View Full Version : Learned a little lesson about fibeglass yesterday........

04-19-2010, 08:27 AM

I was glassing the port stringer, and turned around to do the starboard. It was getting very close to raining, and I wanted to hurry and get the cover on, not thinking I sat in the wet resin:mad: Got it fixed up, and complete, but as I was putting the cover on, it started to kick, DAMN that stuff burns when it gets in a spot it not supposed to be:blush5:

04-19-2010, 08:49 AM

I was glassing the port stringer, and turned around to do the starboard. It was getting very close to raining, and I wanted to hurry and get the cover on, not thinking I sat in the wet resin:mad: Got it fixed up, and complete, but as I was putting the cover on, it started to kick, DAMN that suff burns when it gets in a spot it not supposed to be:blush5:


Steve 1
04-19-2010, 08:55 AM
Could be worse like in your eye and need a acetone wash out.

04-19-2010, 08:56 AM
Could be worse like in your eye and need a acetone wash out.


04-19-2010, 09:13 AM
Could be worse like in your eye and need a acetone wash out.

Been there .. done that. Long time ago I was mixing, and it "splashed" right on my face, sme in my eyes. Not a good thnk.:cuss:

04-19-2010, 09:13 AM
About 20 years ago I was working on my Velocity. I needed to fill in an area and had not appropriate filler. Being a Sunday and wanting to gain some ground, I opted to use bondo. Heavier and stronger, but worked just the same. I mixed up probabaly two quarts and started filling this seam. Not paying attention, I dropped the bucket on the cockpit floor and it all came out. Hurriedly I started scooping it up with my bare hands and moving it where it needed to be. I guess I put too much catalyst in it as it went off pretty fast. I got it all in and levelled, but I now had bondo gloves. Serious bondo gloves. I basically had to poke and pick it off. Took HOURS. My hands were a raw, bloody mess by the time I was done.

04-19-2010, 09:27 AM
Could be worse like in your eye and need a acetone wash out.

:eek::eek:I am already super safety cautious, and wear goggles and mask when grinding(something I never did when I was youger and worked on cars), now your gonna have me wearing goggles while rolling out the resin, better yet, I think I need a full rubber suit:eek:

04-19-2010, 09:31 AM
About 20 years ago I was working on my Velocity. I needed to fill in an area and had not appropriate filler. Being a Sunday and wanting to gain some ground, I opted to use bondo. Heavier and stronger, but worked just the same. I mixed up probabaly two quarts and started filling this seam. Not paying attention, I dropped the bucket on the cockpit floor and it all came out. Hurriedly I started scooping it up with my bare hands and moving it where it needed to be. I guess I put too much catalyst in it as it went off pretty fast. I got it all in and levelled, but I now had bondo gloves. Serious bondo gloves. I basically had to poke and pick it off. Took HOURS. My hands were a raw, bloody mess by the time I was done.


I have been picked on about that before, but I guess it depends where it is used, definitely nothing structural. I have dropped Bondo before, back in my car days, but never had to mix up 2 quarts at a time, just the regular board with about a half pint at most, and not in the cockpit, usually on the shop floor, but it does always land bondo side down:rolleyes:

04-19-2010, 09:40 AM
Picture this...........

I get done covering the boat, run around to the front of the house to the garage, close the garage door, and strip down to nothing. Grab a rag, and the gallon of acetone, and start wiping the backs of my legs and buttcheeks with the acetone soaked rag. About this time I hear my wife pull up(Mustang GT, so I can definitely tell its her), and think to myself, "OK, what is this going to look like":blush5: but it was burning, and the Acetone felt so cool, so I just kept cleaning up, she comes in the house, and goes straight to the garage and just gives me one of these:toetap05::rolleyes:looks, and says "what the heck did you do now" Once I finished cleaning up, I had to take her out to the boat and explain how one stringer was wet with resin, and when I turned around to do the other side sat in it, come on, it wasnt like I was asking her to wipe resin off my azz:leaving:

04-19-2010, 12:28 PM
Funny stuff Chevelle. Worth while stealing the thread. But, you got dibs, for the best "stuff" on you. Did you have a hard time going No. 2? :) :)

04-19-2010, 12:41 PM
Making memories!

04-19-2010, 12:44 PM
Funny stuff Chevelle. Worth while stealing the thread. But, you got dibs, for the best "stuff" on you. Did you have a hard time going No. 2? :) :)


didnt get any in the crack thank god, just on the cheeks.:cheers2:

04-19-2010, 12:44 PM


I know.

It was actually overkill. I just didn't have any featherlite. I needed to make a radious on an inside right angle to glass over it.

The bad part about bondo is that it uses talc as a filler. Talc expands whern it gets wet. On an interior it's probably OK. Would never want to fill a gouge in a bottom with it though.

