View Full Version : Dish network, direct tv , internet options

Magic Medicine
10-21-2009, 07:43 AM
As some of you know Nikki and I just bought a new house. We were informed yesterday that we cannot get cable since we are too far out in the country. WTF it is almost 2010!!!!! Anyway, I was wondering which is better Dish network or dirct tv? What are the pro's and con's of each???? We want to be able to get local stations in Chicago and South Bend IN. I was also wondering if there were any other options other than Verizon DSL? Is it fast?

Thanks in advance,


10-21-2009, 07:49 AM
See if they can get you DSL. If you can that will be much better then sat internet. I had a customer that got it out on Ocala in the middle of no place. They got over 8 megs down and 2.5 out because they were basically the only ones on the node. DSL is a lot faster then it used to be. Still slow compared to Cable or Fios but WAY faster then Sat. The problem with sat is you have 2 seconds of latency from when you click on a banner and it starts to actually download.

10-21-2009, 08:07 AM
I had ATT Dsl before switching to cable. It's not too bad depending how far you are from the sub station and how you're system is wired. They'll usually test it all for free.

Mine improved tremendously when I had them replace the splitter on the individual phones to a main splitter outside the house.

Tom A.
10-21-2009, 08:17 AM
I have Direct TV and love it. Don't bother with their internet service though, it requires a separate dish and was not all that fast. I now just have a wireless card that I plug into my usb on my laptop or home computer and bam, internet anywhere.

Magic Medicine
10-21-2009, 09:03 AM
thanks for the opinions keep them coming

10-21-2009, 09:12 AM
I have DirecTV and Verizon DSL. I'd have Fios, but it isn't available.

Used to have cable for both, and switched to DSL / DirectTV just so I could tell Comcast to f$%k off.

I've been very happy with them both. I didn't notice a change in connection speed when I went to DSL, and it's been more reliable than cable was.

As for the TV, the only downside is the occasional loss of signal during a bad storm, but that's not as often as some people make it out to be.

Magic Medicine
10-21-2009, 09:15 AM
I am thinking Verizon DSL is looking like a good option. What is Fio's? Is Dirct TV or dish net work better?

Trim'd Up
10-21-2009, 09:17 AM
Your better off with a wireless card instead of satellite internet. I have cable now (because of internet) but I like Dish better.

10-21-2009, 09:19 AM
I have Direct TV and have had it for a long time. We thoroughly enjoy there service. If you are a sports fan there sports pack can't be beet! I have friends who have Dish, and I do really like there HD DVR. It's pretty smooth. We us Embarq DSL for out internet, and have a 10 Meg connection. No problems there either.

10-21-2009, 09:43 AM
I have a Verizon air card that I am fairly happy with. I would prefer cable internet because of the increased speed (I work from home now and do a lot of down/uploading). The air card is fine for anyone that's just doing internet surfing. One thing to think about for DSL is that you have to have phone service to get it. That's why we don't - both of us just use cell phones.

10-21-2009, 09:50 AM
I have Directv and really like it due to can have it everywhere I go. Been with them since 2000. If you are good with the net you can get a free to air box for Dish and program it for free. I have not done this but have friends that love it. With that you get lots of stuff to view. As for internet, I use an aircard. Check to see what signals are available in your area. It's slower than cable but I can ride down the road in the motorhome and surf the net at the same time.

ps if you go with directv, let me know and can get you $100 off your first few months of service.

10-21-2009, 10:11 AM
I have DirecTV with the 5 LNB dish and the HD-DVR. I can get my local stations in HD over the satellite. I love it.

I have AT&T DSL. Works great. Yeah, you have to pay for a "land line" phone number, but it is requried for DirecTV and my fax machine.

I can connect the DirecTV satellite box to my internet router and download 1080p programming for later viewing. I plan to buy a Blu-Ray box that can connect to the internet router and stream NetFlix movies.

Good luck! :cool:

P.S. I hate Time Warner. :mad:

10-21-2009, 11:12 AM
I am thinking Verizon DSL is looking like a good option. What is Fio's? Is Dirct TV or dish net work better?

FiOS is Verizon's TV and Internet service over the fiber optic network. I've heard great reviews of it, but it's unfortunately not yet available in my area.

10-21-2009, 12:19 PM
I love direct tv and would take it over cable. Also get TiVo.... man i dont know how to live with out it.

Magic Medicine
10-21-2009, 01:53 PM
Thanks everyone! I have some good info now!!!!

10-21-2009, 06:59 PM
You can get a "dry loop" DSL vs a "wet loop" DSL

Wet = has a dial tone line
Dry = no dial tone

Are you more than 18K feet from your nearest Verizon "Central Office". That is 18K feet as the cable runs; not as the crow flies- think railroad right-of-ways, major highways, etc- the cable pairs run along them most of the time. Verizon.com - you should be able to put in your or your neighbors phone # (if with Verizon) and find out if you qualify for DSL. You can put in your address as well but that is not the most reliable way.

Aircards are slow but work and are much better than any dish internet.

I liked DirecTV when I had it; never tried dish.

Side note- if you have a RV you can fax the registration to DirecTV and tell them your set top box is used in your RV and for $10/mo they will let you get local stations from all major markets as long as you promise to let them know when you are home (nudge nudge wink wink) so they can turn off all but your local market. This gets you a few things- like all the football games in all the major markets. Like when CBS has the home team on in each market- you get all the markets and get all the home teams! Or late getting home? Watch CSI on CBS from Chicago vs DC since it starts an hour later..