View Full Version : Holmes Travels to Capitol Hill in Praise of Ethanol Benefits

Speed on the Water
05-17-2016, 05:03 PM
CK Motorsports owner Keith Holmes was in Washington D.C. last week praising the benefits of ethanol from his experience in the Cat Can Do raceboat and many other boats.


05-18-2016, 08:18 AM
Love to see a copy of their Bank Records for the last Year...Probably some nice Deposits from Big Corn. :toetap05:

05-19-2016, 08:08 AM
“We work on a wide variety of racing engines for watercraft and they run at their absolute best on a high-octane ethanol blend,” Holmes said in a press release. “Ethanol burns cleaner and cooler. Since the introduction of E10, we find that many engine parts have a 25- to 50-percent longer lifespan. The National Boat Racing Association exclusively uses E10 for all of its races.”

This is from the NBRA rulebook, so I'm not sure what Keith is referring to.

Permissible fuel shall consist of gasoline and oil. Gasoline may be automotive, aviation, or racing, either
leaded or unleaded varieties, so long as it does not contain power boosting additives such as alcohol,
nitrates, or oxygen bearing compounds. Oil may be petroleum, synthetic, or a blend of both, and cannot
contain power boosting additives. Any driver using illegal fuel will be disqualified. The legal Standard for
gas shall be +50 on the digatron DT-15.


05-19-2016, 01:46 PM

fund razor
05-19-2016, 02:17 PM
Let me guess, the American Ethanol boat.

fund razor
05-19-2016, 06:36 PM
How in the hell does anybody who "services" boats end up being the poster boy for Big Ethanol?

Oh wait.... it all makes sense.... anybody who services boats WANTS them completely ****ed up by ethanol. They WANT fuel tanks full of water and fuel pumps that rot out in one season. Hell is not hot enough for anybody who would advocate for further destruction of our boats from the known and proven damaging effects of ethanol.

We need to get some real experts in front of legislators, ASAP.

fund razor
05-19-2016, 06:39 PM
"With ethanol fuel I'll never run out of work."

Quote from an experienced merc mechanic that people actually trust.

fund razor
05-19-2016, 07:18 PM
Suddenly "Crockery Township" makes a lot of sense.

05-19-2016, 08:14 PM
Yep, American Ethanol is one of Keith's major sponsors this year. He is running Sterling engines, around 1550HP, in Cat Can Do that are specially built to run E85 fuel.

In Keith's defense, he did say "racing engines for watercraft" which, when specially built to run Ethanol do run well.

Ethanol is interesting in several ways. One of the things no one tells you is that, when running ethanol, you will need approximately 30% more fuel to make the exact same power in an engine. Ethanol has over 30% less BTU's than gasoline. Ethanol does however have a higher octane rating so, when you raise the compression ratio of the engine, you can make more power with ethanol than gas. That is why it works well in racing engines. Engines that run variable turbochargers, can therefore raise the effective compression ratio by increasing boost.

Another interesting thing they tend to leave out, especially when discussing the pollution side of things, is that ethanol makes over twice as much ozone as gasoline. And also that ethanol emits significantly more cancer causing emissions than gasoline. Especially aldehydes, a group one carcinogen.

Oh, and did I mention, that ethanol also attacks not only the fuel tanks made of fiberglass, but also is highly corrosive to aluminum?