View Full Version : Free L.A. Boat Show Tickets

Matt Trulio
01-14-2010, 02:53 PM
I know, I know, there are lots of fine people on these forums who don't believe there is such a thing as a West Coast "performance-boat" market. (Notice, I did not use the words "offshore boat market.") But those of you who feeling going to the L.A. Boat Show Feb. 18-21 on someone else's dime,

Dude! Sweet!
01-14-2010, 03:08 PM
Thanks Matt!

I'm going to have to order my check valves etc soon anyhow so that will work out nicely. And since I can walk to the convention center from my office, I'm planning on going to the show anyhow.

Matt Trulio
01-14-2010, 05:37 PM
Hey Dude,

Didn't the L.A. Convention Center recently undergo major renovations? I also remembering reading (or hearing) somewhere that a new hotel (and nice) had been built adjacent to the facility.