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    Busy season for St. Clair County Sheriff Marine Division
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    By Jeri Packer
    Staff Writer

    St. Clair County Sheriff's Department Marine Division Sgt. Don Berg is still waiting for more witnesses to come forward regarding a water accident between a boat and a Jet Ski on July 4.

    There were many boaters out on the river on the Fourth in Clay Township, where Richard Kleiner, 49, resides. Kleiner is the father of Cortney Kleiner, of Fraser, who was seriously injured when she was thrown off her Jet Ski after a collision with a boat. Her condition has gone from critical to much-improved, and she was expected to come to the marine division office to make a formal statement today, Berg said.

    Kleiner put up a $5,000 award, asking for the public’s help in finding the three men who were said to be on the boat that sideswiped the Jet Ski.

    "We are still digging up witnesses," said Berg. "They are coming out of the woodwork. We are looking at boats that fit the description."

    Security cameras from the U.S. Border Patrol may provide footage of the accident.

    When the boat came in contact with the Jet Ski, both Cortney Kleiner and the driver of the Jet Ski were thrown off of the vehicle. The driver, whose identity is being kept anonymous, had no serious injuries.

    Of the 25 years of service out on the waterways, Berg said that this year is topping the list for boating and water accidents.

    "It's one of the worst seasons for boat accidents," he said. "We're swamped with calls."

    They've had a lot of "fatals," six water-related, he said. Last year, they had a total of seven deaths for the year. Some of them are caused by factors including operator negligence, operator inexperience, drowning or suicide. In addition, many underage boaters don't get their boating certificates, he noted.
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    The father of a Fraser woman is asking for the public’s help in identifying the boaters responsible for side-swiping and seriously injuring his 19-year-old daughter Cortney Kleiner July 4 on Lake St. Clair in Clay Township while riding a jet ski.

    “I understand fear and all that, which may have been a factor in the perpetrators leaving the scene,” said Richard Kleiner, 49 of Clay Township.

    He believes three men were aboard the vessel, but did not personally witness the accident and so far has no solid description of the boat.

    “But where is their humanity,” he said.

    The St. Clair County Marine Division, which is handling the investigation, could not be reached for comment.

    Although the 2013 Fraser High School graduate’s long-term prognosis is unknown, Kleiner said his daughter’s condition has improved considerably and started stabilizing July 11. She was removed from a ventilator and began breathing on her own July 12.

    “Today was the first time she was actually able to speak so that I could hear her,” said Kleiner, adding injuries stemming from the accident include a broken rib, lacerated spleen and liver, temporarily reduced kidney function, two cracked vertebrae and a possible concussion.

    “We don’t know all of what’s going to happen but she is doing a lot better,” Kleiner said. “In the beginning it was touch and go.”

    Meanwhille, Kleiner is taking care of his daughter’s 16-month old son, Landon.

    Neighbors who witnessed the aftermath of the accident, along with a male friend of his daughter who was driving the jet ski at the time of the collision, are helping him put together what may have happened.

    So far, all agree the boat accidentally sideswiped the back end of Cortney’s jet ski, with her body taking the brunt of the impact.

    Occupants from the offending craft helped Cortney’s friend right the vessel, which capsized upon impact, and also tried to help him place her on the jet ski in order to return to shore. During that time others boaters joined the group in an effort to assist.

    Paramedics were not immediately notified and did not arrive until about 45 minutes later.

    During that time Cortney reportedly slumped over the steering wheel and fell off the jet ski at least three times.

    “This boy isn’t a boater and was not sure how to handle the situation,” Kleiner said. “He was trying to hold onto her in 60 feet of water, with a current of 10 mph. It was a struggle. The water is a beautiful place but Mother Nature can also be vicious.”

    In the commotion, Kleiner said, the perpetrators left the scene but not before helping to place Cortney on the small watercraft, patting her on the back and telling her “you’ll be fine.”

    Another boat eventually carried her back to shore, Kleiner added, where she was intercepted and taken to the hospital by paramedics.

    Kleiner is offering a $5,000 reward for information on the person responsible for the crash.

    “I am not looking for revenge,” he said. “But my daughter has financial personal responsibilities that she is not going to be able to meet. And I would like those responsible to step up and be accountable.”
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