View Full Version : OPA Worlds See Record 75-Boat Turnout

Speed on the Water
11-23-2019, 10:29 AM
Englewood Beach is packed with raceboats for this weekend's OPA World Championships, https://speedonthewater.com/in-the-news/racing/6532-opa-worlds-see-record-75-boat-turnout.

11-23-2019, 03:20 PM
Class 8? And you forgot the stock outboards!!

11-24-2019, 09:09 AM
I cannot imagine what it would be like with all of the Super Cats and Stock Outboards here that did not make it!!!!

john acosta
11-24-2019, 04:47 PM
Nice to see Sunprint take the weekend .

( Marker OL, has cheated too many times in ol and fountain for me to take them seriously sorry )

s-111 took a BIG water win against top teams in its class, good job.

P- classes while not my favorite ,were this weekend , They HUNG it out there !!!!!

Supercat just needed more support . good race tho .

unlimited ……………………..

Well it was nice to see that mystic tame the course .but all that difference in horse power .
crc 3300? or 3100 ?
against geico at 2200?
I don't know what herb had this time around ,but id guess 3100

Reminds me of the Bob Bull show .( boots spurs ,long leather coat ,cowboy hat ,gun belt,s filled with checkbook , DRAW !!!!..lol

11-27-2019, 01:30 AM
The Class 7 boats were simply amazing in the rough stuff on Sunday!!

Serious News
11-27-2019, 11:39 PM
Like this

https://i730.photobucket.com/albums/ww310/ptrose/2019%20englewood/6O8A1795-001.jpg (https://s730.photobucket.com/user/ptrose/media/2019%20englewood/6O8A1795-001.jpg.html)