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Cash Bar
01-03-2009, 04:46 PM

Can we get a collection up and send them over if ther REALLY want to help their brothers.

FYI- The building in the background is the Ft. Laud Federal Courthouse.



01-03-2009, 04:48 PM

Can we get a collection up and send them over if ther REALLY want to help their brothers.

Can't we save the plane trip cost and give them a vest bomb here to practice with?:)

01-03-2009, 07:17 PM
Thats scary stuff .....

01-03-2009, 07:38 PM

01-03-2009, 08:20 PM
Great place for a grenade!!

01-04-2009, 02:29 AM
Great place for a grenade!!

or 10

01-04-2009, 02:30 AM
maybe stectz can run them over with a garbage truck

01-04-2009, 08:42 AM
maybe stectz can run them over with a garbage truck

If he does, I'll personally come help him toss the remains in the back for the trip to the dump.:mad:

01-04-2009, 08:51 AM
some restaurant is missing a s h i t load of tablecloth's

01-04-2009, 09:23 AM
Well here is the first test for the new administration. what amazes me is people don't realize that Palestine is the one causing all the problems there, now that Arafat is gone the plo is like the cub scouts.... Gaza will be a rubble before this settles.

01-04-2009, 09:25 AM
Well here is the first test for the new administration. what amazes me is people don't realize that Palestine is the one causing all the problems there, now that Arafat is gone the plo is like the cub scouts.... Gaza will be a rubble before this settles.

You'd think it would be easy. "Don't shoot rockets at us from the autonomous regions you have and we won't drop bombs on you."

Just don't understand their reasoning and why they don't police themselves.

01-04-2009, 09:44 AM
I bet it was tough finding a Slurpee that afternoon.

Poking at the Israelis will yield them nothing more than opening the gates at the martyr factory- which is what they want anyway.

01-04-2009, 09:46 AM
one of em had on an obama hat, I noticed those hats only come in small sizes

01-04-2009, 10:04 AM
Yeah, I noticed the hat. They're going to be shocked by their boy Barry. Turns out he's not that liberal after all. He hauled ass running away from the left once he was elected. Based on his appointments so far, he's much more politician than idealist. That means he's going to be friends with Israel.

01-04-2009, 10:07 AM
Yeah, I noticed the hat. They're going to be shocked by their boy Barry. Turns out he's not that liberal after all. He hauled ass running away from the left once he was elected. Based on his appointments so far, he's much more politician than idealist. That means he's going to be friends with Israel.

I think his comment about(approximately) "If someone were firing missles at the house my two little girls were in, you'd better be sure I'd go stop them" (or something similar to that). Was a very telling statement of his perception of right and wrong.

01-04-2009, 10:17 AM
Yeah, I noticed the hat. They're going to be shocked by their boy Barry. Turns out he's not that liberal after all. He hauled ass running away from the left once he was elected. Based on his appointments so far, he's much more politician than idealist. That means he's going to be friends with Israel.
Yep, this guy might turn out to be a great candidate for us independents. lets see how he handles taxes. business is already telling them to kiss off, owners aren't hiring and telling people now "these are the working rules and conditions, if you don't like them leave, I can fill your space by the end of the week for less money"

01-04-2009, 11:45 AM
Yeah, I noticed the hat. They're going to be shocked by their boy Barry. Turns out he's not that liberal after all. He hauled ass running away from the left once he was elected. Based on his appointments so far, he's much more politician than idealist. That means he's going to be friends with Israel.

A bit dramatic, dontcha think, Chris? I hardly think moving a bit toward the center is 'running away from the left'. One need only to look at the campaign he ran to see what sort of politician the guy is. And, of course he's gonna be friends with Israel- is there an alternative in DC?

As far as what's going on in Gaza right now, it's possible they are using this little conflagration as a tuneup for war with Iran, since that matter of the nuke sites has yet to be settled. Interesting article from the Jerusalem Post: (http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1230456505080&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull)

IAF uses new US-supplied smart bomb

The Israel Air Force used a new bunker-buster missile that it received recently from the United States in strikes against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, The Jerusalem Post learned on Sunday.

The missile, called GBU-39, was developed in recent years by the US as a small-diameter bomb for low-cost, high-precision and low collateral damage strikes.

Israel received approval from Congress to purchase 1,000 units in September and defense officials said on Sunday that the first shipment had arrived earlier this month and was used successfully in penetrating underground Kassam launchers in the Gaza Strip during the heavy aerial bombardment of Hamas infrastructure on Saturday. It was also used in Sunday's bombing of tunnels in Rafah

01-04-2009, 12:47 PM
A bit dramatic, dontcha think, Chris? I hardly think moving a bit toward the center is 'running away from the left'. One need only to look at the campaign he ran to see what sort of politician the guy is. And, of course he's gonna be friends with Israel- is there an alternative in DC?

Not really. He took on long-time, hard-core political insiders in his key positions. Obama was rated the most liberal congressional legislator last year and the year before, based on his voting record. It's tough to beat out a guy like Dennis Kucinich on that one. Had Obama truly been as liberal as we all thought he was, Dennis would have been a perfect choice for a cabinet post. but he tapped a bunch of moderates or near-left politicians. No idealists, no fresh blood. Which I think is a smart move.

My point is this- Obama scared the hell out of all of us- got us thinking he was this extreme idealist. Turns out he's potentially going to be a level-headed politician. He may even do a good job if he can focus on dealing with the country's real problems and not get himself distracted with time-wasting losers of issues like opeing our borders to all immigrants and attempting to ban guns.

As far as not supporting Israel- you're right- what are your other options?

01-04-2009, 12:55 PM
On the new bomb we're sending-

The GBU-39 is a 250 lb GPS-guided penetrating bomb. It has 5-meter strike accuracy, whichj means it's going to hit within a 7-foot radius of what it's aimed at regardless of daylight or weather. They're carried in a 4-bomb pack that takes the same space as a single 2,000 lb Mk84 JDAM. The accuracy is so good, they don't need the big-bang to kill the target anymore. The warhead itself is only 50 lbs. There's a different target designator for the bomb (GBU-40) that actually employs a target recognition feature. The bomb looks at what it's flying at and compares it to target-image identification information loaded into the bomb's guidance unit. We used to have smart bombs- now we have REALLY smart bombs.

The upside of all of this- our aircraft can kill 4 times as much in a single sortie as they could before.

01-04-2009, 01:10 PM
Like everything else he has done, the appointments have been SMART, and most of all- done in the interest of what's best for the country- not based on ideology, gut feelings or partisan politics.

I think a lot of what is wrong with the entire right-wing attitude is that waaay too much is made of what is on the surface, with little thought given to the fundamentals of an individual or his character. Small, unimportant issues are overblown for no reason other than to get time in the news cycle. I blame billo and limbaugh for this mindset- let's get all up in arms and make alotta noise over nuthin (lapel pins, etc etc), while we ignore the real issues...

look where all that stupidity has gotten the conservative movement... total irrelevance.

Tough times ahead, I'm glad he's there for us.

01-04-2009, 01:13 PM
This is all really very simple. Hamas is run by Iran, supplied and given marching orders. Oil prices were too low. Iran needs to destabilize something to bring prices up. They tell Hamas to lob some rockets. They do and Israel reacts. Voila, prices are up 11 cents at the pumps in one day around here. And the Pallies are so f'ing stupid they are sacrificing their own people so the Iranians can keep their cash flow up. Nice deal for the Pallies. All the ME nations should turn on Iran and end this once and for all. But they are likely too weak so they are waiting for Israel to fix it for them.

01-04-2009, 01:23 PM
Like everything else he has done, the appointments have been SMART, and most of all- done in the interest of what's best for the country- not based on ideology, gut feelings or partisan politics.

I think a lot of what is wrong with the entire right-wing attitude is that waaay too much is made of what is on the surface, with little thought given to the fundamentals of an individual or his character. Small, unimportant issues are overblown for no reason other than to get time in the news cycle. I blame billo and limbaugh for this mindset- let's get all up in arms and make alotta noise over nuthin (lapel pins, etc etc), while we ignore the real issues...

look where all that stupidity has gotten the conservative movement... total irrelevance.

Tough times ahead, I'm glad he's there for us.

Well, not really. His appointments were told to him by his masters, the Bill/Hill insiders. The reason the small, unimportant things were brought up is because he is small and unimportant. He has NO power base and must bow to the wishes of those that put him in place. He also has no power to push forward his agenda, just that of the entrenched Dem cabal. Which is all well and good, in some ways we did real well under Clinton and Co. But the real issues will have to be faced, not pushed on the next guy as Clinton was so want to do (WTC 1, Cole, Embassies, etc.). And your take on the "Conservative movement" is off base. It is the RINO's and the Reps not following conservative principles that have gotten them in trouble. If they are going to regain relevancy they must embrace Reagan style conservatism and articulate that to the people, not be "liberal lite". This country responds to core values and strong leadership, none of which it has had anytime recently.

01-04-2009, 01:40 PM
Like everything else he has done, the appointments have been SMART, and most of all- done in the interest of what's best for the country- not based on ideology, gut feelings or partisan politics.

