View Full Version : Does This Contain ANY Truth?

Edward R. Cozzi
01-30-2010, 04:08 PM
Received this as an email. What do you gentlemen think?

01-30-2010, 04:13 PM
Now this is gonna be an interesting thread I'm sure.:sifone:

There is definitely "truth" there, how much is the question. I really enjoyed the "Women" one........:sifone::sifone::sifone:

01-30-2010, 04:16 PM
Now this is gonna be an interesting thread I'm sure.:sifone:

There is definitely "truth" there, how much is the question. I really enjoyed the "Women" one........:sifone::sifone::sifone:

And that spread of delicious meat products :drool5:

01-30-2010, 04:22 PM

01-30-2010, 04:26 PM

01-30-2010, 04:41 PM
Received this as an email. What do you gentlemen think?

I think it's just more regurgitated email TRIPE. Generated by and for shallowminded conservatives who need a constant stream of jingoism to keep their superior visions of themselves intact.

You should move to Disneyworld, Ed.

01-30-2010, 04:43 PM
I have no problem expressing what I think. On another thread at another place someone posted "I'm X, and I'm a conservative" To which I replied

I'm Rob, and I refuse to label myself. Labels put one in a box. I prefer to have an open mind without the constraints of heaving my head boxed up. I consider my self an adult, decently educated, reasonably intelligent and capable of evaluating things and making decisions without following a paint by number agenda. I also encourage those around me to think, to understand and to have an open mind... To be an intelligent individual, not an agenda following koolaid swilling sheep.

Whether I or anyone else consider your beliefs right, wrong, or indifferent, what is important is that you have beliefs. That you make decisions based on your beliefs to guide your life. If you blindly follow someone elses map on your journey thru life, you will arrive at their destination, not yours. This is why I am so opposed to the mutant cut and paste that is so prevelant. You were born with and developed the ability to take in information from various sources, to evaluate the information, to choose what is important to you and act upon it. To do this effectively requires an open mind and a belief that you are intelligent enough to make your own decisions in life that will be beneficial to you. When you were a child you did what your parents told you. You are an adult, it's time to stand on your own two feet and not allow a party, a label, or the second comming of Barrack Limbaugh to be your parents and dictate your decisions in life.

These are my thoughts..my beliefs, do with them what you will.

01-30-2010, 04:48 PM
that meat made me hungry

01-30-2010, 05:06 PM
I have no problem expressing what I think. On another thread at another place someone posted "I'm X, and I'm a conservative" To which I replied

I'm Rob, and I refuse to label myself. Labels put one in a box. I prefer to have an open mind without the constraints of heaving my head boxed up. I consider my self an adult, decently educated, reasonably intelligent and capable of evaluating things and making decisions without following a paint by number agenda. I also encourage those around me to think, to understand and to have an open mind... To be an intelligent individual, not an agenda following koolaid swilling sheep.

Whether I or anyone else consider your beliefs right, wrong, or indifferent, what is important is that you have beliefs. That you make decisions based on your beliefs to guide your life. If you blindly follow someone elses map on your journey thru life, you will arrive at their destination, not yours. This is why I am so opposed to the mutant cut and paste that is so prevelant. You were born with and developed the ability to take in information from various sources, to evaluate the information, to choose what is important to you and act upon it. To do this effectively requires an open mind and a belief that you are intelligent enough to make your own decisions in life that will be beneficial to you. When you were a child you did what your parents told you. You are an adult, it's time to stand on your own two feet and not allow a party, a label, or the second comming of Barrack Limbaugh to be your parents and dictate your decisions in life.

These are my thoughts..my beliefs, do with them what you will.

good stuff x1:iagree:

01-30-2010, 05:26 PM
This is how it got to Ed.

01-30-2010, 06:04 PM
Looks pretty accurate to me.

