View Full Version : The current state of things

11-27-2009, 09:43 PM
Hi everyone, due to the current things going on i feel the need to say a few things and thought this might be a good safe place to start. I have been giving a lot of thought to whats going on in our country and i really think we as citizens need to get involved and fix this mess before we are all in big trouble. Now im not talking about armed revolution or anything like that, at least not yet:) but i think there are some things we need to do. First of all we need to take back our government from those in power who are only there for their own gain. I believe the first step in this process is for us as citizens to take away all of the crazy perks that elected officials get, from the local level all the way to the national level. There is no reason anyone elected to public service should have lifetime healthcare, pay and benefits for a few years service. This brings all the wrong people to government, those who do it for what they can get out of it, instead of those that would do it to do the right things for our country. I have no problem with a good paycheck, especially on the state and national level, because it is a full time job, and those part time fairly compensated for their time, but the current system is rediculus. When the speaker of the house flies around in a private jet, has hundreds of staffers, etc. all on our tax dollars (aka our hard work) and basically lives like a billionaire, its no wonder people will spend millions of their own money to get elected (to a job that pays 250k a year, hmmmm). If it takes a constitutional amendment so be it. Then we need to change the current system of campaign funding, when these people are getting millions given for their campaigns dont you think those giving it are getting something in return? Next we need to stop electing lawyers! These guys have been messing this whole country up with their scams, because they are running the show from on top. Why else do you think half the country is running around waiting to trip over you and sue you for millions? These people have been feeding everyone this crap about how nothing you do is your fault, its always someone elses problem, all in the name of making themselves rich and gaining more power. This has been the death of personal responsibility. We need real people in there who have worked for a living and created wealth, not litigated it from someone who did, and who really care about this country, not bleeding it for their own benefit. And why would they care about how bad they mess things up, once they are in there they are set for life, due to the bennies(see first step). I think this is enough for today but think about it at least, ill try to get more down later. I really hate politics, and im pretty quiet most of the time but ive just had enough and i know a lot of you have too.

11-27-2009, 10:00 PM
I couldn't agree more. But every politician will fight tooth and nail to keep the gold mine world they live in. Don't forget the nice pay raise every year too.

And welcome to SOS.

11-27-2009, 10:12 PM
I have to agree.

11-27-2009, 10:36 PM
Good stuff. Level headed too. Thanks for the contribution.

11-27-2009, 11:08 PM
you had a lot on your chest. I agree with it.

11-27-2009, 11:15 PM
i have to agree.



Dude! Sweet!
11-28-2009, 01:19 AM
So, next step... How do we make it happen. We all agree its broke. How do we start spinninging the wrenches?

11-28-2009, 01:32 AM
So, next step... How do we make it happen. We all agree its broke. How do we start spinninging the wrenches?

I'm left asking the same question.
It seems as though any endeavor to challenge the current system has been labeled as illegal. And the Gov't has spent YEARS beefing up the police force, and would now use it against any opposition to the current Gov't plan.
I'm not referencing a violent uprising. But, so much as simple protest, or opposition.
For phucks sake, I can't go to the carryout with out getting my picture taken on the street, and I can't go to the grocery store with them getting a personal record of what I bought (well, there are ways around that)...
Sorry, I'm going on a tangent as I typically do.
Back to the topic.

11-28-2009, 10:41 AM
I think the first step is for everyone to get involved, most people feel that they cant change the system, but when only 30% of people vote, and a lot of those who vote go for politicians who promise to take care of them, we have a problem. As far as some of the other problems, we as citizens have the constitution to protect us, and we must protect it, since government seems bent on changing it for their own benefit. Once that happens we are all screwed. I feel that we need REAL people to run for office, who care about our country. This means we must go outside the 2 party system, since party hacks on both sides choose who we vote for, think about it, how much choice do we really have when it comes to voting? Its always trying to choose the lesser of 2 evils, and im sick of it. But it takes getting involved, all of us, and them you have the press to deal with, and most people dont want their lives disected in front of the country, and every little thing they have done spun and bashed to death. The press is in bed with the system to the core. I believe that ties in with campaign finance reform, the press should have to equally advertise/cover all candidates, not just those who have all the $, should be part of their charter to operate. Ok, more to think about and more to follow later, feel free to chime in, thats what seperates us from the rest of the world, take advantage. On another track, i was recentlly in DC for the first time in my life, and in front of the National Archives there is a statue with a plaque that reads "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" it really moved me and made me think, we have not been minding the store, and I believe it has been manipulated that way by the system. More to follow.....

11-28-2009, 10:45 AM
You can't change the system. It's controlled with the illusion of democracy. Don't kid yourself.

The only way you can change things is to make a few billion dollars and become a power broker. Other than that make $20 or 30 million and do what you want to anyway.

11-28-2009, 10:53 AM
I think the first step is for everyone to get involved, most people feel that they cant change the system, but when only 30% of people vote, and a lot of those who vote go for politicians who promise to take care of them, we have a problem.

Exactly. Anyone remember this little gem?


