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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I am sure that everybody knew it was LDD, (now that has been posted).

    I just hope that some people stopped to think about what forums have become.

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    No, CS was a good choice as well. But I hardly think what Ding Ding said about himself (obvious name BTW), was really a good indicator. Amazing what can pass for reform and good intentions on the internet. OJ should be here any moment stating how he really meant well

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    Founding Member Tony's Avatar
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    sooooooo. Ned.......

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    The bullying has to stop. We have to find a way to get back to where we began. People sharing a common interest.

    Somewhere along the way, the love of bullying people overcame the love of the sport.

    It is probably too late...If the 30 of you who have lurked all day choose to do nothing, and just sit there like lemmings watching Jerry Springer.

    Remember: Resist jumping on a bandwagon, driven by a willingness to believe and a past agenda.

    Otherwise.... the forums have been destroyed forever by negative forces, bent on manipulating people.
    Last edited by fund razor; 07-23-2010 at 10:17 PM.

  5. Collapse Details
    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Phuck forums. You guys can either save them or use them to destroy each other.

    Good luck.

    You win Alec, everybody is unhappy. Nobody trusts each other. No forum will ever be the same.

    Mission Accomplished.

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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo36 View Post
    Paul, thanks for looking into it.

    I've attached screen shots of my test so the "glitch" can be properly fixed.

    Test 1: Entered csunkin email address and dialogue box once I submitted.

    Test 2: Intentionally entered an incorrect address and dialogue box when submitted.
    Interesting Frank,

    You probably know more about this than I do, but here is what I can figure out.....

    The system has no idea who you are other than your sign-in name and password combination. So, if you can't sign in, and request your password reset information be sent to a legitimate email address , That The System Has Loaded, (such as Chris's, Stecz's, Mine, Alec's, Yours, etc.) it does that.

    If you request it be sent to a non-loaded email address that the system does not recognize, it says it does not recognize that email address.

    I'm running more tests, but you may be able to assist at this point.

    I can see no way for the system to have a clue who you are until you sign in. If you do not sign in and make a request, the system looks at what is loaded and says "Sure, I can send your request there", or "No, I can't send it there, it doesn't exist", (as far as it knows).

    From what I can find, all V-Bulletin systems do the same thing.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!

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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Nobody trusts each other. No forum will ever be the same.
    I have many friends on here who I trust, yourself included.

    There are also those who abused that trust. But, it doesn't make me less likely to trust those whom I already trust. Just less likely to be as willing to trust someone new in a short period of time.

    Three things most know about me,

    Principles, Morals, and Ethics, Never compromise them....
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!

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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    Still plenty of trust to go around.....I trust someone will post bail for me during the worlds....more than once. Did I ever mention how fun it was to be me.
    Parabellum FJ²B

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    Founding Member BY U BOY's Avatar
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    All I can say is WOW!
    SOS NINJA dancing on the boundaries of hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ding ding View Post
    If it was so obvious why didnt you speak up? there was 100% confirmation by several people that I was someone that I was not...

    Lesson learned, a few people convinced each other I was someone else because they are so focused on the destruction of another...its all fun and games until your the one at the end of the barrel.

    Have a good weekend..
    I've seen many of your posts in the past, and I've read the judgment against you as well. You're not known as an articulate person. You're crass, irrational, shoot from the hip and rather weird. Excuse me for not recognizing you.

    The destruction of you was what the public needed. You're a thief, a con man, and you fled to another state. You avoided a judgment by no-show. You're a con artist.

    So now you get to tell people that you've been unfairly treated? WTF

    I'm beginning to think this is a den of thieves here.

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    Registered Bgchuby01's Avatar
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    nothing like another person forming an opinion based on internet BS

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    Founding Member Buoy's Avatar
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    I'm having a hard time digesting all this.

    So, ding ding, you are admitedly LDD (Long Duck Dong). You walked onto the boards as a complete self-important arrogant Dick head, and your first response in a comment regarding myself was a derogatory, and calling me out to spar with you...
    I didn't at that time choose to join the fight, nor do I now. I was, and am a representative of this board, and that would just be inappropriate.
    You got busted in a bad deal on disclosure on a boat, and now you are paying for it (dearly, I am sure).

    Now, before you get worked up, I believe in forgiveness also. You phucked up on that deal, and I saw your apology posted publicly.
    An apology is one thing, making good on a mis-deed is another.
    As far as I know you are making good on a mis-deed, and making amends.
    I believe in forgiveness, but only to those that I believe realize the phuck-up they made and take the responsibility for it.

    12 months ago you were a pretty cocky sonofabitch.
    You seem a bit more humble today.

    I think the humble version is more the reality.
    There ain't no big fish here, maybe a few guys that own big boats, but the status is we're all equal. Just guys (and gals) that love boats.

    The future path you choose is your own.
    "Keep the bottle on the bar Ira, I won't be long".

