View Full Version : Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize.......

10-09-2009, 05:31 AM
OSLO (AP) — President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation.

The stunning choice made Obama the third sitting U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize and shocked Nobel observers because Obama took office less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline. Obama's name had been mentioned in speculation before the award but many Nobel watchers believed it was too early to award the president.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said. "His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."

The committee said it attached special importance to Obama's vision of, and work for, a world without nuclear weapons.

"Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play," the committee said.

Theodore Roosevelt won the award in 1906 and Woodrow Wilson won in 1919. Former President Jimmy Carter won the award in 2002, while former Vice President Al Gore shared the 2007 prize with the U.N. panel on climate change.

The Nobel committee received a record 205 nominations for this year's prize.

In his 1895 will, Alfred Nobel stipulated that the peace prize should go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses."

Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, which are awarded by Swedish institutions, he said the peace prize should be given out by a five-member committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Sweden and Norway were united under the same crown at the time of Nobel's death.

The committee has taken a wide interpretation of Nobel's guidelines, expanding the prize beyond peace mediation to include efforts to combat poverty, disease and climate change.

10-09-2009, 06:47 AM
Wow. That means there's actually hope for ME to win it someday! I mean...I can talk a lot, travel the world denigrating my own country, "organize my community (whatever that means)," spend future generations into debt, not get any major legislation passed regarding health care even with nothing standing in my way...and STILL BE A CANDIDATE. Sweet.

I ask again - because I must've missed it somewhere along the line I'm sure - W.T.F. has this guy done?

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:17 AM
This is a joke, right?

10-09-2009, 07:19 AM
This is a joke, right?

Nope. He really won. I can understand their reasoning. Who else has "Talked" more about fixing the world than him?????

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:22 AM
I jumped over to msn and saw it. Wow.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:23 AM
How do you win a peace prize with an armed occupation of a couple of countries on your score card?

Troop levels are being elevated in Afghanistan.

Next he'll get it for economics????

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:24 AM
What am I thinking.... the nobel peace prize is a popularity contest (and a business) ;)

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:25 AM
Did Charlie Rangel get one for ethics?

10-09-2009, 07:31 AM
The sad thing is, you can't point to one accomplishment other than talk.

The Iranians have documented they are well on their way to Nuclear weapons. Escalated since he took over because of their (probably correct) perception he will do nothing. And that he may even stop Isreal from flying over Iraq to engage them.

The Koreans have fired off test after test of missles to show their improved capabilities. Even during Obama's key speeches and visits to show they have zero respect.

The Taliban have increased their attacks in Afganistan to show they know he is a wuus with no stomach for leadership and are sure he will just pull out and make some excuse.

And on and on.......

Magic Medicine
10-09-2009, 07:41 AM
unbelievable, you can snowball anybody these days

10-09-2009, 08:08 AM

Now he has even more in common with Carter..... :puke::rolleyes:

10-09-2009, 08:09 AM

Now he has even more in common with Carter..... :puke::rolleyes:

You missed the other thread.

And don't forget Al Gore.....:sifone:

10-09-2009, 08:15 AM
You missed the other thread.

And don't forget Al Gore.....:sifone:

Damn, JS beat me to it. :boxing_smiley:

Sorry for the duplicate post.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:17 AM
Nobody has done more to talk about hoping for change.... I will give him that.

10-09-2009, 08:18 AM
One more thing he has in common with Carter now :rolleyes::banghead:

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:20 AM
One more thing he has in common with Carter now :rolleyes::banghead:

There's another one.

Neither man associates with brothers. :o

10-09-2009, 08:23 AM
This award just lost the credibility it has built since its inception in 1901.

10-09-2009, 08:25 AM
This award just lost the credibility it has built since its inception in 1901.

It lost credibility when Gore won. Now it is nothing more than a table coaster in my opinion.

10-09-2009, 08:26 AM
Do ya think that Bill Clinton is pizzed????:rofl::rofl:

Here's the kicker. The nominations closed on Feb. 1st., a mere 10 days into his term!!

Don't forget the 1.5 million cash award that comes with it!!! I wonder if he'll just donate that to charity??? :);)

Sean Stinson
10-09-2009, 08:34 AM
Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for befriending the Muslim nation!!!!:icon_bs::icon_bs:

Crashing a rocket into the moon was more entertaining

10-09-2009, 08:36 AM
Can you imagine just how many Nobels went into the trash this morning?

This latest one is downright comical. I didn't know they gave those away for ideas and intentions. Pretty soon you'll be able to get one on the Home Shopping Network.

Expensive Date
10-09-2009, 08:36 AM
Had I not seen this already I would have thought it was a joke but its not.

10-09-2009, 08:37 AM
Wow, third thread.....

10-09-2009, 08:37 AM
Already 2 threads going on this one.......

10-09-2009, 08:39 AM
Ever since they gave one to Al Gore, I see the Nobel prize like the trophy you reccieved in T ball at the end of season for participation.......anybody can get one

10-09-2009, 08:39 AM
Biggest...........Joke............Ever, nominated 11 days after he was inaugurated after spending the last 4 years of his life running for the Presidency. And his biggest decision to be made right now is whether to kill a sh!tload of Afghans or allow more deaths among US forces. PEACE my brutha......

10-09-2009, 08:43 AM
Do ya think that Bill Clinton is pizzed????:rofl::rofl:

Here's the kicker. The nominations closed on Feb. 1st., a mere 10 days into his term!!

Don't forget the 1.5 million cash award that comes with it!!! I wonder if he'll just donate that to charity??? :);)

Maybe he'll slide it over to ACORN :rofl:

10-09-2009, 08:45 AM
I'm pretty sure you can buy Nobel prizes in Walmart now. Made in China. Anyone can get one.

10-09-2009, 08:49 AM
I have merged the 3 threads on this, in case you're looking for the others.

10-09-2009, 09:02 AM
How do you win a peace prize with an armed occupation of a couple of countries on your score card?

Troop levels are being elevated in Afghanistan.


Let's remember your idols... those two great patriots who started these two 'armed occupations'.

And let me guess, you would b!tch if he was trying to withdraw from Afghanistan because it shows 'weakness'...

Josh Marshall gets it:

the unmistakable message of the award is one of the consequences of a period in which the most powerful country in the world, the 'hyper-power' as the French have it, became the focus of destabilization and in real if limited ways lawlessness. A harsh judgment, yes. But a dark period. And Obama has begun, if fitfully and very imperfectly to many of his supporters, to steer the ship of state in a different direction. If that seems like a meager accomplishment to many of the usual Washington types it's a profound reflection of their own enablement of the Bush era and how compromised they are by it, how much they perpetuated the belief that it was 'normal history' rather than dark aberration

10-09-2009, 09:05 AM
And let me guess, you would b!tch if he was trying to withdraw from Afghanistan because it shows 'weakness'...

I would. :sifone:

10-09-2009, 09:22 AM
I haven't been this shocked since Cuba Gooding won the oscar for saying "show me the money" ole Alfred must be rolling in his grave....

10-09-2009, 09:23 AM
Jay, all the king's horses and all the kings Koolaid drinkers cannot make this one fly. Spending 4 years speaking about what you would like to do is not worthy of anything, even the Presidency. But hey, form over function, all that matters. And if the left all gets behind this and sings the praises, their credibility on the whole PEACE thing is gone.

10-09-2009, 09:23 AM
I read in the local paper this morning that a guy in a neighboring town just won the Nobel prize in physics for inventing the CCD sensor.

I was far more impressed by that.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 09:23 AM

Let's remember your idols... those two great patriots who started these two 'armed occupations'.

And let me guess, you would b!tch if he was trying to withdraw from Afghanistan because it shows 'weakness'...

Josh Marshall gets it:

the unmistakable message of the award is one of the consequences of a period in which the most powerful country in the world, the 'hyper-power' as the French have it, became the focus of destabilization and in real if limited ways lawlessness. A harsh judgment, yes. But a dark period. And Obama has begun, if fitfully and very imperfectly to many of his supporters, to steer the ship of state in a different direction. If that seems like a meager accomplishment to many of the usual Washington types it's a profound reflection of their own enablement of the Bush era and how compromised they are by it, how much they perpetuated the belief that it was 'normal history' rather than dark aberration

I was under the obviously mistaken impression that Congress voted on those armed occupations. Yet he owns them now. It's the way that it goes. And he must have stopped ignoring the generals in theatre because he is elevating troop levels. This is an action that I approve of, yet I see the dichotomy in receiving a noble piece prize on a day that more Airborne are going in, not less. Kind of ironic. But he has spoken so much on the subject of hoping for change that it doesn't matter that we are still doing what we do... and what we did. Tactic: add men and guns. No change there.

Now I guess you will call me more names, and then when the name calling stops you will cut and paste somebody who makes a point that you need.
We have had some interesting conversations around here lately without people calling each other names and being insulting on a personal level. If you hadn't noticed that... please notice it now and adjust your debate style to fit the standards of the forum on which you post.

Happy Belated Birthday.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 09:32 AM
Peace prize. Freudian? Maybe. :)

10-09-2009, 10:24 AM
I was under the obviously mistaken impression that Congress voted on those armed occupations.

Sure, let's blame it on Congress now.

10-09-2009, 10:32 AM
Jay, all the king's horses and all the kings Koolaid drinkers cannot make this one fly. Spending 4 years speaking about what you would like to do is not worthy of anything, even the Presidency. But hey, form over function, all that matters. And if the left all gets behind this and sings the praises, their credibility on the whole PEACE thing is gone.

Ted, nobody on the left has any credibility with you anyway, so what difference does it make?

Sure, it's a bit of a surprise, and the reason I think it is is because the American people have been so preoccupied recently with our own economic problems that we have put much of the world's other issues to the back of our minds. But the rest of the world has not, and I think this is testament to the fact that Obama has made some real changes relative to the previous administration's horrendous policies and the world has taken notice.

On the global stage name someone who is better deserving.

10-09-2009, 10:33 AM
It would have been better served giving it to Reggie.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 10:40 AM
On the global stage name someone who is better deserving.

Bill Clinton.