11-28-2009, 11:15 AM
You can't change the system. It's controlled with the illusion of democracy. Don't kid yourself.

The only way you can change things is to make a few billion dollars and become a power broker. Other than that make $20 or 30 million and do what you want to anyway.

The problem as i see it, is that the opportunity to do so has been here, but the way things are headed you wont be able to do so. That is what happens when "socialism" or whatever you want to call it takes over. It basically locks in the current status quo. Why do you think all these billionaires give to the so called "peoples party"? They are in power and want to remain. Then the only road to sucess is by who you know aka "politics" vs how hard you work. Think about it. And im not really trying to change the system, just put it back the way it was designed.

11-28-2009, 11:23 AM
The problem as i see it, is that the opportunity to do so has been here, but the way things are headed you wont be able to do so. That is what happens when "socialism" or whatever you want to call it takes over. It basically locks in the current status quo. Why do you think all these billionaires give to the so called "peoples party"? They are in power and want to remain. Then the only road to sucess is by who you know aka "politics" vs how hard you work. Think about it. And im not really trying to change the system, just put it back the way it was designed.

I agree to a point. But, take Russia for example. More wealth has been created there in the past 20 years than in the country's history. Same with many of the Baltic countries and of course the Middle East

11-28-2009, 11:29 AM
I agree to a point. But, take Russia for example. More wealth has been created there in the past 20 years than in the country's history. Same with many of the Baltic countries and of course the Middle East

Yes, due to the death of socialism, not the implementation of it, and most of the wealth created in those areas are based on natural resources like oil brought to the market, not due to any added value.

Let 'Er Rip Cig
11-28-2009, 11:32 AM
Totally agree :USA::USA::USA::USA:

These Jerks don't care what our Constitution says. They use the "general welfare" clause to push national health care. The way I look at it. If you were stranded on a island you would want food,shelter,clothing,tools,transportation,hot chicks... I think health care would be way down on the list.

Let's not forget cap and trade. We may be parking the boats if that passes.

11-28-2009, 11:37 AM
very good posts. thank you

11-28-2009, 11:54 AM
Excellent kneejerk reaction to a complex problem. Stupid solutions. If you cut pay to elected officials you will end up with less qualified people running everything. Not suggesting any better solution at this point, because I'm typing on my phone. Just pointing that out.

Steve 1
11-28-2009, 12:11 PM
The WORD “Politician” needs removed from the Dictionary and Our Vocabulary’s You go in for a term then leave as our founding fathers intended. These Kennedy’s and Dodd’s should serve as a lesson and warning on this danger/damage to our freedom done by the life long Pinko Turds squatting in the house and Senate Term Limits needs to be Law!.

11-28-2009, 12:17 PM
Term limits, bringing back the line-item veto and the banning of all special interest groups would be a nice start.

11-28-2009, 03:04 PM
Excellent kneejerk reaction to a complex problem. Stupid solutions. If you cut pay to elected officials you will end up with less qualified people running everything. Not suggesting any better solution at this point, because I'm typing on my phone. Just pointing that out.

You really think these clowns we have in there now are qualified to run a country? Anyone who can balance their own checkbook would do better IMHO. If you read what i said i suggested cutting the perks and waste, all the running around on our tax dollars. I also said they should be paid well. Why not pay them a couple million a year, provide them with an office in dc and in their home district, and they take care of their own travel, staff, and personal stuff out of the rest. Someone who actually did thier own work and was a bit frugal could be set for life, and that would draw lots of interest i would think, and save all of us tons of money. We always hear about the costs of government programs but you never hear the amount of money our elected officials use, because if we knew the cost of keeping these people there we would freak out.

Steve 1
11-28-2009, 03:12 PM
http://h.imagehost.org/0391/aDouchebagPortrait.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0391/aDouchebagPortrait)

Thank A Democrat for this pestilence cast upon us!

11-28-2009, 03:53 PM
When lawyers are making the laws, the general public can bend over and take it.

11-28-2009, 04:01 PM
The thing that really bothers me is that if you know your history, this is what happened to the origional democracies in Greece and Rome. The government over the centuries became more powerful, more corrupt, and took more and more in taxes in the guise of providing services, to support an ever larger beuracracy until they couldnt tax anymore and they imploded. We should learn from this and not allow or country to go down the same path. Yes this is a bit simplified but i believe pretty true to what happened.

11-28-2009, 04:20 PM
The press is in bed with the system to the core. I believe that ties in with campaign finance reform, the press should have to equally advertise/cover all candidates, not just those who have all the $, should be part of their charter to operate.

This is key.

The media is the direct beneficiary of the current campaign system. This is of course why they support candidates that promote the status quo.

Next is the legal society and there direct influence on maintaining the current lottery style tort system.


11-28-2009, 05:05 PM

Let 'Er Rip Cig
11-28-2009, 05:38 PM
I love it when Obama *****es about "special interest" groups. I believe the SEIU would be considered one. :smash:

11-28-2009, 06:39 PM
The thing that really bothers me is that if you know your history, this is what happened to the origional democracies in Greece and Rome. The government over the centuries became more powerful, more corrupt, and took more and more in taxes in the guise of providing services, to support an ever larger beuracracy until they couldnt tax anymore and they imploded. We should learn from this and not allow or country to go down the same path. Yes this is a bit simplified but i believe pretty true to what happened.