01-30-2010, 07:49 PM
No truth, only opinions. Type casting to the extreme. :rolleyes:

01-30-2010, 08:13 PM
No truth, only opinions. Type casting to the extreme. :rolleyes:

Thank You:)

01-30-2010, 09:40 PM
I have no problem expressing what I think. On another thread at another place someone posted "I'm X, and I'm a conservative" To which I replied

I'm Rob, and I refuse to label myself. Labels put one in a box. I prefer to have an open mind without the constraints of heaving my head boxed up. I consider my self an adult, decently educated, reasonably intelligent and capable of evaluating things and making decisions without following a paint by number agenda. I also encourage those around me to think, to understand and to have an open mind... To be an intelligent individual, not an agenda following koolaid swilling sheep.

Whether I or anyone else consider your beliefs right, wrong, or indifferent, what is important is that you have beliefs. That you make decisions based on your beliefs to guide your life. If you blindly follow someone elses map on your journey thru life, you will arrive at their destination, not yours. This is why I am so opposed to the mutant cut and paste that is so prevelant. You were born with and developed the ability to take in information from various sources, to evaluate the information, to choose what is important to you and act upon it. To do this effectively requires an open mind and a belief that you are intelligent enough to make your own decisions in life that will be beneficial to you. When you were a child you did what your parents told you. You are an adult, it's time to stand on your own two feet and not allow a party, a label, or the second comming of Barrack Limbaugh to be your parents and dictate your decisions in life.

These are my thoughts..my beliefs, do with them what you will.

phragle, you just saved me a lot of typing. - Jeff

01-30-2010, 09:49 PM
phragle, you just saved me a lot of typing. - Jeff

I thought I lived in the land of Karl Marx.... we are amateurs compared to you poor guys in Oregon. :(

When robbing Peter to pay Paul, it is very easy to get Paul's vote. :rolleyes:


Edward R. Cozzi
01-30-2010, 11:02 PM
I think it's just more regurgitated email TRIPE. Generated by and for shallowminded conservatives who need a constant stream of jingoism to keep their superior visions of themselves intact.

You should move to Disneyworld, Ed.

All I did was ask if there was any truth to this and you find it necessary to insult me? Why would I want to live in Disneyworld? It would be tough for my life to be any better where I'm at now. Please explain the Disneyworld comment. I guess I'm not as worldly as you think.

So Jay, is this how real liberals think? Do they want to force their will on people? Ban guns, meat, etc.? If the women thing is true, I can see the reason for your bitterness!

01-30-2010, 11:04 PM
If the women thing is true, I can see the reason for your bitterness!


Must be true, the pics are worth a thousand words......

Edward R. Cozzi
01-30-2010, 11:04 PM
that meat made me hungry

Me too. I'm going to plan a big barbeque.

01-30-2010, 11:09 PM
Obvious B.S.

01-30-2010, 11:11 PM
All I did was ask if there was any truth to this and you find it necessary to insult me? Why would I want to live in Disneyworld? It would be tough for my life to be any better where I'm at now. Please explain the Disneyworld comment. I guess I'm not as worldly as you think.

So Jay, is this how real liberals think? Do they want to force their will on people? Ban guns, meat, etc.? If the women thing is true, I can see the reason for your bitterness!

Maybe he thought he'd insult you on everyone elses behalf since you were insulting everyones intelligence with another one of your NOT VEILED AT ALL silly posts.

Edward R. Cozzi
01-30-2010, 11:27 PM
Maybe he thought he'd insult you on everyone elses behalf since you were insulting everyones intelligence with another one of your NOT VEILED AT ALL silly posts.

Sorry if this email hit a little close to home for you. Don't be bitter, all I wanted to know if this is how liberals REALLY feel about things. If you feel a thread is "silly", why do you respond?

If I don't like a song on the radio, I switch the station.

01-31-2010, 12:04 AM
Up here, the liberals are by far the most intolerant of all. Insulting you, screaming over the top of you , trashing your possessions are all typical acts of our Liberals.


01-31-2010, 12:20 AM
Sorry if this email hit a little close to home for you. Don't be bitter, all I wanted to know if this is how liberals REALLY feel about things. If you feel a thread is "silly", why do you respond?

If I don't like a song on the radio, I switch the station.

Didnt hit home on me at all.
Keep going.

