Quote Originally Posted by Magic Medicine View Post
Joe, as I appreciate the points you make, I grew up the same way. Parents smoked in house, car etc, I never wore a bike helmet and didn't start wearing my seat belt until just recently. No one can make a comment about a kids safety unless they have one of there own!!!! I dont smoke in the house ever or car when JJ is on board. I think all the parents will agree with me, on this. Something changes when you drive mom and the little bundle of joy home from the hospital. That being said, JJ wears a helmet on his bike and wears a life jacket anytime he is around water. I love my son but Nikki and I are not trying to raise a vegtable! On the other hand he also rides sleds and 4 wheelers. I think we can all agree that I am a CRAZY mother fer! So his motorized activities are what some would deem UNSAFE! I gues to each there own!
I'm not saying you shouldn't keep your kids safe. Hell, I freak out when my nephew who is 4 years old eats with a real fork and doesn't sit on the chair properly at the dinner table. I couldn't imagine letting him go for a ride on a 120mph outerlimits boat.

I was just saying today is different times. You probably don't see it as much as up this way, with all the soccer moms driving around texting and facebooking while their three year old is strapped in their baby seat while they feel 80mph in traffic is safe. But that's the same girl who will pump her kids full of organic cereals and vitamins, and freak out if little Joshua forgot to put his knee pads on while riding his big wheel. Safety sells. Too bad common sense wasnt available for purchase at Target.