View Full Version : Look what happening

09-22-2009, 01:05 PM
PBSINT.ORG has been asking for your help but nobody seems to care but this is what is coming to. Please Donate anything , even for auction.This is why we need donations to stop this from happening http://news14.com/content/local_news/charlotte/614901/lake-leaders-look-to-regulate-some-speed-boaters/?RegionCookie=104. Thanks
Please log on to PBSINT.ORG to help.

09-22-2009, 01:21 PM
PBSINT.ORG has been asking for your help but nobody seems to care but this is what is coming to. Please Donate anything , even for auction.This is why we need donations to stop this from happening http://news14.com/content/local_news/charlotte/614901/lake-leaders-look-to-regulate-some-speed-boaters/?RegionCookie=104. Thanks
Please log on to PBINST.ORG to help.

that website link should be http://www.pbsint.org/

09-22-2009, 01:41 PM
that website link should be http://www.pbsint.org/
Sorry my stupid contacts are failing me.

09-22-2009, 02:18 PM
Tres - Have you worked anything out with the group that did the Poker Run meetings over the last few years at the Miami shows - APR, NJPPC, PRA, etc? How about involving BoatUS and some of the other mainstream organizations?

09-22-2009, 02:41 PM
That cannot be good. Lake Norman powerboater's need to get organized now. Yes, your organization, http://www.pbsint.org/ needs money, and I think it is great you are on top of this issue . The performace boating crowd needs a face (good looking articulate spokes-person who truly knows what he (or she) is talking about when it comes to performance boats, and or Poker Runs that can address public safety concerns when these type(s) if situations arise. Who is our (performance boaters) lobbyist?

Hope you can help them with this issue.

Stephen R. Jones

09-22-2009, 03:13 PM
It already happened in NH at Lake Winnipesauki, 45 MPH limit and the lake is a lot bigger than Lake Norman.

Dude! Sweet!
09-22-2009, 03:51 PM
Basically all the lakes in California are subject to a 35mph speed limit unless otherwise posted. Fortunately for us, we also have an ocean where speed is "reasonable for the conditions" if I recall Brad S.'s comments correctly...

09-22-2009, 06:52 PM
This is a bunch of media crap. To start off there was only one Charity ride on Friday as it was raining most of the afternoon.

I can assure you that Nate mentioned in the article is on our side. He loves performance boats as much as any of us do. This issue was evidently a complaint brought up by some guy with a pontoon boat in the meeting. Nate had to try to be somewhat be politically correct. Read what is in quotes. This is what he said. "A perceived safety concern". Per the conversation I just had on the phone with him the rest is just a typical Charlotte media twist.

Here is another tid bit. Nate road with me in the Helo for the CPBA fun run and also received a complaint in the marine commision meeting that there was a helicopter following boats very low and appeared to be doing dangerous things . His response. They weren't dangerous but they were pretty damn fun cause I was in it!

LKNfun Nate
09-22-2009, 09:41 PM
Thanks Swede, Yep - totally out of context - never said monopolize the Lake, never said they drive in a geese like pattern - I said "Percieved Safety Concern" and also that I could understand how some unknowing person on the lake might get nervous if they saw 15 speed boats coming down the lake.

Yep - I love that marine commision comment about being in the Helicopter... that didn't make the news.

HUGE poker run supporter, and doing everything I can to make sure that we can keep them coming - part of that includes addressing safety concerns. Can't sweep it under the table - Hopefully Swede will keep everyone posted on the efforts down here to keep Poker Runs on Lake Norman and all waters safe and FUN!


LKNfun Nate
09-22-2009, 09:45 PM
Oh - And HECK Yeah they need to be better publicized. I think more people would turn out in SUPPORT if they knew that the Poker Runs were happening.

09-22-2009, 10:33 PM
Nate thank you for your support. As a CPBA member and having done all of the CPBA runs on LKN, we need all the good press we can get to put the info out there that we are not a bunch of wild boaters.

09-23-2009, 09:53 AM
Everyone that knows me, know that I have the performance industry and safety close to my heart as a passion. I have done plenty of things in the past to enjoy and make my mark in Performance boating. Safety comes first. As you know I am one of the few that have made some type of difference on the water over the last few years, although we cannot guage that we know that somehow there may be a life saved or one less accident that ends it all. Your boat freedoms are going to be slowing going away and your soon last freedom will lost. NFP allows many to donate and receive tax rebates. We can auction of goods or receive money to proceed forward to make corrective measures to realign and make safe practice and events for the future and as Legislation wants to end your fun we will be there to defend. But we cannot do it with out funding. This not just pointed at Poker runs!

10-01-2009, 07:53 AM
Donate your spare props, drives, muscle cars, motorcycles or anything we can auction to get you a tax deduction and help put safety on the water! Please do your part to help!

10-01-2009, 07:58 AM
Basically all the lakes in California are subject to a 35mph speed limit unless otherwise posted. Fortunately for us, we also have an ocean where speed is "reasonable for the conditions" if I recall Brad S.'s comments correctly...

Sean, are the reservoirs not subject to that 35 limit, like here in Michigan? Michigan is 55 in all inland lakes, reservoirs, like Hardy Pond, are not subject though. Technically not an inland lake.

10-01-2009, 08:35 AM
Oh - And HECK Yeah they need to be better publicized. I think more people would turn out in SUPPORT if they knew that the Poker Runs were happening.

When we do our runs up here we include the marine police and have them with us; as well as the fire and rescue boats.

We post flyers at the marinas around the lake in advance.

The flyers accomplish 2 things. Firstly it attracts those that want to come out and watch , call them pro PR people.
It also gives notice to all the users of the waterways that we will be out there that day.
The route and times is on the notice.

Just small things that help us not be a surprise to the lake dwellers and promote well being with others. Also safer.

10-02-2009, 10:51 AM
This is plenty of other legislation out there on the table ready to take your last free enjoyment away on the water. We are making concessions to take action but lack funding. Please do your part to help.www.pbsint.org