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View Full Version : Ram Air / Air intake

03-11-2010, 08:13 PM
Ok, this project turned much bigger than anticipated. So I started a new thread to keep the transom project separate. Here are a couple of pics so far, I will show the mistakes as well as the good parts.
First I cut out the opening bigger to get more air in. I first tried to use a 1808 biax in the opening to bring the air to a 4" opening. I wet out the entire piece but it was to heavy and would not hold in place. Next I used a peice of mat and attached it around the corners. However on the next step the mat fell apart and I had to start over. I made some cardboard templates to the shape of the vent/scoop I applied resin to one side and let it dry. I then appled 4 layers of mat and let it dry. The cardboard did not hold its shape and the vent will be trashed.
Ok, I have regrouped and the second attempt will be with 1208 on the inside. I will tack it around the edge first then wet out the inside after fully cured. I purchaced some floral foam and I am going to make a plug for the vent/scoop with that. The new glass will not be here till next week from uscomp.

03-14-2010, 07:04 PM
Anyone have any ideas on what to use for a mold/plug, the vents have multiple curves. I had to heat up the floral foam to get it to the right shape. The foam is very porous so I used gel on the foam to make it smooth. It may or may not work, I am still working on them. Any ideas I am starting to get frustrated. :confused: The transom is all finished and ready for the engine to drop in. I would rather wait till I am finnished with all the glass work before putting everything back together.

Trim'd Up
03-14-2010, 08:05 PM
Jeff go buy some rigid foam insulation from Home depot. It only comes in 2" thick sheets (or thinner) but you can laminate a few sheets together to get the needed thickness. It is a denser foam but still easy to shape with a rasp. You can get the sheets thicker than 2" at Carter Waters or Nuway but if your don't have a commercial account they will stick it to you. Your still going to need to fair it out with a filler of some kind to get it smooth.

03-14-2010, 08:20 PM
Jeff go buy some rigid foam insulation from Home depot. It only comes in 2" thick sheets (or thinner) but you can laminate a few sheets together to get the needed thickness. It is a denser foam but still easy to shape with a rasp. You can get the sheets thicker than 2" at Carter Waters or Nuway but if your don't have a commercial account they will stick it to you. Your still going to need to fair it out with a filler of some kind to get it smooth.I have been using the 1 1/2" x 12" x 36" foam. I cut it down the middle and I can get 2 molds out of 1 sheet. The vents I am trying to make are 6" x 36". I heat the foam up with the Ready heater and bend and form it to the correct shape. Problem is it tends to straiten itself back out a little. Also the tips keep breaking off because they are so thin. I think I would have the same problem with the other foam. It would take a while but I have thought about making the mold out of wood.

03-18-2010, 08:50 PM
I just got the 1208 glass today, here is the latest progress. Almost finished with the inside part, still need to lay in a couple more pieces of 1208 glass. I also took a pic of the vent, still needs a lot of work, but it gives you a idea on were I am going with it.

03-18-2010, 09:44 PM
Will this be open, or is the shield of some sort that will go over it to keep water out?
Is there going to be 2 holes in each, intake and discharge?

Can you use a pvc pipe and lay glass over it to make a form, or does the profile vary as it goes from end to end?

03-18-2010, 10:07 PM
I hope u get all the air back out quick...........otherwise u will slow yourself down.

Ram air is really not the way to go on a boat. The engine just needs air to suck as much as IT CAN,,,not over pressure the engine compartment.:leaving:

03-18-2010, 11:33 PM
Will this be open, or is the shield of some sort that will go over it to keep water out?
Is there going to be 2 holes in each, intake and discharge?

Can you use a pvc pipe and lay glass over it to make a form, or does the profile vary as it goes from end to end?Ok, I have had the boat 11 years and never got any water in the vents so it will be open.
I already have a form for the 4" hole, if you look close you will see it.
Not sure what you mean by 2 holes, air goes in the vent though the duct, to the TB. It will not be completly finished till later in the year. I am just doing the fiberglass part now. For now it will just funnel into the engine compartment.
Just read your post over again, and I have 2 holes on the gunwall. I think that may be what you were asking.

03-18-2010, 11:35 PM
I hope u get all the air back out quick...........otherwise u will slow yourself down.

Ram air is really not the way to go on a boat. The engine just needs air to suck as much as IT CAN,,,not over pressure the engine compartment.:leaving:When it is finnished it will be piped directly into the TB. Why would it not work? Why suck hot air when you can force the cool air?

03-19-2010, 12:43 AM
When it is finnished it will be piped directly into the TB. Why would it not work? Why suck hot air when you can force the cool air?

What happens when you get caught in the rain or catch a wave that sprays water directly into your TB?

Knot 4 Me
03-19-2010, 09:08 AM
Are both sides going to be used to direct air into the TB? Do you have vents at the rear to relieve pressure in the engine compartment? Most side intakes that face forward are accompanied by some type of venting out back to maintain optimum air pressure in the engine compartment.

03-19-2010, 09:29 AM
Are both sides going to be used to direct air into the TB? Do you have vents at the rear to relieve pressure in the engine compartment? Most side intakes that face forward are accompanied by some type of venting out back to maintain optimum air pressure in the engine compartment.Yes, both sides. Yes, there are vents in the back on the gunwall.

