View Full Version : A Very Special Thanks to our Photographers.

11-16-2009, 08:39 AM
You cant tell the KW Story without pics.

We have a great team of pic guys here that did a lot of work to bring this event to life.

I've seen with my own eyes the effort it takes to make all this happen.

Take a look at the times Jeff is posting each day and night.

They were everywhere ,in the air, on the street at the parties.

Long long days and lots of work on the computors to make it all happen.

Thanks to JEFF and JAY and TIM for being there for SOS.

Tom A.
11-16-2009, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the pics guys!

11-16-2009, 10:31 AM
Ahhhh !!! The real work has yet to be done. I will have all day at the airport to start processing the images.

11-16-2009, 10:32 AM
4 sure!! Thanx 4 keep'n us Michiganders in the loop!!!:sifone:

11-16-2009, 09:52 PM
Friggin room didn't have a wired connection and I don't ever use wireless so I don't have it.

May have to change that.....

11-16-2009, 09:58 PM
It goes without saying, but it it wouldn't be right if we didn't!!!!

A big round of applause and thanks goes out to all of our fine photographers!

Thanks guys!!!


11-16-2009, 10:22 PM
As long as none of them ends up being known as "Exhibit 19".

11-16-2009, 10:25 PM
Seemed like every time I saw one of them it was the end of a long, long day and they were frazzled looking.....

Nice job, can't wait to see them all.....

11-16-2009, 10:40 PM
Yeah- I saw Jeff eating dinner down by the waterfront at the bight at about 11 Saturday night. He was whipped.

11-16-2009, 10:41 PM
Yeah- I saw Jeff eating dinner down by the waterfront at the bight at about 11 Saturday night. He was whipped.

By Sunday night, Jay had quit drinking.......:ack2:

11-16-2009, 11:14 PM
It was a slice as always. Thanks for the poster!

11-19-2009, 03:15 PM
Thank guys Now The Fun part Edit The Dvds Together soon 9 races total special thanks to serious offshore.. good to see you alec yesterday jeff and Eve Freeze Frame

11-19-2009, 04:25 PM
yes thankyou very much. i have spent a lot of time over the last 2 weeks looking at all the pic's. great job guys and girls.

thankyou again

11-19-2009, 04:42 PM

Thank you very much for the incredible pics.......

11-20-2009, 12:31 PM
Absolutely agree! They did a great job of covering the entire week!!

Great job guys!

11-23-2009, 12:19 AM
ok.....i know to the pic how many raw photos were taken by our team

jeff tim and jay covered the races the parties the poker runs and the events on the streets ( as well as the action on some large yachts)

how many pics did the three of them take on our behalf

exact answer in a couple of days

11-23-2009, 12:23 AM

11-23-2009, 12:27 AM
17625 I don't think so Jim....
Curious though to see what the total will be.... :)

11-23-2009, 08:52 AM
I think you're low Jim.
Jay took nearly 10,000.

11-23-2009, 11:07 PM
Yes, I saw the number later. I was more than a little low.

Anybody else care to guess?

11-23-2009, 11:22 PM
Actually Jim, If we are talking about actual RAW format, your number may be closer than you think as only a few may actually shoot in RAW. I being one of the few because it does make a difference in the end results of an image.

11-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Tim, I don't know. What effect if any will that have on the number of images?

11-23-2009, 11:37 PM
Tim, I don't know. What effect if any will that have on the number of images?

Not to be technical, but RAW is RAW. And unless you sat with someone that had to tediously go through each RAW file to produce the final image, you would not understand.

In rigging terms:

Buying a crate engine vs building an engine from the ground up ! :sifone:

I don't think Alec actually meant to use the term RAW but meant all images in general. There is a huge diffference between that and a JPEG that comes out of a camera ready for upload.

Either way, it should be an interesting number to say the least about the coverage that was captured.