Your stuff is funny.
You make me laugh.

01-31-2010, 12:27 AM
Your stuff is funny.
You make me laugh.

Your starting to sound like stecz.......

01-31-2010, 12:39 AM
Your starting to sound like stecz.......

How does one sound " Greasy"??:):)

01-31-2010, 12:52 AM
How does one sound " Greasy"??:):)

I advise you to throughly was your hands and computer with warm water and antibacterial soap immediately!!!

01-31-2010, 02:17 AM
Isn't it odd how being called on one's beliefs brings such acrimony. Seems like if the same thing was brought up describing a conservative, one or more of us would tear it apart piece by piece, line by line, likely with subtitles and a bibliography, but because the only way to maintain certain attitudes which must be maintained to be a liberal, some that are very well illustrated by some of those quips, there is no analysis, just snipey comments.....

Why is it if you don't like something, I can't have it??? Why is it that if you can't get something on your own, I have to buy it for you with my tax dollars? Why is it that if most people don't want something, you have to go to the judicial to make it happen?

01-31-2010, 02:27 AM
Ted, I don't believe my comment was 'snipey'... It was also not directed at one side or the other. Nor was it meant to ostracize. It was posted with the intent of possibly allowing one to step back and think, not about their thoughts, but about their thought process.

01-31-2010, 02:36 AM
And my comment was not directed at you. It is a problem when you pigeon hole people and disrespectful to disregard all of their thoughts and beliefs by dropping them in a small box you have placed some nasty label on like "right wingnut or socialist". This board as a whole is populated with exceptional, accomplished individuals. If some of the nation's and/or the world's problems could actually be solved we probably have a better chance of doing it here than 9999.99999% of places on the web, if nothing else because of our general demographic. But it seems like so many times we have to resort to the same ol' same ol' ranting and raving you find everywhere else. Oh well, guess I can't expect too much...

01-31-2010, 03:04 AM
Oh well, guess I can't expect too much...

Civility and respect is not to much to ask or expect, we are adults afterall...

01-31-2010, 07:31 AM
As I've said before its the Broadstroke generalities that get me.

ALL liberals and ALL conservatives dont act in any way as being depicted.

Just reading on here I see left leaning people that are just as interested about collectng guns while eating barbequed steak as there is conservatives frustrated with the money spent in Iraq and wanting a more balanced heathcare system.

The polarization on here will never make me judge or have me act differently towards my great friends on here because I know they dont think the way some of the videos and pps perpetuate the differences.

All I see is methodology. If someone broke into my home I would disable them with a shovel and then drive over them with a fuel efficient compact.

After pulling the shovel out of his asss I would send it to Haiti to help themselves dig out from under their mess.

ALL liberals dont hate the USA and want to ruin it , just as All conservatives dont want grandma to suffer because she doesnt have health insurance.

Just sayin.:):) And I'm just sayin with respect to everyone on here.

Just dont bash your dog in the head with a 2X4 please and thankyou.:USA::USA:

01-31-2010, 09:53 AM
You are very true about All liberals and All conservatives. The problem is those who are in power to represent All liberals and All conservatives. Somehow we ended up with Democrats representing the liberals. This, at the present time, would be Pelosi, Obama, Reid, Feinstein, etc. The same thing happens with the Republicans representing the conservatives. The last group would have been Bush, Cheney, etc. The largest issue in my mind, not one of either group gave a dang about what is best for those they represent, or the country they represent. All they give a dang about is getting relected, increasing the power they have over all of us, and improving their lot on life.

That anyone here thinks any of those should stay in office, after they created another bill behind closed doors they exempted themselves from being effected by, would be beyond my belief. It is that arrogance that makes me want to throw everyone out of office, or pass a Constitutional Amendment that all elected representatives cannot create any law or policy that they themselves are not governed by. And, if they are found breaking any of these laws, a randomly selected group of 11 jurers of common citizens Who Pay Taxes will review the average punishment received by common citizens for that crime and they will be punished with that average.

