View Full Version : Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

11-09-2009, 10:48 PM
I admit I am not one to delve into politics a great deal. However, I find myself more and more intrigued since this latest Presidential election.

Your thoughts on this video?


11-09-2009, 10:57 PM
I am completely freaking out. . . I didn't know three piece suits were making a comeback.

11-09-2009, 11:39 PM
I am completely freaking out. . . I didn't know three piece suits were making a comeback.


11-10-2009, 01:50 AM
I wish I could come up with this stupid crap so that I could get paid to spew such insanity.

11-10-2009, 02:02 AM
I wish I could come up with this stupid crap so that I could get paid to spew such insanity.


Clay, This guy is 100% on the money. The Climate change fanatics have every intention of raping this country using Climate change as the excuse.

Griswald, Where did you find this? Thanks for sharing it. :USA:

11-10-2009, 09:21 AM
I've heard the phrase "The people that caused climate change must now pay to repair it" more than a few times.

But what scares me isn't the fact that the do-gooders want to enter into treaties, but Goldman Sachs wants to make the market for the "cap and trade" carbon credit market.

And treaties must be ratified by Congress. If you think health care was a tough battle, this one should hopefully be impossible- there's nothing "in it" for our handout addicts.

11-10-2009, 10:25 AM
I wonder how many of these we need to have before the GW religious will tell us we have GLOBAL COOLING!!!!!!!


The enviro atheists from the 60's have nothing else to do now that we have basically cleaned up everything from cars to factories (a good thing BTW) and since they have no God other than "Mother Earth" they needed a new "devil" . When we are wearing long johns in Key West in June they will have moved on to "Man Made Ice Accreation" or " Human Caused Frosty Nuts" .

11-10-2009, 11:02 AM
Clay, This guy is 100% on the money. The Climate change fanatics have every intention of raping this country using Climate change as the excuse.

This guy is another Glenn Beck. He is paid by slack-jawed idiots to tell them what they want to hear. It is all exaggerated lies and BS! :mad:

In case you didn't know it, there is a world-wide recession right now. There is no way that any country would do anything to further hurt its own economy.

I may disagree with just about everything Obama wants to do, but the guy in the video is an paid entertainer, not a scientist.

just my (ranting) two-cents... :rolleyes:

11-10-2009, 11:04 AM
and cede US sovereignty? Give me a break! That will never ever happen!

Does anyone really believe that crap???

11-10-2009, 11:32 AM
A friend, here in Austin sent the link to me.

Keep it coming......

Trim'd Up
11-10-2009, 12:15 PM
There is no way that any country would do anything to further hurt its own economy.
just my (ranting) two-cents... :rolleyes:

Where do you live? Health care bill, Cap and Trade, Spendulus plan, etc., etc. :leaving:

11-10-2009, 12:18 PM
Before everyone bunches their panties up, you have to realize that speeches and videos like this serve nothing more than to rally ignorant people into a frenzy. It is the radical militant American version of the nut job IMAM that Hasan was corresponding with. They take very literal, extreme adaptations of the Koran and rally weak-minded suicide bombers with thoughts of 72 virgins in heaven. I've been with virgins before. i'll take a very experience, hot little slut-bag any day.

This is all garbage.

11-10-2009, 12:34 PM
I've been with virgins before. i'll take a very experience, hot little slut-bag any day.


11-10-2009, 02:35 PM
Before everyone bunches their panties up, you have to realize that speeches and videos like this serve nothing more than to rally ignorant people into a frenzy. It is the radical militant American version of the nut job IMAM that Hasan was corresponding with. They take very literal, extreme adaptations of the Koran and rally weak-minded suicide bombers with thoughts of 72 virgins in heaven. I've been with virgins before. i'll take a very experience, hot little slut-bag any day.

This is all garbage.

a phrase I found applies to the people that believe this junk
" Don't think, Be scared "

11-10-2009, 03:35 PM
He may be an entertainer. It doesn't matter. His message is solid. It is about the 2nd and third world nations taking us down a notch via the climate change debate.

Calling us (me) ignorant or a Glenn Beck fan (which I am most definitely not) is like calling all those against more government spending wing nuts, nazis or what ever. Typical liberal BS. :cuss:

Don't be asleep at the wheel. Frogs put in warm water on the way to boiling don't realize it before it is to late.