Eaton Photos
11-23-2009, 11:44 PM
My Guess is 50,000 total images, not counting post work, tiffs, etc. I know Jeff, shoots an Azz load, with all them Jpegs he rips off. I'm not sure of Tim's shooting style, but me thinks he shoots lower than Jeff, since he shoots Raw, like myself. Jay is the wildcard. I know he shoots Jpeg, but has been looking into shooting NEF (Nikon Raw File). I do not have a clue how much he shoots. I know, he puts a lot of time in his post work though.

As Tim pointed out, shooting Raw is much more tedious, and requires more work/ editing than Jpegs. Jeff is a SOOC (Straight out of Camera) Jpeg shooter. His goal is to shoot & upload as fast as possible. Tim, Jay, & myself, spend more time, working on images in post. I only shot about 4000 images between Fri & Sun, of the races & practice on Saturday.

11-23-2009, 11:53 PM
Buying a crate engine vs building an engine from the ground up ! :sifone:

Thanks, but your explanation didn't help much. It is still one engine.

11-24-2009, 12:17 AM
Thanks, but your explanation didn't help much. It is still one engine.

RAW = The pistons and bearings etc still sitting in a box waiting for assembly.

JPEG is the final compressed image.

RAW is not an image until it is processed. RAW is "DATA ONLY"

I thought James' description was very good.

I personally do not try to get alot of images and delete as many as I can during the shoot. That is why I shoot both low res Jpeg (for viewing in the camera only) and RAW for producing the images.

Staying off of the 10 frames per second option certainly helps from getting an overload of images.

Actually taking the time to compose a shot in the frame and doing 1 shot at a time yeilds better results vs holding your finger down on the trigger hoping something good comes out of it.

11-24-2009, 12:23 AM
YES, thank u guys very much ,,,but please try to get more pics of my boat in the short time its running >>>>>>>>>>:rofl::sifone:

Thanks ,,,,,love u all !!! :USA:

11-24-2009, 12:24 AM
Are you guys using Lightroom? It makes RAW to JPEG conversion pretty simple and quick if you get the presets done right? I usually do that and then pick out a couple real good ones and reconvert in the Canon DPP software. It does a little better on the end result.

Eaton Photos
11-24-2009, 12:26 AM
Thanks, but your explanation didn't help much. It is still one engine.

Maybe I can help elaborate.

What Tim is trying to point out, is that shooting Raw, is not the same as shooting Jpeg. A Raw file, is like a Digital Negative. A Jpeg is like shooting Chromes'. However, do not compare Jpegs, to chromes. Jpegs' do not have the quality & detail range that a Raw file does. Jpegs' are compressed in camera, and can be viewed with any & every program, in the tech world. Raw files, are a pure data file, to which there are only a handful a programs', that can read the data, and show an image. The raw file must be converted to a Jpeg, Tiff, DNG, etc, before being viewed on most of those programs, that can read Jpegs.

Shooting Raw, is a more technical approach to photography. As such, shooting Raw, consumes memory card space much faster, than shooting Jpeg. I average 782 images @ 8 Megapixels, on an 8GB CF card. Each file, works out to about 7.5-8 Megabytes. Whereas shooting Jpeg, I can shoot about 1800 Jpegs, on an 8GB card, averaging 3-4 Megabytes. Jpeg allows for a much faster burst of images, thus getting 20 of the same shot, instead of 10. Add up that 20 Frame Burst X total images available, and you get an azzload of images quick.

I only shot about 4000 Images, from Friday Morning, through Sunday Night, while I was in Key West. That is considerably lower, than the 6000+, I shot in Detroit during the Gold Cup, for the same amount of shooting time.

