 PM
WOW, that was a little harsh wasn't it?
It's the steroids. :D :26: :biggrinjester:

This was like those weight loss shows were the former drill instructor tells washed up former actors that they need to try harder. :D

02-05-2009, 01:57 PM
Viper - I have lots and lots of excuses.... but I've also gained a lot of weight over the last few years :( My mistake is in simply being lazy. Tony can eat pretty much whatever he wants and stay skinny - I can't. Plus I stopped working out the more I traveled with work. Then, after I stopped traveling so much, it was out of my routine and I never got back into it.

Anyway - I'm trying to start again. I saw your recommendation for a week of working out for fund. Would that apply the same for me or do you recommend different intervals for girls?

02-05-2009, 02:04 PM
should be healed by boating season

I busted mine up like that in october.Nail fell off a week later. Still hasn't grown back. My big toe looks like the hunch back of ND :sifone: I heard it can take up to 6 months to grow back.

02-05-2009, 04:50 PM
WOW, that was a little harsh wasn't it? I don't recall saying that I don't want to take your advise. I don't recall posting that "I cant" and I'm not too sure where you get the idea that I am "lazy" either.

One thing no one has ever accused me of is being "lazy".

I was joking about the cold weather walking part. No way in hell my wife is going to get up at 4:30 am when its freezing out to walk with me. She doesn't like me that much :)The time part on the other hand BEFORE I start my day is no joke. 4:30 am start so I can walk before I go to work? Could I not achieve the same goals by walking AFTER work? Even if it meant for a longer period of time?

I do not know so I am asking about alternatives.

PS, running is out of the question. I have had 4 knee operations due to skiing incidents and there is NO cartiledge between the bones of my left knee.

No, I don't have a problem buying a treadmill. Not even sure where that comment came from.

As for the excercise ball, I was dead serious about my reservations. After having multiple very painful operations, spending 6 months in various casts, 12 months after that in therapy and still having a wrist that only partially flexes in three directions and hurts constantly, I am very cautious about what dangers I put that body part in. I make my living with my hands. I kinda need whats left of that wrist to stay intact.

Sorry you took my post so personally. It wasn't meant to pizz you off.



by no means did you pizz me off... i hope it did not come accross like im angry. i just take a no b.s. appoach to helping people. ive been helping people for a long time and dont play games with what will work and what wont work. i gave you 2 very simple solutions to your problem and you gave me excusses why you could not do them.

i just dont appreciate when im going out of my way to help you find solutions to your problems and you can not help me build you a program and you only want to say what you cant do. when you put me out there to answer your question about your problems and you choose to shut the door in my face then i refuse to help any more. i dont know what can be safer than the exercise ball. the only way someone could break their wrist using one would be to use it completely improperly.

i think at this point i would refer you to a physical therapist to help you with the disablities that you have becuase they seem a little more severe than what i need to be giving advise. im really not a physical therapist and i specialize in helping healthy people improve their life style.

good luck

ps the roids are getting to my head:D GRRRRRRR

02-05-2009, 05:01 PM
Viper - I have lots and lots of excuses.... but I've also gained a lot of weight over the last few years :( My mistake is in simply being lazy. Tony can eat pretty much whatever he wants and stay skinny - I can't. Plus I stopped working out the more I traveled with work. Then, after I stopped traveling so much, it was out of my routine and I never got back into it.

Anyway - I'm trying to start again. I saw your recommendation for a week of working out for fund. Would that apply the same for me or do you recommend different intervals for girls?


send me a pm with all your personal info... weight, height, age, very specific details about you personal life, any disabilites and DONT LIE becuase you are only cheating yourself if you do and i might have one of my very serious roid rages:sifone::sifone:

seriously tho your case will proabably be a little different so all that info would help

02-05-2009, 05:30 PM
.....im just gonna keep quiet on this one...:D

02-05-2009, 07:20 PM
.....im just gonna keep quiet on this one...:D

you are a smart man! :)

02-05-2009, 09:19 PM
.....im just gonna keep quiet on this one...:D

Good call. You've already told me today that the only reason you're coming to visit this weekend is to go to a gun show. I wouldn't make it any worse. :ack2:

JJ Apache
02-05-2009, 09:57 PM
So how much weight would you drop, if it was just a fianc'e??????hahahahahaha.. sorry dumb axx in axtion.......................:blush5:

JJ Apache
02-05-2009, 10:01 PM
DonziGirl, I guess this is the wrong place to ask about bread machines..............
Unless someone knows a healthy bread for a fussy honey...............

JJ Apache
02-05-2009, 10:07 PM
Viper.. I hope your pain goes away......Thats really not a laughing matter, and were all here for you. And, were listening to your great advice.

02-06-2009, 09:32 AM
So how much weight would you drop, if it was just a fianc'e??????hahahahahaha.. sorry dumb axx in axtion.......................:blush5:

?? Not sure I understand

02-06-2009, 09:33 AM
DonziGirl, I guess this is the wrong place to ask about bread machines..............
Unless someone knows a healthy bread for a fussy honey...............

Actually making your own bread can be healthier than buying at the store. There aren't as many preservatives in it.

What do you want to know about bread machines?

02-07-2009, 08:48 AM
chris is exactly right about the lifestyle change!

I was 208 in Key West. 1st pics I saw of myself I said like holy cow and went on a diet that day.

182 now just from eating better. 26LBS!! Actually eating much, much better but substainable as well since I still eat what I want like every few days vs every meal.

Banana and OJ vs 2 donuts and a soda. Once a week or so I'll still have a donut so not going without; just now it is a "treat" so to speak vs just some thing to eat.

I'm maxed out on how much I can lose on the diet thing- to lose more I have to burn more and I like laying around too much for that. Think I might buy a jet ski- that's kind of like a work out...