03-19-2010, 09:31 AM
What happens when you get caught in the rain or catch a wave that sprays water directly into your TB?Never drive the boat in the rain. If I do I can disconnect it. Never had water splash up that high.
Well I guess never is not a good word, rairly may be better.

03-19-2010, 09:49 AM
When it is finnished it will be piped directly into the TB. Why would it not work? Why suck hot air when you can force the cool air?

It will work, some of the Super V guys do/did it and saw noticeable gains with no other changes.

What happens when you get caught in the rain or catch a wave that sprays water directly into your TB?

You should build some type of Dorade box to prevent water from getting in. It should be easy. Basically take the hose from the vent and plumb it to the middle of a small box, something like 8X8 or so (bigger is better, whatever you can fit in unobtrusively, maybe a long skinny one under the gunwale). Put a small scoop facing down on the inside (look inside a wet/dry vac for reference). Now plumb a hose from the top of the box to the throttle body. Finally put a small drain or drain hose in the bottom of the box to dump the water that collects there, you can either dump to the bilge or overboard. You will lose a small amount of pressure this way but not take the chance of taking a gulp of water.

Never drive the boat in the rain. If I do I can disconnect it. Never had water splash up that high.

Never say never when it comes to boats. ;)

03-19-2010, 09:51 AM
Never drive the boat in the rain. If I do I can disconnect it. Never had water splash up that high.

I never INTENTIONALLY drive my boat in the rain either:rolleyes:

03-19-2010, 09:58 AM
Are both sides going to be used to direct air into the TB? Do you have vents at the rear to relieve pressure in the engine compartment? Most side intakes that face forward are accompanied by some type of venting out back to maintain optimum air pressure in the engine compartment.


I did a something similar ( concept wise) to what you're
doing couple of years ago.

You'll want to have an exhaust venting ( at least for where the bilge
blower hose would exit) to "turn the air" ( that the engine doesnt consume)
in the engine compartment.

My project involved building an encosure that secured to the top
of the engine hatch that enclosed the flame arrestors, and was ducted
to the side vent area of the boat. ( so the engines would only draw
outside air.....nothing from the engine compartment)

I then added additional inlet ducting to turn the air in the engine

Being that the boat spends a lot of time where any ram effect wont be
present ( idle, low speeds) and there isnt any engine vacuum to
draw air into the engine compartment, I added 2 bilge blowers
on the inlet side just to turn the engine compartment air.

I have them ran off of relays....whenever the ignition switch is on,
the blowers turn on.

03-19-2010, 10:02 AM
Ok, thanks for all the input. This boat was designed for 330HP and I am running over 500HP now. The vents I had were way to small for the engine, the vents were poorly designed and needed some repairs anyway. The only thing I had not thought of was when I am trailoring it in the rain. I can always make some covers for the vents, to use for storage and trailoring. The boat is stored in a dry building so that part is really not a issue.
Anyone think this is a good idea? Cool fresh air seems to be better than hot air. What do boats with hatch scoops do?

03-19-2010, 10:08 AM

I did a something similar ( concept wise) to what you're
doing couple of years ago.

You'll want to have an exhaust venting ( at least for where the bilge
blower hose would exit) to "turn the air" ( that the engine doesnt consume)
in the engine compartment.

My project involved building an encosure that secured to the top
of the engine hatch that enclosed the flame arrestors, and was ducted
to the side vent area of the boat. ( so the engines would only draw
outside air.....nothing from the engine compartment)

I then added additional inlet ducting to turn the air in the engine

Being that the boat spends a lot of time where any ram effect wont be
present ( idle, low speeds) and there isnt any engine vacuum to
draw air into the engine compartment, I added 2 bilge blowers
on the inlet side just to turn the engine compartment air.

I have them ran off of relays....whenever the ignition switch is on,
the blowers turn on.Thats a good idea, I run the bilge blower all the time anyway. There is a 4" inlet and 4" outlet on the swim platform. I had not thought of running it with the key. If I do that then I cannot run it before I start the engine without the alarm going off.

03-19-2010, 10:21 AM
It is really pretty simple. Air in air out. You want the engine compartment air temp to be the same as outside. The pressure factor is insignificant. IMO

An easy way to test is with a thermometer.

03-19-2010, 12:02 PM
It will work, some of the Super V guys do/did it and saw noticeable gains with no other changes.

You should build some type of Dorade box to prevent water from getting in. It should be easy. Basically take the hose from the vent and plumb it to the middle of a small box, something like 8X8 or so (bigger is better, whatever you can fit in unobtrusively, maybe a long skinny one under the gunwale). Put a small scoop facing down on the inside (look inside a wet/dry vac for reference). Now plumb a hose from the top of the box to the throttle body. Finally put a small drain or drain hose in the bottom of the box to dump the water that collects there, you can either dump to the bilge or overboard. You will lose a small amount of pressure this way but not take the chance of taking a gulp of water.

Never say never when it comes to boats. ;)I have had this thread up for a while and I have really just gotten input on it today. I am already to far into it for a box setup. I have formed the inside part of the vent with smooth contours for the best airflow. I can alway disconnect the hoses if I get caught in the rain and have to run it. I am more conserned now about trailoring in the rain. I can always make some covers for the vents and that would solve that problem.