+1 on the Goldman Sachs issue. Those thieves are licking their chops over cap and trade.


11-10-2009, 03:42 PM
The enviro atheists from the 60's have nothing else to do now that we have basically cleaned up everything from cars to factories (a good thing BTW) and since they have no God other than "Mother Earth" they needed a new "devil" . When we are wearing long johns in Key West in June they will have moved on to "Man Made Ice Accreation" or " Human Caused Frosty Nuts" .

Dude, ya see that's the beauty of this global warming love affair.... Whether it's extremely hot or extremely cold, extremely wet or extremely dry and everything else in between, it's all because of global warming!!!:seeya::rofl:

11-10-2009, 03:54 PM
Dude, ya see that's the beauty of this global warming love affair.... Whether it's extremely hot or extremely cold, extremely wet or extremely dry and everything else in between, it's all because of global warming!!!:seeya::rofl:

I misspoke in Enviro/Gaia speak, I was supposed to say "Climate Change" since they have started to realize that people aren't buying the whole "Global Warming" thing. Rebranding is a good thing doncha know!

But now we have another environmental disaster looming:


That's right, GOLF BALLS are now an environmental threat, we will now have to send off .28 to Sri Lanka every time we hit a bucket of balls in "Dimple Offsets" :26::sifone:

11-10-2009, 03:56 PM
a phrase I found applies to the people that believe this junk
" Don't think, Be scared "

Surely you are talking about the "Climate Changelings" right??

11-10-2009, 03:59 PM
What happened to te black helicopters in whisper mode that the UN was sending out while they were taking over the US??

11-10-2009, 04:03 PM
I misspoke in Enviro/Gaia speak, I was supposed to say "Climate Change" since they have started to realize that people aren't buying the whole "Global Warming" thing. Rebranding is a good thing doncha know!

But now we have another environmental disaster looming:


That's right, GOLF BALLS are now an environmental threat, we will now have to send off .28 to Sri Lanka every time we hit a bucket of balls in "Dimple Offsets" :26::sifone:

The scale of the dilemma was underlined recently in Scotland, where scientists -- who scoured the watery depths in a submarine hoping to discover evidence of the prehistoric Loch Ness monster -- were surprised to find hundreds of thousands of golf balls lining the bed of the loch.

prolly would chit their pants if they found nessy!! :sifone:

11-10-2009, 04:04 PM
I misspoke in Enviro/Gaia speak, I was supposed to say "Climate Change" since they have started to realize that people aren't buying the whole "Global Warming" thing. Rebranding is a good thing doncha know!

But now we have another environmental disaster looming:


That's right, GOLF BALLS are now an environmental threat, we will now have to send off .28 to Sri Lanka every time we hit a bucket of balls in "Dimple Offsets" :26::sifone:

Scientists scouring loch ness in submarines looking for Nessy discover golf balls.. Is that CNN or the National Enquirer?? my faith in the modern scientific world is waning..

11-10-2009, 04:14 PM
I misspoke in Enviro/Gaia speak, I was supposed to say "Climate Change" since they have started to realize that people aren't buying the whole "Global Warming" thing. Rebranding is a good thing doncha know!

But now we have another environmental disaster looming:


That's right, GOLF BALLS are now an environmental threat, we will now have to send off .28 to Sri Lanka every time we hit a bucket of balls in "Dimple Offsets" :26::sifone:

I just spit my water out! Now that's hysterical!!!!!!

Now, I remember a while back when all the enviro. companies were showing up at the marina's, gas stations and mechanic shops to take soil samples.... Are they going to show up at the golf course and have to scour all the water hazzards?? I wonder if they will set up some kind of PPM (parts per million) allowance for the amount of golf balls in the pond vs. how much water it holds... :rofl:

11-10-2009, 04:30 PM
Maybe the golf balls are actually Nessie eggs and we are set for a new flock of dinosaurs ruling the earth, that'll show 'em. :ack2::willy_nilly::rofl:

11-10-2009, 04:31 PM
we just need to genetically engineer a golfball eating fish......

11-10-2009, 04:43 PM
Are they going to show up at the golf course and have to scour all the water hazzards??

Not a long term problem. It'll only be a matter of time before something bites their hand off.

11-10-2009, 04:44 PM
i'll take a very experience, hot little slut-bag any day.

Can I get an AHMEN for the brother please :)

11-10-2009, 04:49 PM
we just need to genetically engineer a golfball eating fish......

