View Full Version : Wednesday Witticisms

03-21-2012, 09:30 AM
"It's a sad irony that the majority of the hugs and kisses a human being will ever receive in his or her life will occur in the first few years, and that all of those wonderful moments will not even be remembered"

"When two people can disagree with each other - and it's comfortable, then you have a friendship"

"With leaders named Bush, Dick and Colin running the show, its little wonder Saddam didn't take us seriously" :rofl:

"The test of talent is how you play the game the first time, not after you've practiced"

"The world is full of talented people who don't think so"

"The 100/50 rule: We are 100% responsible and at least 50% to blame"

"The key to happiness is self-control"

"The more you talk, the more you give yourself away" :)

"It's easy to get married; it's hard to be selective"

"A good song is better than a job well done because it can make more people happy"

03-21-2012, 09:31 AM
"Intelligence will always outperform raw talent"

"Your ability to perform an activity you have never done before is exactly proportional to your level of overall confidence in your new abilities" :confused:

"When you talk to someone, you're either trying to help them or you're not"

"Buses don't always appear in the right lane":eek:

"Prejudice is when you see color before content"

"It's hearing a good song every once in a while that makes all the difference"

"If you don't get what you really want, it's your own fault"

"Armies are just groups of innocent people"

03-21-2012, 12:06 PM
"When you talk to someone, you're either trying to help them or you're not"

so very true

03-22-2012, 11:17 AM
"If you don't get what you really want, it's your own fault"

I wish that SHE realized that...

or atleast wish that SHE wouldn't press charges


03-23-2012, 10:02 AM
One time, she got me so mad, we got into a fist fight.

You know how you know when you lost a fight to your woman? When the cops come to your house and ask you do you want to press charges.:sifone:

That's how you know it didn't go as you planned.:eek:

03-23-2012, 10:32 AM
One time, she got me so mad, we got into a fist fight.

You know how you know when you lost a fight to your woman? When the cops come to your house and ask you do you want to press charges.:sifone:

That's how you know it didn't go as you planned.:eek:

and you know this from first hand experience?