View Full Version : Miami native rescues pregnant wife, son from capsized boat

01-09-2015, 08:06 AM
http://hsrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=A2KK_a4Xxa9U4_0Abw2bvZx4;_ylu=X3oDMTI2cDlrcHVxBGJwb3MDMQRjcG9zAzkEY3QD MQRpbnRsA3VzBHBrZ3QDMwRwb3MDMQRzZWMDdGQtc3RybQRzbGsDdGl0bGUEdGVzdAM5MDE-/RV=1/RE=1422014999/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5sb2NhbDEwLmNvbS9uZXdzL21pYW1pLW5hdGl2ZS1yZXNjdWVzLXByZWdu YW50LXdpZmUtc29uLWZyb20tY2Fwc2l6ZWQtYm9hdC8zMDYwODcyMA--/RS=%5EADAhEkqvuvI58RPlhrMaJeijhsFRe0-
A Miami native is speaking out after rescuing his pregnant wife and 5-year-old son from a pleasure cruise that turned deadly off Costa Rica.

Aracelio Garcia was with his family on a catamaran headed for Tortuga. The pleasure cruise, however, quickly capsized in the rough water. Officials said more than 100 people were on board.

"Within two seconds the boat completely sank," Garcia told Local 10 by phone. "So we're out there in the ocean floating... Nothing to hold on to."

Garcia's family, which still lives in Miami, said they couldn't believe it when they heard.

"He thought his life was coming to an end," said Garcia's brother, Rolando Garcia. "(The) only reason he didn't give up was because of his wife and kid."

The sea was rough, according to those on board. The catamaran capsized just 9 miles off the country's coast. More than 100 people were rescued and at least three tourists died.

Aracelio said his first reaction was to go after his pregnant wife and 5-year-old son.

"I found a piece of wood that was floating and I grabbed the piece of wood and started floating," he said.

He said he then found a kayak in the debris and put his wife on it while also securing his son.

He said the lifeproof case on his cellphone allowed him to call for help despite the water. Once help arrived, Aracelio continued trying to rescue and pull others in, finding dead bodies along the way.

"We grabbed this lady that had drowned, too -- grabbed her, put her in the boat. We kept trying to help every other person," he said.

He said the water was choppy but fortunately more help arrived. He said the ordeal has changed his life forever and he knows he is lucky.