10-09-2009, 10:49 AM
Ted, nobody on the left has any credibility with you anyway, so what difference does it make? You have a point there, but a worthy opponent keeps you on your game, y'all need to find that guy/gal.

Sure, it's a bit of a surprise, and the reason I think it is is because the American people have been so preoccupied recently with our own economic problems that we have put much of the world's other issues to the back of our minds. But the rest of the world has not, and I think this is testament to the fact that Obama has made some real changes relative to the previous administration's horrendous policies and the world has taken notice.

Name one change that has not backfired.

On the global stage name someone who is better deserving.

Bill Clinton

George Mitchell

Cindy Sheehan

George HW Bush


Trim'd Up
10-09-2009, 10:54 AM
This is a JOKE!
Jay, even you can't really believe he is deserving of this, especially 10 days into his term. I know you bathe in the kool-aid, but come on. It scares the chit out of me how this guy is worshiped as the second coming.

Trim'd Up
10-09-2009, 10:55 AM
Bill Clinton.

Don't forget..
Donald Duck
Mickey Mouse
and Goofy too!

10-09-2009, 11:06 AM
I think there should actually be peace before they give out a prize.

10-09-2009, 11:11 AM
swap the L and the E, then delete the r and add a p where the z is and you get

Noble Peace Pipe

Smoke'em if you got'em (ah..to be young again!)

Cash Bar
10-09-2009, 11:16 AM
A few days into his term voting ended.

Maybe they HOPED there would be CHANGE by now and they would look prescient.

Gitmo? Nope.

Iraq? Nope.

Afghanistan? Nope.

Chicago? Nope.

Now they look retarded.

10-09-2009, 11:26 AM
someone else's words:

there are two obvious points: this is premature and this is thoroughly deserved.

Both are right. I don't think Americans fully absorbed the depths to which this country's reputation had sunk under the Cheney era. That's understandable. And so they also haven't fully absorbed the turn-around in the world's view of America that Obama and the American people have accomplished. Of course, this has yet to bear real fruit. But you can begin to see how it could; and I hope more see both the peaceful intentions and the steely resolve of this man to persevere.

This president has done a huge amount to bring race relations in this country to a different place, which is why the far right has become so vicious in attacking him and lying about him. They know he threatens their politics of division and rule. He has also directly addressed the Muslim world, telling some hard truths, and played a small role in evoking a similar movement of hope and change in Iran, and finally told the Israelis to stop cutting their nose off to spite their face.

10-09-2009, 11:37 AM
This president has done a huge amount to bring race relations in this country to a different place

You can say that again... :(



10-09-2009, 11:43 AM
Jay, please leave Sullivan out of this. If he was any farther up O's butt he could see the teleprompter. There is NO reason for this, no hope, no real change, and NO results that could be considered positive in ANY way. And that is now, not 10 days after he became President. He definitely has changed race relations though, now the discrimination against whites is out in full force and the blatant racism of the so-called black leaders is running unchecked. And anyone that doesn't expect backlash from that is way beyond hopey changy and all the way to delusional. Regardless of what the race baiters want to believe, a 70+ percent majority will NOT bow down to a 9 percent and dwindling one.

10-09-2009, 11:48 AM
Hey..when chiefie and the penguin went to war, it was I who negotiated a peace compact. Where the hell is my Noble???????

fund razor
10-09-2009, 12:00 PM
someone else's words:

there are two obvious points: this is premature and this is thoroughly deserved.

Both are right. I don't think Americans fully absorbed the depths to which this country's reputation had sunk under the Cheney era. That's understandable. And so they also haven't fully absorbed the turn-around in the world's view of America that Obama and the American people have accomplished. Of course, this has yet to bear real fruit. But you can begin to see how it could; and I hope more see both the peaceful intentions and the steely resolve of this man to persevere.

This president has done a huge amount to bring race relations in this country to a different place, which is why the far right has become so vicious in attacking him and lying about him. They know he threatens their politics of division and rule. He has also directly addressed the Muslim world, telling some hard truths, and played a small role in evoking a similar movement of hope and change in Iran, and finally told the Israelis to stop cutting their nose off to spite their face.

Response to somebody else's point number 1) How did that work for him in Denmark???

Response to somebody else's point number 2) He has brought race relations to a point in which he gets involved in local police issues and then has to invite everybody to the white house to calm down something that he stirred up by sticking his nose in it. Sweet.

10-09-2009, 12:00 PM
I have a feeling that the awarders of the nobel peace prize would have the same answers as this group in the video!!! :rolleyes:

But he's a great speaker!!:sifone::sifone:


10-09-2009, 12:25 PM
oratators ??????? the pinheads of the nation have united !!!

fund razor
10-09-2009, 12:26 PM
I went and read all the stuff from the nobel folks. They gave it to him because they hoped that it would make him change some stuff. It was decided before he did jack. Before he did the things that Jay's spokespeople mention.... before race relations.

It may have been after he mortgaged our future with the Economic Socialism and Recovery Act....creating a deficit which exceeds the annual deficits going all the way back. He did that right away.

10-09-2009, 12:26 PM
I think old Yasser Arafat got one too!!!!!!(terrorist)

fund razor
10-09-2009, 12:27 PM
Race relations???

Here is how he got elected. It won't happen again. The card was played and next time, knowing that there is no payoff and no "historical significance" they will stay in bed like every other election.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 12:30 PM
Is this decision (in advance, in hopes that he earns it later) just a little too much like affirmative action?

fund razor
10-09-2009, 12:36 PM
The nobel committee didn't vote for Obama. They voted against Bush.
(Just like the election that he wasn't qualified to win.)

Here's the word's of the chairman:

"The Nobel committee chairman said after awarding the 2002 prize to former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, for his mediation in international conflicts, that it (obama's award) should be seen as a "kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's hard line in the buildup to the Iraq war."

Trim'd Up
10-09-2009, 01:08 PM
someone else's words:

there are two obvious points: this is premature and this is thoroughly deserved.

Both are right. I don't think Americans fully absorbed the depths to which this country's reputation had sunk under the Cheney era. That's understandable. And so they also haven't fully absorbed the turn-around in the world's view of America that Obama and the American people have accomplished. Of course, this has yet to bear real fruit. But you can begin to see how it could; and I hope more see both the peaceful intentions and the steely resolve of this man to persevere.

This president has done a huge amount to bring race relations in this country to a different place, which is why the far right has become so vicious in attacking him and lying about him. They know he threatens their politics of division and rule. He has also directly addressed the Muslim world, telling some hard truths, and played a small role in evoking a similar movement of hope and change in Iran, and finally told the Israelis to stop cutting their nose off to spite their face.

I don't think you needed to add the first line here Jay, that is a given.:sifone:

10-09-2009, 01:48 PM
This award means nothing. Consider they gave this award to Carter and NOT to Ronald Reagan who actually ended the "Cold War". Apparently, you only get the award if you talk about peace, not if you actually do something to gain it.

10-09-2009, 02:30 PM
But he's a great speaker!!:sifone::sifone:

so you are saying he is good at oral? :26:

10-09-2009, 02:51 PM
Time Magazine wrote this piece on why this could hurt Obama:

By NANCY GIBBS Nancy Gibbs – 1 hr 17 mins ago
The last thing Barack Obama needed at this moment in his presidency and our politics is a prize for a promise.

Inspirational words have brought him a long way - including to the night in Grant Park less than a year ago when he asked that we "join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for two-hundred and twenty-one years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand." (See pictures of Obama in Grant Park.)

By now there are surely more callouses on his lips than his hands. He, like every new president, has reckoned with both the power and the danger of words, dangers that are especially great for one who wields them as skillfully as he. A promise beautifully made raises hopes especially high: we will revive the economy while we rein in our spending; we will make health care simpler, safer, cheaper, fairer. We will rid the earth of its most lethal weapons. We will turn green and clean. We will all just get along. (See pictures of eight months of Obama's diplomacy.)

So when reality bites, it chomps down hard. The Nobel committee cited "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." His critics fault some of those efforts: those who favor a missile shield for Poland or a troop surge in Afghanistan or a harder line on Iran. But even his fans know that none of the dreams have yet come true, and a prize for even dreaming them can feed the illusion that they have. (See the Top 10 Obama Backlash Moments)

Maybe the prize will give him more power, new muscles to haul unruly nations in line. But peacemaking is more about ingenuity than inspiration, about reading other nations' selfish interests and cynically, strategically exploiting them for the common good. Will it help if fewer countries come to the table hating us? To a point. But it's a starting point, not an end in itself.

At this moment many Americans are longing for a president who is more bully, less pulpit. The president who leased his immense inaugural good will to the hungry appropriators writing the stimulus bill, who has not stopped negotiating health care reform except to say what is non-negotiable, whose solicitude for the wheelers and dealers who drove the financial system into a ditch leaves the rest of us wondering who has our back, has always shown great promise, said the right things, affirmed every time he opens his mouth that he understands the fears we face and the hopes we hold. But he presides over a capital whose day-to-day functioning has become part-travesty, part-tragedy, wasteful, blind, vain, petty, where even the best intentioned reformers measure their progress with teaspoons. There comes a time when a President needs to take a real risk - and putting his prestige on the line to win the Olympics for his home town does not remotely count.

Compare this to Greg Mortenson, nominated for the prize by some members of Congress, who the bookies gave 20-to-1 odds of winning. Son of a missionary, a former army Medic and mountaineer, he has made it his mission to build schools for girls in places where opium dealers and tribal warlords kill people for trying. His Central Asia Institute has built more than 130 schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan - a mission which has, along the way, inspired millions of people to view the protection and education of girls as a key to peace and prosperity and progress.(See an interactive guide to Obama's first 100 days.)

Sometimes the words come first. Sometimes, it's better to let actions speak for themselves.

10-09-2009, 02:51 PM
There's a lot of good commentary over at www.nationalreview.com like this quote from one of their editors, " It is a dangerous thing for a president to become a joke, and between his Olympic Committee trip and this peculiar honor, he’s getting there fast, and in a way that could do him real harm."

fund razor
10-09-2009, 02:57 PM

Let's remember your idols... those two great patriots who started these two 'armed occupations'.

