View Full Version : KW.... Thank you to everyone from Eaton Photos

Eaton Photos
11-17-2009, 12:47 AM
Greetings Everyone,

I just want to say Thank You, to everyone, that helped make my first visit to KW, a memorable one. I didn't arrive till early Friday Morning, but I made the most of the time, while I was there.

Chris, it was a pleasure meeting you on Duval. Paul, it was good to see you again. Tonight, is my first time, having a Net Connection, in a week, and I haven't even started working on pixs, but, I will be working through the pixs, and posting as soon as I have a decent WiFi connection. :(.. I met many people, remember lots of faces, but the names, are escaping me at the moment.

I am currently in Ormond Beach for the next couple of days, unwinding from the insanely long drives on the road, the non-stop shooting, meeting & greeting, & having the time of my life.

Thanks again & Good Night...

11-17-2009, 09:47 AM
It sure was memorable. Sorry we missed you at the party, but hey, that's how it goes sometimes. We'll anxiously await your photos.

Thanks and Take care.