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View Full Version : Found it Bud

Dirty Pearl
06-28-2011, 02:23 PM
Hey Bud here is a close up of the other Magnum Badge on a Maltese.

Bud Weisner
06-30-2011, 03:55 PM
Never saw that one ...we can duplicate it just need dimensions. Have not forgot your request on 36 inch step plates,just need to get a quote from my cabinet maker.Also will post picture,took one yesterday. Bud

Dirty Pearl
07-18-2011, 02:00 PM
Here are two shots of the same sticker on Bigbroadjumpers Maltese

09-07-2011, 06:18 PM
Hey Bud here is a close up of the other Magnum Badge on a Maltese.
Now I know that`s real. I collected 2 of those from the Magnum factory in 1979 and they are still stuck on my sons bedroom door today even though he has moved out years ago and now has his own son age three who even has his own "Magnum Marine "embossed overalls
That sticker is 4.1/4" wide and 5.1/4" high