03-19-2010, 12:12 PM
I never INTENTIONALLY drive my boat in the rain either:rolleyes:Yea, boating in the rain sucks. We usually just put the cover on and wait it out. After I thought about it I did have one time last year I had to boat back in the rain. The rain set in and it was not clearing off. Last year we got rained on about 8 or 9 times, not a good boating year weather wise.

03-19-2010, 06:14 PM
Here are a few more pictrues of the inner vents. This is very time consuming work, not for the impatiant person. Almost finnished with this part.

Offshore Ginger
03-19-2010, 08:35 PM
Here are a few more pictrues of the inner vents. This is very time consuming work, not for the impatiant person. Almost finnished with this part.Jeff , just curious why did you not pull the snaps and mask everything off ?

03-19-2010, 09:45 PM
Jeff , just curious why did you not pull the snaps and mask everything off ?Good question, I will be removing the snaps soon. I will need to re gel some of that area anyway so I was not real worried about it. I should have waited till next year for this one, turned into a much bigger project than anticipated. I am going to have some gel color matched to the vents. So the area behind the vent and the new glass will get gel also. I have a lot of wasted time with trial and error I think I am on the right track now.

Offshore Ginger
03-20-2010, 08:20 AM
Good question, I will be removing the snaps soon. I will need to re gel some of that area anyway so I was not real worried about it. I should have waited till next year for this one, turned into a much bigger project than anticipated. I am going to have some gel color matched to the vents. So the area behind the vent and the new glass will get gel also. I have a lot of wasted time with trial and error I think I am on the right track now. Jeff , just take your time because it's only the first day of spring and it's not like you will be on the water this month .

03-20-2010, 09:05 AM
I hope u get all the air back out quick...........otherwise u will slow yourself down.

Ram air is really not the way to go on a boat. The engine just needs air to suck as much as IT CAN,,,not over pressure the engine compartment.:leaving:

I believe this also to be a true statement.. I checked that out when working with NorTech on doing that to my 43..they have actually blocked some of the air out..scoops were to big..and where air exit out could have been made larger. Next boat that Im working on will have some flush mounted inlets somewhere in front before the windscreen that channels down the first step for ariation.. Good luck with your project..

03-20-2010, 09:45 AM
I believe this also to be a true statement.. I checked that out when working with NorTech on doing that to my 43..they have actually blocked some of the air out..scoops were to big..and where air exit out could have been made larger. Next boat that Im working on will have some flush mounted inlets somewhere in front before the windscreen that channels down the first step for ariation.. Good luck with your project..All of the air from the vents will be forced directly into the TB. I have the Holley MPI kit with the 1000CFM billit TB that uses the standard size carb opening. Specter makes a air box with dual 4" inlets that should work perfect. The bilge will still be vented by the other holes on the back.

03-20-2010, 09:46 AM
Jeff , just take your time because it's only the first day of spring and it's not like you will be on the water this month .Thanks Artie, I have not gone this far with it to just throw it together. I am taking my time and not rushing through it.

03-20-2010, 03:04 PM
All of the air from the vents will be forced directly into the TB. I have the Holley MPI kit with the 1000CFM billit TB that uses the standard size carb opening. Specter makes a air box with dual 4" inlets that should work perfect. The bilge will still be vented by the other holes on the back.

U gonna have WAY to much air going in there !!!!!!!!!!:ack2:

U will see, learning by doing is just somhow more $$$ then listening to people that done it !!!!!! LOL :sifone:

03-20-2010, 05:35 PM
Here are the latest pics. I took some of the inside to show the mounting flange for the air ducts and the vents on the back of the boat. The bilge connects to one side and the other draws in the fresh air.

03-20-2010, 05:48 PM
You are fine except you do need to make sure you have a system for not getting water in the TB. Either don't go direct to the TB, or build a box as Ted said.

The biggest loss of potential HP comes from the engine room being hot, not from the lack of pressure. However, some compartments do not have enough air for the amount the engines require at WOT.

If I were you, I'd run it without the direct connection to the engine and just try to somewhat have positive pressure in the engine compartment and enough air so ambient outside temperature is maintained.

I think you're on the right track, just would not take the chance of water ingestion into the TB.....

03-20-2010, 06:19 PM
You are fine except you do need to make sure you have a system for not getting water in the TB. Either don't go direct to the TB, or build a box as Ted said.

The biggest loss of potential HP comes from the engine room being hot, not from the lack of pressure. However, some compartments do not have enough air for the amount the engines require at WOT.

If I were you, I'd run it without the direct connection to the engine and just try to somewhat have positive pressure in the engine compartment and enough air so ambient outside temperature is maintained.

I think you're on the right track, just would not take the chance of water ingestion into the TB.....Thanks for the input, I run the bilge all the time so that should keep it ventalated. I am going to wait till later in the season to put the air cleaner and ducts in. Way over budget on the projects this winter. I am still thinking about the water protection issue. I will come up with somthing.

Offshore Ginger
03-20-2010, 07:54 PM
I believe this also to be a true statement.. I checked that out when working with NorTech on doing that to my 43..they have actually blocked some of the air out..scoops were to big..and where air exit out could have been made larger. Next boat that Im working on will have some flush mounted inlets somewhere in front before the windscreen that channels down the first step for ariation.. Good luck with your project.. Why not try Butler's for your flush mounted inlets and your theory was tried by John Sherlock ,crew chief of the old Don Q Rum on a 40 Skater .

