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Yesterday, 10:20 AMAnd the weather hits just keep on coming, replies | 88 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:25 PMSpeed on the Water started a thread Key West Poker Run Show Goes On Despite Wednesday Departure Cancelation in On The DockCh-ch-ch-ch-changes…this year's Florida Powerboat Club Key West Poker Run has been loaded with them so far. ...1 replies | 53 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:12 AMSpeed on the Water started a thread Jackhammer Team Throttleman Maldonado Sidelined With Leg Injuries in On The DockNext man up—when your dad becomes your back-up,...0 replies | 46 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:01 PMSpeed on the Water started a thread Party Time! Teasers Tour Wrapping Up In Key West This Week in On The DockThe Teasers 36-foot Skater catamaran has enjoyed a decorated season as part of the 2024 Teasers Tour, which wraps up this week in Key West, Fla.,...0 replies | 33 view(s)
Today, 08:46 AMSam Hanna and Chris Ryder made Skaterfest history in 2020, replies | 17 view(s)
Today, 10:14 AMSpeed on the Water started a thread New Video! 'Super Cat—Race For US-1' Episode No. 1 in On The DockBuckle up, replies | 16 view(s)
Today, 11:18 AMSpeed on the Water started a thread Key West Worlds Update—Scenes From Tuesday Testing in On The DockSporty conditions prevailed during yesterday’s test session at the 43rd annual Key West Offshore World Championships,...0 replies | 9 view(s)
Today, 04:14 PMSpeed on the Water started a thread DCB M42R Catamaran Update: Out Of Post-Lamination And Off To Rigging in On The DockOne step closer to stunning reality, replies | 7 view(s)
Today, 02:38 PMHAPPY mid week Glad to hear the GOOD news this morning :) and BAMM20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)
Today, 02:09 PMsonicss31 replied to a thread It's 2024, (no longer 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 or 2023) in The Bar2357 replies | 863961 view(s)
2207 replies | 739006 view(s)
Today, 10:46 AMRatickle replied to a thread Key West Poker Run Show Goes On Despite Wednesday Departure Cancelation in On The DockIt will be intersting to see how those coming down today fare.....1 replies | 53 view(s)
Today, 10:42 AMToday and tomorrow are gonna be a bit boring here....1 replies | 88 view(s)
2207 replies | 739006 view(s)
Today, 09:56 AM3853 replies | 732107 view(s)
Today, 09:55 AM3853 replies | 732107 view(s)
Today, 08:54 AMBobcat replied to a thread It's 2024, (no longer 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 or 2023) in The Bar2357 replies | 863961 view(s)
2207 replies | 739006 view(s)
Today, 08:51 AMMornin!:seeya: It's a Glorious Day:USA: ...Now the Work begins.....If the Blue Cities catch fire.....Let em burn. We replaced all of the lower...20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)
Today, 08:44 AMGood morning ☀️. We can all breathe a sigh of relief now that Trump has been duly elected our 47th President of these United States.20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)
Today, 07:08 AMThankfully, liberals, globalists and their enablers, naïve adult children failed to shove a Marxist down our throats. I can hear the tears falling...2207 replies | 739006 view(s)
Yesterday, 11:59 PMInteresting stuff today in the pits. 3 of the Supercats failed tech. Good thing they are not runnning tomorrow, they have time to change head...6 replies | 540 view(s)
2207 replies | 739006 view(s)
2258 replies | 697816 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:43 AMI was on the phone with people in the parade. Damn some of those airhorns are loud!!!!1 replies | 97 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:40 AMWell, will flights coming in be able to land on Wednesday? The forecast is certainly iffy.6 replies | 540 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:46 AMOr how about cement backer board and some kinda subdued looking tile. Might not be the best solution but gotta do something different....20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:57 AMStainless steel 2x4’s with the first foot of wall on hinges so you can just open up the walls and let it flow by. Just a thought? It might make for...20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:11 AMIf it hits Rat again, I think he should just leave the drywall off.20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:07 AMThat's because you live in a vance down by the river.20180 replies | 5508399 view(s)