View Full Version : Site Down

10-31-2019, 06:33 PM
Well, I don't understand all of their computer language, but the site had a drive wedge and that locked up the site when booting the server because the partition was at 100% usage, even thought there was a 1TB second drive not being utilized?

Anyway, we're back!

11-01-2019, 08:07 AM
Probably running the Drive Wedge too low....Parasitic Drag and all.....

fund razor
11-01-2019, 02:21 PM
I get more loft if I get under the ball with my drive wedge.

11-01-2019, 06:00 PM
You're not taking into consideration Paul's advanced Age...

11-01-2019, 07:30 PM
Its the russians..... And the RWO... (Russians Wrecking Offshore)

Its Key Worst time, they are trying to get as close to cuba as possible...

11-02-2019, 11:04 PM
Damn Russians working with RWO!!

They are obviously colluding with the President! (President Carbonell of SBI fame!!!

11-03-2019, 10:09 PM
Most definitely...

11-05-2019, 07:40 PM
Only 28 boats so far!

Maybe the rest couldn't get across the bridge?

11-05-2019, 07:53 PM
Only 28 boats so far!

Maybe the rest couldn't get across the bridge?

WOW !!!! Thats over twice the turnout of any other Really Weak Offshore event this year !!!!!!!

11-08-2019, 02:54 PM
So true. But, less than half the turnout of Fort Myers!