In my wifes effort to try and figure out why I never listen to her She came across some information in a book about Adult ADD that I found amusing.
The book stated that it is very common for people with ADD to enjoy "thrill seeking " types of activities . such as car racing , bungee jumping , skiing etc... . It also stated that most of the activities are generally individual type activities rather than team or group activities. It went on to say that it is also common for people with ADD to be interested in "souping up " there vehicles or trucks by adding the lastest performance enhancing or dressing up type accessories.
People with ADD seek these types of activities to keep their racing minds satisfied, such as driving at high rates of speed and constantly looking at ways to improve a vehical to achieve this need for speed and quick thrills

After she read this to me I realized this was me to a tee. Then I realized its everyone of my friends . So if this is one of the effects of ADD where do I sign up.

Anybody else here like to drive fast ??? You must have ADD too