View Full Version : Haggin and the Miss Geico Team...

10-07-2009, 06:09 PM
I witnessed things with my own eye's this past weekend everyone, that astonished me! On Thursday, seeing Haggin sitting in the sun signing posters and flyers, for anyone and everyone at the press conference. He was still there after 90% of the people were already in the parking lot! Then more on Friday, all afternoon and evening. Again at it, on Sunday after the races!

The sight of the way the Miss Geico Team was interacting with the public in general, not just VIP's and friends or family! They were available, real and genuine to every walk of life...

For the people of Clearwater who didn't know what to expect, to have the smiling faces and warm acceptance handed to them from this gracious team of people! I was astonished, and touched deeper than I can describe here, in words!

I worried months ago about what I was instigating and possibly inflicting upon my community! With the memory of the sight of a family of 4, I saw walking hand in hand leaving the park, along the water front... two little girls in tow, with there Miss Geico rope sacks thrown over there shoulders...

I saw Marc Granet on top of Miss Geico showing little kids down inside the 'missile', Haggin calls it! Scott B. signing autographs and posing for pictures for anyone, just ask him!

Someone said "Ray, it's not worth it!" I can tell anyone now, it's worth it, seeing what I saw, with my own eyes.

Thank you John Haggin, and everyone on the Miss Geico Team, for such a display of generosity and affection for our community.

Ray Pusillo

2009 Clearwater Super Boat
National Championships


10-07-2009, 07:58 PM
Those guys are a class act! The AMF chicks are hot too!!!!!!!!!!!! Dave

10-07-2009, 08:50 PM
Truly a great team and family!

10-07-2009, 09:43 PM
I got to ask................
What is it you do and did it have any official connection to the subject SBI event ?
It seems you're in the background/around a number of races this season and you implied you're part of the event in some official capacity. I've read your posts and those of others and cannot figure out who or what you represent.
As a follower of the sport and the various racing forums I'd like to know I'm reading the facts.


10-07-2009, 09:58 PM
All there events are great!

10-07-2009, 10:05 PM
I got to ask................
What is it you do and did it have any official connection to the subject SBI event ?
It seems you're in the background/around a number of races this season and you implied you're part of the event in some official capacity. I've read your posts and those of others and cannot figure out who or what you represent.
As a follower of the sport and the various racing forums I'd like to know I'm reading the facts.


This is from the organizing site. I'm sure Frank or Coach can answer your question.


Race Founder
Frank Chivas

Committee Chairs
Sherri Callahan
Sheri Aguilar
Lisa Chandler
Terry Schmidt

Marketing Partner
CCM Graphic Solutions
Strops Marketing

Chairman & Race Director
Brian Aungst Sr.

Race Committee
Bob Clifford
Gerry Raymond
Brian Gilmore
John Bryan
Gary Hallas
Sheila Cole
Karla Jo Helms

Public Relations
JoTo Extreme PR

Volunteer Coordinator
Sandy Ackley

Race Advisor
"Coach" Ray Pusillo

10-07-2009, 10:20 PM

The thread is about the Miss Geico Team not me... The facts speak for themselves as well as everyone who is actually involved and actually contributing, investing and furthering the sport along. Send me a PM and we can trade credentials and resumes.


10-07-2009, 10:38 PM
I got to ask................
What is it you do and did it have any official connection to the subject SBI event ?
It seems you're in the background/around a number of races this season and you implied you're part of the event in some official capacity. I've read your posts and those of others and cannot figure out who or what you represent.
As a follower of the sport and the various racing forums I'd like to know I'm reading the facts.


3 guys went down from Windsor for 2 nights and said the event was fabulous.

They told us that a man named Ray got them a nice room cheap.

He coordinated the hospitality end of the event for the town.
When he wasn't saving parking spaces for people they saw him quite a few times out and amongst the crowd playing the role.

My cousin was one of the guys. He couldnt figure this Ray guy out either.

He said it was like when he was in the hospital last year. When you take the stethoscope from around the doctors neck he looks almost the same as the guy that collects the poopy diapers and throws them down the chute.

The word pretender comes to mind.

10-08-2009, 08:30 AM
THe ENTIRE concept to race in Clearwater was Ray Pusillo's Idea ...period. Frank and team took it to their contacts and made it happen. I was at the initial meetings , Ray did not have the HP to get it done with OSS, he brought it to JC . Frank C added the political and capital punch,...it got done. Ray then worked to promote the event and assist where necessary.

Congrats on a successful event and thank you for the kind words


10-08-2009, 09:15 AM
Marc, thanks for clarifying!

You guys (GEICO) are the essense of boat racing in our time! :)

BTW, was watching drag racing the other night and saw GEICO Powersports winning either top fuel or funny car! (can't remember)

10-08-2009, 09:17 AM
Marc, thanks for clarifying!

You guys (GEICO) are the essense of boat racing in our time! :)

BTW, was watching drag racing the other night and saw GEICO Powersports winning either top fuel or funny car! (can't remember)

There is a nice drag bike out there too......

10-08-2009, 09:35 AM
Those guys are a class act! The AMF chicks are hot too!!!!!!!!!!!! Dave

Mmmm the AMF Girls...

Is a marrial proposion valid thru the net ??? or something???
What do I know..never been married....actually wouldnīt mind to thou :blush5::kiss:

10-08-2009, 09:39 AM
There is a nice drag bike out there too......