  13. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by ding ding View Post
    You are correct, I was a much different person with lots less respect when I first arrived to the boards. Please accept my apologies for our previous interactions, thats not how I carry myself and not the impression I want to leave.

    People still have the "mob" opinion of my situation and what happend, but still have no first hand knowledge of anything that transpired. As I stated previously in this thread ....who ever is the loudest or has the most supporters must be telling the truth, right? WRONG.. I'm not calling anyone a liar, but I will say the WHOLE story hasnt been told, but I'm not here to bring all that up...people believe what you want to believe, the story is far from over.

    The point of why I said anything in this thread is clear by the actions of those next door and they ring 100% true to the "mob" mentality and I hope everyone got a chance to see it all unfold and learn from it..

    It's obvious there is a group of people that live and breath the demise of Chris Sunkin. This group believe in their cause so much that they were convinced, they confirmed, and had 100% legitimate verification that I was Chris Sunkin...they posted it on OSO and I'm sure they were slapping each others butts that they figured out that I was Sunkin, I mean come on, they had 100% Verified PROOF!

    All day long I watched them as they built their own trap, looked at it, admired it, verified it....then they all joined hands and walked right into it...and now they arent saying a thing...well imagine that..Now everything they have said and done is suspect, welcome to the front of the barrel gentlemen..its your turn in the hot seat..

    I have no ax to grind with anyone,
    I have forgiven those who wrongly judged me
    (there is one of them in the trap above) and moved on with my life and I'm trying to rebuild from there and resolve my own issues, like I said my story isnt over either.

    In the end, just cause your the loudest or have the most supporters doesnt mean that your right or your telling the truth. Its one thing to expose someones wrong doing, its a whole different issue to ruin someone's life, interfere with their relationship with the kids and ability to support their families.

    Hopefully this will bring these issues and the bullying to an end. Like I said I have no ax to grind with anyone and hopefully we can put this all behind us and move forward...See you guys at Emerald Coast!
    Are you saying that you were treated unfairly in regards to how things unfolded with your past behavior and misdeeds?????????????????????????

  14. Collapse Details
    please get back on the original topic, if there is any more info, or we lock it up...

    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I think that the original topic of this thread is Alec's bully tactics.
    Last edited by fund razor; 07-24-2010 at 08:28 AM.

  16. Collapse Details
    the thread TITLE and TOPIC STARTER led into a specific Ned > Alec issue.... then it went haywire.. any more info on that stays here... other derelict factual issues can be tastefully started elsewhere... keyword *tastefully*
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

  17. Collapse Details
    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    the thread TITLE and TOPIC STARTER led into a specific Ned > Alec issue.... then it went haywire.. any more info on that stays here... other derelict factual issues can be tastefully started elsewhere... keyword *tastefully*
    So would discussion of the phenomenon of internet bullies and their negative impact be appropriate on a thread about a bully?
    Or are we only accepting post containing scraps of Alec's or Ned's personal business information?

    Where would the discussion of mob mentality, internet bullies and the damage done by jumping on bandwagons, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda go? The bar?

    Where do people interested in LDDs apparent transformation go? A different bad business thread because he once was, or the bar because it is non boating related?

    I appreciate the help sorting this out. I want to make sure that I post in the right place, and that it is tasteful.

  18. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    So would discussion of the phenomenon of internet bullies and their negative impact be appropriate on a thread about a bully?
    a topic started on that would evolve into more warfare... so don't start one
    Or are we only accepting post containing scraps of Alec's or Ned's personal business information?
    personal business info is just that, personal, no need for that on the 'net... other facts "on topic" concerning this situation can stay here... keyword *facts*..
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    a topic started on that would evolve into more warfare... so don't start one
    personal business info is just that, personal, no need for that on the 'net... other facts "on topic" concerning this situation can stay here... keyword *facts*..
    Ok. I won't start a thread on a really important topic, as you have told me directly not to.

    Let me just say this... and I will leave your forum and cause you no more trouble.

    A better alternative to an internet mob jury is for two men to work it out between themselves, with a brief, factual warning in the bad business section if they must. This type of group arbitration by uninvolved parties is a perversion of the original intent of the bad business section.

    Let's be honest. Ned used this thread to lash out at Alec, who was getting pretty hardcore with Ned's employee. The other site had the moderating experience to see it for what it was and they deleted it. He brought it here and we didn't.
    It had no business in the bad business section in the first place.

  20. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    This type of group arbitration by uninvolved parties is a perversion of the original intent of the bad business section.
    exactly my point... you are uninvolved in the Alec > Ned issue at hand, so it is a topic diversion.. not that your wrong on your views, just not on specific topic..

    in retrospect, if you want to start a topic in The Bar concerning the evolving trend of internet bully's in the boating world, and their eventual demise, that might be of keen interest, if kept clean (I doubt it)..... keyword *clean*

    you don't know a thing about internet bully's until you have frequented The Hull Truth or Yacht Forums, especially YF... Lordy, Lordy...
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

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