View Full Version : Thunder On Cocoa Beach Organizers In Holding Pattern

Speed on the Water
03-26-2020, 11:33 AM
Decision coming May 1, https://speedonthewater.com/in-the-news/racing/6783-thunder-on-cocoa-beach-organizers-in-holding-pattern.

03-27-2020, 06:50 AM
Make it happen....

03-28-2020, 04:45 AM
Fingers crossed

03-28-2020, 09:04 AM
Maybe now that the dnc has Their Ransom Money, They'll let the Hostages go.....

Of course FBI Stats say otherwise in these situations...

03-30-2020, 10:47 PM
This is no where close to over. I sure wish we could trust the news to tell us the news, not spin everything however they want to herd the masses.

I still think that this as all too late and that 1& to 2% of the World's population is going to pass away, and that around 80% of those will be 70+ old or have another underlying condition.

Now we have this thrown in from Italy: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says