View Full Version : Trump Boat Parade in the Keys

06-12-2020, 06:21 AM


FLORIDA KEYS — Boat for Trump Parades along the Florida Keys coastline are scheduled June 14 to honor both Flag Day and President Donald Trump as he celebrates his 74th birthday.

Pro-Trump flotillas are a way for members of the Republican Party to show their support for Trump as he seeks re-election this November, according to organizers. These “Trumptillas” have been parading in waterways across the country since last month.

“Boaters and the water-loving community are not fearful or embarrassed to share their point of view. We are ready to stand up and join the Boat for Trump movement alongside 14-plus cities in the U.S.,” the Florida Keys for Trump Facebook page reads.

Members of the Upper Keys Republican Club and other Trump supporters are asked to line up at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 14, at Gilbert’s Resort in Key Largo to proceed south to Snake Creek.

In the Middle Keys, boaters will line up at 11:30 a.m. at Boot Key Harbor, according to Phil Goodman, Middle Keys Republican Club president.

“Boat for Trump is a national organization that’s gaining momentum. People are responding to their national email invitation,” he said. “The Republican clubs here are alerting members and asking them if they want to join.”

Goodman said he didn’t have an estimate of how many Trump supporters might join the boat parade.

“I don’t even want to guess right now. A lot of depends heavily on the weather,” he said. As for being a Trump supporter, he said, “President Trump is a hard-working businessman who can bring our country back on track financially and make us stronger.”

06-12-2020, 09:41 AM

06-14-2020, 11:33 PM
We need pics!!!!!

06-15-2020, 05:53 AM
They went the opposite way from the photo..and the place I picked to watch, was completely gated in/destroyed by Irma.

I saw Them Pooling from the 7 Mile Bridge....a sh*t ton of Boats, as in Key West as well.

Only Pic I got was this one.