I think a lot of what is wrong with the entire right-wing attitude is that waaay too much is made of what is on the surface, with little thought given to the fundamentals of an individual or his character. Small, unimportant issues are overblown for no reason other than to get time in the news cycle. I blame billo and limbaugh for this mindset- let's get all up in arms and make alotta noise over nuthin (lapel pins, etc etc), while we ignore the real issues...

look where all that stupidity has gotten the conservative movement... total irrelevance.

Tough times ahead, I'm glad he's there for us.
come on now, who started the crap about Sarah Palins daughter and her 100K wardrobe? not to mention the flap over Mccain and the lobbyist, you cant just blame the right for that...

Tommy Gun
01-04-2009, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE=jayboat;65769]Small, unimportant issues are overblown for no reason other than to get time in the news cycle. I blame billo and limbaugh for this mindset- let's get all up in arms and make alotta noise over nuthin (lapel pins, etc etc), while we ignore the real issues...

LOL!!! have you watched Olbermann or that dyke Rachael Maddow?

And Jay you can't possibly forget that YOU were the one who posted that nonsense about Palin's baby on OSO.

01-04-2009, 05:27 PM
I think a lot of what is wrong with the entire right-wing attitude is that waaay too much is made of what is on the surface, with little thought given to the fundamentals of an individual or his character. .

I think that could just as easily be said for the left-leaners as well.

In the case of Obama, I think people's perceptions of him and their assumptions of what he would do were based on two things- what he's said and his historical actions.

On the former, he spoke about many of those bedrock liberal issues- most of which he has backed far away from. To the second point, there wasn't much history to gauge things on and what was there definitely pandered to his constituency- the poor of inner-city Chicago. Now that he's president, he's got a much larger and more diverse constituency. That and he needs to start running for re-election on his first day in office. If he tanks us into a depression with social programs, his chances are slim.

01-04-2009, 05:43 PM
Now if they could just get rid of Pelosi..........

01-04-2009, 06:09 PM
Well, not really.d;lreoirjf svadf'qv [dsbmnoqqfas;lnf[saivj[saf b[sdfjgasmg[asjgb[hgbdpaw'a'iur[qporbgb gs;arg[alrjg'db'dskjg]dtjbpdgpoaerkga
wekfkjsa;d;dsfbosdkjgsd'sdgsd it has had anytime recently.

You need a padded room. Those voices in your head are lying to you. :ack2:

come on now, who started the crap about Sarah Palins daughter and her 100K wardrobe? not to mention the flap over Mccain and the lobbyist, you cant just blame the right for that...

Well, there were some very legitimate questions raised that could have been put to rest in 5 minutes. Much more serious matter, I guess, than the birth certificate, or the lapel pin, or the ... At least I pulled the post a few hours later. As far as the wardrobe, if you factor what else has come to light- including the hair and makeup, the number is over 200k, and how do you know the thing with the lobbyist isn't true?

I think that could just as easily be said for the left-leaners as well.

I suppose... if you remove the hysterics and baby jeebus.

In the case of Obama, I think people's perceptions of him and their assumptions of what he would do were based on two things- what he's said and his historical actions.

On the former, he spoke about many of those bedrock liberal issues- most of which he has backed far away from. To the second point, there wasn't much history to gauge things on and what was there definitely pandered to his constituency- the poor of inner-city Chicago. Now that he's president, he's got a much larger and more diverse constituency. That and he needs to start running for re-election on his first day in office. If he tanks us into a depression with social programs, his chances are slim.

For an intelligent, reasonably well-informed guy, you have got one hell of a myopic view of things. He spoke to a lot more than the poor of inner-city Chicago. He spoke to a lot of Americans who were/are fed up with politics of bushco and 'conservatives', and the election results across the country prove it.

And you might wanna let him actually get into office before you pronounce him running for re-election.

(that's about all I got to say on this, we've beat it to death already.)

01-04-2009, 06:14 PM
Bet yet Palin's haircut cost less than Clinton's did back in 93 with Air Force 1 running and few runways shutdown at LAX

Cash Bar
01-04-2009, 07:10 PM
Boy, this thread went to hell quickly.

Jay, I thought we left that crap at OSO ??

I didn't realize there were that many Pro-Wingnuts in S. Florida. That protest was 1 BLOCK from my club. Glad I missed that day.

Tommy Gun
01-04-2009, 07:20 PM
[QUOTE=jayboat;65769]Like everything else he has done, the appointments have been SMART, and most of all- done in the interest of what's best for the country- not based on ideology, gut feelings or partisan politics.