03-20-2010, 09:48 PM
Ok Artie, I removed the snaps and cleaned up the crap off of the glass, I hope that makes you feel better. :) I should have taped it off, I figured it would come right off because that part still had wax on it. So what do you think about this little project do you think it will be worth the effort? From the amount of labor involved I am not sure if I will be recomending it. Depends if I gain anything HP or fuel economy wise.

03-22-2010, 09:13 PM
Here are the latest pics. I changed the color of the stripe that is in front of the vent. Well now there is no stripe, the vent will be white also. Still needs sanded and buffed.

03-26-2010, 05:12 PM
Here are the latest pics. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. :)

03-27-2010, 03:40 PM
Looking good......:)

03-27-2010, 05:15 PM
Looking good......:)Thanks, this has been a much bigger job than anticipated. Making the molds was the hardest and most time consuming part. I wound up making them in 2 pieces and attaching them on the boat. Had a job today but I will work on it tomorow and post more pictures.

04-08-2010, 08:46 PM
I have a couple of pics of the vents, I have been waiting on supplies from US. Should be able to work on them this weekend.

04-08-2010, 09:37 PM
I have a couple of pics of the vents, I have been waiting on supplies from US. Should be able to work on them this weekend.

Looks good, but i bet it will slow the boat down !!!! TOOOO MUCH DRAG !!!!:eek:

bajabob 718
04-08-2010, 09:48 PM
look good jeff. you must be close to testing your boat soon????

Offshore Ginger
04-08-2010, 10:17 PM
Looks good, but i bet it will slow the boat down !!!! TOOOO MUCH DRAG !!!!:eek:

Wow , you sure are quick to respond considering the job is not done yet ? And just curious not knowing what holds in the future and after all is said and done when the job is finished ...are you sure that it really matter's what you think ............... Dude you really are to short with your answers and the people that you are responding too considering you are trying to help but in reality have a rude sense about you. I....guess it would be nice if you would tone it down a bit and with that in mind i can almost bet this will lite a spark under your a$$...................big deal!:seeya:

04-09-2010, 08:15 AM
Wow , you sure are quick to respond considering the job is not done yet ? And just curious not knowing what holds in the future and after all is said and done when the job is finished ...are you sure that it really matter's what you think ............... Dude you really are to short with your answers and the people that you are responding too considering you are trying to help but in reality have a rude sense about you. I....guess it would be nice if you would tone it down a bit and with that in mind i can almost bet this will lite a spark under your a$$...................big deal!:seeya:Thanks Artie, I feel the same way. I have learned to ignore him, I see post like that from him all the time.

04-09-2010, 08:46 AM
Sorry guys,, if i come over harsch all the time, but i speak my mind and tell the truth !!!!

Like i said, it looks nice and i think u did a great job,,but it will slow u down. U will see.

Please let us all know if i was right !!:seeya:

04-09-2010, 08:50 AM
Wow , you sure are quick to respond considering the job is not done yet ? And just curious not knowing what holds in the future and after all is said and done when the job is finished ...are you sure that it really matter's what you think ............... Dude you really are to short with your answers and the people that you are responding too considering you are trying to help but in reality have a rude sense about you. I....guess it would be nice if you would tone it down a bit and with that in mind i can almost bet this will lite a spark under your a$$...................big deal!:seeya:

Artie, i am not your DUDE,,,and i really DON'T care waht anybody thinks of me...so i don't expect any body else to care what i think...some do and some don't !!!!

I am cool with that. And just because u know fiberglass,,does not mean u know BOATS !!!! :eek:

Offshore Ginger
04-09-2010, 10:27 AM
Artie, i am not your DUDE,,,and i really DON'T care waht anybody thinks of me...so i don't expect any body else to care what i think...some do and some don't !!!!

I am cool with that. And just because u know fiberglass,,does not mean u know BOATS !!!! :eek::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::toetap05::cuss:only one word for that is WHAH !!!!!!!!:willy_nilly:

04-09-2010, 07:41 PM
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::toetap05::cuss:only one word for that is WHAH !!!!!!!!:willy_nilly:Artie, how many races has he won, oh I mean finished. This is just somthing that other people have pulled his chain on. Artie, are Skaters fast, just curious. :D

Offshore Ginger
04-09-2010, 08:06 PM
Artie, how many races has he won, oh I mean finished. This is just somthing that other people have pulled his chain on. Artie, are Skaters fast, just curious. :DJeff , yes they are, and very fast at that . Jeff , Skater's are triple digit boats 100..........Plus :driving: Jeff , i hope you know that you just opened the door for this idiot ...... ha ha ha ha ha

04-09-2010, 08:24 PM
Jeff , yes they are, and very fast at that . Jeff , Skater's are triple digit boats 100..........Plus :driving: Jeff , i hope you know that you just opened the door for this idiot ...... ha ha ha ha haI just droppd the drive in tonight with a couple of buddies. So I had a couple of beers, Game ON!!! All in fun of course.