And let me guess, you would b!tch if he was trying to withdraw from Afghanistan because it shows 'weakness'...
Oh lookie... I guess MSNBC also understood my point on the irony, Jay. They did a story about it. :D


Tommy Gun
10-09-2009, 03:53 PM
Compare this to Greg Mortenson, nominated for the prize by some members of Congress, who the bookies gave 20-to-1 odds of winning. Son of a missionary, a former army Medic and mountaineer, he has made it his mission to build schools for girls in places where opium dealers and tribal warlords kill people for trying. His Central Asia Institute has built more than 130 schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan - a mission which has, along the way, inspired millions of people to view the protection and education of girls as a key to peace and prosperity and progress.(See an interactive guide to Obama's first 100 days.)

Sometimes the words come first. Sometimes, it's better to let actions speak for themselves.

Pretty much sums it up...what a joke to award this to Obama.

10-09-2009, 03:58 PM
Pretty much sums it up...what a joke to award this to Obama.

But he has accomplished so much, I just can't think of anything right now:biggrinjester:

10-09-2009, 04:13 PM
Pretty much sums it up...what a joke to award this to Obama.

That was the clincher for me......this guy has been the new mother Teresa for years, opening 130 schools and Mr Wonderful got it after 11 days on the job.

Scarab KV
10-09-2009, 04:13 PM
Shouldn't Sunkin get one. He started......:D

10-09-2009, 05:14 PM
The nobel committee didn't vote for Obama. They voted against Bush.
(Just like the election that he wasn't qualified to win.)

Here's the word's of the chairman:

"The Nobel committee chairman said after awarding the 2002 prize to former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, for his mediation in international conflicts, that it (obama's award) should be seen as a "kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's hard line in the buildup to the Iraq war."

Perhaps for this year it should really be named the 2009 "Given All the Daunting and Frightening Problems the World Faces We Are Just Beside Ourselves With Relief That George W. Bush Is Gone and You Idiot Americans Elected a Reasonable, Intelligent, and Pragmatic Guy Rather Than Another Arrogant, Clueless Disaster-Mongering Jerkwad As Your President" award. :)

sy goldberg
10-09-2009, 05:39 PM
He won the NOBALL PRIZE today !:26::26:

10-09-2009, 05:45 PM
I'm starting to tell foreigners that I'm Canadian.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 06:41 PM
Perhaps for this year it should really be named the 2009 "Given All the Daunting and Frightening Problems the World Faces We Are Just Beside Ourselves With Relief That George W. Bush Is Gone and You Idiot Americans Elected a Reasonable, Intelligent, and Pragmatic Guy Rather Than Another Arrogant, Clueless Disaster-Mongering Jerkwad As Your President" award. :)

I appreciate how you put your name-calling skills to work in such a way as to not need to cut and paste the thoughts of another person in order to communicate. Well played. It enabled you to make a post all on your own.

Congrats! Not just on the affirmative action award of your Messiah... but on your own ability to construct a post of more than 10 words without resorting to Andrew Sullivan to speak for you. Unprecedented.

It's a great day. :USA:

Take that Fiero on a victory lap down to the carry out and get some Busch. Wait... that's too close to Bush for you. Get some Milwaukee's Best. That's pretty close to Chicago.

10-09-2009, 07:05 PM
I guess it's so difficult for you and all of wingnuttia to grasp this that all you can do is make juvenile attacks about my posts. I'm really enjoying watching your heads explode- this is better than riding on other peoples' boats.

At least the Taliban agrees with you, so you got that going for ya. Enjoy!

10-09-2009, 07:11 PM
I guess it's so difficult for you and all of wingnuttia to grasp this that all you can do is make juvenile attacks about my posts. I'm really enjoying watching your heads explode- this is better than riding on other peoples' boats.

At least the Taliban agrees with you, so you got that going for ya. Enjoy!

Jay you have the best pictures on here and OSO

Your president, well that is another story......:ack2:

I liked Bill Clinton so it isn't a party line thing
B.O. inherited a pile of sh!t so I give him credit for steering the titanic but he is being praised as the 2nd coming of Christ without any miracles......
The guy is driving the gravy train through America powered by OUR MONEY giving away every band-aid he can without any permanent results. The guy is a very charasmatic speaker that gets people excited but "those people" are waiting for free houses, new jobs and free Escalades full of fuel. The madness has to stop..... The taliban is laughing that everyone believes B.O. is fixing everything as they are re-grouping!

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:13 PM
I guess it's so difficult for you and all of wingnuttia to grasp this that all you can do is make juvenile attacks about my posts. I'm really enjoying watching your heads explode- this is better than riding on other peoples' boats.

At least the Taliban agrees with you, so you got that going for ya. Enjoy!

Juvenile attacks about your posts? Juvenile attacks ARE your posts.

I am not even wingnuttia... I just love having a different point of view than the liberal socialist lemmings that go for things like talking a lot about hoping for change. The Nobel Prize is nothing more than a big public relations crowbar. They are hoping for change by applying the crowbar proactively to a man who hasn't done jack chit besides chat.... and hasn't changed a dam thing. The Nobel prize is a joke. Yassar Arafat???

The amazing thing is that you actually lump people together as if they all fit the molds that are described for you in the work of others.

I would think that you would learn more about capitalists riding on their boats.

10-09-2009, 07:15 PM
Here's some work from earlier today from a State Dept spokesman:

Certainly from our standpoint, this gives us a sense of momentum --
when the United States has accolades tossed its way, rather than shoes


fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:19 PM
Nobody has ever said more about hoping for change without changing a dam thing Jay.

Well... nobody has ever stuck his presidential nose so far into a local police issue that he needed to have beer summits either.

The truth is that the Nobel committee made a politcal move, proactively granting an affirmative action award to a guy who talks a great game, but ends up doing the same.

Why??? because running this country takes a great deal more than lip service. And standing up to the world takes more than speeches of appeasement.

I see that you are quoting again.... you must have blown your entire wad on that one post.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:51 PM
Cut and paste time.

Here is a reknown US News and World Report guy. He says it so much better than Jay or I ever could:
Robert Schlesinger: Obama's Nobel Peace Prize: Why Put the Call Before the Action?

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize: Why Put the Call Before the Action?
By Robert Schlesinger, Thomas Jefferson Street blog

Three things struck me about the reactions to President Obama's surprise Nobel Prize victory.

First, the take-away line from Obama's speech--that he views the prize as a "call to action"--sums up the problem most everyone sees with the award. As I tweeted, shouldn't the Nobel Prize come as a result of action rather than as a call to it? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan and supporter of the president, but it just seems like the Nobel committee put the call before the action here.

And that's a fairly common, fairly bipartisan reaction.

As USA Today reports, there was a great deal of surprise at the announcement. Speaking personally I can say that even my staunch Obama supporter friends on Facebook thought it was a bit, umm, odd. One friend wrote that while "I adore Obama and think he can do no wrong," she was a bit taken aback. "Call me old-fashioned, but I think that award needs to be reserved for the Gandhi-types." The committee, she thought, got a bit political.

And she's probably right. As best as I can tell, this award was as much about Obama's not being George W. Bush as about his commitment to peace (perhaps not unrelated things). There's plenty of room here for penetrating analysis and commentary about what this says about ... the Nobel committee, the world's view of the United States, and so forth. It's fertile ground for commentary.

But then you get the partisan commentariat, which seems congenitally incapable of reasoned analysis. The official GOP reaction to Obama's Nobel win? That it's "unfortunate." It reminds me of the old LBJ line about the press: He remarked that if he went down to the Potomac and walked on water the headlines the next day would read: "President Can't Swim." Sure the GOP's job is to oppose, but you can do so with class and/or grace. (The Democrats' official response was, if anything, as remarkable, comparing the GOP with the Taliban and Hamas.)

But of course extreme reactions--even when virtually everyone else is coming together in befuddled bemusement--are what get attention. But they also illustrate how detached the knee-jerk partisans are from the reality in which most of us live. It's Partisan Libs--first write the press release, fill in the blanks later.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Even he knows that he doesn't deserve it and hasn't earned it. That it represents the hope that he will do something, with the hype as down-payment. It was an "affirmation on behalf of aspirations." Tee hee. :D :

WASHINGTON, Oct 9 (KUNA): Nobel Peace Prize US presidents and why did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize. U.S. President Barack Obama voiced here Friday his surprise for being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, saying "I am both surprised and deeply humbled." In remarks he gave at the White House on this occasion, Obama stressed that he does not view the award as a "recognition" of his own accomplishment but "rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations."

He said that he does not feel that he deserves this, saying "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize. Who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace." He added that this prize "reflects the kind of world that those men and women and all Americans want to build, a world that gives life to the promise of our founding documents.

fund razor
10-09-2009, 07:58 PM
OMG.... you have to try this.... cutting and pasting is fast and easy as heck and you can be watching a movie on the side. :)

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:03 PM
I really like Obama, btw Jay. I am hoping that he does something smart, like lower taxes on the people who actually produce something. I can't wait until his experience catches up with his aspirations. He would have been ok 8 years from now after being a governor or something. I'll bet that he is great in his next job.

While he was not prepared for this, this will prepare him for anything.

That's the tradeoff... these jackazzes on blogs aren't as poetic or drunk as me. :D

Ok..more cutandpaste. :)

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:07 PM
The Gays even get it:

(thank you google)

From "Queerty"

Why the hell did Barack Obama just win a Nobel Prize:

Because he's such a big fan of eliminating nuclear weapons, Barack Obama was just handed the Nobel Peace Prize by the Nobel Committee. Nine months into his presidency. Not even the White House expected it. Us either.

It's one thing for the gays to ask, What have you done for me lately Obama? And with slagging approval ratings, much of America is asking the same thing. But the water tastes differ in Oslo, where the announcement was made. There, Obama is a symbol of repairing foreign diplomatic relations.

