View Full Version : Thank you USSR

11-30-2009, 02:41 PM
For Crossing our border at several places and bombing 16 of our cities without any notice or forewarning and No declaration of war 70yrs ago.

You Russians will not be forgotten...

Winter War (http://kaiku.com/winterwar.html) Started 30.11 1939 at ca 6.50.

Dude! Sweet!
11-30-2009, 02:57 PM
Way to stick it to the man. Interesting that the Finn's from the Greatest Generation were asskickers too. Man how the world has changed.

11-30-2009, 03:02 PM
Hasn´t changed over here at all we still look down on Russians as cowards
and the ladies...well they are to some use... but can´t be compared to a Genuine Finnish one


11-30-2009, 03:15 PM
Belaya Smert (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4)...

Dude! Sweet!
11-30-2009, 03:20 PM
Like a Finnish Audie Murphy.

11-30-2009, 03:29 PM
More like John Wayne as The White death obviously after the wound couldn´t sing much...
And John Wayne himself portrayed a Finn in the movie Green Berets...plus Fort Braggs ceremony hall is named after the same Finn....

"The character COL Mike Kirby is based on the real life person Lauri Törni, who later on called himself Larry Thorne. Lauri Törni was a Finnish Army captain who fought in the Winter War (1939-40) and Continuation War (1941-44) against the Soviet Union. In 1954 he joined the US Army, and in November 1963 he joined the Special Forces unit A-734 in Vietnam and fought in the Mekong Delta. He disappeared during a mission in 1965 and was presumed dead. Larry Thorne's remains were found in 1999 and formally identified in 2003."

11-30-2009, 04:18 PM
wow, the loss ratio was like 40 to 1. That is some serious ass kickin.

11-30-2009, 04:57 PM
and the ladies...well they are to some use..


I love Russian woman from the town of SlobKnobia (pronounced Slob Knob bee ah aka slob the knob)

11-30-2009, 05:08 PM
GOTCHA...and A BIG GRIN on my face...

Never met anyone from Illsuckyounov ?
Actually Anna from Red Garters is Anastasia....

11-30-2009, 05:18 PM
wow, the loss ratio was like 40 to 1. That is some serious ass kickin.

They gained barely enough land to bury their dead a Russian general stated after we ended our fights in WW2...

And after all...
We consider to be ourselves just like the Irish..but in KW I got even that put down...
the Norwegians racing all jacked up Skater told a woman when I explained that we´re just like the Irish.. we fight like them and drink like them... Norwegian told her..no Finns are worse..they don´t do beer they go for the hard stuff always, well as we speak I´m having a few beers...

11-30-2009, 08:50 PM
Hey! We Irish drink the hard stuff. Have you never heard of Irish Whiskey or Poteen?


PS I agree, can't stand the Russians and don't trust the bas***ds

Dude! Sweet!
11-30-2009, 10:09 PM
More like John Wayne as The White death obviously after the wound couldn´t sing much...
And John Wayne himself portrayed a Finn in the movie Green Berets...plus Fort Braggs ceremony hall is named after the same Finn....

"The character COL Mike Kirby is based on the real life person Lauri Törni, who later on called himself Larry Thorne. Lauri Törni was a Finnish Army captain who fought in the Winter War (1939-40) and Continuation War (1941-44) against the Soviet Union. In 1954 he joined the US Army, and in November 1963 he joined the Special Forces unit A-734 in Vietnam and fought in the Mekong Delta. He disappeared during a mission in 1965 and was presumed dead. Larry Thorne's remains were found in 1999 and formally identified in 2003."

Audie Murphy did all the stuff that John Wayne pretended to do on the TV... Only after winning the Medal of Honor did Murphy become a TV cowboy. Just wanted to make sure he get's his due.

fund razor
12-01-2009, 08:41 AM
how did it go against the nazis?

12-01-2009, 09:37 AM
Hey! We Irish drink the hard stuff. Have you never heard of Irish Whiskey or Poteen?


PS I agree, can't stand the Russians and don't trust the bas***ds

Sure have and my preference of Whisky is Irish...

But remember it was a Norwegian who told that ..not me.

I like the Irish ,,and Aussies too!

12-01-2009, 09:58 AM
how did it go against the nazis?


Quite good infact...and after that Germans have been considered as low as Russians over here.

Well thinking that the Germans and Russians backstabbed everyone, even their own allies... ( remember the race to Berlin and the Lend Lease contract..what a conflict right there.)

Hitler first decided with Stalin to divide Europe but as that didn´t go as planned sold at least guns to us when others had their hands tied to their backs ,smart move behind the scenes by both of them...
Nobody actually cared less of us except one Franklin D.Roosevelt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwQmwbQttkY)

Germans never paid their war debts either... we did..being the only one taking that as a Challenge to showe it up the Russkies hiney...

One true story from my town in the early fifties;

We made as war debts fishing ships to Russia and the Russian inspectors insisted every imaginable part be made of some expensive metal.
Well It all came to an agreement after an inspector had been offered a lot of hospitality after checking the ships.
At the dinner he got served plenty of food and drinks and was offered to take a bath in a Finnish sauna that had been built in the ship.
Well the inspector took the offer bravely and off he went to the 210+ degree sauna and landed his naked rear promptly on the saunas benches.... which was made of copper sheets.
After a while many inspectors knew what to ask and when from Finns.

12-01-2009, 10:05 AM
Audie Murphy did all the stuff that John Wayne pretended to do on the TV... Only after winning the Medal of Honor did Murphy become a TV cowboy. Just wanted to make sure he get's his due.

Salute to Audie Murphy,
But let us not forget regular Finns like Larry Thorne who lost their homes and everything and had no other option but become a soldier for life.

Nowadays we carry the flag way up high in Motorsport being the most successful country if you count the world titles.

Dude! Sweet!
12-01-2009, 12:35 PM
I thought it was interesting that both Murphy and Hayha were little tiny dudes. I guess there's something too that whole Napolianic thing... :D

12-01-2009, 12:41 PM
Actualy I thought so first too... but it´s easier to be a hunter/sniper when you are tiny...same goes with race car and fighter pilots...
So do they all have a Napoleon complex or are just competitive minded...
Lika Häyhä told himself if he felt anything about taking people 7 or more a day: I carried on my duties with the best ability I had and felt no remorse.

FYI Larry Thorne wasn´t that big either but could he kick ass with his bare hands..well some Germans did remember rest of their lives after a bar fight and some felt the power of his fists at Fort Bragg too, yes he had a boxing background...
Did that cost him in his career/life...guess twice...

fund razor
12-07-2009, 05:31 PM
Hasn´t changed over here at all we still look down on Russians as cowards
and the ladies...well they are to some use... but can´t be compared to a Genuine Finnish one


Point of order: That is NOT a Finnish woman. That's an American.
This poster was designed for Westinghouse by artist J. Howard Miller and modelled after factory worker Geraldine Doyle of Michigan. It carried the slogan "We can do it."
Many people confuse this image with Rosie the Riveter, who was also a Michigan woman working in the Willow Run Aircraft Factory in Ypsilanti Michigan during World War Two. :)

Dude! Sweet!
12-07-2009, 05:49 PM
Mika and DD got binned huh?

12-07-2009, 05:55 PM
Mika and DD got binned huh?
That's one way to put it.