01-31-2010, 10:12 AM
Sorry if this email hit a little close to home for you. Don't be bitter, all I wanted to know if this is how liberals REALLY feel about things. If you feel a thread is "silly", why do you respond?

If I don't like a song on the radio, I switch the station.

I don't think you were really asking for our honest opinion on the slide show. It's just another presentation of extreme-thinking stereotypes. You could swap every one of them out and replace them with racially oriented one's and not skip a beat.

As someone most likely more conservative than any of the members posting this far right stuff, I can tell you from experience that there's no such thing as a Liberal or a Conservative. There are people that believe certain things. Each one is an individual and each one believs something slightly different and all in different degrees. And I've also learned that making static decisions in a dynamic envionment is foolish. I like to take each issue and weigh it's merits against MY OWN values.

It's disturbing to get a nonstop flow of this sort of stuff in my daily in box. It tells me that there are way too many people being led around like sheep by others willing to do their thinking for them.

This stuff reminds me of the early propaganda of the Third Reich. Their stuff from the erly 30's did exactly the same thing- it gave an already-unhappy populace a demon to hate. All neatly prepackaged with phrases and images. And it was eased into the mainstream on a very well-calculated way. So well-calculated and orchestrated that after a few years it wasn't hard at all to begin herding these demons and monsters into the gas chambers.

You guys go ahead and stereotype and hate all you want. I'm going to pick who to fight against on an individual basis. And I'm going to go into that selection process knowing that there are probabaly just as many people with interests contrary to mine on the conservative side of the aisle as there are on the liberal side.

01-31-2010, 10:19 AM
I don't think you were really asking for our honest opinion on the slide show. It's just another presentation of extreme-thinking stereotypes. You could swap every one of them out and replace them with racially oriented one's and not skip a beat.

As someone most likely more conservative than any of the members posting this far right stuff, I can tell you from experience that there's no such thing as a Liberal or a Conservative. There are people that believe certain things. Each one is an individual and each one believs something slightly different and all in different degrees. And I've also learned that making static decisions in a dynamic envionment is foolish. I like to take each issue and weigh it's merits against MY OWN values.

It's disturbing to get a nonstop flow of this sort of stuff in my daily in box. It tells me that there are way too many people being led around like sheep by others willing to do their thinking for them.

This stuff reminds me of the early propaganda of the Third Reich. Their stuff from the erly 30's did exactly the same thing- it gave an already-unhappy populace a demon to hate. All neatly prepackaged with phrases and images. And it was eased into the mainstream on a very well-calculated way. So well-calculated and orchestrated that after a few years it wasn't hard at all to begin herding these demons and monsters into the gas chambers.

You guys go ahead and stereotype and hate all you want. I'm going to pick who to fight against on an individual basis. And I'm going to go into that selection process knowing that there are probabaly just as many people with interests contrary to mine on the conservative side of the aisle as there are on the liberal side.

What he just said.

Edward R. Cozzi
01-31-2010, 12:30 PM
In the "Godfather" Virgil Sollozzo told Michael in the restaurant where the veal is "the best in the city": "You give me too much credit, I am the hunted one."

Well, you guys give ME too much credit. I really am, (was), asking if this is how liberals really think. You have to remember I am a product of the late fifties and sixties. When I was growing-up, Communism, (Russia) was the enemy who could start a nuclear war with us and destroy our way of life. I went to public school, but when I went to church and Sunday school, we prayed for something called the "Conversion of Russia". Didn't really know what it was, but prayed nevertheless because the priests and nuns asked us kids to.

Up until this last election I never had ANY interest in politics. (Does that make me a late-bloomer?) I knew about Republicans and Democrats, but nothing about Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Left-wing, Right-wing, Partisanship, Bi-partisanship, etc. I just never paid any attention to politics because it never seemed to affect MY day-to-day life. I never registered nor voted in any other election but this last one.

I did not CREATE that pps program, but it raised some interesting questions I had never thought of before. I put it on this forum because I felt I would get some solid feedback of opinions from people I respect.

Well, let me tell you what I DID learn. Some liberals are VERY sensitive about how they are portrayed and become quite vociferous about it WHETHER THEY FIT THAT STEREOTYPE OR NOT.

