View Full Version : FPC KW Poker Run

Tommy Gun
11-19-2009, 01:11 PM
Did anyone actually participate in the poker run?

I'm curious as to how the ride down was on Thursday???

How many boats, who won, etc?

11-19-2009, 01:18 PM
Lots of boats. We watched them roll in one or two at a time for hours. The wind was blowing a steady 30 knots all day (as well as the couple days prior) with gusts to 40kts...it was ROUGH. Reports were coming in that it was mostly 6's-8's the whole way.

11-19-2009, 01:25 PM
Reportedly 180 boats, I did not see that many IMO.. Every one of the ones arriving Thursday COVERED in salt, I would have like to have the boatwash franchise that day :) :)

11-19-2009, 01:38 PM
I heard every day but Friday was rough, and a couple days had rain delays.

We ran with about 20 boats on Friday, and ran through 6-12s all day. 6-12 INCHES that is; you could have skied all the way down! We paced the second "leg" from Gilbert's all the way to YCOA; including Stu and Crew on the Factory AT entry. We went outside at 5-Mile Creek all the way to YCOA/KW. We must have had 30+ minutes of helicopter time. It was a GREAT run!

The First prize was won with a Club Flush; and they took home the 2009 Ford Mustang V6 Convertible with a few thousand miles on it from Off-Lease Only.

Second Place was a full house, as was Third Place; which both netted cash and prizes.
Team Stealin' Thunder (crb76, ActiveShack, & slboatdrinks) pulled 3 Aces, which landed in 4th place; but alas no prize for 4th!

There was only one incident that I am aware of on Friday. A 43 Sunsation tried to run outside of the markers through the Featherbeds. They missed the shallows by what could be measured with a ruler. I don't know how they did not hit bottom. We were waving like crazy for them to get back into the channel, and slowed down to allow them to cut in front of us. Kevin in the TS/TG behind us slowed down drastically as well, and Pat Sullivan was forced to turn his 38 Diesel/Arneson 38PP completely sideways in the narrow channel to avoid Kevin. It was a sight to see, but (almost) everyone did some great driving.

11-19-2009, 01:38 PM
Went Tuesday in the 36 Deep Impact, that is when we all got covered with salt, waves directly on the side last 32 miles and washing machine. But part of the fun is washing the boat and drinking a beer or two at the marina after.

Also went on Thursday in the 50 Nor-Tech. Water offshore from holiday isle was perfect for fun. Would have broke the Cigarette for sure. Real one to threes except for a little bigger at the cuts. Kurt's 38 Gun with sixes right next to us at 70-80 all the way, hould have some awesome flight photos. FPC recommended inside route after getting a bad sea report so they got soaked. the reverse of Tuesday. Sometimes it pays to stick your nose out.

He did have a big number of boats though.

11-19-2009, 02:08 PM
My budy went in his 38 top gun on thursday. He said it was rough.

Also on Saturday they went to the Boca Grand Raft up instead of last years YCOA.

I'm goin to be there next year and no way in hell I'm going to a deserted island on my vacation. I prefer something like YCOA, pool...music...women...bartender...

What do you guys like?

11-19-2009, 02:13 PM
Boca Grande was a good time. A lot of boats rafted up there; perfect weather, nice scenery and a nice ride. The change of scenery was welcome.

11-19-2009, 02:17 PM
No F'ing way. Boca.

I've got bars, restaurants and marinas all over not a half hour from my home. YCOA is nice, but nothing even remotely special. Stu has paid models. Boca has hot, naked boat chicks laying in the sand. Bring a cooler. Pee in the bushes. Do something different.

And it's a pretty exclusive club. Boaters-only.

It's not like you have to bring a tent and sleeping bag. Nice ride out. Couple hours relaxing, talking with friends, etc. Nothing better.

11-19-2009, 02:50 PM
See my post in Bad boys as to why you go to Boca. Who knew:confused: :sifone:

11-19-2009, 03:12 PM
we did the thurday run, ( 38 top gun ) i think there was about 30 or 40 boats. weather was good, a little wind and chop on the way down, after the second fuel stop we went out into the ocean for the last 40 miles.
we headed back sunday, awesome calm ride the entire way

11-19-2009, 04:18 PM
Some of my pics from the Thursday run are here:


11-19-2009, 04:19 PM
We had 160 teams. 80 on Thursday, three groups.