Offshore Ginger
04-09-2010, 08:39 PM
I just droppd the drive in tonight with a couple of buddies. So I had a couple of beers, Game ON!!! On in fun of course. So what are your plans in the future for dropping the ole girl in the water -ETA ? :bump:

04-09-2010, 08:42 PM
So what are your plans in the future for dropping the ole girl in the water -ETA ? :bump:I told the wife we could drop it in on Sunday, minus some of the interior and unfinished vents. Only problem is it is our 10yr aniversary. I will let you know how that works out. :eek:

04-09-2010, 10:10 PM
Jeff , yes they are, and very fast at that . Jeff , Skater's are triple digit boats 100..........Plus :driving: Jeff , i hope you know that you just opened the door for this idiot ...... ha ha ha ha ha

Hey,,wonder why u start the name calling,,,u should tell me that in the face !!!!!!:seeya:

And like i said before, tell us all how it turned out.

04-09-2010, 10:12 PM
I just droppd the drive in tonight with a couple of buddies. So I had a couple of beers, Game ON!!! On in fun of course.

When sombody starts name calling,,it is not funny anymore !!!

But , oh well..i know who said it!!!!

04-09-2010, 10:56 PM
Hey, Daredevil. What sort of actually testing have you done on Ram Air? You seem to always have somthing to say about everything but never talk about details about the facts. Although you always talk about knowing the facts. If you do not have anything positive to post here don't bother.

04-09-2010, 11:07 PM
Hey, Daredevil. What sort of actually testing have you done on Ram Air? You seem to always have somthing to say about everything but never talk about details about the facts. Although you always talk about knowing the facts. If you do not have anything positive to post here don't bother.

About 10-15 posts back,,i told u what i think of it and that i have expirienced the effect on a to much air scoop.

So what is it that u want to know ??? Will it work ? , NO ...why ? , way to much air !!!!!!!!!!!

What do u wanna hear ? , Great ,,good job ..WOW, nice,best i have ever seen and so on..well , then i am sorry to have bortherd u, because i don't lie !!!!

And like said before, post some results......oh, just think about how much air @ WOT your engine CAN handle,,and then messure your scoop @ 50 MPH i bet u are already way over the limit......why i would bet that , because i have been there and pressurized my enginecompartment even with vents so bad that i had oil moist pushing thru a 3/4 inch pipe (drain pipe) all the way from the rear bulkhead to the front drain about 25 feet forward of the engine.

But hey,,more power to ya......maybe that fiberglasser knows engines and airflow as well ?????? haha:seeya::sifone:

04-10-2010, 03:58 PM
Just curious - If your concern was a cooler air charge to the engine - why not just add a chiller to the engine??

04-10-2010, 07:37 PM
Just curious - If your concern was a cooler air charge to the engine - why not just add a chiller to the engine??Thanks for the input. Later in the year I will be adding the ducting and plenum to direct the air into the TB. I will not just be pressurizing the engine compartment like somone keeps bringing up. My engine is NA, I believe super chiller is used for superchargers.

04-10-2010, 07:45 PM
I really don't see any difference than what my boat has as far as vent design. I don't think Fountain would have used them if it scrubbed any speed off. Gotta click the pics a couple times to blow it up.

Offshore Ginger
04-10-2010, 08:14 PM
I really don't see any difference than what my boat has as far as vent design. I don't think Fountain would have used them if it scrubbed any speed off. Gotta click the pics a couple times to blow it up.Jerry thank you for posting that.

Offshore Ginger
04-10-2010, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the input. Later in the year I will be adding the ducting and plenum to direct the air into the TB. I will not just be pressurizing the engine compartment like somone keeps bringing up. My engine is NA, I believe super chiller is used for superchargers.:bump::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Offshore Ginger
04-10-2010, 09:07 PM
I told the wife we could drop it in on Sunday, minus some of the interior and unfinished vents. Only problem is it is our 10yr aniversary. I will let you know how that works out. :eek: jeff , i know that you are a little younger then me and not trying to sound like mom & dad but ....... my wife and i just did are 30 plus anversary and to tell you the truth it has been a really great ride and i can not think of any body i would ever want to share all those years with , Wife , Best friend and the list goes on . Jeff the boat will always be there for another day , enjoy your anversary with your best Bud ( wife ) and take care. HAPPY ANVERSARY !

04-10-2010, 11:13 PM
What difference does it make about the size of the engine compartment? Its all about CFM, HP, CI, you should take a look at the Spectre kits so you can realize what I am trying to do. Ram Air is not a new concept, TA, GTO, Shelby, the new tuner cars, list goes on. A lot of boats have hatch scoops, so are those useless also. Artie is contriversial at times but he does know what he is talking about. I do not agree with the name calling, but you Daredevil need to do a little more research. Maybe someday you will finish a race and maybe win won someday if you listen and keep a open mind. I am not a profesional but I have learned a lot over the years and a lot of boats gain speed just by cracking the hatch a couple of inches.

04-10-2010, 11:16 PM
OK, I have great news!! The wife says if I can get the boat running on the muffs by noon we can take it out for a RUN!!!

04-11-2010, 02:14 AM
Lets get this back on topic and watch Jeffs handy work. I for one enjoy the do it yourself projects.

Note; I left my pic up so insanitys post would make some kind of sense, now that the post delete button has been violated. :D

04-11-2010, 07:40 AM
The 32's are definitely lowriders.

