View Full Version : More and More Muscle Racing Video!

01-28-2009, 07:02 PM
The most recent addition to Muscle Racing Team's video "repertoire" is now on YouTube--a Travel Channel show that goes back a few years, but certainly captures the team in action. This "Love Muscle" video joins "This is Diamond Dave" and "Ocean Racer" which have enjoyed some play over the past few weeks. You can see all 3 videos by going to:

(Muscle Racing fans can also check in on Facebook and Twitter!)

If you like what you see, give Diamond Dave some good ratings and let him "feel the Love!" It's good to see offshore racing online--thanks to some great video by Jeff Gerardi from Freeze Frame and John Potts at American Powerboat TV.

You can also check out more racing at www.americanpowerboat.tv. Each racing body has its own channel and race teams can also have a video posted--thanks to Potts who put the site together. Contact him at cyberctc@aol.com to get your race team videos up! The TV show should be back on Fox Sports June-November--check your local listings for times.

01-28-2009, 08:07 PM
You can also check out more racing at www.americanpowerboat.tv. Each racing body has its own channel and race teams can also have a video posted--thanks to Potts who put the site together. Contact him at cyberctc@aol.com to get your race team videos up! The TV show should be back on Fox Sports June-November--check your local listings for times.

Great Job Marilyn,

That team section is perfect. Did you have a part in getting it added?
I hope others will take advantage of it.

01-29-2009, 11:32 AM
Another great video....its great to see that much info in a short video...D...great job....