Which, let's be sure, he's working on. But by no means has he solved all of America's ills around the world. Rather, he's just cleaning up the mess George W. Bush left him. This award, then, says less about Barack Obama as a world leader, and more about his predecessor.
It's like handing out a karaoke competition trophy to the girl who at least knows the lyrics to that Journey song, simply because she followed the guy who thought the "Macarena" would be a crowd pleaser

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:15 PM
First it was soccer, where everybody plays. Then it was no more red pens... because that makes the kids feel bad.
But it led to nothing being acheivement-based anymore... the hand-out guy has just gotten a hand out. If you communicate that you affirm the aspirations of change.... then you get the certificate for having changed something. As if awarding people in advance for not producing something will produce something. Hello.... socialism calling. Mediocrity. Shortages. Poverty. Exodus of wealth.

Let CNN tell you that it's an unearned downpayment on future performance:

(CNN) -- The surprise decision to award U.S. President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize elicited swift reaction Friday, with some hailing the choice and others expressing astonishment and skepticism.

Chairman of the Nobel peace prize committee Thorbjoen Jagland holds a picture of the 2009 winner.

Praise came from Afghanistan's president, the Israeli defense minister and even a senior official from Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza. Yet an Egyptian human rights activist said he was "shocked" that Obama won. And the Internet hummed with a range of views.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai -- whose U.S.-backed government is locked in warfare with Islamic militants -- praised the choice.

"We congratulate, wholeheartedly, President Obama on the award of this prestigious award," said Karzai, who commended Obama's "vision and leadership."

Yet Hisham Qasim, Egyptian democracy and human rights activist, said he was "shocked" Obama won.

"He has achieved nothing. He's stumbling. He hasn't achieved any of his promises and nothing is working. He promised to close Guantanamo and now that's not going to happen, and the Arab-Israeli conflict looks like it's going to get very nasty."

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it gave the prize to Obama for his "efforts to strengthen international diplomacy," his "vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons" and for inspiring hope and creating "a new climate in international politics." Why Obama? Nobel committee chairman explains »

Many questioned what Obama had accomplished to deserve the award.

Gideon Rachman, a foreign affairs columnist for The Financial Times, wrote an online blog under the headline "What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize?"

"I am a genuine admirer of Obama. And I am very pleased that George W. Bush is no longer president. But I doubt that I am alone in wondering whether this award is slightly premature. It is hard to point to a single place where Obama's efforts have actually brought about peace -- Gaza, Iran, Sri Lanka? Watch the reaction from across Europe »

"While it is OK to give school children prizes for 'effort' -- my kids get them all the time -- I think international statesmen should probably be held to a higher standard," he wrote.

Obama has sought to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and officials from the Israeli government and Hamas sent congratulations and hope that the choice will help pave diplomatic ground.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he believes the prize "will strengthen President Barack Obama's capability to contribute to regional peace in the Middle East, and to an agreement between us and the Palestinians that will bring security, growth and prosperity to all the nations in the region."

Hamas official Ahmed Yousef also congratulated Obama, "though it is early for him to be awarded this prize."

Yousef noted that in a June 4 speech in Cairo, Obama "reached out to the Muslim world ... and said many of the right things." Obama, Yousef said, "is a man who thinks of achieving world peace"

Yousef said he believes Obama represents a "new era in American politics," but thinks "the president has done nothing to push forward peace between Israeli and Palestinians" even though the "intention is there ... it is an uphill battle with the Jewish lobby and Congress."

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:20 PM
Should I report myself for being prolific?

fund razor
10-09-2009, 08:30 PM
I have been thinking about things, and I have come up with the following:

If we believe that we can change, there is hope.

If we hope that we can change, I believe that we can change.

Together, by believing in hope... we can create change.

My vision for all of us, is that we aspire to an audacity of hope which can be celebrated and affirmed in a way that fosters belief in change.

By believing in change, we can give hope to our children, who are going to need it with this freaking debt I just signed them up for. (Dam.... I blew it.)

Cash Bar
10-09-2009, 11:23 PM
He should do something right for once. Like decline the award graciously and maintain that it is an award that should be reserved for actions COMPLETED.

That he is humbled by the honor but thinks his best days are ahead, blah, blah, blah.

10-09-2009, 11:50 PM
I like this cut and paste :

Two key White House aides were both convinced they were being punked when they heard the news, reported ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

"It's not April 1, is it?" one said.

Upon being called by ABC News at 5:45 this morning, a White House aide said, "This better be good."

When told by ABC News that the president had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the aide replied: "Oh, that is good."

They understand....

10-09-2009, 11:58 PM
from Jay's own words

"You Idiot Americans Elected (obama)"

christ, you can't make this s h i t up:rofl::rofl:

fund razor
10-10-2009, 06:41 AM
I like this cut and paste :

Two key White House aides were both convinced they were being punked when they heard the news, reported ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

"It's not April 1, is it?" one said.

Upon being called by ABC News at 5:45 this morning, a White House aide said, "This better be good."

When told by ABC News that the president had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the aide replied: "Oh, that is good."

They understand....

Everybody outside of Berkeley, Oslo, and Jay's apartment understands.

10-10-2009, 06:47 AM
Seems so...

Actually over here Obama is considered a good so far as he hasn´t done anything to speak of.. but speak and being tolerant..or is he is a question.

The one who got last year the Nobel peace prize for his actions didn´t get this either...

fund razor
10-10-2009, 08:51 AM
Do you suppose that if he gives a speech about believing in the aspiration of hoping for touchdowns and has the audacity to dream of becoming a college football player... that they will give him the Heisman??

10-10-2009, 09:20 AM
Even the liberal community is atonished. They're asking wht someone like Bill Clinton, who has raised billions for charity since leaving office, didn't get it.

I would be just as dismayed if they gave the award to GWB.

Ironically, the man that had the greatest global impact since WW II doesn't have one- Reagan.

10-10-2009, 11:56 AM
Even the liberal community is atonished. They're asking wht someone like Bill Clinton, who has raised billions for charity since leaving office, didn't get it.

I would be just as dismayed if they gave the award to GWB.

Ironically, the man that had the greatest global impact since WW II doesn't have one- Reagan.

Because he stood alone as the only true super power and stared down the wanna be. That is not the Euro way, better to appease, appease, appease and hope for the best. Ask them how that worked in WW2. And the way Putin is going we may have the need for another Reagan here pretty soon. :USA:

10-10-2009, 12:04 PM
Do you suppose that if he gives a speech about believing in the aspiration of hoping for touchdowns and has the audacity to dream of becoming a college football player... that they will give him the Heisman??

FUND for chrissakes now my keyboard and screen is a mess....

Tommy Gun
10-10-2009, 12:05 PM
Everything was going along just fine and then the car is brought into the discussion...that's really isn't necesaary is it; there are plenty of legitimate points to debate??

10-10-2009, 12:10 PM
Because he stood alone as the only true super power and stared down the wanna be. That is not the Euro way, better to appease, appease, appease and hope for the best. Ask them how that worked in WW2. And the way Putin is going we may have the need for another Reagan here pretty soon. :USA:

Putin actually was in our University studying so I guess he got influenced by us.
As one of their Generals once said "it was a bad move to attack the finns... we just barely aquired enough land to bury our dead."
The kill ratio for the land forces was 1:10 for us and in the air 1:33...
So there´s always an exemption to the rule regarding generalisations...

Lesson learned : Never let A Russian outside Russia...

Tommy Gun
10-10-2009, 12:12 PM
The Gays even get it:

(thank you google)

From "Queerty"


10-10-2009, 12:13 PM
ironically, the man that had the greatest global impact since ww ii doesn't have one- reagan.


Has anybody forgotten the Fact that REAGAN started the effort of getting grips with the Muslims and succeeded. Morocco for example is on friendly terms with U.S.
But the flip coin is Morocco also had over 600 terrorists accused after 911 of which 400 was missing around the globe...

10-10-2009, 01:05 PM
Way too many people on this site just want to hate Obama because he's different and hasn't done what they want, which is pathetic because you're all the same people who want your right to free speech and to bear arms, etc. He inherited a presidency that few would want from a guy who barely got the victories in each of the elections he "won." Busch was one of the few presidents to come into office with a surplus and plunged us into one of the nation's worst economic crises in decades. I get going after bin Laden. It needed to be done. But you can't convince me or the parents of all the kids who died there that we were justified going into Iraq. Most of the "experts" on TV are theorizing that Obama received the Nobel Peace Prise possibly because the rest of the world is so relieved that he's NOT ANOTHER GEORGE W. BUSCH. That's the most telling statement of all.

10-10-2009, 01:08 PM
Dude, I won the Peace Prize......GNARLY!!!


10-10-2009, 01:25 PM
Way too many people on this site just want to hate Obama because he's different and hasn't done what they want,

(CNSNews.com) - By 2012, nearly $1 trillion from the top 30 percent of American families will be redistributed among the bottom 70 percent if Obama’s proposals on taxes, health care, and climate change become law, according to the Tax Foundation.

“The extent of income redistribution is remarkable,” Scott Hodge, president of the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, said.

You are wrong. Here is the number one reason. The man is a blatant socialist. He wants to follow policies that have caused every country around the globe who has tried them to become failures, (by our standards).

10-10-2009, 01:40 PM
Reagan would NEVER have won the piece prize because he is a conservative. The voters of this prize are mostly WAY left liberals. So even Clinton will not qualify because he was to much of a centrist. Bush was a spend a holic so he should have made the left happy. Bush had very little to do with the mess we are in, greed of the entirety of the US market place did and the fact that people that did not have jobs went out and got things like houses.

10-10-2009, 02:24 PM
Every so-called conservative wants to call him a socialist. He's still a far better alternative than his predecessor or than McCain would have been. I believe that you have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine. And turning a surplus into the worst deficit in our country's history is a failure by any standard. Thanks W

Cash Bar
10-10-2009, 03:53 PM
Busch was one of the few presidents

For the record:

Bush(es)was President.

Busch was King of Beers.


10-10-2009, 06:00 PM
Every so-called conservative wants to call him a socialist. He's still a far better alternative than his predecessor or than McCain would have been. I believe that you have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine. And turning a surplus into the worst deficit in our country's history is a failure by any standard. Thanks W

So Eric, how do you feel about tripling the worst deficit in our country's history? Cause that's what your "different President" is doing. Oh and BTW, please leave your race cards at home, we could care less about the half of O that is black, we care about the whole of O that is incompetent and socialist, jus sayin'.

