View Full Version : 9/11

09-11-2010, 11:04 AM
I will always remember, never forget and will never forgive.
Remember people running in to help. People running out to safety.
Firemen, police and civilians lost. Broken families left behind with loved one perished.
The heroes and our troops protecting our way of life.
Let’s remember that on that day WE ALL stood together, and let’s find the way to stand together again.



Magic Medicine
09-11-2010, 11:34 AM

09-11-2010, 11:48 AM

09-11-2010, 12:10 PM
I am still shaken and my mouth gets dry, when I think about the events of 9/11 and see pictures like those in the media recently.

My personal recollection of being there, that day:

It started out so promising, a beautiful, warm day, with bright blue skies. After an hour or so of work, someone came into the office and said a small plane had hit the tower. We went to the break room and clustered around the TV. Soon, one by one, we wandered outside and stood in the parking lot, watching in dis-belief at the first tower burning. We were working our cell phone address books, calling those we knew in the towers. Few got through. Then the news, is was a commercial airliner. Some time passed. Then, a sound -- distant -- nearer -- jet noise. Some said, 'look another plane'. I said no....it is leaving from LaGuardia...', then I realized -- it was another plane. A ball of fire, the radios we were listening to went to static. Everyone in the parking lot, personally knew some in the towers. Tough business professionals, who seldom let the masks fall, were teary eyed. The news continued to come. Rumors of other planes. The Pentagon. Rumors of the White House and the Capital. The crash in PA. The beginning of the rescue. In the days that followed, the rescue became recovery, and the recovery became mourning. The endless parade of funeral services for those we knew, and lost. Soon, all that was left to do, was remove the debris.

In the hours, days, weeks and months ahead, we saw a nation, that was united. A war effort, whose cause was just, and whose motives were true.

Today, few remember. Even fewer want to fight the fight for our freedom, to fight for our values, to fight for the dream that our founding fathers had for our land, to fight for our way of life, and to fight for our worldview.

I will never forget those who 'ran in' to save others.
I will never forget those were killed in a act of terror.
I will never forget those who laid their lives on the alter of freedom, for all of us.
I will never forget the families and friends left behind.

09-11-2010, 03:34 PM
I will never forget that day.

I was working the ambulance job in San diego and was just getting ready to get off when the first plane hit. By the time I had gotten home and had breakfast and turned on the news the second plane hit. I will never forget that feeling you have in your gut and your heart that the world had just become a different place and not for the good.

There is no braver man than the man who runs in when everyone else is running out.

09-11-2010, 09:16 PM
:USA:Never forget!

09-11-2010, 11:44 PM
I was living outside of Pittsburgh on 9/11. I was working about ~70 miles away from where Flight 93 crashed. I found out about it by listening to Howard Stern while working in a building that was under construction. I was a carpenter back then. I never liked Howard Stern, but it was the station of choice on the job site. As the news came in, I thought it was a sick joke, and couldn't really be happening. My boss and I were actually laughing because we thought it was a prank.
Reality quickly set in when we realized this was real.
We shut down work, and went to a local bar that had a TV so that we could watch the news.
My girlfriend at the time (now my wife) was on the other side of town. The phone lines were so tied up that there was no way to contact each other.
Pittsburgh had shut down all of the bridges and tunnels for most of the day, and there was no way for me to get home, and no way of knowing if my now wife was OK. Very scary day.
I finally got home late, and was just happy to see my wife and my dogs were safe.
I recall talking to my daughter and ex-wife on the phone, and was just glad that they were OK.
I recall feeling a very uneasy feeling after this happened, and I knew America had changed. And this also changed me.
A day no one will ever forget that has lived through it.
My thoughts and prayers still go out to all those that had friends and family that were directly affected, but in reality, we are all directly affected.