In the same spirit as Tim's thread:

I placed an order at last night about 10pm, parts $13.90, tax $1.23, shipping and handling $4.95 all totaled 20.08.

My order was at my door (UPS delivery) shortly after 5pm today. Granted I only live about an hour away (2hr round trip) from them, but I didn't expect to have my order within 24 hours, maybe tomorrow, but definitely not today. The $4.95 was well worth the time and money saved. (Not to mention the impulse buying that might happen if I actually went to the store!) Also received a bunch of other stuff with my order:

tool catalog, sheet of Summit decals, 4 ticket to the local drag strip for one of their events, ATV parts catalog, etc, etc, and yes, that is a Schick razor in there too!