View Full Version : KW Worlds, a Different Perspective

11-10-2012, 09:45 AM
The day started out with such promise.


There were some nice boats still in the pits (Smokin Tuna is one of my softball team sponsors)


11-10-2012, 09:49 AM
I of course brought my own Beer to the Pits...Here's an action shot of Tommy ( I didn't want to say anything , but I think Tommy has over two hundred shots of that sign):bump:


And one of Jeff


Pete was out here somewhere's


(Gayboat was over in the park near the children...trying to earn their trust)

11-10-2012, 09:51 AM
Pete was on the turn one boat.....

11-10-2012, 09:52 AM
I thought about beating this guy to death....one Beer....and a Coors Light to boot.:smash:


Then after the races the Green Parrot drew me in for a couple of Beers


Then I hit every bar on the way to the Half Shell.....it gets a bit fuzzy after that...needless to say I didn't make the 9 PM Softball game.

Blue Oval
11-10-2012, 05:51 PM
No free beer from me, thats what you get when you don't answer your phone!LOL

11-11-2012, 09:38 AM
I can't hear it ring, I usually check for missed calls every twenty minutes or so. You guys still in town for today's races ?

Blue Oval
11-11-2012, 06:53 PM
Had to get home, I wanted to, was lucky to get the time I did. Had a awesome time!!

11-12-2012, 09:30 AM
I ran into Mike and Michelle yesterday , as well as Bob Scanlon .

11-12-2012, 11:10 PM
You must have some more pics! :toetap05:

11-13-2012, 08:38 AM
I didn't take a lot....I had a cooler to tote around ! Ran into Bob Scanlon's brother yesterday morning.

11-13-2012, 08:55 AM
Nice to meet ya Bobcat! We didn't have ANY beer...I'm glad we escaped your presence with our lives, lol. Michelle was still feeling a bit under the weather from the previous night/early morning. We rented bikes, watched a bit of the final race at Mallory Square, then jumped on the bikes and rode down to Ft. Zachary Taylor...now THAT is where I would watch next time for sure...you can see almost the entire course from up on top of the fort.

11-13-2012, 11:04 AM
Nice to meet ya Bobcat! We didn't have ANY beer...I'm glad we escaped your presence with our lives, lol. Michelle was still feeling a bit under the weather from the previous night/early morning. We rented bikes, watched a bit of the final race at Mallory Square, then jumped on the bikes and rode down to Ft. Zachary Taylor...now THAT is where I would watch next time for sure...you can see almost the entire course from up on top of the fort.

Hey slut, U do'n the Miami boat show or poker run???:huh:

11-13-2012, 02:06 PM
Not sure....have to see how things work out this winter...and how desperate I get to see and drive my boat again!

11-14-2012, 12:52 PM
You should already be desperate by now!

11-15-2012, 09:36 AM
Nice to meet ya Bobcat! We didn't have ANY beer...I'm glad we escaped your presence with our lives, lol. ......................

You are lucky!

11-15-2012, 02:49 PM
bob cat sorry did not have any time to bs ,see you soon jeff

11-15-2012, 02:54 PM
No prob, I had to work most of the weekend and did not get out much.