View Full Version : The Mother Of All Street Parties

Speed on the Water
04-25-2019, 07:18 AM
From giving poker run participants something fun to do in the evening to establishing community buy-in, pre-event exhibits of exotic boats and cars have become essential elements for organizers, https://speedonthewater.com/in-the-news/commentary/6030-the-mother-of-all-street-parties.

04-26-2019, 08:27 AM
Come on now, Key West is still the mother of all street parties.

Desert Storm first started in 1998. The first Key West offshore race was in 1963. They've been having street parties in Key West since almost before the dam was built creating Lake Havasu.

If you keep this up, they won't allow you to join the party in Key West this year...….:sifone:

04-27-2019, 07:56 AM
Just cause you live out west, doesn't mean you have to make fake news.:):)

Good thing the President isn't a performance boater...….