10-10-2009, 06:47 PM
He's still a far better alternative than his predecessor or than McCain would have been.

I guess you would have to show me one improvement that has been done since he took office to convince me of that. Do you have the list? Because I have only seen failures at every single campaign promise he made to improve things for the middle class.

And I'm only a conservative on fiscal policy.

10-10-2009, 06:47 PM
Reagan would NEVER have won the piece prize because he is a conservative. The voters of this prize are mostly WAY left liberals. So even Clinton will not qualify because he was to much of a centrist. Bush was a spend a holic so he should have made the left happy. Bush had very little to do with the mess we are in, greed of the entirety of the US market place did and the fact that people that did not have jobs went out and got things like houses.

One of the biggest problems we have in the Republican party is accountability.
Obama is there for a variety of reasons. But the biggest single reason is Bush was chosen. Bush was given a second term because his competition sucked, and many wanted him to return and wade in the knee-deep crap pile he left.

Being apologetic does nothing to help the party, it makes us all look pretty stupid. At this point, many R's are just chanting rehashed dog chit like the Dems are.

We had choices. A fairly liberal spender that the Religious zealots loved. A mormon they hated, but one that left behind a helth care plan as Governor that was very similar in content and term to what was just presented. He called himself a Republican, so many of Us (I mean you), said he was good.

Then came John and Sarah. Most business leaders and even conservatives know full well the black skies that that combo would have left. Sarah, posing as an energy expert, had ideas that would have sunk every oil company and refinery in the nation. Thank god they knew she was a hack with no real power. What those two didn't know about economics and business was staggering, simply staggering.

So what's left? Most are worried sick that Obama will do something good that works. Why don't we, as self-professed Republicans, actually propose better ideas, and better candidates? It's just not enough to blast the other side, although fun at times, it's not leadership.

Just ask yourself this. Name the top ten Republican ideas or proposals since Obama got elected. Maybe you'll see the problem then.

10-10-2009, 06:57 PM
I guess you would have to show me one improvement that has been done since he took office to convince me of that. Do you have the list? Because I have only seen failures at every single campaign promise he made to improve things for the middle class.

And I'm only a conservative on fiscal policy.

How dare you bring facts into this discussion:sifone:

fund razor
10-10-2009, 07:07 PM
Way too many people on this site just want to hate Obama because he's different and hasn't done what they want, which is pathetic because you're all the same people who want your right to free speech and to bear arms, etc. He inherited a presidency that few would want from a guy who barely got the victories in each of the elections he "won." Busch was one of the few presidents to come into office with a surplus and plunged us into one of the nation's worst economic crises in decades. I get going after bin Laden. It needed to be done. But you can't convince me or the parents of all the kids who died there that we were justified going into Iraq. Most of the "experts" on TV are theorizing that Obama received the Nobel Peace Prise possibly because the rest of the world is so relieved that he's NOT ANOTHER GEORGE W. BUSCH. That's the most telling statement of all.
I'll tell ya what.... I'll take the heat. I am already Jay's token conservative. I'll be yours too.
Because you come dangerously close to calling the membership of this forum pathetic. It's better if I take the heat. Because I am assuming that you are a contributor for a reason, and your blog is not a radical leftist, Cindy Sheehan kind of blog. I assume that as somebody with a stake in the performance industry... you don't mean to suggest that this entire forum has an editorial slant and that it's pathetic. I also assume that by "most telling statement of all" you are not referring to your spelling of a man's name who was in office for 8 years.

10-10-2009, 07:10 PM
One of the biggest problems we have in the Republican party is accountability.

Agreed. But, I would not be registered as a Republican if there were a moderate/middle class/common sense party.

You can read most things I've written, and I think Bush II was an idiot.

However, what tends to happen in all of these debates is the facts...

Fact, it is the freakin Congress that screwed everything up with the two exceptions of Iraq and special trade agreements. The President steers policies and signs bills. He cannot make them other than wars as commander in chief, and specisl trade designations suc as China's MFTS. So, although I believe both Bush and Obama are silver spoon idiots who have no idea how to run a small business, let alone a country. They are not in any way root cause of most of the current issues. You have to look at the bought and paid for crooks in the House and Senate to get that list.

10-10-2009, 07:11 PM
"Prise" "Busch"

Isn't the a PUI thread?

fund razor
10-10-2009, 07:13 PM
"Prise" "Busch"

Isn't the a PUI thread?

Yes the is. :)

fund razor
10-10-2009, 07:16 PM

I'm secure. Not gay. I googled it for God's sake. :D

10-10-2009, 07:32 PM
Yes the is. :)

:rofl::rofl: **** thats wrong... but i laughed.

Tommy Gun
10-10-2009, 07:39 PM
I'm secure. Not gay. I googled it for God's sake. :D


fund razor
10-10-2009, 07:48 PM

phucker. :D

10-10-2009, 08:45 PM
You got me on the spelling. I spent too many years covering the Unlimiteds and the Busch family from the Miss Budweiser side, so I always spell it that way. Call me uninformed. Anyone who wants to take the shot, feel free. No, I don't have severe leftist leanings because I lived in California and my wife's parked car was hit in the middle of the night by an uninsured motorist and we had no recourse. Bottom line is, I just hate everyone wanting to tee off on Obama when he's not had the chance to do good or bad. It comes across as petty. I don't think the guy before him did a great job, but that's just my opinion. Let's just give our current president a chance.

10-10-2009, 09:01 PM
all I know is that when "W" was in office I was busy as hell, then after november of last year it went dry as hell, but i digress, this thread is not about "W", it is about obummer winning the peace prize.

10-10-2009, 09:16 PM
Bush had very little to do with the mess we are in...

hahahahahahahahaha WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM???

I am already Jay's token conservative.

As usual, you give yourself way too much credit. :ack2:

10-10-2009, 09:18 PM
all I know is that when "W" was in office I was busy as hell, then after november of last year it went dry as hell, but i digress, this thread is not about "W", it is about obummer winning the peace prize.

we can make it about anything we want.

I'm sure the previous eight years had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whatever it was that happened to your level of beer drinking in November.

It's like the bushco years havent got anything to do with where we are now.

10-10-2009, 09:19 PM
you got me on the spelling. I spent too many years covering the unlimiteds and the busch family from the miss budweiser side, so i always spell it that way. Call me uninformed. Anyone who wants to take the shot, feel free. No, i don't have severe leftist leanings because i lived in california and my wife's parked car was hit in the middle of the night by an uninsured motorist and we had no recourse. Bottom line is, i just hate everyone wanting to tee off on obama when he's not had the chance to do good or bad. It comes across as petty. I don't think the guy before him did a great job, but that's just my opinion. Let's just give our current president a chance.


10-10-2009, 09:46 PM
we can make it about anything we want.

I'm sure the previous eight years had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whatever it was that happened to your level of beer drinking in November.

It's like the bushco years havent got anything to do with where we are now.

Bush was trying to save the country. does the tip of obummer taste any different than the base ?

10-10-2009, 10:09 PM
hahahahahahahahaha WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM???

I am from the planet that says that your boys had two years to address many of the issues that we are dealing with today and did NOTHING about it. Since we know that Bush could only sign into law what the house and senate puts in front of him, why did your democratic buddies not do anything in those two years to address the issues that we are now faced with. Get rid of the housing bubble and what are we left with? No problem. People have over spent for decades and we are now paying the price. Most families have cut back in the last year. You blame bush for spending like a rabid dog and I do not defend him one bit. He should have let the companies fail that he bailed out. So if you are mad at Bush for all his spending then what about Obama he make Bush seem like a true conservative.

I could have accepted Clinton getting the award but Obama..... NO WAY especially only 10 days into his term. It is a joke.

10-11-2009, 03:50 AM
The current issues have been long coming.
It didn't start with Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or H Bush, or Reagan...
It started with the American lower middle class/lower classes sense of entitlement. They felt they deserved better just because they are American. The politicians all agreed, and gave it away to stay or get elected.
Next thing you know, we have illegal immigrants that now also live the American dream without supporting it/earning it. But, it still gets both parties elected. And that's all that is important to our lawmakers. (Not sure why we need "lawmakers", seems we have plenty of laws, and the only ones that are heavily enforced are the ones that bring revenue to the political and justice system, and, you have to remember, the more people we incarcerate, the more prisons we build, and the more prison guards we need. This creates jobs in both construction and law enforcement...)
This has been coming since before I was even born. I guess I'm just "lucky" enough to be part of one of the generations going through this.
It's going to take a big reality check (not as in a "payout", or government stimulus) for this country to realize what's actually important.
I lived in the cash game all of my early years, and then things started falling apart in a business, I had to play the credit game to stay afloat.
Credit was only a bilge pump on my sinking ship.
I learned that lesson.
I'm just thinking aloud now, but, are the politicians really to blame? All they did was give the people what they wanted - they were doing the "will of the people", which after all, "we" (I say that collectively as a nation) elected them to do the will of the people.
This isn't a thought bashing on anyone, or any party - I leave this open for debate, and if my thoughts are off, correct me and I will graciously agree or refute.

But, back on topic.
Obama and Nobel Peace Prize nomination within 11 days of taking office?
And then to actually win.
Must've been because of how he averted a race riot by inviting two guys to the Whitehouse for a beer. Now, that was a very peaceful move on his part.

10-11-2009, 07:42 AM
The Nobel puts a basically insignificant country on the map for a day or two. With this decision they have been talked about for days. Maybe they did make the correct decision we are still talking about it after all.

10-11-2009, 08:03 AM
The Nobel Peace Prize shouldn't be awarded to the person with the best intentions. It should go to someone who has actually made a difference. I don't think that is the case here.

fund razor
10-11-2009, 08:22 AM
The current issues have been long coming.
It didn't start with Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or H Bush, or Reagan...
It started with the American lower middle class/lower classes sense of entitlement.
Thank you to the early architechs of entitlements, like Roosevelt and Kennedy. Should have built debtor prisons instead of hand outs.

Obama and Nobel Peace Prize nomination within 11 days of taking office?
And then to actually win.
Must've been because of how he averted a race riot by inviting two guys to the Whitehouse for a beer. Now, that was a very peaceful move on his part.
Nominated on day eleven.
Voting was on day 12. Discernment was a 24 hour period.