Why not fix multiple issues all at once? For a small one time investment, buy all the illegal mexicans a mask, snorkel, flippers and a net. Pay them by the ball and tax them on their earnings.
Then, pay all the illegal Haitians and Cubans to clean and repackage the balls and sell them to the Arabs to use on their new golf courses in Bahrain and Dubai.

11-10-2009, 04:54 PM

11-10-2009, 04:56 PM
Ya know what's funny about this golfball stuff... Don't the golf courses already have special rakes to recover the missing balls and recycle them?

11-10-2009, 04:57 PM
Why not fix multiple issues all at once? For a small one time investment, buy all the illegal mexicans a mask, snorkel, flippers and a net. Pay them by the ball and tax them on their earnings.
Then, pay all the illegal Haitians and Cubans to clean and repackage the balls and sell them to the Arabs to use on their new golf courses in Bahrain and Dubai.

An illegal isn't worth squat if he cant hold his breath long enough to grab a golf ball off the bottom of a 6' deep waterhazzard.. but now you have created a hygiene/water pollution toxic sludge problem......

11-10-2009, 05:02 PM
An illegal isn't worth squat if he cant hold his breath long enough to grab a golf ball off the bottom of a 6' deep waterhazzard.. but now you have created a hygiene/water pollution toxic sludge problem......

thats why we need pearl divers!

Before the beginning of the 20th century, the only means of obtaining pearls was by manually gathering very large numbers of pearl oysters (or pearl mussels) from the ocean floor (or lake or river bottoms). The bivalves were then brought to the surface, opened, and the tissues searched.
In order to find enough pearl oysters, free-divers were often forced to descend to depths of over 100 feet on a single breath, exposing them to the dangers of hostile creatures, waves, and drowning, often as a result of deep water blackout on resurfacing.[1]. Because of the difficulty of diving and the unpredictable nature of natural pearl growth in pearl oysters, pearls of the time were extremely rare and of varying quality.
In Asia some pearl oysters could be found on shoals at a depth of 5-7 feet (1.5-2 meters) from the surface, but more often than not divers had to go 40 feet (12 meters) or even up to 125 feet (40 meters) deep to find enough pearl oysters, and these deep dives were extremely hazardous to the divers. In the 19th century, divers in Asia had only very basic forms of technology to aid their survival at such depths. For example, in some areas, they greased their bodies to conserve heat, put greased cotton in their ears, wore a tortoise-shell clip to close their nostrils, gripped a large object like a rock to descend without the wasteful effort of swimming down and had a wide mouthed basket or net to hold the oysters.[1][2]

11-10-2009, 05:10 PM
Ya know what's funny about this golfball stuff... Don't the golf courses already have special rakes to recover the missing balls and recycle them?

I had a buddy of mine drown in FL back in the late 80's. Was hired by a golf course to get golf balls out of the bottom of the lake for them to resell. They think he was spooked by a gator and drown. I say he screwed his bookie, ran to Florida and time ran out.

11-10-2009, 05:16 PM
Surely you are talking about the "Climate Changelings" right??


11-10-2009, 06:49 PM
My cousin owns a used golfball business. Has divers that scoop them out on a regular basis. Sells them- either back to the course for their driving range or to others. Nice little biz.

11-11-2009, 02:47 PM
Ya know what's funny about this golfball stuff... Don't the golf courses already have special rakes to recover the missing balls and recycle them?

It's probably the cruise industry, hitting balls into the ocean. I hear a special cruise tax coming.

11-11-2009, 02:47 PM
Why not fix multiple issues all at once? For a small one time investment, buy all the illegal mexicans a mask, snorkel, flippers and a net. Pay them by the ball and tax them on their earnings.
Then, pay all the illegal Haitians and Cubans to clean and repackage the balls and sell them to the Arabs to use on their new golf courses in Bahrain and Dubai.

Wont work. the Haitans & Cubans will just float on rafts.

11-11-2009, 03:05 PM
Wait, how did we go from ceding sovereignty to dimpled chad balls?

Trim'd Up
11-11-2009, 03:10 PM
Wait, how did we go from ceding sovereignty to dimpled chad balls?

I want to know why your talking about my balls, and I don't have dimples on them!:26:

11-11-2009, 03:16 PM
No, but I read at a truck stop that they're pretty hairy.