There is a guy at my old marina with one, its funny when he is in the well and the boat is rocking, it gets load/quiet/load/quiet as the pipes go under water from other boat wakes. He's had other boaters call the coast guard for him out on the river because they thought he was sinking because it rides so low. :D

04-11-2010, 09:29 AM
Just a little side note, i was NATIONAL & Florida CHAMPION 2008 ,,so please don't even start with things u hear from others,,,us racers always bust each others balls,,did my engine break a lot ,,hell yes..but i still got some 1st place trophys sitting here. + i am racing and rebuilding my stuff on a $0 budget !!!!

Anyhow,,,good luck with your test and i know what you are trying to do, but i still say u slow down.
No way u will force more air in YOUR engine then it uses, if so u will blow it up... valvetrain,and other stuff will just not take all that air.
Why do u think blower engines are build with 7-8 :1 static compression ?
I also hope,,if u have a carb engine ,,that u spend some money on wats called a blow thru carb...they use them on pro charger kits to keep them working with forced air !
If u have efi,,,it will never work because your computer will not read correct .
Again,,what do i know..

Any how,,i just sit back and watch u play,,,good luck..and maybe the fiberglass guy can build u some valves after yours are bend !!!! :sifone:

By the way,,,i know all this because i did not finish races...think abou it !!!

Your turn..lolI have a Holley MPI kit with laptop programable PCM and wideband control. The TB is billit alluminum 1000cfm with the standard size opening. My cr is 8.9 to 1 and I have a RMbuilder cam, lifters, springs ect...

04-11-2010, 04:33 PM
The 32's are definitely lowriders.

There is a guy at my old marina with one, its funny when he is in the well and the boat is rocking, it gets load/quiet/load/quiet as the pipes go under water from other boat wakes. He's had other boaters call the coast guard for him out on the river because they thought he was sinking because it rides so low. :D

Yeah, mine does the same thing when idling with teh exhaust open and the boat is rolling with the waves. Whoop, Whoop, Whoop,.... :)

Back when I 1st bought and went to launch it, it kept on going down, and down , and down. I was thinking, when's this thing going to start floating off the trailer! A buddy has a 42, when he goes to launch, he has to back it in fast enough it pushes the water away from the transom before it starts floating, other wise he said it will take on some water. Steeper ramps are killers on our boats.

04-11-2010, 08:23 PM
My buddy has a 32' and everyone always ask us if we are taking on water. He has twin 502 mags MPI engines, getting off the bow at the dock is like jumping off a cliff!!

04-11-2010, 09:50 PM
OK, I have great news!! The wife says if I can get the boat running on the muffs by noon we can take it out for a RUN!!!

Man, you lucky! I think I will get my engine back next week sometime. filled with marine kinetics goodies. anyways I have to make final assy of all the junk on the front and stuff. think i have all the gaskets and such that i need but im sure i will hit a snag. the river is high and the docks are not out at the ramps until may 1 so i think i am screwed for an early run. cant wait to see what she does after i get her jetted and tuned.

04-11-2010, 10:00 PM
Yea, same here, I made a few phone calls this morning and the river was up. So I worked on the vents today instead of rigging the engine. I am getting much closer, the glass bubbles worked well. I rolled on a few layers of gel and sanded it down. I blew through on a couple of spots so I need to apply a little more gel and sand. This stuff is very time consuming.

04-12-2010, 11:53 AM
At LD 14 we are about 6 inches before action stage and about a foot and a half from flood stage. gonna drop 2 foot thins week though so should be ok launching in the canal then. might run her on the 19th (my birthday) may take a vacation day.

I will post some pics of my setup at work i use to remove the engine. not really a setup but more of a crane i use to remove engines from trucks. the ability to use my dealership for anything i want is good though.

04-13-2010, 10:22 AM
The 32's are definitely lowriders.

There is a guy at my old marina with one, its funny when he is in the well and the boat is rocking, it gets load/quiet/load/quiet as the pipes go under water from other boat wakes. He's had other boaters call the coast guard for him out on the river because they thought he was sinking because it rides so low. :D

i had a 32 fever with hp 500's and every where i went people checked to make sure i wasnt taking on water because it sat so low in the water. had open lighting headers and even confused a few water patrol as to why it is so loud when running... they never wanted to get in the water a verify i didnt have mufflers. would only get warnings...

btw i know daredevil personally and he does not know what he is talking about... he sits at his computer smoking cigs all day and doesnt have a job. keep up the good work.

04-13-2010, 10:55 AM
btw i know daredevil personally and he does not know what he is talking about... he sits at his computer smoking cigs all day and doesnt have a job. keep up the good work.


04-13-2010, 11:46 AM

maybe there are some forums for learning to light a smoke? or being a jack a$$ you'd be king at both...

04-13-2010, 11:53 AM
i had a 32 fever with hp 500's and every where i went people checked to make sure i wasnt taking on water because it sat so low in the water.

I considered keeping a bucket of water next to me and when someone would comment on it sinking as a idled past, I'd grab a Dixie cup and start bailing from the bucket of water, with a look of panic on my face of course. :D

04-13-2010, 12:40 PM
Lets get back on track, here are a couple of pictures. They do not look much different, rolling it on is not good for anything but the bilge. I had to do so much sanding I blew through in a few spots. I am now working on the touch up prossess. This will take a little while.

04-13-2010, 12:42 PM
Here are the pics.

04-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Gentlemen, this thread is border line removal. Please keep in mind the rules about personal attacks and name calling/ Thanks you.