He invited those guys to the white house because he became involved in something that he should not have. The good professor was in his own home, he should have simply provided ID, since he was in the right. But he was tired and wanted a fight with the professional law enforcement officers, who were responding to a non-race specific suspicious person call.... because the good professor's neighbor was genuinely concerned. This was not a national issue until Mr. Obama decided to weigh in on it. (He can, cause he's black.)

10-11-2009, 08:25 AM
Yes the is. :)

LOL I was looking for it :willy_nilly:

fund razor
10-11-2009, 08:26 AM
The Nobel puts a basically insignificant country on the map for a day or two. With this decision they have been talked about for days. Maybe they did make the correct decision we are still talking about it after all.

Ok. So it was like the Palin nomination then. :)

fund razor
10-11-2009, 08:31 AM
LOL I was looking for it :willy_nilly:


Couldn't help myself. :)

You know Steve, I have been reading your thoughts about the partisan rhetoric damaging the process. I don't disagree.... but when stuff like this happens, you just have to wonder what the heck is behind it. I suppose that you don't need to wonder for 20 posts, like I did. But you really do have to wonder.
What would be interesting is a separate thread about the influence of media and partisan rhetoric on the process, and what can be done to reduce the amount of rote restatement of the same.

10-11-2009, 08:36 AM

Couldn't help myself. :)

You know Steve, I have been reading your thoughts about the partisan rhetoric damaging the process. I don't disagree.... but when stuff like this happens, you just have to wonder what the heck is behind it. I suppose that you don't need to wonder for 20 posts, like I did. But you really do have to wonder.
What would be interesting is a separate thread about the influence of media and partisan rhetoric on the process, and what can be done to reduce the amount of rote restatement of the same.

Well, seems as if a larger percentage of Americans are starting to understand about media influence at least......:sifone:

Poll: Fox Most Trusted News for Americans

Fox News has supplanted CNN as the 'most trusted' news source for Americans, a nationwide poll finds.

The poll conducted by Sacred Heart University, found that the most trusted national TV news organizations, for accurate reporting, in declining order included: Fox News (27.0%), CNN (14.6%), and NBC News (10.90%). These were followed by ABC News (7.0%), local news (6.9%), CBS News (6.8%) MSNBC (4.0%), PBS News (3.0%), CNBC (0.6%) and CBN (0.5%).

The Sacred Heart University Poll also found significantly declining percentages of Americans saying they believe all or most of media news reporting.

In the current national poll, just 19.6% of those surveyed could say they believe all or most news media reporting. This is down from 27.4% in 2003. Just under one-quarter, 23.9%, in 2007 said they believe little or none of reporting while 55.3% suggested they believe some media news reporting.

fund razor
10-11-2009, 08:40 AM
hahahahahahahahaha WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM???
As usual, you give yourself way too much credit. :ack2:

It will be an interesting winter. As your confidence grows, your name calling and bear poking will increase. It is a cycle that repeats. You will eventually cross a line from which you can't retreat.

Meanwhile... maybe the cutting and pasting is a better tactic. At least until Andrew Sullivan gets his own membership and cuts you out of the loop.

10-11-2009, 09:27 AM
I just hate everyone wanting to tee off on Obama when he's not had the chance to do good or bad. .

I would argue that he has had time. Time at least to accomplish something. Considering that he's got a full lock on Congress and a big chunk of the appelate judiciary, I'd say he's got some advantages. So far he's taken an unimaginable sum of OUR money and passed it out to every pet Dem/Lib project that couldn't get arrested prior to his administration. And he's concealed it under the banner of "stimulus". That and he's bolstered the ratings of the networks by being on there constantly.

Being "against" Obama makes about as much sense as catching a glimpse of your pilot while boarding a plane and saying "I don't like the looks of that SOB, I hope he crashes on takeoff".

I will agree that I don't want give him a chance to acomplish virtually any of the things that he's spoken about taking on. I philosophically agree with virtually none of it. Most of it has been tried before and has failed. I know a bit about history and can see a bad idea from miles away. Big government doesn't work. Government bureaucracy is inefficient and expensive- there's no motivation to be efficient. The best model for this is found in the disparity between civilian and government employment. Private business has rapidly adapted to the changing economic realities while governments are still doing things the old fashioned way. My local community is a good example. Instead of doing more with less, their employees are getting nice raises and work-rule protections. Their solution? Cut services. They can do that- they're operating off of revenues derived from my mandatory payments to them. These are the people that want to run my health care?

For the record, I believe GWB was a horribly irresponsible president from a fiscal perspective and that his managerial style prevented him from moving swiftly enough on issues ranging from foreign wars to our economic slide.

10-11-2009, 09:36 AM
Bottom line is, I just hate everyone wanting to tee off on Obama when he's not had the chance to do good or bad.

By the way, that is the premise of him not deserving the award. He has yet not done any good.

fund razor
10-11-2009, 10:25 AM
I am not against Obama either.

But I am befuddled about the pre-emptive award, and wonder if we are moving toward a world in which awards are given on the basis of entitlement rather than results.

10-11-2009, 10:40 AM
Bush was trying to save the country. does the tip of obummer taste any different than the base ?

Save us from what? all those Iraqis that were getting ready to invade us?

is it dark with your head that far up w's anal cavity?

10-11-2009, 10:45 AM
I've decided that politics engagement on SOS and OSO needs to be humorous or it's worthless. Two thoughts:

1. Giving O-man the Nobel now is like giving the Heisman trophy out before the season starts. They may have the right guy, but he hasn't proven anything.

2. i decided to have fun with the nobel prize last night. one of our friends is a galactic-sized Obama hater. to amuze him at a dinner party last night, I took an old party badge, covered it in paper and titled it the nobel Peace prize. When asked, I told people all you had to do was give a speach in front of Muslims. So i went to 7-11, lectured the clerk and got my Nobel Peace prize.

10-11-2009, 10:46 AM
It will be an interesting winter. As your confidence grows, your name calling and bear poking will increase. It is a cycle that repeats.

There is no winter where I live- enjoy your interesting snow.

As your head continues to grow in size from a neverending stream of self-generated hot air, we can only hope that it finally explodes from an overload of pompous self-righteousness and bear poop.

10-11-2009, 10:46 AM
If he actually does anything, let him be up for the award then. This is the first time I've heard of a preemtive award.

10-11-2009, 10:47 AM
I've decided that politics engagement on SOS and OSO needs to be humorous or it's worthless. Two thoughts:

1. Giving O-man the Nobel now is like giving the Heisman trophy out before the season starts. They may have the right guy, but he hasn't proven anything.

2. i decided to have fun with the nobel prize last night. one of our friends is a galactic-sized Obama hater. to amuze him at a dinner party last night, I took an old party badge, covered it in paper and titled it the nobel Peace prize. When asked, I told people all you had to do was give a speach in front of Muslims. So i went to 7-11, lectured the clerk and got my Nobel Peace prize.


10-11-2009, 11:03 AM
[On Obama} I am hoping that he does something smart, like lower taxes on the people who actually produce something.

I am holding out hope that we see an emergence of the consumption, or value-added, tax. If our manufacturing picks up over many years due to the declining dollar coupled with reduced health care costs for the employer and worker, we could reduce income and property taxes permanently and rely on export and sales taxes to support government activity. this is the profitable chinese model that has them OWNING the US.

10-11-2009, 11:08 AM
I guess you would have to show me one improvement that has been done since he took office to convince me of that.

That's easy to answer, the Presidential basketball victory average has skyrocketed. Why did you ask such a "lay up" question?

Pete B
10-11-2009, 11:40 AM
If our manufacturing picks up

Now thats funny! hell we cant put every other country out of business!

10-11-2009, 11:55 AM
I have to admit that I have become somewhat better informed about the Nobel Peace prize over the last few days. Unlike the other prizes they award the Peace Prize doesn't have to be awarded for acccomplishment. In fact the intent of the Prize is to actually influence the person receiving it. I guess you could call it the Nobel Peace Bribe. Further, the Prize is not bestowed by some broad, interdciplinary committe of brilliant thinkers representing the world's broad spectrum view. It's awared by a small committee a Committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Now that's who I want influencing my world.

In essence, a Nobel Peace Prize truly ranks up there with the MTV Awards, legitimacy-wise.

Tommy Gun
10-11-2009, 11:57 AM
[QUOTE=LaughingCat;338957]I've decided that politics engagement on SOS and OSO needs to be humorous or it's worthless. Two thoughts:

1. Giving O-man the Nobel now is like giving the Heisman trophy out before the season starts. They may have the right guy, but he hasn't proven anything.


That was the tilt on the SNL Weeekend Update segment... awarding the Hesimann, Cy Young and Miss America awards to adolescents.

The other good line was "Obama called the award a "call to arms"...isn't that what he said when he was inaugurated?"

10-11-2009, 11:57 AM
I have to admit that I have become somewhat better informed about the Nobel Peace prize over the last few days. Unlike the other prizes they award the Peace Prize doesn't have to be awarded for acccomplishment. In fact the intent of the Prize is to actually influence the person receiving it. I guess you could call it the Nobel Peace Bribe. Further, the Prize is not bestowed by some broad, interdciplinary committe of brilliant thinkers representing the world's broad spectrum view. It's awared by a small committee a Committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Now that's who I want influencing my world.

In essence, a Nobel Peace Prize truly ranks up there with the MTV Awards, legitimacy-wise.

That is too bad......the best one liner in this thread is that BO getting this after 11 days is like giving the Heisman trophy out in the pre-season.

10-11-2009, 12:00 PM
I have to admit that I have become somewhat better informed about the Nobel Peace prize over the last few days. Unlike the other prizes they award the Peace Prize doesn't have to be awarded for acccomplishment. In fact the intent of the Prize is to actually influence the person receiving it. I guess you could call it the Nobel Peace Bribe. Further, the Prize is not bestowed by some broad, interdciplinary committe of brilliant thinkers representing the world's broad spectrum view. It's awared by a small committee a Committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Now that's who I want influencing my world.

