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View Full Version : Pulling an Engine- Pantera 28 Single

01-06-2010, 01:09 PM
Any tips on pulling my engine. Big Block single with imco.

I am yanking it on Saturday and sending it to the builder got one of my shop mechanics coming in to help me.

Already been bugging Airpacker too much so I thought I would ask any of the Pantera dudes if they have any tips or what.

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Drive off first... :D

We used a fork truck and a loading dock. Worked great. Backed the boat up with the engine hatch off and everything disconnected. Pulled up the fork truck and lifted it right on out. No problemo.

Of course it was an indoor dock in Southern California... You'll probably freeze your balls off at your place this weekend! :sifone:

Good luck bud!

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 01:18 PM
Oh yah, and I thought it was WAY easier than pulling motors out of cars!

01-06-2010, 01:30 PM
I am going to be doing it indoors in my warehouse, with a smoke and a beer and Zeppelin on the stereo.....

I am planning to pull off the drive and engine hatch Friday night, get everything disconnected inside the engine compartment except the mounting bolts and then I am going to pull the boat up to the block and tackle, hook up and pull the engine then back the boat back and drop the engine into the bed of the pickup onto a skid.

Sound like a decent plan?

01-06-2010, 01:48 PM
Oh yah, and I thought it was WAY easier than pulling motors out of cars!

It is (unless it is a C1 Corvette which is identical or easier )..like setting up a boat for a race too... just put the prop on and do a test run and trim it.

01-06-2010, 01:51 PM
I am going to be doing it indoors in my warehouse, with a smoke and a beer and Zeppelin on the stereo.....

I am planning to pull off the drive and engine hatch Friday night, get everything disconnected inside the engine compartment except the mounting bolts and then I am going to pull the boat up to the block and tackle, hook up and pull the engine then back the boat back and drop the engine into the bed of the pickup onto a skid.

Sound like a decent plan?

Correct on all counts....

Bytheway...what beer and how much...do not go more than 5 longnecks while wrenching so you remember everything while putting everything back...
After that you can sit by the boat and get pizzed...

01-06-2010, 02:09 PM
Correct on all counts....

Bytheway...what beer and how much...do not go more than 5 longnecks while wrenching so you remember everything while putting everything back...
After that you can sit by the boat and get pizzed...

I will be sure to limit intake to 5 or less.


Moosehead maybe? It is on sale right now so I have been drinking alot of that!

01-06-2010, 02:15 PM
Moosehead will do for a Canuck and Finn..

Unless you got any Karhu (http://www.thebackpacker.net/travel-guide/world-drinks/finland/295/) (Bear) around.
Me on the other hand try to stay while wrenching totally off beer..just relax with it later...maybe enjoy a cigar first.

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 02:36 PM
Adam, you probably know this as well, but masking tape and a pen are your friends... Label everything that comes off and where it went. Probably worth the trouble to take some hi-res (large) photos of the engine compartment before dissasembly as well.

There's nothing tricky to it. I don't think it took us more than a couple hours from the first hatch pin to cleaning up the huge oily mess on the floor from the oil lines...

01-06-2010, 02:40 PM
Adam, as I told you , one hour, no more and its on the floor. Drink several beers AFTERWARDS!

PS, this 36 Cord you guys dropped off at my shop is kinda cool. Be better if it had brakes tho :)

01-06-2010, 02:41 PM
1 hour that is at most.

01-06-2010, 02:54 PM
Adam, as I told you , one hour, no more and its on the floor. Drink several beers AFTERWARDS!

PS, this 36 Cord you guys dropped off at my shop is kinda cool. Be better if it had brakes tho :)

I drove it on Richmond St to load it into a trailer just before Christmas on night at 1am after the bars closed down and was the one who got to find out that it had no brakes...thank god for the parking brake...

01-06-2010, 02:56 PM
I will take some pics to post in my redo thread. the redo that hasnt even started yet except in my mind and out of my mouth when drinking..lol.

01-06-2010, 05:02 PM
wish i had a 28 pantera to pull the engine on.

maybe ill get my drivers license chanced to an "Enhanced"(sp) one and drive over just to get some time messing around on one. cant be that far of a drive.

01-06-2010, 05:21 PM
wish i had a 28 pantera to pull the engine on.

maybe ill get my drivers license chanced to an "Enhanced"(sp) one and drive over just to get some time messing around on one. cant be that far of a drive.

there are alot of nice ones for sale.

I would just buy one if I were you then you can have all the fun of blowing engines, breaking down at horrible times, spending 500 per weekend on fuel, maintaning trailers, etc,etc,etc.:rolleyes:

But that one time when the waves are perfect and the sun is at the right place in the sky and you are blasting across the lake at 80 plus mph with a couple screaming broads you will remember that it is all worth it!!:sifone:


01-06-2010, 05:35 PM

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 05:38 PM
J Roc on the throttles! :D

Seriously though... That's an awesome picture!

