View Full Version : Brunswick stock

11-30-2008, 03:53 PM
I don't play the stock market,but my brother does. Since I am a marine dealer,he asked my opinion on buying Brunswick stock. It is very low now,and he thinks the leisure industry will rebound,and Brunswick is a major player.Any thoughts?

Expensive Date
11-30-2008, 04:25 PM
Maybe some of the more experinced traders will chime in but is it cheap because it should be?Will it come back probably but in the few years it will take you could have flipped the same money many times over.Just feel you would have to wait to long there are so many deals out there right now were you can make 20% a week
I think we will see a 9000 dow on Monday

11-30-2008, 07:58 PM
I guess this fits in this thread....

Even though the Dow is creeping up, doesn't everyone realize THAT WHEN GM (OR ANY OTHER DETROIT 3) FILE BK THE DOW WILL DROP AT LEAST 1000 PTS???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyomes talking bottom and capitulation and we are NO WHERE NEAR A BOTTOM. Am I nuts?

11-30-2008, 08:27 PM
No, I don't think your nuts...in fact I'm guessing we'll see a dow 6500 around Jan 1.

11-30-2008, 09:49 PM
I guess this fits in this thread....

Even though the Dow is creeping up, doesn't everyone realize THAT WHEN GM (OR ANY OTHER DETROIT 3) FILE BK THE DOW WILL DROP AT LEAST 1000 PTS???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyomes talking bottom and capitulation and we are NO WHERE NEAR A BOTTOM. Am I nuts?

Nope. I agree with you. IF the fed doesn't step in and bail out the big 3, we will see a drop back to the lows or lower by the end of the year. Where it goes from there is anyones guess. If they do bail them out, we may get a bounce up to 10K or so, then another slow, 3-6 month drop back to where we are now. There is no reason to believe we are at a bottom. What the fed has been trying to do is create a bottom using everything and anything they can and rebuild it from there. So far, they have kept it from falling like a rock, and kept it drifting down more like a glider, but haven't found anything to get it to turn around.

Expensive Date
12-01-2008, 12:09 AM
Yes I do agree that the market will bounce up to 10k maybe by the end of the year then drop again.It will do this for years up and down it is a classic bear market.Every time it starts to climb a 5 of people will get out we will not see 12k for a long time but you can make money in a market like this if you are not greedy.As for the big 3 there is no way this administration is going to let them file bankruptcy after everything they promised to the unions and the so called middle class.Chrysler may get broken up and part of it sold to Nissan though
I think we will see 9k tomorrow

12-01-2008, 01:59 PM
Not sure what the price of Brunswick is at the moment, but I'd SHORT IT! Boats are a luxury. Nothing will really rebound until housing does and that's gonna take a looooong time.

At 1:00 Monday - DOW down about 450. The last hour may be interesting. After 5 days of gains, it's only natural to see some profit taking.

Oh boy, 4:00 now, and down about 675 points.

12-01-2008, 02:01 PM
Wait until the holiday sales figures get tallied...It will be grim.

12-01-2008, 02:27 PM
Prediction- Brunswick will survive, but they'll visit bankruptcy court on the way. Just to clean house a bit. The recreational marine industry isn't going away and Brunswick is too much of an integral part of it. But the move I described would allow them to come out being way leaner and more competitive.

12-01-2008, 02:35 PM
Prediction- Brunswick will survive, but they'll visit bankruptcy court on the way. Just to clean house a bit. The recreational marine industry isn't going away and Brunswick is too much of an integral part of it. But the move I described would allow them to come out being way leaner and more competitive.

Lots of layoffs at Mercury already with more to come before Christmas. Rumor is that they will only be working the production line 2 weeks a month for the next 4 months. Stillwater is suppose to have a years worth of product sitting in inventory and High performance will move off the hill and into the plant in Fondulac. Again all hear say.

12-01-2008, 06:04 PM
My brother bought today at $2.51,and it just dropped to $2.01.

12-01-2008, 07:22 PM
Hate to say I told you so, but....... Your brother is too early in the game. This is an ab-normal recession. I don't think they will go under either, but that stock could likely go down to around a buck or less. After it goes bankrupt, wait till housing has improved for a little while and then buy 10,000 shares and hold on.

12-01-2008, 07:39 PM
me and dollabill were taking about shorting brunswick and marine max and west marine.... after they were down 60% we said damn we missed it too late.... boy were we wrong

12-01-2008, 08:41 PM
No, I don't think your nuts...in fact I'm guessing we'll see a dow 6500 around Jan 1.

You sound like Cramer!:ack2:

12-01-2008, 09:17 PM
You sound like Cramer!:ack2:

Oh crap. Has Cramer turned bear? If so, I'm thinking we have hit bottom.

12-01-2008, 09:33 PM
I think Brunswick will file 11. At that time the stock will drop to around .65 - .75 and rebound to around $1.20 - $1.50. It always seems to happen when a, or the, mayor player/leader in a particular segment goes under. Major gamble, potential big payoffs. What happens after that, anyone's guess. When K Mart filed, their owned property was worth more than the stock when it was in the seventies, let alone their inventory. Have your research ready.

The bottom of this market, I have no opinion. If I wasn't diversified in what I hadn't turned to cash, I would sell all before the end of the year to claim the losses leading forward. Then re-purchase first of the year possible potential green and public supplier leaders. The feds are going to spend a few Trillion in these areas to help create jobs, (in their opinions). Lock in your losses, claim them against your future profits over the next three years. I think a lot will do this and drive the market down, but......