The only job of a beauracracy is to enlarge the scope and influnce of their beauracracy. Everyone wants piece of the pie, until the country is several billion pies behind.

11-28-2009, 08:46 PM
Here is my experience. I have had several customers run for various local, state and national positions. Ranging from mayor, state senate/assembly and even congress. The ones that come to mind were extremely successful in business etc. Basically, they were financially set for life and wanted to give somthing back. Well, the typical voter thinks that they are all out to take advantage of the position. The average voter likes an inexperienced person. They love these political science majors with no real world experience. Not someone to take a cust cutting, fiscal conservative position.

11-28-2009, 09:56 PM
Here is my experience. I have had several customers run for various local, state and national positions. Ranging from mayor, state senate/assembly and even congress. The ones that come to mind were extremely successful in business etc. Basically, they were financially set for life and wanted to give somthing back. Well, the typical voter thinks that they are all out to take advantage of the position. The average voter likes an inexperienced person. They love these political science majors with no real world experience. Not someone to take a cust cutting, fiscal conservative position.
An honest politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.

Tommy Gun
11-29-2009, 01:11 PM
Excellent kneejerk reaction to a complex problem. Stupid solutions. If you cut pay to elected officials you will end up with less qualified people running everything. Not suggesting any better solution at this point, because I'm typing on my phone. Just pointing that out.

How qulaified to you have to be to vote for a bill you don't even bother to read...I.e stimulus.

11-29-2009, 01:34 PM
Excellent kneejerk reaction to a complex problem. Stupid solutions. If you cut pay to elected officials you will end up with less qualified people running everything. Not suggesting any better solution at this point, because I'm typing on my phone. Just pointing that out.

I'm more qualified to run this country the Obama. I've run a company for 25 years. As long as I can get elected then dismiss all questions about me, I'd make a helluvan emperor.

11-29-2009, 01:58 PM
Good post Mark Bentley!

I know a few politions as well. The problem I see is that they start our meaning well but once they get in, they realize doing good in the world is all a fairy tale. To get a vote for their bill, they have to whore their vote/support for another bill. So say they need 51 votes; that is 51 votes they have to give to some other project. Instead of schmoozing over 51 people, they shmooze over one person who will get 50 of his buddies to vote with them. Well that big wig figures he has some bills to pass so instead of writing their own they will just stuff it in with the original persons- now we have pork. So while voting on if $1M is needed to study the effects of powerboaters on 7 winged butterflies in Miami (Cashbars fav!), they are also voting on to honor Micheal Jackson with a moment of silence or not.

Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours or you get nothing to include not getting re-elected because you didn't do sh1t for your district while in office. Now it becomes they don't care what they vote for - "not in my backyard"- as long as what they wanted to get done is able to get done.

11-30-2009, 10:39 PM
I had to shoot over to the West Coast of Florida Today. During this, I was thinking about this post. I'm not a big poster and don't like political debate. It's easy now days as anyone I associate with seems to all agree 100% about the current situation! Now days, it seems that if you can't make it in the private sector... get a government job.
I always thought that the best leaders (business and political) always had military experience. Not to stage wars but purely the dicipline and thought process. A large portion of the population think they will be trigger happy. I always looked up to leaders that were ex fighter pilots. Quick thinking and excellent situational awareness. Look at these guys in the corporate world or even a few in politics. They make things happen and there aren't many left. I would trust someone who flew missions over SE Asia in the 70's vs a community organizer from the south side of Chicago!
Just look at a few that the group may know. Jack Rousch and Roger Penske come to mind. F Lee Bailey was involved with Chris Craft in the early 80's. Another one that I really admired and was tied to the marine business was Dick Genth. Even at 70 yrs old, you could listen to him speak and leave the room charged. He was one of the few guys in the marine biz that understood building boats and the business side. He did make some waves with dealers and consumers but he also made money at his companies. Most dealers also did well with him. No teleprompters etc. required. It seems like they don't make leaders like these anymore. Note: they are all ex military.

Dude! Sweet!
11-30-2009, 11:20 PM
I guess what I'm getting at with my last post is what are the actual steps to get the country back on course? I vote. I contribute to political action comittees that support my interests... I don't see anything changing.

Seems like we all beat around the problem and never really point ourselves at the solution. How much do any of us do beyond complaining about societies ills on a boating web site?

12-01-2009, 11:15 AM
[QUOTE I vote. I contribute to political action comittees that support my interests... I don't see anything changing.

Here is part of the problem in my opinion, you have to pay for political access, i know from experience, but it isnt supposed to be this way.

12-01-2009, 11:18 AM

Seems like we all beat around the problem and never really point ourselves at the solution. How much do any of us do beyond complaining about societies ills on a boating web site?

We all seem to realize there is a problem but we are too busy trying to get ahead to work at fixing it. I agree, i started this thread, but i feel like we all need to do something.