04-19-2010, 12:48 PM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

04-19-2010, 12:58 PM
Sounds like a pain in the azz

04-19-2010, 01:11 PM
Ya gotta love fiberglASS!! HAHAHA

Sorry guys, I couldn't help it!!

04-19-2010, 01:32 PM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

That looks about right:sifone: Just picture that with goggles on, and a beer in one hand, and that would be me.

04-19-2010, 05:51 PM
Damn Rick!!! Ouch!

04-19-2010, 06:03 PM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

I wonder why these guys all look a like...lol

Do u know Leeroy ???!!! HAHAHAHA

Whoz Your Daddy
04-19-2010, 06:50 PM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

Looks like Schultzy:iamwithstupid:

04-19-2010, 07:19 PM
Damn, hate it when stuff like that happens.

At least you can still crap....:sifone:

04-19-2010, 07:28 PM
Resin aint nothin compared to Zep indusrial orange gel degreaser. We use it to clean asphalt off of parts. If left on the skin for any length of time it burns worse than a leaking Zippo in your pocket. One evening I had a 4 inch pressurized hose blow and cover me head to toe with warm AC. On the way home I grabbed a bottle of this degreaser and jumped straight in the shower knowing that this was the only thing besides diesel that was going to cut the stuff I was covered with. Within minutes I relaized just how bad I F'ed up. Id honestly rather roll naked in hot coals than cover myself with that orange stuff again.

04-20-2010, 07:39 AM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

Yup, that cigarette he's smoking just makes the glass dust taste better :ack2:

04-20-2010, 08:11 AM
Here is the spot where I sat, after fixing it up:sifone:

04-20-2010, 08:55 AM
Resin aint nothin compared to Zep indusrial orange gel degreaser. We use it to clean asphalt off of parts. If left on the skin for any length of time it burns worse than a leaking Zippo in your pocket. One evening I had a 4 inch pressurized hose blow and cover me head to toe with warm AC. On the way home I grabbed a bottle of this degreaser and jumped straight in the shower knowing that this was the only thing besides diesel that was going to cut the stuff I was covered with. Within minutes I relaized just how bad I F'ed up. Id honestly rather roll naked in hot coals than cover myself with that orange stuff again.

Yea I know what you mean. I'm a warehouser for some chemical companies. Alumnabrite and caustic degreasers don't give you a second chance.

04-21-2010, 03:08 AM
This is a painful thread, chem burns are the absolute worst.

04-21-2010, 03:23 AM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

Good Lord! Glenn is crazy, you could put a countdown clock next to that guy for the amount of time he is taking off his life in that picture.

04-22-2010, 08:19 AM
I had a buddy with a quart of resin between his legs. He had on shorts. This was in the early 80's so they were short shorts. Lets just say his package was covered in the stuff. We heard some screaming when he was washing that off! :D I ussually just let the stuff harden and peal it off. Sucks ripping off the hair but it seems to be better then the acetone.

04-22-2010, 08:27 AM
Good Lord! Glenn is crazy, you could put a countdown clock next to that guy for the amount of time he is taking off his life in that picture. His current working conditions are much better than his past personal habits. He sees it as rehab - haha.

04-22-2010, 11:57 AM
The funny thing Joker is he will probably out last us all!!! LOL

Steve 1
04-22-2010, 12:34 PM
Midnight Express had a guy that would grind without a mask all day he did that for years,The Egyptians I had welding at the factory would not wear a shield until I forced them.

I had a helper splash hot resin down my back ,the pants and shirt went into the acetone bucket and I finished in my underwear by the door. the front of the shop was very busy with traffic walking and cars both, the people there thought I was nuts.

04-22-2010, 12:47 PM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind.

Don't let OSHA see him doing that. :eek:

04-22-2010, 04:08 PM
The funny thing Joker is he will probably out last us all!!! LOL Yea because you couldn't pay me to do that chit - haha!

Steve 1
04-22-2010, 06:16 PM
Our industry has been one of the most studied and so far if you do not drink the stuff all is well.

Offshore Ginger
04-22-2010, 07:35 PM
You have to really know what you're doing when working w/ fiberglass. Here one of my guy's shows the proper way to grind. dumb hillbilly .

04-22-2010, 07:44 PM
Our industry has been one of the most studied and so far if you do not drink the stuff all is well.


04-22-2010, 09:33 PM
Resin aint nothin compared to Zep indusrial orange gel degreaser. We use it to clean asphalt off of parts. If left on the skin for any length of time it burns worse than a leaking Zippo in your pocket. One evening I had a 4 inch pressurized hose blow and cover me head to toe with warm AC. On the way home I grabbed a bottle of this degreaser and jumped straight in the shower knowing that this was the only thing besides diesel that was going to cut the stuff I was covered with. Within minutes I relaized just how bad I F'ed up. Id honestly rather roll naked in hot coals than cover myself with that orange stuff again.