In essence, a Nobel Peace Prize truly ranks up there with the MTV Awards, legitimacy-wise.

I didn't know that. When I first read he had won, I thought it was a travesty, now I wish Kayne West would have jumped up.

Tommy Gun
10-11-2009, 12:02 PM
This from last week...


"Looking at this list of accomplishments I see two big ones...jack and squat." ...classic.

At least SNL is finally taking him to task.

Tommy Gun
10-11-2009, 12:14 PM
What others are saying...

Erick Erickson: Obama is becoming Jimmy Carter faster than Jimmy Carter became Jimmy Carter.

Ana Marie Cox: Apparently Nobel prizes now being awarded to anyone who is not George Bush.

Headline over AP analysis by White House correspondent Jennifer Loven: He Won, But For What?

Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review: I want to buy the world a coke.

Ezra Klein: Obama also awarded Nobel prize in chemistry. "He's just got great chemistry," says Nobel Committee.

Adam Bromberg, CRC: Nobel Prize Committee must be staffed by out of work comedy writers.

Kristina Hernandez, CRC: It was the Beer Summit that put Obama over the edge.

Tommy Gun
10-11-2009, 12:18 PM
from the comedians...

"I thought it was very ironic that he won the Nobel Prize for peace on a day we bombed the moon." --Bill Maher

"Obama said he will attend the ceremony in Oslo if he's not too busy with the two wars he's conducting." –Bill Maher

"President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The committee said they gave it gave it to Obama partly for his idealism and commitment to global cooperation, but mostly for calling Kanye West a jackass." --Conan O'Brien

"President Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel committee said they wanted to recognize the president's fine work in bringing peace to a black professor and a white cop through the strategic use of beer." --Jay Leno

"That's pretty amazing, Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Ironically, his biggest accomplishment as president so far: winning the Nobel Peace Prize." --Jay Leno

So I say again...what a joke.

fund razor
10-11-2009, 01:15 PM
There is no winter where I live- enjoy your interesting snow.

As your head continues to grow in size from a neverending stream of self-generated hot air, we can only hope that it finally explodes from an overload of pompous self-righteousness and bear poop.
You are right. You can only hope. Perhaps if you hope hard enough, something will happen without you having to actually do anything.

Sounds familiar.

10-11-2009, 04:07 PM
Perhaps if you hope hard enough, something will happen without you having to actually do anything.

Sounds familiar.

Yes, just change out the word "hope" for "pray".

10-11-2009, 06:04 PM
Yes, just change out the word "hope" for "pray".

hahaha. THAT sounds familiar. :26:


10-11-2009, 06:56 PM
hahaha. THAT sounds familiar. :26:


Can we add atheist to your many attributes?

10-11-2009, 07:07 PM
There is no way we can discuss politics and religion in the same thread. One at a time is bad enough......:ack2:...:sifone:...:ack2:

10-11-2009, 07:20 PM
hahaha. THAT sounds familiar. :26:


I respect your opinion to be atheist. You have the right to believe or not believe in anything you wish. This was not granted to you by any government, this is simply a human right.

Myself... my God has gotten me through a lot of very tough times.
I'm not overly religious, and I haven't been in a church in years.
But, God and I talk every day. Not formal prayer, not reciting anything, or chanting, or anything along those lines.
But I daily pray to God for strength, or the ability to cope with a situation, or for the health and well being of my family and friends.
I have seen too many beautiful things in my life, and situations that could be called miracles to not believe.
I'm no Bible thumper, and I can't say I've lived my life to the letter, but I'm trying to make right all the wrongs I've done, and go forward.

For the record, that is Jay's hi-jack, not mine:)

10-11-2009, 08:08 PM
Can we add atheist to your many attributes?

Well, I suppose it is another reason for narrowminded bible thumpers to hate those with differing beliefs. That's always a win for some people.


10-11-2009, 09:05 PM
I'm an atheist....I'd drink a beer with Jay(and have)....but I wouldn't be seen at the polls with him.(I looked, there is no smiley for that)

10-11-2009, 09:06 PM
P.S. Tom Selleck looks weird with a pipe

10-11-2009, 09:08 PM
My wife has been through some extraordinarily hard times in her past; lost both parents and her older sister. She found her comfort through a strong relationship with God. i, myself, have been a cynic, but not in the way that condemns or criticizes anyone with strong faith. I simply subscribe to my own desire for scientific proof. However, i readily admit that if the captain tells us we are going down and we should brace for impact, I am just as likely as anyone to kneel down and start praying.

You could probably blame me for the recent hi-jack on this thread based on my post. before this recent dialogue gets out of hand, maybe i can offer this thought. One's love for their God (or lack of belief in a God) and love for this country can coexist in even parallels. One love does not supercede the other. At the same time, one does not have to be a strong believer in God or a specific religion in order to love this country. If Athiests, agnostics, secularists, Christians, Muslims, Jews or any other type of person want to join our military and defend our rights to practice any and all levels of faith, then as long as they point the barrel at the enemy, give them all the ammo, Bibles, torahs, Korans or Playboys they need and let's kick some unified a$$.

(I just violated my comment from earlier, no humor in this post.)

10-11-2009, 09:09 PM
I thought the top left guy was Captain Rameus from The Hunt for Red October (Connery)

10-11-2009, 09:11 PM
Ok. So it was like the Palin nomination then. :)

No not quite that stupid :D

10-11-2009, 09:27 PM
Laughing Cat, now you done did it...
This has become a total hi-jack.:willy_nilly::biggrinjester:
While I completely agree with you on a freedom to practice whatever religion you choose, or not at all, I also agree that this is a personal thing not to be imposed on anyone else.
I don't agree with religious holidays recognized by our Gov't - even Christmas or Easter (yes, I was raised Catholic). Or any Muslim, Jewish, Hindu... holiday for that matter. Gov't has NO business in religion (otherwise they will screw that up too...:willy_nilly:)
I can't say I believe in the church, or necessarily the Bible 100% as the word of God, I think it has been interpreted and manipulated over the years.
But, I do believe there is a God.
This country was started under a belief in Christianity, so that puts us in an interesting place now.
This country has become a diverse population of many different beliefs, both religious, and political.
I would encourage everyone to choose their own path.

Holy Crap, look how far we are off track.
Obama hasn't done anything worthy of any award.
There, back on track.
I'll go back to polishing my own Nobel, picked it up at WalMart today. Got the last one. The fat lady in sweatpants riding the scooter and wearing the wolf sweatshirt almost got it before me, but i was faster!:)
Almost shoved her off the scooter to ride it to the checkout, but that would have been mean. So I just let the air out of tires.
How's that for peace??:reddevil:

10-11-2009, 09:52 PM
The saddest part, after reading al of the headlines, pundits, comedians, etc.

It has degraded the Nobel Peace Prize into just another political award instead of an important part of improving society to be earned and honored.:(

10-12-2009, 12:15 AM
Well, I suppose it is another reason for narrowminded bible thumpers to hate those with differing beliefs. That's always a win for some people.

Do you always have to resort to name calling such as bible thumpers? I hadn't set foot in a church in 38 years.

Btw, your picture isn't accurate as usual. Einstien believe in God. He said there was no other explanation for life. I read they figured it would take 10 to the billionth power to accidently replicate just one strand of DNA contained in a blood cell. Now, figure out how many times such an act must happen for life as we know it. Even Darwin near the end of his life came to the conclusion that there is no other answer for life. So be my guest to not believe.

10-12-2009, 07:40 AM
Albert Einstein

The Encyclopedia Britannica says of him: "Firmly denying atheism, Einstein expressed a belief in "Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the harmony of what exists." This actually motivated his interest in science, as he once remarked to a young physicist: "I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." Einstein's famous epithet on the "uncertainty principle" was "God does not play dice" - and to him this was a real statement about a God in whom he believed. A famous saying of his was "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Don't know how we ended up here. But, on this one Cuda's correct.

By the way, I love researching stuff as long as the name calling generalizations don't come into the discussions......

10-12-2009, 07:46 AM
As far as Darwin, it appears to be no actual proof either way. There were actual eye witness accounts both ways in his dying days. So, inconclusive from everything I've read.

10-12-2009, 08:06 AM
Do you always have to resort to name calling such as bible thumpers?


Apologies if I offended your delicate sensibilities.

One name I am particularly fond of is HYPOCRITE. But, I guess it doesn't count when YOU use names for 'descriptive' purposes, does it?

My use of the term 'bible-thumpers' was meant to refer to those zealots who insist on pushing their beliefs on others. My personal feeling is that everyone should be free to believe whatever they want to believe.


10-12-2009, 08:08 AM
Albert Einstein

The Encyclopedia Britannica says of him: "Firmly denying atheism, Einstein expressed a belief in "Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the harmony of what exists." This actually motivated his interest in science, as he once remarked to a young physicist: "I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." Einstein's famous epithet on the "uncertainty principle" was "God does not play dice" - and to him this was a real statement about a God in whom he believed. A famous saying of his was "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Don't know how we ended up here. But, on this one Cuda's correct.

By the way, I love researching stuff as long as the name calling generalizations don't come into the discussions......

You are such a wikiratickle. :sifone:

10-12-2009, 08:12 AM
You are such a wikiratickle. :sifone:

I actually stay away from WIKI. It has limited credibility in my estimation because anyone can add to it with very little support. If it is used for links to support, sometimes it is good....

As far as pushing beliefs, we all do to some extent......:sifone: It's tough not to if you're passionate about things.

10-12-2009, 08:53 AM
I would submit to you that there's a massive difference between faith in a higher power and organized religion.

10-12-2009, 08:59 AM

My use of the term 'bible-thumpers' was meant to refer to those zealots who insist on pushing their beliefs on others. My personal feeling is that everyone should be free to believe whatever they want to believe.


Could the same thing apply to politics? Because they raise my taxes when pushing their beliefs and that's either party

10-12-2009, 09:17 AM
Someone could receive the Nobel Peace Prize for settling this thread down.

Buoy, I totally agree. Religion is a veryimportant part of many positive aspects in life. But everyone should be free to practice whatever they believe, or chose not to believe without their loyalty and patriotism to American being questioned.