04-13-2010, 02:51 PM
Gentlemen, this thread is border line removal. Please keep in mind the rules about personal attacks and name calling/ Thanks you.

Thanks !!!!!:cheers2:

bajabob 718
04-13-2010, 04:02 PM
jeff that looks good . funny thing my buddy got one of those air cleaners from jegs .it has 2 hoses atach to it . he put the to the air vent .he said it made a diffrence on top speed . i dont no about that i would gps before then after . i may try on my boat just to see . http://www.jegs.com/i/Spectre/865/728/10002/-1?parentProductId=1203412

04-13-2010, 06:55 PM
Thats the type of kit I was thinking of using, and they dropped the price. I need to take a look at the exhaust clearance.

26 Spyder
04-24-2010, 02:47 PM
Project is looking awesome! I plan a similar setup on the Squadron..
Here are a few pics of some testing on the Cobalt I just completed.

To address the functionality of the "Ram Air", Merc used it on its new 1300/1350 engine with a 50 HP gain! Apparently there is some truth to the theory...

From Mercs website; http://mercuryracing.com/1300/
"Air Intake
The horsepower these engines boast is directly related to the way they breathe. The air induction. As is typical for most sterndrives, the 1300 breathes ambient air from the engine room. The 1350, on the other hand, breathes cooler outside air through a direct air induction system. It’s that cooler air that gives it the extra boost of 50 hp. The air induction system does require computer aided design (CAD) integration with your boat."

As for the water ingestion a little mist, rain or spray would prolly never make it through all of the ducting and in to the TB. Especially at the speeds you would be running when it is raining. Just have a low spot in the duct and a small drain hole, 1/4" or so will be plenty. Anyway, I have ran engines with water and water/methanol injection so again a little spray will not hurt a thing.

Now, if you stuff the boat and the wall of water hits the scoop that would be a different story....

And it seems you have covered the engine compartment ventilation needs as well so again, awesome project!:USA:

Offshore Ginger
04-24-2010, 03:42 PM
When i was at Skater we used those type of vents on the deck or Butlers as they were called .

04-24-2010, 05:49 PM
Project is looking awesome! I plan a similar setup on the Squadron..
Here are a few pics of some testing on the Cobalt I just completed.

To address the functionality of the "Ram Air", Merc used it on its new 1300/1350 engine with a 50 HP gain! Apparently there is some truth to the theory...

From Mercs website; http://mercuryracing.com/1300/
"Air Intake
The horsepower these engines boast is directly related to the way they breathe. The air induction. As is typical for most sterndrives, the 1300 breathes ambient air from the engine room. The 1350, on the other hand, breathes cooler outside air through a direct air induction system. It’s that cooler air that gives it the extra boost of 50 hp. The air induction system does require computer aided design (CAD) integration with your boat."

As for the water ingestion a little mist, rain or spray would prolly never make it through all of the ducting and in to the TB. Especially at the speeds you would be running when it is raining. Just have a low spot in the duct and a small drain hole, 1/4" or so will be plenty. Anyway, I have ran engines with water and water/methanol injection so again a little spray will not hurt a thing.

Now, if you stuff the boat and the wall of water hits the scoop that would be a different story....

And it seems you have covered the engine compartment ventilation needs as well so again, awesome project!:USA:Boy those inlets may have made this project a little easier. I made the inside portion from scratch :ack2:. I have seen that project on mwbp and I forgot all about how you did those vents. The scoops have been a real pain but they are looking better.

04-24-2010, 08:03 PM
When i was at Skater we used those type of vents on the deck or Butlers as they were called .

I thought those were called NACA ducts.

04-24-2010, 08:04 PM
Just remember. Air in, Air out.

Offshore Ginger
04-24-2010, 09:19 PM
Just remember. Air in, Air out.Talk about airrrrrrrrrrrrr:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Jim , yes those vents are NACA ducts and had Butler printed on them or should i say stamped in them and that is why... i call them Butler's , and the vents that we used at Skater were made of some type of black plastic which were glassed in under the deck and Jim only you might remember this name which is is John Sherlock who once tried using those vents on a 40 Skater to push air into the steps to give the hull more lift on one of the old Don Q rum boats .

04-24-2010, 11:08 PM
I remember him although, I didn't know him personally.

04-24-2010, 11:35 PM
What about injecting a surfactant into that air stream before it exits the step :D

26 Spyder
04-26-2010, 11:17 AM
I thought those were called NACA ducts.

Yes, they are called NACA ducts.

I bought a plastic NACA duct from a circle track car catalog, and I made molds from it so I could duplicate them in fiberglass to make them easier to graft in.
There are many different shapes and sizes available. So the custom possibilities are endless.
Cigarette uses a similar style vent on some of their boats. and I am sure a few other manufactures as well.

05-20-2010, 12:39 PM
Here are the latest pics. I am making better progress on the vents. The inline air sander broke again and I started sanding by hand and I am not blowing through (as much). I should have sanded it by hand from the begining.

05-20-2010, 08:49 PM
Buffed out the left side. Here are a couple of pics.

05-20-2010, 08:58 PM
looks good!!

Offshore Ginger
05-20-2010, 09:06 PM
Jeff , sometimes stuff like this is a lot of work put the rewards are even better because you did it yourself and with that in mind pat your self on the back.................L@@KIN G@@D:sifone:

05-20-2010, 09:26 PM
Thanks Guys, I am caught up with work until next week. I will be working on it tomorow and I may get it put back together this weekend. To bad the rivers are up or we may have tried it out on Sunday. The nearest lake is about a 1 1/2 hours and may not have enough time to do that.