I still do not think Obama was the right choice for this country, but I think he and the dems are proving me correct more every day.

Tommy Gun
01-31-2010, 12:46 PM
I think it's just more regurgitated email TRIPE. Generated by and for shallowminded conservatives who need a constant stream of jingoism to keep their superior visions of themselves intact.

You should move to Disneyworld, Ed.

Ed, you have learned something; and that is a liberal cannot debate without insult.

For example, take a look at the comment above; now use the Daily KOS as the subject. If you'd ever actually read the Daily KOS you would understand just how ludicrously hypocritical the above comment truly is.

01-31-2010, 01:14 PM
In the "Godfather" Virgil Sollozzo told Michael in the restaurant where the veal is "the best in the city": "You give me too much credit, I am the hunted one."

Well, you guys give ME too much credit. I really am, (was), asking if this is how liberals really think. You have to remember I am a product of the late fifties and sixties. When I was growing-up, Communism, (Russia) was the enemy who could start a nuclear war with us and destroy our way of life. I went to public school, but when I went to church and Sunday school, we prayed for something called the "Conversion of Russia". Didn't really know what it was, but prayed nevertheless because the priests and nuns asked us kids to.

Up until this last election I never had ANY interest in politics. (Does that make me a late-bloomer?) I knew about Republicans and Democrats, but nothing about Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Left-wing, Right-wing, Partisanship, Bi-partisanship, etc. I just never paid any attention to politics because it never seemed to affect MY day-to-day life. I never registered nor voted in any other election but this last one.

I did not CREATE that pps program, but it raised some interesting questions I had never thought of before. I put it on this forum because I felt I would get some solid feedback of opinions from people I respect.

Well, let me tell you what I DID learn. Some liberals are VERY sensitive about how they are portrayed and become quite vociferous about it WHETHER THEY FIT THAT STEREOTYPE OR NOT.

I still do not think Obama was the right choice for this country, but I think he and the dems are proving me correct more every day.

"I never registered nor voted in any other election but this last one."

"Some liberals "

"Didn't really know what it was, but prayed nevertheless because the priests and nuns asked us kids to."

Thank you.

This makes things clear for me when I read your posts.

01-31-2010, 01:15 PM
I find the first slide insulting. My wife is liberal, attractive, graduated from University of Michigan (hotbed of liberalism) but could care less what you eat, isn't anti-gun. Even though she once worked in the Detroit school system and has a critical view on how welfare really works she still finds enough reasons to debate for the liberal position in most cases.


01-31-2010, 01:20 PM
Just like Steve's recent political postings and then one thread on boat building. We got to know Steve the right-wing zealot and forgot about Steve the boatbuilder. So his rep followed him.

I guess you'd have been ahead of the game asking about liberals before lambasting them.

This is my take- this country is not half liberal and half conservative, as the fairly even split in voting history. I believe there are a very small amount of true liberals and a big bunch of people that want to get on the free ride-distribution of wealth wagon. On the other side I beleve you have a small number of conservatives and a bunch of people that like the sounds of the values-based stuff, but have little appreciation of the big picture. What really cracks me up is to listen to discussion among some "conservatives" about some of the movements opinions on fiscal policy and taxation and hearing how fervently they support it. The funny part- they don't make an income that puts them anywhere near being a beneficiary of their beliefs.

01-31-2010, 01:22 PM
I find the first slide insulting. My wife is liberal, attractive, graduated from University of Michigan

Yeah- that's pretty funny. Go to any major university and round up a couple thousand of their better looking female students and ask them about their political ideals. I think after a few hundred colleges, you'd pretty much have an army of exceptionally hot liberals.

Edward R. Cozzi
01-31-2010, 02:00 PM
"I never registered nor voted in any other election but this last one."

"Some liberals "

"Didn't really know what it was, but prayed nevertheless because the priests and nuns asked us kids to."

Thank you.

This makes things clear for me when I read your posts.

Good. The LAST thing I want is for you not to be clear and not understand me.