Tim's analogies, for comparing shooting to engines, are pretty accurate. :)

And as Tim said, (Spray & Pray = Machine Gunning the Shutter), is actually the least effective route to capturing the best images. Usually, by shooting at 10 Frames Per Second, you miss that one shot, or only get a partial shot. Shooting comes down to timing & patience. Hence, why, I suspect both Tim & I, have lower image counts, than Jeff & Jay. Though, I don't count myself, towards' that total count, since I did not broadcast, that I was going to KW, till after, the races :)

Eaton Photos
11-24-2009, 12:34 AM
YES, thank u guys very much ,,,but please try to get more pics of my boat in the short time its running >>>>>>>>>>:rofl::sifone:

Thanks ,,,,,love u all !!! :USA:


It was nice meeting you, chatting with you. I'm still working through my images/ categorizing into specific folders. However, I know, I have some pretty good running shots of you, along with some other shots. I will get them posted in the next few days.

Are you guys using Lightroom? It makes RAW to JPEG conversion pretty simple and quick if you get the presets done right? I usually do that and then pick out a couple real good ones and reconvert in the Canon DPP software. It does a little better on the end result.


I shoot Raw only. I stopped using Jpeg, about 2 years ago. I don't use LR. I dump my photos into PhotoMechanic. Sort, Tag, Delete. Then open chosen images, in ACR, save as TIFFS, into specific folders. Then from there, open whichever TIFFS, I find to be the best of the best, edit, adjust, etc, in PSCS3, save as a Jpeg, and post to my Zenfolio galleries. From which I share here on the forums. :) I have DPP & Capture One, but use neither. I've looked into LR, but haven't found sufficient reason, to switch my work-flow. I might pick up LR3, once it releases. I don't like playing with Beta's too much. Kinda glitchy.

I am curious, to know what Tim's workflow is :)

11-24-2009, 12:38 AM
You explained everything but, what I asked. Our discussion started with How Many? Not how complex, time consuming or artistically demanding. I asked a simple question. And when I decipher everything said the answer appears to be. None. It has no effect on the number but,....

Thanks Everyone. I will move on now.

I guessed low
James' guess is high.

Any body else care to guess who many?

11-24-2009, 12:59 AM
You explained everything but, what I asked. Our discussion started with How Many?

Well, in that case Jim, being as I shoot both RAW & JPEG simaultaneously, double my number I submitted.... :sifone:

I do know, without having a 500 GIG Exterenal Hard drive with me on the trip, I would have not had any place to store the images....

If you can relate, 11 megs per image. I exceeded well over 100 gigs of memory for the entire week. :ack2: Labor of love I guess.....

11-24-2009, 01:21 AM
I am curious, to know what Tim's workflow is :)

When I figure it out I will let you know....:sifone:

I Capture, Transfer to Aperture 2, Generate Metadata, Rate, Sort, Review, Delete, Verify White Balance Temperature, Sharpen if needed, Verify Exposure Levels, Adjust Black Point if necessary, Verify Contrast, Definition, Saturation, Vibrancy, Check and Adj Luminance Levels, Color Correction, High Tonal Width, Mid Contrast, Low Tonal Width, Color Management & Crop if needed.

If addtional work is needed I load the images into DPP Software, PSCS4, ARCsoft or ACDSEE depending on my needs.

Once all that is done they are converted and uploaded as high resolution JPEGS onto my site's server to establish a Backup copy and use for Hot Linking into the Forums.

From there, the images are then transferred to an external hard drive as JPEGs or Tiffs depending on the Project for a secondary backup and DELETE the RAW FILES at this point.

Final process, copy individual hotlinks from my server to post images here on the Forums..

11-24-2009, 03:03 AM
You guys are talking japaneeezzz. but THANK YOU you have no idea how many people you make very happy !

11-24-2009, 09:16 AM
Question for the pros. If I shoot ONE jpeg and ONE RAW file, how many pics did I take ? ;)

11-24-2009, 09:27 AM
I wonder if there are hot engine discussions on photo forums? No, I am not going to look.:ack2: Regardless, it is simple, everyone gave a number, all of the photo guys took thousands of pictures at what is arguably the best venue all year for picture taking (maybe with rougher water), and we here at Serious appreciate everything you share with us. I think all you guys have your strengths and if this was a moneyed sport like football you would all probably be at the top of the heap, we are truly fortunate to have such great talent here.