I was talking about taking pictures of stuff so you know where it goes when you put it back together... But can't wait to see them either!

01-06-2010, 05:43 PM
J to the R-O-C....It could happen to you cause it happened to me...and T...lol


Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 05:57 PM
Dude! It's Bouy!

That's too freakin' funny bud!

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 05:58 PM
The dude in the background is clearly suffering from the "Julian-effect"... Oh my! :sifone:

01-06-2010, 06:00 PM
Are you really always sporting a white boy tan or what?????? :)

01-06-2010, 06:37 PM
Are you really always sporting a white boy tan or what?????? :)


Thats what happens when you mix Ukrainians and Irish...I am phospholuminescent.

I will be sitting by the pool at for a month in Scottsdale starting Sunday so I will have plenty of time to try and get a tan. :eek:

01-06-2010, 07:08 PM
Did someone call my name??:seeya:

I see where this thread is going.

J - to the - R. O. C.


01-06-2010, 07:12 PM
Yanking the motor is easy, it's putting everything back together that takes time.

Had the motor out of my 24 in less than an hour.
Had the entire motor stripped to bare block in about 2-1/2, 3.

I'm no expert at this at all, in fact, I was just a helper on the scene.
I do recall for some reason shifting the drive to forward before pulling it.
Not sure why, but the guys seemed to think that was an important step.

01-06-2010, 07:15 PM

Thats what happens when you mix Ukrainians and Irish...I am phospholuminescent.

I will be sitting by the pool at for a month in Scottsdale starting Sunday so I will have plenty of time to try and get a tan. :eek:

You're coming to Scottsdale?!?!?

Hell, I'm in Tempe. You'll be ~15 miles away.
We have to hook up for a few beers.
Maybe even get Dude!Sweet! to run out here.
Ain't no party like a familia party!

01-06-2010, 07:26 PM
I have one in Mind. actually tow but im getting over the paint job so its ok with me. but I was going to get a New job going to be a big ass raise but then the deal with the employer totally fell apart and stopped taking calls. I had a house picked out and made sure it could fit a 28ft in the drive way. lol. OH well. I someone give me a loan???? lol

I have one thing on my side- im a mechanic for a living so boats building and everyting from triailer to window i know someone or can do it my self.

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 07:40 PM
You're coming to Scottsdale?!?!?

Hell, I'm in Tempe. You'll be ~15 miles away.
We have to hook up for a few beers.
Maybe even get Dude!Sweet! to run out here.
Ain't no party like a familia party!

Tim, I was going to suggest a visit while Adam is out. Seems like a good idea to me!

01-06-2010, 07:46 PM
Tim, I was going to suggest a visit while Adam is out. Seems like a good idea to me!

Well, now it's just become a "MUST HAPPEN", instead of just a good idea.

I forgot Adam was going to be out here for Barrett-Jackson.
My wife was mentioning that she'd like to go to at least take a look around.
What are the dates? My 24yr step-daughter is going to be out here 23-30th.
Might be something cool to take her to.

01-06-2010, 07:49 PM
Dude - post count 4444.

Barrett-Jackson 18-24th.

01-06-2010, 09:49 PM
I will be there on the 10th until February.

Lets do it. I know a few good bars down there...Tim ever been to the Giligans Bar?

I have taken a few people here and it is usually pretty good. Plus it is right in old town.

a few tidbits from reviews I just found....the place actually has a mini bar with a midget bartender and tiny stools. no joke.

"If Jimmy Buffet and Hunter S Thompson were hanging out tripped the **** out on acid and decided to open a bar together it would look something like this place only with more fire arms. Somehow this still doesn't work that well."

"Vile...never again. Went in to meet up with some friends. While I was waiting to get a drink, a guy on a microphone was calling another guy derogatory names for a gay person, every rude one you can think of.
Now I can pretty much guarantee that no gay man would be caught dead in this pit, so it was hetero insult with the gay slur time. Lame.
It was yucky hot, way overcrowded, & generally miserable. "

" made the mistake of going to this place with my girlfriend (at the time), her sister, and her sister's boyfriend. It was their goldfish racing night"

"when the bar tender got on the mic and began ranting about midgets and cussing them out. Then all of a sudden there they were 2 midgets running around like little kids on a sugar rush. They were spinning wheels and walking around with jello shots and whip cream. It was hilarious and strange. "


01-06-2010, 09:59 PM
Adam, although I haven't met you yet, I have met Sean, and that sounds like the place for us. Sounds like it has a great "atmosphere":smash:

I foresee a hangover in my near future, and I haven't had one of those since about 1996.

