View Full Version : Catching Up With Marc Granet

Speed on the Water
02-06-2021, 12:41 PM
One of offshore racing's most colorful characters, Marc Granet misses the sport every day, https://www.speedonthewater.com/catching-up-with-marc-granet/

02-07-2021, 11:47 PM
Class 1's pageantry was a lot like Formula 1, but unfortunately there was no companies like Porsche and Mercedes to pump in millions and millions of dollars to sustain the pageantry. Once the oil money got smaller, it was all gone.

Will it come back? Not unless it becomes affordable and they enforce the as written instead of making it a class where the biggest money gets sweetheart concessions.

And that outboard class????? Read the rules. Only one manufacturer has a boat that fits within the rules. It's as if they were purposely written to keep the Skaters that used to run Super Cat Lite out. That is where the most possible boats exist, and they would probably make a good group. But, someone wrote the rules to specifically keep them out it appears.

02-09-2021, 01:02 AM
His comment about the new outboard cat class really makes me wonder if he really follows the sport at all on a professional basis because that class is the most single boat manufacturer per the rules since the Bat Boat class was conceived.

john acosta
02-09-2021, 01:05 PM
class one ,Unlimited 2.0 was boring most of the time .

I i dreaded the last race of the day ( unlimit class one )
never enough boats .
and attrition ruled the day .

boring boring boring .

watching ole yeller go round in cicles ALONE for years was nauseating.
The victory dance on the hull after a single entry race was aaarrrggghhh

Ok got that out .
However the class did bring new ideas once in a while .
just my opinion.

Now the bat boat class was fun, exciting ,usually 6 or more entries .

Bat boats brought in a lot of new talent , and a lot of new fans .

If the fleet was bought up and re rigged with a 400 hp volvo drive .
it would thrive again .

those you can take to inland lakes and rivers and do well.

You have to drive one .after that youre hooked .


fund razor
02-09-2021, 04:15 PM
Marc is going to team up with Rich Wyatt?

02-10-2021, 12:17 AM
Now the bat boat class was fun, exciting ,usually 6 or more entries .

Bat boats brought in a lot of new talent , and a lot of new fans .

If the fleet was bought up and re rigged with a 400 hp volvo drive .
it would thrive again .

those you can take to inland lakes and rivers and do well.

You have to drive one .after that youre hooked .


I may have done that a few races. But, the boat had a 377 Scorpion and a Bravo!!


john acosta
02-10-2021, 11:34 AM
More power even better.

I only advise the volvo drive is the counter rotating props .
i,m thinking of people in the boat who are not so race savy..

the original setup was very forgiving ,and the ride was in 70 mph area .fun enuf fore a beginner .

id buy one

02-13-2021, 12:17 AM
I almost had him !!!!:sifone:
