View Full Version : Natalie Wood, Let's Solve It....

12-20-2011, 09:02 AM
Should be no problem for us to get to the bottom of this...:)

According to Davern’s statement, Wagner was upset with having to entertain Walken that weekend. Davern said that tensions escalated during a boozy night aboard the Splendour, with Wagner smashing a bottle of wine on the coffee table and screaming at Walken, “Do you want to f*** my wife? Is that what you want?!” Walken retreated to his cabin, and Wood stormed off to the master stateroom, with Wagner following her within minutes, according to Davern.

“Then a terrible argument proceeded,” Davern claims in his statement. “I knocked on their stateroom door from the main salon to try to calm the situation. Robert Wagner answered to tell me to go away and to not interfere. I went to the bridge, directly above the Wagner master stateroom. The loud arguing continued and I heard things (objects, possibly people) hitting the walls and things being thrown at the ceiling of the master stateroom, directly beneath me where I stood. Next, Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood were on the open back deck arguing loudly.” Davern says he turned on the radio to muffle the fight. “The only full sentence I could completely decipher during the entire argument was ‘Get off my f***ing boat’ said by Robert Wagner,” Davern claims. “I was terribly concerned but waited about 15 minutes before going to the deck.?.?.Robert Wagner appeared sweaty, flushed, anxious, nervous, and disheveled. He told me ‘Natalie is missing’ and asked me to search the yacht.”

12-20-2011, 09:05 AM
Were Wood and Walken having an affair? Wagner wasn’t so sure. During his lone trip to the North Carolina set, Wagner realized “that I didn’t have Natalie’s full attention,” he wrote in his 2009 memoir, Pieces of My Heart. “The thought occurred that she was having an emotional affair.”

“Whether or not they were actually sleeping together didn’t matter,” says Finstad, “because R.J. suspected they were. He’d picked up on the vibe of their closeness. Emotionally, and as a performer, he felt like odd man out.” With Walken as the unwitting provocateur, the emotional baggage from Wood and Wagner’s two tumultuous marriages would be played out on the Splendour that fateful November night.

12-20-2011, 09:07 AM
Stability was never a hallmark of the Wood-Wagner marriage.

Lana Wood says her sister’s first marriage to Wagner in 1957 ended “under circumstances so shocking she told me it changed her attitude toward life, relationships, and marriage” (she declined to elaborate). So she was shocked when her sister resumed her relationship with Wagner a decade later, in 1972. “When Natalie asked me to dinner, saying she had a surprise and there was R.J., I couldn’t believe it,” Lana Wood says. “‘Are you sure?’ I asked. ‘Sometimes the devil you know,’ she said, ‘is better than the devil you don’t.’?”

fund razor
12-20-2011, 11:08 AM
Walken should have never told Wagner that he "had wood."

12-20-2011, 12:27 PM
Wood is supposed to float, no?

12-20-2011, 01:39 PM
had a crush on that gorgeous gal as a kid:blush5:

12-20-2011, 01:52 PM
Right now, I'm thinking the butler did it.....

12-20-2011, 02:57 PM
It was Colonel Mustard.....in the library ......with the candlestick (up his arse)

12-21-2011, 08:36 AM
It was Colonel Mustard.....in the library ......with the candlestick (up his arse)

Sounds like an issue for the Colonel....

12-21-2011, 01:46 PM
It was Colonel Mustard.....in the library ......with the candlestick (up his arse)

perhaps the Rear Admiral?

12-22-2011, 09:13 AM
This sounds like an excellent story line for the next installment in Sherlock Holmes series...


Family Guy

12-22-2011, 05:07 PM
This sounds like an excellent story line for the next installment in Sherlock Holmes series...


Family Guy

If we make it good enough, we'll split all the rights (and money$$$$$).....