Sean, work this out to get here.
If you need a place to crash, I've got room. - Got a pool, and a pond - pond would be good for you:)

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 10:19 PM
Wow! I've found my purpose in life. Give me dates and I'll figure out how to make it happen. Stupid homo midgets! I'll give them what for! And hell, that's not even the piece de resistance, can't wait for the uncomfortable breakfast when Tim confronts Adam about his "excessively sticky" stepdaughter! ;sifone:

Dude! Sweet!
01-06-2010, 10:21 PM
That should be :sifone: and "unexpectedly sticky"


01-07-2010, 11:07 AM
I am pretty pumped. Sent down my old man's Vette and the shop truck last thursday. My Vette is staying here. My buddy who works for us was all set to send me down his 600 Ninja as well but when he was taking it for gas from my shop on last Thursday (just as we were going to get it loaded) he wrote it off! I had his old Ninja down there last year and I had alot of fun riding around. The no helmet law but Sunglasses required made me laugh.

01-07-2010, 11:51 AM

01-07-2010, 10:48 PM
That should be :sifone: and "unexpectedly sticky"


now that's funny:toetap05:

01-10-2010, 06:35 PM
That should be :sifone: and "unexpectedly sticky"


Hey now, leave her out of this.
I have a picture of her dancing with me at a bar on my office desk from when she was 12-13. It was before me and her Mom even started dating, she was always hanging out with "the boat crowd", and was the only kid, so I always tried to make sure she had a fun time too. She's a great kid, er, I mean young lady.:confused:

Adam, send me a PM or give me or Sean a call when you get here.
I'm already scheduling a few extra days off for the week of the 23rd-30th.
Would love to bring Brooke up to the auction on the 23rd when she gets in, any connections for tickets?

01-10-2010, 06:37 PM
now that's funny:toetap05:

Tom, stay outta this, you're talking about my stepdaughter...:boxing_smiley:

J/K - There are just certain things you don't want to think about with your kids.:ack2:

01-11-2010, 04:24 PM
I am here now. When are you guys thinking?

I am going to drive my Vette to Vegas for a night or two to meet up with some people this week. Probably be back Friday or Saturday. Next week is hectic.

I doubt I will be able to get passes. they used to give us so many but now we have to beg for extras even for my own staff.

01-11-2010, 04:30 PM
got the motor out on saturday. took 5 hours from start (drive) to finish approximately.

Clearing the shop and putting things back took forever. I will post pics you will see why.

It isnt really that hard. I was nervous about the 3/8ths bolts lifting it though. :ack2: but I was assured by a few people that I was ok!!

01-11-2010, 05:04 PM
When is it going to Mikey and Wayne. I'll have a little chat with them :)

01-11-2010, 06:55 PM
When is it going to Mikey and Wayne. I'll have a little chat with them :)

we didnt have time to undress it. Unlike with women my tan alone did not make it undress.

When I get back it is going to them. I want to undress it myself as opposed to having one of my guys do it while I am gone.

01-11-2010, 10:17 PM
I am here now. When are you guys thinking?

Up to Sean.
My schedule is all over the place, but I can work it out.

Let Sean chime in if he can make it out, and when.
I'm local, so we can meet up anytime.
No problem on the passes, but just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Probably still make a stop by if time allows.

01-12-2010, 08:04 AM
got the motor out on saturday. took 5 hours from start (drive) to finish approximately.

Clearing the shop and putting things back took forever. I will post pics you will see why.

It isnt really that hard. I was nervous about the 3/8ths bolts lifting it though. :ack2: but I was assured by a few people that I was ok!!

It's amazing how much those little bolts will hold. Whenever I pull a motor out its not so much the bolt I worry about, I worry that the bolt is going to rip the threads out of the head.

Dude! Sweet!
01-12-2010, 12:04 PM
Up to Sean.
My schedule is all over the place, but I can work it out.

Let Sean chime in if he can make it out, and when.
I'm local, so we can meet up anytime.
No problem on the passes, but just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Probably still make a stop by if time allows.

Let me know what the schedule is for you guys and I'll try to work it out. I'd like to come out. Don't need to go to BJ, just hit a bar and shoot the **** is fine. But Adam, give me a few days when you know you'll be on cruise and I'll see what I can do.

01-25-2010, 12:56 AM
any word on when you are coming out? I am here this week and likely part of next week. Barrett had winded down no more 14 hour days for now so let me know what you guys think.

Dude! Sweet!
01-25-2010, 11:14 AM
Been pretty busy with work the past couple weeks. Heading up to san jose now but I'll let you guys know what's shakin' a littlde later in the week.

01-25-2010, 04:55 PM
sounds good. I have been busy too I am scanning paperwork today and sending it back to Toronto and it is friggin tedious **** man.