Working on the video!

11-19-2009, 04:37 PM
Coudn't do the run this year, but I was amazed all the wrenching going on at the docks Saturday. Every second boat had some issues. Same with the race boats in the pits.
Had to be something in the water. :)

11-19-2009, 05:13 PM
Boca hands down.

I thought I saw you at Boca in 2008? Guess not based on what you are saying but I was a little hammered so my eyes could have deceived me...

11-19-2009, 05:48 PM
Well, sounds like I'll have to give Boca a try next year.

11-19-2009, 06:04 PM
Went down to KW on Thursday, blew a drive about 20 miles from Key West.... Limped into Cudjoe Key on one moter and called a cab to Hotel in KW....Took shower and went to Serious Party.... went back to get boat later in the weekend...

Just one of our stories from the week......

11-19-2009, 06:11 PM
we went down thur also a fun ride

11-20-2009, 01:53 AM
Thursdays run was a mix. Up till the Holiday Isle lunch stop the weather was overcast but the run was great. After lunch the inside run was very uncomfortable but not rough. Just a real stiff wind and alot of spray. After the sunshine key fuel stop we went outside and had a great run. Ran with Stu's boat with Tron at the wheel and the Nor-Tech 50' v tubine at 80 the whole way to keywest. Was a great run. The middle leg was so uncomfortable it was all everyone talked about. Wife said she's flyin next year. Boca Grande was a hit with great weather good friends and lots of skin, a great time was had. FPC had the BBQ at YCOA with the girls on Fri so we were able to do both events.
Jackie, Stu great event! Stellar job!

11-20-2009, 03:45 PM
The First prize was won with a Club Flush; and they took home the 2009 Ford Mustang V6 Convertible with a few thousand miles on it from Off-Lease Only.

Must have been a straight flush because a full house beats a flush.

11-20-2009, 04:03 PM
The First prize was won with a Club Flush; and they took home the 2009 Ford Mustang V6 Convertible with a few thousand miles on it from Off-Lease Only.

Must have been a straight flush because a full house beats a flush.

You are absolutely right. I did not see the cards again after we knew that Team Stealin' Thunder was bumped out of the prizes. I just remember Stu talking about a Club Flush; and it could have been a Straight Flush.

11-20-2009, 04:37 PM
There were three full houses. Dr Ino had the high full house, 2nd & 3rd had a tie & we pulled cards to determine the 2nd place winner. Alan Lima won second & Dave Peterson won third.

no flushes...

11-20-2009, 07:26 PM
There is no f'ing way that i am missing this run again next year.

What day has the most boats, thurs? What speeds do you guys typically run?

11-20-2009, 07:34 PM
Went down to KW on Thursday, blew a drive about 20 miles from Key West.... Limped into Cudjoe Key on one moter and called a cab to Hotel in KW....Took shower and went to Serious Party.... went back to get boat later in the weekend...

Just one of our stories from the week......

You need to start a thread just on what happened with you and your group alone!

11-20-2009, 08:43 PM
There were three full houses. Dr Ino had the high full house, 2nd & 3rd had a tie & we pulled cards to determine the 2nd place winner. Alan Lima won second & Dave Peterson won third.

no flushes...

Thanks for clearing that up Jackie! Too much Kettle One for some!

11-20-2009, 08:44 PM
You need to start a thread just on what happened with you and your group alone!

No doubt. I forgot about that! Are you guys going back to Cracker Barrel?

11-20-2009, 08:47 PM
There is no f'ing way that i am missing this run again next year.

What day has the most boats, thurs? What speeds do you guys typically run?

It's a paced run down to Marathon, nose to tail thru the mangroves. Ohio Key for lunch then the ocean turn right see you in Key West

11-20-2009, 09:34 PM
alot of the cats and larger Vees were not paced

11-20-2009, 09:59 PM
Lots of boats. We watched them roll in one or two at a time for hours. The wind was blowing a steady 30 knots all day (as well as the couple days prior) with gusts to 40kts...it was ROUGH. Reports were coming in that it was mostly 6's-8's the whole way.

naahhhh ......it was 2-3 footers about 1- 1.5 miles offshore

11-20-2009, 10:05 PM
My budy went in his 38 top gun on thursday. He said it was rough.

Also on Saturday they went to the Boca Grand Raft up instead of last years YCOA.