06-20-2010, 11:18 PM
OK, here is a project update. I installed the Ram Air and ran it today. It was very hot and humid, very high heat index. I would say the ram air is about a 2MPH upgrade and the 3" raised x about a 4MPH upgrade. I ran about the same speed today (considering the temps) as I ran with the hatch and air cleaner off on the test runs.

06-20-2010, 11:49 PM
Here are a couple of pics in front of the house.

Offshore Ginger
06-24-2010, 10:28 AM
OK, here is a project update. I installed the Ram Air and ran it today. It was very hot and humid, very high heat index. I would say the ram air is about a 2MPH upgrade and the 3" raised x about a 4MPH upgrade. I ran about the same speed today (considering the temps) as I ran with the hatch and air cleaner off on the test runs.Jeff , that is sooooooooooo c@@l and to think most of it was just a little hard work with no expensive motor upgrade's .:driving:

06-24-2010, 11:35 AM
Thanks Artie, I am not real crazy about adding more power to the stock Bravo. I am running about 500HP at this point. There seems to be a lot of ways to squeak out speed with the setup. Even if somthing only adds a 1/2 or 1 MPH it adds up when you do them all. Next winter I may get rid of those tiny bubbles on the hull and do a little wet sanding.

Wahoo 214
06-24-2010, 02:01 PM
That looks great. We run 10" duct to the TB on my boat. You can't beat cool, clean air.

06-24-2010, 09:25 PM
Is that 1-10" per engine? Cool, the kit I got from Spectre has a plentum with dual 4" inlets on my TB. I wounder what would flow more 2-4" or 1-10". I think one 10" would have more volume but how do you adapt it to the TB.

Wahoo 214
06-25-2010, 10:08 AM
1 per engine. We made a hoop that bolts to the flame arrestor and the hose terminates right over the the flame arrestor.

07-02-2010, 10:39 AM
Project is looking awesome! I plan a similar setup on the Squadron..
Here are a few pics of some testing on the Cobalt I just completed.

To address the functionality of the "Ram Air", Merc used it on its new 1300/1350 engine with a 50 HP gain! Apparently there is some truth to the theory...

From Mercs website; http://mercuryracing.com/1300/
"Air Intake
The horsepower these engines boast is directly related to the way they breathe. The air induction. As is typical for most sterndrives, the 1300 breathes ambient air from the engine room. The 1350, on the other hand, breathes cooler outside air through a direct air induction system. It’s that cooler air that gives it the extra boost of 50 hp. The air induction system does require computer aided design (CAD) integration with your boat."

As for the water ingestion a little mist, rain or spray would prolly never make it through all of the ducting and in to the TB. Especially at the speeds you would be running when it is raining. Just have a low spot in the duct and a small drain hole, 1/4" or so will be plenty. Anyway, I have ran engines with water and water/methanol injection so again a little spray will not hurt a thing.

Now, if you stuff the boat and the wall of water hits the scoop that would be a different story....

And it seems you have covered the engine compartment ventilation needs as well so again, awesome project!:USA:

Wow that looks familiar. I guess great minds think alike.

26 Spyder
07-02-2010, 11:09 AM
Sweet! Show a few more pics! What boat is that?

07-05-2010, 12:08 AM
Wow that looks familiar. I guess great minds think alike.Hey Ned, quite hyjacking my post!!! :eek: Just kidding, welcome to the site. Start a thread and show your project. I have a few more pics to post to complete the project. I hope to see you at the river some time.

07-06-2010, 09:36 AM
I still have not hooked mine up. If I did I would have 2 3" feeding the engine. I dont think that would be enough.

07-06-2010, 09:59 AM
26 Spyder its a 85 Scarab 1. Did you connect yours? Any gains? I have never connected mine. I did find that the engine compartment is way cooler that it was originally. The naca ducts pull in a lot of bugs and dirt so they must be bringing in a lot of air.

07-14-2010, 05:29 PM
That turned out great. I wanted to do something similar a couple years ago but I don't have the room with my throttle linkage.

People don't realize how much warm intake temps can drop hp!

You have any engine pics?

07-16-2010, 12:17 PM
I will take some this weekend. I had to get a 1" spacer for the plenum to clear the linkage.

bajabob 718
08-23-2010, 06:01 PM
jeff did you notice any gain in your ram air????? my buddy wants to do his ???

08-27-2010, 08:51 PM
jeff did you notice any gain in your ram air????? my buddy wants to do his ???Well, I gained about 1-2 MPH. Not bad for no internal mods. I have about $350 in the kit. If he has a easy way to route the air in then go for it. I have at least a 100hrs in the vent project. I could do it in less time now, of course. I get a lot of comments on the vents though, they look cool!!

09-07-2010, 08:37 PM
Great job Jeff!!I'm doing it over the winter also.I have ducts on the boat from the factory that are not connected to anything but an air box in the gunnels.Here's a pic. the sir box inside has 2 4"openings on each side already.I'm going to use pvc pipe.I let you know if it slows me down.

09-07-2010, 08:58 PM
Mine is a ramjet setup so the duct work will ride along the rear bulkhead.