Eaton Photos
11-24-2009, 11:42 AM
You explained everything but, what I asked.

Jim, Sorry. I was just trying to help clarify some information, which I perceived, as part of the original question.

Well, in that case Jim, being as I shoot both RAW & JPEG simaultaneously, double my number I submitted....

I exceeded well over 100 gigs of memory for the entire week. :ack2: Labor of love I guess.....

Jezuz Tim, I think you need to cut down on the Megapixels. :rofl: If you get a MKIV, your gonna need your own travel size RAID 1, to back-up all your files, after every event.

When I figure it out I will let you know....

I Capture, Transfer to Aperture 2, Generate Metadata, Rate, Sort, Review, Delete, Verify White Balance Temperature, Sharpen if needed, Verify Exposure Levels, Adjust Black Point if necessary, Verify Contrast, Definition, Saturation, Vibrancy, Check and Adj Luminance Levels, Color Correction, High Tonal Width, Mid Contrast, Low Tonal Width, Color Management & Crop if needed.

In more simple terms, you coulda said: Shoot, Dump to Aperture 2, Edit/ Convert to TIFF in CS4, Backup images, Save as Jpegs :03:

From there, the images are then transferred to an external hard drive as JPEGs or Tiffs depending on the Project for a secondary backup and DELETE the RAW FILES at this point.

I haven't actually, spoken to anyone, who deletes the Raw's. Your the First. :ack2:

You guys are talking japaneeezzz.

I think its more like Chimpanzee, we are speaking.

Question for the pros. If I shoot ONE jpeg and ONE RAW file, how many pics did I take ? ;)

Shooting Raw+Jpeg = 1 Photo. :reddevil: I don't count Raw+Jpeg as 2 photos. :sifone:

I wonder if there are hot engine discussions on photo forums? No, I am not going to look.:ack2: Regardless, it is simple, everyone gave a number, all of the photo guys took thousands of pictures at what is arguably the best venue all year for picture taking (maybe with rougher water), and we here at Serious appreciate everything you share with us. I think all you guys have your strengths and if this was a moneyed sport like football you would all probably be at the top of the heap, we are truly fortunate to have such great talent here.


I believe that you would be amazed, as to the spectrum of conversation on photography forums. I've seen everything one could imagine, in just a couple of different threads. But you oughta take a look, just to see how crazy the photography world is. :biggrinjester:

The Big Three Forums:

(1) http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum (2) http://www.nikonians.com (3) http://www.photography-on-the.net/forum

All 3 Forums', are an excellent source of information, for everything from the mom & dad point & clicker, to the working pro's (NFL, NASCAR, NCAA, Olympics, etc). Ton's of valuable information is at the fingertips, and there are some amazing groups/ communities/ & individuals, just like here on the offshore forums.

11-24-2009, 11:47 AM
Question for the pros. If I shoot ONE jpeg and ONE RAW file, how many pics did I take ? ;)

That is the short, and correct answer. :) An image is an image.

Post processing time is in the eye of the beholder. I shot 22 events this year (sunny isles and jax count as two ea, and key west is three :26:) so call it 29 and one more this coming weekend with the FMO Turkey Run...

that's a lot of editing time. :willy_nilly: (CS4)

I usually don't ride the shutter button unless I'm timing a jump in rough water, or if something really interesting is happening in the viewfinder. Style varies depending on whether I am standing or sitting. Generally average 800-1100 shots in a heat, more if the water is bumpy or in a helo.

bought a new (to me) backup camera for this event (D200) and shot both from the jetty on all three race days. There is always interesting action in every direction, so when the race is in progress I stay fairly busy, especially on the first lap. Once the boats spread out you can plan your setups a bit. the second cam added a lot of options.