I'm goin to be there next year and no way in hell I'm going to a deserted island on my vacation. I prefer something like YCOA, pool...music...women...bartender...

What do you guys like?

you wouldnt be sayin that if you saw the crew we had and the action that was going on in our crowd on the deck of the boats !! there would have been NO ONE at the pool party if they saw are party rafted up

11-20-2009, 10:34 PM
go to your pool party... ill be in BOCA BABY

11-20-2009, 10:37 PM
I'm following you next year Bob!

11-21-2009, 12:57 PM
It's a paced run down to Marathon, nose to tail thru the mangroves. Ohio Key for lunch then the ocean turn right see you in Key West

Nice. Thursday is the big day?

Never run to KW before, how long does it usually take without killing the equipment?

11-21-2009, 02:24 PM
Nice. Thursday is the big day?

Never run to KW before, how long does it usually take without killing the equipment?

Thursday is the big day. I believe we were in the neighborhood of 80 boats on Thursday.

It made it quite challenging to say the least to try to get a shot of everyone from the chopper. I think I faired very well considering I had no control over the pilot.

Video takes priority so I just rolled with it and tried to nail the shots with the 10 or 20 seconds I had to compose a shot for each boat passed.

Plan on an entire day by the time you make the card stops, have lunch and refuel.

11-21-2009, 04:02 PM
we did the thursday run, in a 95 topgun with 525's, the 55mph group, ran approx 50 miles , then stopped for lunch at gilberts, then a approx another 50 miles a little windy and rough, then stopped for fuel and headed into the ocean where it was calm for the last 40 or 50 miles to key west. it was the first time we did the run, spent most of the day chasing rooster tails. not sure how long it took , but it was a good day. the trip back on sunday was sunny and calm, took us 3.5 hours to get back to miami beach
Sharkey did a great job with the pics, I got to meet him at gilberts

11-21-2009, 04:39 PM
Nice. Thursday is the big day?

Never run to KW before, how long does it usually take without killing the equipment?

I've done the run twice, Paced from Miami to Gilberts where we stopped for a breakfast, left there on a slower pace because of mangrove, fisherman and no wake. Stopped at Ohio Key just west of the 7 Mile bridge, had Lunched and fuel and headed down to Key West. Over all I think we left at 9 and got into Key West at 3. Great time so I didn't check my watch very often.

11-22-2009, 01:35 PM
Sharkey, the pics are awesome. I've been on the computer every day since last weekend combing over them

Video? Are you putting together a video of the run? I have watched the "Best of 2005" video and the "No Way Out" video 1000 times.

55mph would probably be the group that I would run in as well. Sounds like a great day, already can't wait until next year!

11-22-2009, 02:04 PM
Thank you !

Yes, a full video is being produced.

The Florida Powerboat Club does a great job with the production of their Videos.

As a courtesy and per my agreement with the club, all Aerial Photos will exclusively be available through the club for approximately 120 days.

This gives the club an opportunity to get the pics up on their website, printed in their magazine and get images out to their Sponsors.

Once the USE LICENSE expires, all images will be available through Sharkey-Images.com (http://www.Sharkey-Images.com/) and / or the Florida Powerboat Club.

11-22-2009, 06:24 PM
How do I get my hands on the video, will it be posted on the web?

11-22-2009, 07:41 PM
We left about an hour after the main gang on DOI Thursday and were running about 110 after peaking around 140 and 'done blowed up'.

Still had a blast in KW and Boca Saturday. Thanks to Stu and the FPC crew for putting on a great party.

Kudos to the SOS crew for the best party of the weekend.


11-22-2009, 07:54 PM
Damn GL. Awfully nice of you to say.

Good hanging with you. See you soon.

11-22-2009, 07:56 PM
Engine builder just needed to move the sticker a couple inches to the right, fixed problem!

11-22-2009, 08:37 PM
We left about an hour after the main gang on DOI Thursday and were running about 110 after peaking around 140 and 'done blowed up'.

Still had a blast in KW and Boca Saturday. Thanks to Stu and the FPC crew for putting on a great party.

Kudos to the SOS crew for the best party of the weekend.


what is that?

11-22-2009, 08:45 PM
what is that?

Oil pan failure.

The oil pan failed to contain the pieces when the engine let go :26:

11-22-2009, 11:02 PM
How do I get my hands on the video, will it be posted on the web?

Florida Powerboat Club