10-12-2009, 09:18 AM
Well, seems as if a larger percentage of Americans are starting to understand about media influence at least......:sifone:

Poll: Fox Most Trusted News for Americans

Fox News has supplanted CNN as the 'most trusted' news source for Americans, a nationwide poll finds.

The poll conducted by Sacred Heart University, found that the most trusted national TV news organizations, for accurate reporting, in declining order included: Fox News (27.0%), CNN (14.6%), and NBC News (10.90%). These were followed by ABC News (7.0%), local news (6.9%), CBS News (6.8%) MSNBC (4.0%), PBS News (3.0%), CNBC (0.6%) and CBN (0.5%).

The Sacred Heart University Poll also found significantly declining percentages of Americans saying they believe all or most of media news reporting.

In the current national poll, just 19.6% of those surveyed could say they believe all or most news media reporting. This is down from 27.4% in 2003. Just under one-quarter, 23.9%, in 2007 said they believe little or none of reporting while 55.3% suggested they believe some media news reporting.

I'm not quite sure I'd want to win that poll if I ran a newscast or network.

First off, Fox "news" has not much news on. It it even more heavily laced with pundits and opinionated specials than anyone. I watched several networks from the Clinton years to this year. I found one thing to be generally true, although most of the MSM claimed to be Dems', they relentlessly hammered on Clinton, and now, Obama. WTF you say? You can't possibly view any of the pundit talk shows without hearing Obama's problems.

All news tends to be slanted due to bias, particularly the wording, omissions, footage, of the day. Fox is probably the most unapologetically biased of all time. If you followed FNN from 2001 to current, you'll probably wonder, if even subconsciously, how stories contradicting previous ones go without mention. How very large issues and exposé's go away, never to be heard from again. But they are successful where others have failed. Many today still repeat materially false claims because they heard it on FNN.. basically a TV form of the Drudge Report.

The only thing Fox News, CNN, or anyone else has "Supplanted", is independent thought. People now view news as though it were a football game, or an R movie. Fox has made cynicism relevant, and encourages bias for ratings. The other networks never figured out the last part.

10-12-2009, 09:18 AM
Someone could receive the Nobel Peace Prize for settling this thread down.

Buoy, I totally agree. Religion is a veryimportant part of many positive aspects in life. But everyone should be free to practice whatever they believe, or chose not to believe without their loyalty and patriotism to American being questioned.

I need an complete, and thourgh, explanation of you new sig lines.....

10-12-2009, 09:21 AM
People now view news as though it were a football game, or an R movie. Fox has made cynicism relevant, and encourages bias for ratings. The other networks never figured out the last part.

You missed the point. Fox News is "The" most trusted source of news for those who watch the news. And, that less than 20% of Americans believe the news is trustworthy.

10-12-2009, 09:43 AM
I would submit to you that there's a massive difference between faith in a higher power and organized religion.

I agree 100%. Their have been more lives lost in religious wars, than all other wars combined.

I'm not saying everyone that goes to church is a hypocrite, just that the worst hypocites are in church. Going to church makes me no more of a Christian, than standing in a garage makes me a car.

10-12-2009, 09:46 AM
Someone could receive the Nobel Peace Prize for settling this thread down.

Buoy, I totally agree. Religion is a veryimportant part of many positive aspects in life. But everyone should be free to practice whatever they believe, or chose not to believe without their loyalty and patriotism to American being questioned.

This country was founded on a belief in God. You see In God We Trust on every dollar bill put out by this country, I read they are going to make it illegal to put anything about God on a postage stamp, for fear of insulting someone. I have no such fear.

In God We Trust.

10-12-2009, 10:02 AM
Many today still repeat materially false claims because they heard it on FNN.. basically a TV form of the Drudge Report.

Oddly enough the Kennedy School of Journalism found that Drudge was the most unbiased of all the blogs and News sites they compared. Articles sighted on Drudge were close to 50% right and left. Even though his own lean is right, the articles he posts are about evenly distributed.

10-12-2009, 10:04 AM
Oddly enough the Kennedy School of Journalism found that Drudge was the most unbiased of all the blogs and News sites they compared. Articles sighted on Drudge were close to 50% right and left. Even though his own lean is right, the articles he posts are about evenly distributed.

You're not quoting studies done by that right tilted Kennedy School of Journalism are you.....:sifone:...:sifone:

10-12-2009, 10:12 AM
I read they are going to make it illegal to put anything about God on a postage stamp, for fear of insulting someone. I have no such fear.

In God We Trust.

I've heard that too. But it's quite possible that the people who started that concern (read: rumor) are the same ones who said the government was going to charge us 5 cents per email to for lost revenue to the Post Office. I don't know what is true. But I will submit that whether one believes in God or not, having "In God We Trust" printed on everythig at worst, does no harm. I see no reason even for Athiests to oppose it.

10-12-2009, 11:03 AM
You missed the point. Fox News is "The" most trusted source of news for those who watch the news. And, that less than 20% of Americans believe the news is trustworthy.

I'm not missing the point at all. I'm saying that the "most trusted" source is admittedly bias, and bias in a huge way. It's similar to Liberals having Olbermann as their most trusted "source". I find it sad that people view these things as news, and even sadder they use the term "trusted".

It's all becoming a form of entertainment at this point.

10-12-2009, 11:10 AM
Oddly enough the Kennedy School of Journalism found that Drudge was the most unbiased of all the blogs and News sites they compared. Articles sighted on Drudge were close to 50% right and left. Even though his own lean is right, the articles he posts are about evenly distributed.

Very hard to believe, depending on what "articles" they post. Drudge typically highlights Newsmax, Washington Times, and other extremely liberal sources:leaving: I know what sites are liberal and conservative, so does anyone out there that gets a daily dose.

I just took a peek to check.

Obligatory nasty pic of Pelosi
This year's global warming jokes or two or three
reference to man has mike cut off because he's challenging Gore
Kiss the dollar goodbye

Anyone that's a true conservative, or just likes the entertainment, knows full well what Drudge's site is. It's as unreasonable as saying The Daily Kos is split evenly.

Point is, bias is everywhere in spades.

10-12-2009, 11:43 AM
I would submit to you that there's a massive difference between faith in a higher power and organized religion.

That difference has been summized 2 dffernt ways, which I believe in at least the spirit of the thought t be correct...

1. Religion is for people afraid of going to hell,
spirituality is for pople wh have already been there...

2. Spirituality is the belief in god, religion is the marketing and expoitation of god.

10-12-2009, 11:57 AM
It's all becoming a form of entertainment at this point.

True. I even quit watching 60 Minutes after the bias fake reporting stuff came out. I must admit I was very surprised at the time....

10-12-2009, 03:16 PM
That difference has been summized 2 dffernt ways, which I believe in at least the spirit of the thought t be correct...

1. Religion is for people afraid of going to hell,
spirituality is for pople wh have already been there...

2. Spirituality is the belief in god, religion is the marketing and expoitation of god.


10-12-2009, 03:37 PM
I've heard that too. But it's quite possible that the people who started that concern (read: rumor) are the same ones who said the government was going to charge us 5 cents per email to for lost revenue to the Post Office. I don't know what is true. But I will submit that whether one believes in God or not, having "In God We Trust" printed on everythig at worst, does no harm. I see no reason even for Athiests to oppose it.

That's why I said that I "heard" it. I'm not offering it as absolute truth.

10-12-2009, 03:38 PM
News is just entertainment.

fund razor
10-12-2009, 03:47 PM
It's all becoming a form of entertainment at this point.

And not even very entertaining, at that.

10-12-2009, 04:09 PM
Especially when my 5 year old catches the beginning of the nightly news and sees murder, rape, kidnapping, etc. Wife quickly flips it to Nick, Jr. and I have to hear Dora the Explorer talk about wearing life jackets "so we can be safe."

Makes you wish the Onion had a nightly news segment you could watch and let the kids learn what satirical humor was about.

10-12-2009, 05:06 PM
I have no idea who or what the Onion is. I just learned a couple months ago about Dora the Explorer.

10-12-2009, 05:22 PM
My wife has been through some extraordinarily hard times in her past; lost both parents and her older sister. She found her comfort through a strong relationship with God. i, myself, have been a cynic, but not in the way that condemns or criticizes anyone with strong faith. I simply subscribe to my own desire for scientific proof. However, i readily admit that if the captain tells us we are going down and we should brace for impact, I am just as likely as anyone to kneel down and start praying.

You could probably blame me for the recent hi-jack on this thread based on my post. before this recent dialogue gets out of hand, maybe i can offer this thought. One's love for their God (or lack of belief in a God) and love for this country can coexist in even parallels. One love does not supercede the other. At the same time, one does not have to be a strong believer in God or a specific religion in order to love this country. If Athiests, agnostics, secularists, Christians, Muslims, Jews or any other type of person want to join our military and defend our rights to practice any and all levels of faith, then as long as they point the barrel at the enemy, give them all the ammo, Bibles, torahs, Korans or Playboys they need and let's kick some unified a$$.

(I just violated my comment from earlier, no humor in this post.)

I knew there was a reason I liked you. That's about the best post I've seen this month.

fund razor
10-12-2009, 06:08 PM
I have no idea who or what the Onion is. I just learned a couple months ago about Dora the Explorer.

I just learned this weekend about "Xplorador" a really good Chilean wine. :D

This is hoping to count toward LC's humor requirement.

10-12-2009, 06:44 PM

It's news humor at its finest. :D

For instance, today's headlines:
Sotomayor Misses Supreme Court Case After Failing To Get Out Of Jury Duty
New Anti-Smoking Ads Warn Teens 'It's Gay To Smoke'
Milwaukee Bucks Find Perfectly Good Shaq At Play It Again Sports

Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize:
Doug Glennon,
Field Service Engineer
"It still doesn't live up to the time George W. Bush caught a seven-and-a-half-pound perch in his own private lake. Seven and a half pounds!"

:D :D

10-12-2009, 07:44 PM
That's a big perch......

10-12-2009, 08:09 PM
7.5 lbs!!

10-13-2009, 08:43 AM
I knew there was a reason I liked you. That's about the best post I've seen this month.

Thank you very much for the nice comment.