I shoot jpeg but will convert to raw sometime after the new year- need more storage so upgrading the desktop with a couple of 4TB drives and new operating software. I use a 32gb card in the d300 and an 8gb in the d200, with a couple of 4's in my pocket. Download daily to a 500gb portable I travel with.

Thanks to Alec and all the SOS crew for making this year one to remember.


11-24-2009, 11:56 AM
Sometimes I get distracted... :ack2:

it's easy to spend hours playing with the purty pitchers.


11-24-2009, 12:17 PM
Man, Jimmy's boat was like made for you guys :sifone: James, I am afraid to go to a photo forum.:willy_nilly: 9 years ago I looked on an offshore forum and look where I am now. And 9 years ago I didn't have an offshore boat, I have a camera :biggrinjester::sifone:

11-24-2009, 02:19 PM
Man, Jimmy's boat was like made for you guys :sifone: James, I am afraid to go to a photo forum.:willy_nilly: 9 years ago I looked on an offshore forum and look where I am now. And 9 years ago I didn't have an offshore boat, I have a camera :biggrinjester::sifone:

Careful there, Ted... might lead to dancing. :26:

The orange and blues on that boat harmonize well with water... and the soft light down there was great for the water color.


11-24-2009, 02:34 PM
Careful there, Ted... might lead to dancing. :26:

The orange and blues on that boat harmonize well with water... and the soft light down there was great for the water color.

Can't dance since a terrible Interpretive Dance accident in college, the horror........:ack2:

11-24-2009, 02:38 PM
Can't dance since a terrible Interpretive Dance accident in college, the horror........:ack2:

Not a dancer....but hes a jogger. A regular gazel like me.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

11-24-2009, 03:19 PM
Not a dancer....but hes a jogger. A regular gazel like me.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can't keep up with you, must be all that Cat Sass :sifone::sifone:

11-24-2009, 04:35 PM
Question for the pros. If I shoot ONE jpeg and ONE RAW file, how many pics did I take ? ;)Technically TWO. A RAW FILE Converted will never be the exact same image as the JPEG. That is the whole reason for shooting RAW in the 1st place. To make the final end result the best image it can be prior to conversion. If you're not looking to make it better than the JPEG, than there is no point shooting in a RAW format.

If I were to export the master files out of Aperture 2 to an external hard drive, I end up with 2 files. JPEG & CR2 (RAW)

I haven't actually, spoken to anyone, who deletes the Raw's. Your the First.
Once I have made the images the best they can be, there is no reason for me to store 11 meg per image files on my hard drives. I find it a waste of memory.


My replacement Canon Body arrived today... Noreaster headed this way so hopefully I will have some SURFING action to test this one out on.:sifone:

11-24-2009, 07:05 PM
:rofl:I haven't worked much with RAW files yet, but I have worked with Aperture. I'm still amazed at what you can do with the RAW file format. Now if You saw what I do with the RAW formats, you'd never wonder why I still shoot JPG format

I just have last year's Canon SX10 IS, which is fine for me, although night shots are not very good. The work you guys put into these pictures is amazing.

11-25-2009, 05:21 PM
Thanks Serious
Special Thanks HMC Helicopter photo By Jamie Russel,, http://i314.photobucket.com/albums/ll434/FreezeFrameVideo/keywest2009/helo.jpg

key West Worlds Freeze Frame Crew!!

11-28-2009, 12:28 AM
There when you need them....

11-28-2009, 12:31 AM
The work you guys put into these pictures is amazing.

Thank you.

Here I am two weeks later and finally getting to the last race on Sunday. Only 200 more images to go.... :cheers2:

11-28-2009, 12:50 AM
Shooting comes down to timing & patience. :)
Having the patience to get the right composition of an image and nailing it can really make one's day ! :)

These guys were all milling in circles prior to the start. Here, they are all facing in the opposite direction of the Starting line, but I waited and I waited and by chance, I caught them in formation ! Even got the Geico boat there too! ;)


11-30-2009, 07:47 PM
Anyone else here shooting with CANON ?