WASHINGTON – New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Sunday announced that he was withdrawing his nomination to be President-elect Barack Obama's commerce secretary amid a grand jury investigation into how some of his political donors won a lucrative state contract.

Richardson's withdrawal was the first disruption of Obama's Cabinet process and the second "pay-to-play" investigation that has touched Obama's transition to the presidency. The president-elect has remained above the fray in both the case of arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the New Mexico case.

SMART? perhaps crooked would be a more appropriate description.

On the threads subject matter I wonder how many of those Palestinians are citizens of the USA?

01-04-2009, 07:46 PM
On the threads subject matter I wonder how many of those Palestinians are citizens of the USA?

That's a good question. If citizens, are they breaking any law?

01-04-2009, 09:48 PM
Boy, this thread went to hell quickly.

Jay, I thought we left that crap at OSO ??

What crap is that? Crap you don't agree with? :03:

01-04-2009, 10:24 PM
and how do you know the thing with the lobbyist isn't true?

I guess we'll know when the lawsuit is settled.


01-04-2009, 11:23 PM
You need a padded room. Those voices in your head are lying to you. :ack2:

Hmm, that could be construed as a personal attack, perhaps I should report this post to a Moderator....Oh wait. :seeya:

Tread lightly there skippy, I know you can't refute anything intelligently and since the Kos asses are all upset at Bambi already, so you can't look to them for what to say, you might just want to stick to pretty pictures. :seeya:

01-04-2009, 11:27 PM
[QUOTE=jayboat;65769]Like everything else he has done, the appointments have been SMART, and most of all- done in the interest of what's best for the country- not based on ideology, gut feelings or partisan politics.

WASHINGTON – New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Sunday announced that he was withdrawing his nomination to be President-elect Barack Obama's commerce secretary amid a grand jury investigation into how some of his political donors won a lucrative state contract.

Richardson's withdrawal was the first disruption of Obama's Cabinet process and the second "pay-to-play" investigation that has touched Obama's transition to the presidency. The president-elect has remained above the fray in both the case of arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the New Mexico case.

SMART? perhaps crooked would be a more appropriate description.

Hmm, Bill Richardson, where have I heard about him????? Wait, wasn't he one of Clinton's people???? Yeah, I thought so, the voices told me....:rofl:

I wish he would pick Norman Mineta up for another Cabinet position, he lives right down the street and it sure would be nice having the SS watching the neighborhood :biggrinjester:

Cash Bar
01-04-2009, 11:29 PM
What crap is that? Crap you don't agree with? :03:

I don't care if you're right or wrong.

I just thought the thread hi-jacking w/politcal sh!t was to be left there as per YOUR past statements.

I personally construed that to mean you WOULD NOT engage in that stuff HERE.

I'm not happy about the other members either.

I wanted comments and thoughts about THE SUBLECT of the thread.

01-05-2009, 03:13 PM


Tommy Gun
01-05-2009, 09:28 PM
[QUOTE=Tommy Gun;66184]

Hmm, Bill Richardson, where have I heard about him????? Wait, wasn't he one of Clinton's people???? Yeah, I thought so, the voices told me....:rofl:

I wish he would pick Norman Mineta up for another Cabinet position, he lives right down the street and it sure would be nice having the SS watching the neighborhood :biggrinjester:

How about former Clinton White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta to head the CIA...you've got to be fvcking kidding me. All these appointments make me wonder exactly what kind of deal Barry cut with Billary. Starting to look like a third term for Willy; he has a real live puppet now.

01-05-2009, 09:49 PM
I thought you said you were a Republican businessman. My how the times change people. :D
I'm a registered democrat, and an independent business man that has voted republican for years as I did this year. However, PE Obama, has gotten totally away from his liberal elect me speeches and gone center. Which can show a couple different things;

A. He wants to do whats right for the country and realized a totally liberal agenda wont cut it. He should govern from the middle.

B. He is a career politician and a liar and will say or do whatever it takes to get elected.

Either way, only time will tell, and my accountant makes sure that I wont pay any more in taxes..pretty simple really.

01-07-2009, 01:18 PM
"Jews, go back to the oven." (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,477450,00.html)

Un-fvkkin-believable. :mad: :mad:

01-07-2009, 01:59 PM
The Panetta appointment is scary. Cabinet secretaries? They're politicians- the departments are run by professionals. The CIA is much more analogous to a military organization than it is to a department of the government. You wouldn't replace an Army general with a lawyer with governmental administration experience, I don't know why this is even being considered. Plus, the CIA as an institution eats outsiders alive.