- Sutphen owners...lets see some pics.
- 21 Sutphen WOW!!!!
- Stickez
- Craigslist Sport Pacer
- anyone have cable lengths?
- stuphen 17 on c/l
- 39 @ Shore Dreams
- Fast Company
- Time to Move?
- Cool 30 Sutphen project
- 1985 Sutpen Ad
- My boat is in the classifieds
- Anyone looking for a 31' Sutpen?
- Fun Run in Organization for Memorial Weekend
- Great deal on a 26 RR
- 32 Factory 2 Race Boat
- 33 foot go fast sutphen on trailer - $5999 (fort lauderdale)
- 1981 Sutphen Race Boat, $6000
- 91 Sutphen
- go fast, getaway supthen 20 454 mx107 sterndrive - $25,000 (winston)
- Sutphen . Rum runner