WD-40 works for that and Lestoil.

Steve 1
04-23-2010, 09:31 AM
I had a soap like system for Epoxy cleanup, Rst-5 it came with a heated 35 gallon bath that was kept at 110 F and you dumped in the soap concentrate at $112.00 a pop, pretty neat the way it was setup.

Anyway when talking to the supplier he told me a story about a guy using air pressure to dispense Epoxy from a drum (I have had these Einsteins working for me before)Anyway the poor drum (not being pressure rated)popped and covered the guy from head to his feet with Epoxy resin, They made a quick bath out of plastic film poured a gallon of this soap and added water then made him take a bath in it.

Presto One dumbazz good as new.

04-25-2010, 10:55 AM
Midnight Express had a guy that would grind without a mask all day he did that for years,The Egyptians I had welding at the factory would not wear a shield until I forced them.
Those Egyptians are used to that bright sun, they figure they could handle the welding, lol. What work did you do with Midnight Express? Nice boats.

Steve 1
04-25-2010, 11:45 AM
Those Egyptians are used to that bright sun, they figure they could handle the welding, lol. What work did you do with Midnight Express? Nice boats.

I did no work there, my friends were relatives of Pedro and I used to buy fiberglass supply's from them once in a while.Very Clean first rate Glass work.

04-25-2010, 02:03 PM
I had a helper splash hot resin down my back ,the pants and shirt went into the acetone bucket and I finished in my underwear by the door. the front of the shop was very busy with traffic walking and cars both, the people there thought I was nuts.

STEVE, No pics please...lol:eek::sifone:

04-25-2010, 02:53 PM
At least you can still crap....:sifone:

Just don't eat bean burritos for a few weeks, otherwise the backsplash will burn like hell.........:icon_bs::sifone:

04-26-2010, 08:10 AM
Didnt sit in any resin yesterday, did manage to get the rest of the structural done, but then it got too late to get pics, gotta clean it up, sand and gel the bilge next weekend:sifone:

Thanks again to Chris for his help with the supplies and advice.

Steve 1
04-26-2010, 10:24 AM
Neighbors love you yet? and ever had your glass clothes mixed with the wifes in the laundry?

04-26-2010, 11:44 AM
Neighbors love you yet? and ever had your glass clothes mixed with the wifes in the laundry?


my neighbors know I am a nutjob, but the guy to the left of me is just as bad with his toys, plus we drink the same brand beer, and smoke the same cig's, so he has to be nice, for when he has had 1 too many and needs to borrow, cuz he is too bombed to go to the store:sifone: The past 2 weekends, I have been installing a sprinkler system in the guy across the streets yard(made him do the digging, and I did the plumbing), he had 2 pallets of Sod dropped off Saturday at 3 PM, by 4:30 myself and 2 neighbors had it all spread for him:eek:. I also have the biggest gas grill of my immediate 4 neighbors(and my wife says i should open a restaurant), I have a few barbecues a year, I get away with breaking a few rules in my hood.

my wife just throws the clothes out, I am usually pretty good about not getting it on my pants/shirts, but I have trashed about a case of socks in the last month.

Steve 1
04-26-2010, 11:49 AM

my neighbors know I am a nutjob, but the guy to the left of me is just as bad with his toys, plus we drink the same brand beer, and smoke the same cig's, so he has to be nice, for when he has had 1 too many and needs to borrow, cuz he is too bombed to go to the store:sifone: The past 2 weekends, I have been installing a sprinkler system in the guy across the streets yard(made him do the digging, and I did the plumbing), he had 2 pallets of Sod dropped off Saturday at 3 PM, by 4:30 myself and 2 neighbors had it all spread for him:eek:. I also have the biggest gas grill of my immediate 4 neighbors(and my wife says i should open a restaurant), I have a few barbecues a year, I get away with breaking a few rules in my hood.

my wife just throws the clothes out, I am usually pretty good about not getting it on my pants/shirts, but I have trashed about a case of socks in the last month.

LOL Smart job of keeping the peace around there and keep us updated on the progress.Regards.

04-26-2010, 12:02 PM
Rick let's get some new pics.

04-26-2010, 01:26 PM
I know.

It was actually overkill. I just didn't have any featherlite. I needed to make a radious on an inside right angle to glass over it.

The bad part about bondo is that it uses talc as a filler. Talc expands whern it gets wet. On an interior it's probably OK. Would never want to fill a gouge in a bottom with it though.

worked fine on Pimp of the Nation....

04-26-2010, 09:20 PM
Not much new to see, except glass over the stringers, and 3rd. knee, got home late tonight, if I get a chance I will get some pics tomorrow, but had some ribs to Bar-b-q tonight:cheers2: