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  1. Collapse Details
    Diplomacy works!
    Jayboat's favorite penpal goes to North Korea, hits the peace pipe with Lil' Kim and comes home with some Asian chicks by his side. all it cost us was some long distance calls and a flight overseas. Meanwhile, bubba gets to fly half way around the world on a private plan with two sexually-deprived Asian chicks (who probably brought their own eels.) Wanna bet they're paying him back in spades. . .

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    Charter Member Sydwayz's Avatar
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    All over da place.
    Not quite. We don't know what Bubba promised the ODB.
    Brian Tillett; Active Thunder Factory Representative

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    Registered Expensive Date's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sydwayz View Post
    Not quite. We don't know what Bubba promised the ODB.
    Maybe we promised them a bunch of old Ford explorers with seized engines

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    Charter Member phragle's Avatar
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    Serious is the BOMB!
    and firestone tires??
    P-4077 "The Swamp" S.B.Y.C. and Michigan medboat mothership

  5. Collapse Details
    now that's funny right there. he'll even throw in a Blaupunkt

  6. Collapse Details
    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    Yep. Those two hot asian chicks better be giving BJ's all the way home!
    If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    Gato RD. Little Torch Key
    if he actually liked women he would have never married hillary
    Parabellum FJ²B

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    I figured he traded some of his porn collection, a box of cigars and some Yankey booze to Kim for the girls

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    A well planned wag-the-dog that Bubba was always so good at. Pre-planned that they would release the chicks and the media flocks to a new news story to divert the American public away from the azz raping that we're getting. Yippee!!!

    You won't hear anything about the tax increases or the Obamacare health plan for a few days!!

  10. Collapse Details
    Me so horny.

    Me love you long time, cheap cheap.

  11. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat View Post
    if he actually liked women he would have never married hillary
    It was all business. Worked out well for both of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    all it cost us was some long distance calls and a flight overseas.
    Did you actually contribute to the expenses of this effort? I don't see how this "cost us" anything.

    I'm on an anti-propaganda kick today...:bigear:


  13. Collapse Details
    I agree, in the basic sense it cost us nothing. No soldiers dead, no trillion dollar invasion, no quagmire, no nation rebuilding. . . and everyone feels good as a result. I call that fiscal responsibility.

  14. Collapse Details
    I think it a very cool thing he did. BUT, they sat around a table with "negotiators" for 1.5 hours and had in depth discussions. And one of the guys at the table was the vice something or other that has been involved in all of the nuke talks. So, until we know what concessions were made at that table we will not know what it "cost" us. I guess he has another plane reserved for a flight to Iran to get the three "hikers" they've got. Of course there is only one chick, so there may not be as much urgency

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    Registered gerritm's Avatar
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    Wasn't it Clinton that gave the little dick some nuclear reactors the last time he "negotiated" for something. Don't give him too much credit until we see what the real cost was. On the lighter side, I think Monica went with him to handle the small stuff.

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    Actually, on the "real cost" front, did Secret Service go with him? Definitely a real cost there, but that's kind of a sunk cost sort of.

    Yeah, we'll see what comes of the debrief. It'll be a political clusterphuck from all sides. I didn't realize that these chicks were employees of Gore's TV network "Current TV". I wonder if this will set a stage for an eventual underming of BO by ClintonCo.

  17. Collapse Details
    Bigger picture: no soldiers dead, no money wasted, both sides won with their PR claims. When it comes down to it, who cares if we gave them a few iPods and used Chevy. We aren't giving him any dangerous technology in exchange for some strange Asian puntang.

    Neo-cons are dying over the fact that dimplomacy worked. In the end we got our little women back, and the cost was minimal compared to what would've been spent if we over-reacted and invaded.
    Last edited by LaughingCat; 08-05-2009 at 05:26 PM. Reason: toned it down as to not offend the ignorant

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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    Gato RD. Little Torch Key
    more fun to invade ,we have been practicing that little scenario for a loooooooong time, might as well see how quickly we could kick the sh*t out of them, might set back "free" health care ten years or so.
    Parabellum FJ²B

  19. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    Bigger picture: no soldiers dead, no money wasted, both sides won with their PR claims. When it comes down to it, who cares if we gave them a few iPods and used Chevy. We aren't giving him any dangerous technology in exchange for some strange Asian puntang.

    Neo-cons are dying over the fact that dimplomacy worked. In the end we got our little women back, and the cost was minimal compared to what would've been spent if we over-reacted and invaded.
    I've seen that phrase, but I have no idea of what a neo-con is.

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    Registered Playn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuda View Post
    I've seen that phrase, but I have no idea of what a neo-con is.

    Neoconservatism, you know...a term of endearment, sort of like Moonbat or libtard..

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