GEICO also does Circle Track Racing...
A shame itīs a Toyota Camry..

Back in the day I was involved in a ASA Late Model Firebird, the series was the forefather of Busch league/ Sprint Cup
, but our racecar was Yellow #74 of Bruce Jeffers, Moscow Ohio.

10-08-2009, 09:41 AM
THe ENTIRE concept to race in Clearwater was Ray Pusillo's Idea ...period. Frank and team took it to their contacts and made it happen.

Congrats on a succesful event and thank you for the kind words


Then I have to Thank Ray of the IDEA!

But he still needs to get in shape to get more bright ideas.

10-08-2009, 10:49 AM
THe ENTIRE concept to race in Clearwater was Ray Pusillo's Idea ...period. Frank and team took it to their contacts and made it happen.

Congrats on a succesful event and thank you for the kind words


Thanks for the clarification.

10-08-2009, 12:05 PM
Mmmm the AMF Girls...

Is a marrial proposion valid thru the net ??? or something???
What do I know..never been married....actually wouldnīt mind to thou :blush5::kiss:

Wow, I had just assumed you were much older for some reason.

If ya don't mind, how old are you?

10-08-2009, 01:54 PM
Wow, I had just assumed you were much older for some reason.

If ya don't mind, how old are you?

No sun in Finland. Therefore no wrinkles......:sifone:

10-08-2009, 02:51 PM
Wow, I had just assumed you were much older for some reason.

If ya don't mind, how old are you?

Born 1967...

10-08-2009, 04:34 PM
gotcha. thought you were in your 50's for some reason.

back to the regularly scheduled program.

10-08-2009, 04:55 PM
gotcha. thought you were in your 50's for some reason.

back to the regularly scheduled program.

Maybe because you somehow knew I was in the early 80īs wrenching Stock cars and thought I did it as a pro mech then.

Yes... back TO TRACK.

10-08-2009, 05:53 PM
This thread is about John Haggin and the commitment the Miss GEICO team makes to connect with the communities they encounter!

This article, along with others are included at the site for the local race committee. The stories in the news papers are what the PR people give them, which is a job paid for by these men, mentioned there. They have ego's like many of us... let them flap they're wings. Marc and I along with the majority of the powerboat racing producing people involved, know the truth...

Can we get this thread back on track now?

10-09-2009, 08:13 AM
Without a doubt, Marc, Scotty and Haggin are first class all the way. They are gracious ambassadors of the sport. Way to go guys! Thank you!

...And that's what this is all about...


10-09-2009, 08:27 AM
Put me in couch, I'm ready to play... opps- sorry; every time I see coach post I hum that song for some reason.

Great job to Geico as always; class act for others to emulate!

10-09-2009, 09:17 AM
Here's the next play:

Call Smitty

Sean Stinson
10-09-2009, 09:23 AM

10-09-2009, 09:43 AM
Here's the next play:

Call Smitty

Smitty's busy, relax and support what is coming down the pike. :D :D

10-09-2009, 10:05 AM

10-12-2009, 09:22 AM
Check out the new videos of Clearwater 2009:


10-12-2009, 09:45 AM
Smitty's beat from this year, his phone is off or he's at The Giants Game. Mine is on but I ain't gonna answer it for now, it's in my car. Louie The Rigger just ain't gonna answer his so, Smitty, myself, Louie The Rigger and Evil Ed will get together soon and then we'll have something to say. Unless it comes from Smitty, Louie The Rigger or I it's just BULL$HIT, now back to Haggin's a nice guy cause he is!

Pat D
10-12-2009, 12:32 PM
Smitty's beat from this year, his phone is off or he's at The Giants Game. Mine is on but I ain't gonna answer it for now, it's in my car. Smitty, myself, Louie The Rigger and Evil Ed will get together soon and then we'll have something to say. Unless it comes from Smitty, Louie The Rigger or I it's just BULL$HIT.

Smitty........take a nap and get your little butt in gear for kw :)
Augie...get the phone out of the car, I know you will take my call :kiss:

10-12-2009, 12:53 PM
Hi Ma, good talking to you. Everythings OK, Thanks. The phones going back in the car.

10-13-2009, 10:03 AM
Scotty and Marc were seen on ESPN2...


Anyone got a You-tube of it?

10-13-2009, 11:16 AM
Smitty's beat from this year, his phone is off or he's at The Giants Game. Mine is on but I ain't gonna answer it for now, it's in my car. Louie The Rigger just ain't gonna answer his so, Smitty, myself, Louie The Rigger and Evil Ed will get together soon and then we'll have something to say. Unless it comes from Smitty, Louie The Rigger or I it's just BULL$HIT, now back to Haggin's a nice guy cause he is!

Thanks for the clarification!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks for the straight talk Augie!! ;) Hope that you're feeling better, see you in KW!!

10-16-2009, 07:51 AM
Smitty's beat from this year, his phone is off or he's at The Giants Game. Mine is on but I ain't gonna answer it for now, it's in my car. Louie The Rigger just ain't gonna answer his so, Smitty, myself, Louie The Rigger and Evil Ed will get together soon and then we'll have something to say. Unless it comes from Smitty, Louie The Rigger or I it's just BULL$HIT, now back to Haggin's a nice guy cause he is!


You seem to be getting that edge back! Good for you! Thanks for getting this thread back on track...


11-03-2009, 09:36 AM
Saw the Miss GEICO commercial on Monday Night Football !
