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View Full Version : Carrera 32 and 36

04-08-2010, 02:34 PM
The least made models before Carrera was sold to the current sportfish company , more of these were sold overseas/caribbean/south america than were sold domestically so they are a rare boat to come across.
Built off a Cig mold it is much lighter than the 30 it replaced, fully rigged difference is over 2000lbs , alos some of the 36s were ventilated step as well
and fast for their time. Just came at the wrong time for the economy and the company. They sell extremely well now as the sportfisherman which is same hull with a CC deck. Rumors are the new guys have been toying with building a sportdeck version but havent seen one yet.

Pics are of the "El Nueva Dia" raceboat and the "Coca Cola" raceboat both 36 Carrera's.
I currently have no pics of pleasure 32/36s or openfish 32/36 built Under Picons ownership except for the pics in the sales litertature so anyone that come across any feel free to post them or email them to me.

04-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Example of the 36 as a CC model , same hull but built by the new owners.
Openfish/CC models are probably the most popular sportboats in Florida.
they are a combination deckboat/pontoon/party machine with sportboat looks and speed, very few of them are actually used for fishing anything besides G-strings.